The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension

Images sourced from culture-at-large and modified to some degree indicated as "low, medium, or high," corresponding to the amount of time spent tweaking it, followed by source credit unless unknown (=?). All other images created by ©dimitri. Of the ~296 images on this site, 60 appear on this list.

1000sm.gifmedium, ?
alice1.jpgmedium, ?
alien02.giflow, Corel ClipArt
alien04.giflow, Corel ClipArt
alien14.giflow, Corel ClipArt
astro.giflow, Corel ClipArt
anti_aut.gifunaltered, Anti-Authoritarians Anonymous?
bufo.jpglow, ?
butcher.jpgunaltered, Envirolink
dnaverti.jpgmedium, ?
dolilly.jpghigh, ?
eclipset.jpgmedium, NASA
eschmoth.jpgmedium, Escher
flames.gifPD GIF animation
lizzy.gifmedium, Aztec
maggot2.jpgmedium, ?
mansun.gifmedium, U.S. Dept. of War
mantisl.giflow, Escher
mantislt.giflow, Escher
mantisr.giflow, Escher
mantisrt.giflow, Escher
marvsurf.gif low, Warner Bros.
maya1.jpghigh, Maya
mchead2.gifhigh, ?
mcmaya.jpghigh, Zuvuya
mex0.jpghigh, Aztec
mex0b.jpghigh, Aztec
mex1.jpghigh, Aztec
mex2.jpghigh, Aztec
mex3.jpghigh, Aztec
monkeys.jpglow, Envirolink
mozilla.gifnone, Netscape
mozlampb.jpghigh, Netscape
mozwami.gifnone, Netscape
musc.gifmedium, ?
mush.jpgmedium, ?
piped.gifmedium, Church of the SubGenius
pixie.jpghigh, ?
piximush.jpghigh, ?
plants.jpghigh, ?
psilly.jpghigh, ?
serpent.jpghigh, Aztec
schwa.gifnone, Schwa Corporation Logo, used in F.U.C.T. from Omega
spock.giflow, Star Trek
stimp.giflow, Ren & Stimpy
sun.giflow, NASA
terence.jpgmedium, ?
tflora.giflow, ?
thold.jpgvery high, Alex Grey
tl_sig.gifmedium, Timothy Leary
tmush.giflow, ?
torched.jpgKenneth Jarecke / Contact Press Images
ummagumm.jpgvery high, Alex Grey
ummawalk.jpgvery high, Alex Grey
wood.jpgmedium, texture
workfree.gifmedium, SemioText[E]
yahweh.jpghigh, Michaelangelo
yy.jpgmedium, blotter
yy2.jpgmedium, blotter
zippy.gifmedium, Bill Griffith
zippy2.jpghigh, Bill Griffith

Art and Animation notes