Alex Farquhar is being tortured by the Australian Government Intelligence (GI). He has been receiving up to 20 different sound frequencies beamed into his head via the ear canal, which has practically destroyed his hearing. He has been informed by researchers into Government Frequency Weapons Torture that if the tortures continue he will eventually lose his hearing totally.

Alex's harassment and torture via psychotronics weapons started in 1998 when I first sent him copies of my diary, when I realised I was a Government experiment via Frequency Weapons.

Partly the reason Alex is being tortured is because he is a direct witness to GI harassment techniques perpetrated toward myself in Edinburgh in March 1994.

These harassment's included, breaking into our family home and family photos riffled through, 24 hours overt surveillance by GI agents on foot, by car and police helicopters, circling above us. It also included a military style hunt through dense forest at Gullen Beach, East Lothian, Scotland, by at least 12 military/police operatives, all within a 3-week period. For full documentation on the Governments social control experiments upon my family


Alex has been emailing me and telephoning me recently, to demand that I go back to Australia so he may stop being tortured by Oz government intelligence. He is under the illusion that he is being tortured as a punishment for me "jumping bail" in March 1992, leaving Australia and that my return will end his torment.

This in itself, to my logical thinking is absurd, firstly as GI do not give a damn where I am as they have me constantly tagged, and under surveillance wherever I may be.

Secondly, Alex's irradiation torture did not begin until after I sent him a copy of my diaries in May 1998. During Alex's reign of torment he has refused point blank to discuss with me how we can together, help him solve his GI irradiation, whether I am in UK or when I return to Australia. He is totally obsessed that my return and only my return to Australia will cease his torment, no other action is apparently necessary. Alex is well aware I am dedicated to exposing the Government's Paedophile Rings so that ALL children may be free from threat or harm. He is also well aware that the, memories of my crimes in the past had been suppressed for 30 years up until September 2002. He is also well aware that I have been tagged, monitored and manipulated since I was a child and therefore, that my crimes upon others were a manipulated engineering, beyond my own personal character.

However, he is so mentally deluded (via induced GI frequency signatures) or his own desperate mind set, that he has recently attempted to blackmail me to return. On the 19th Nov 2002, I received a call from him telling me if I did not return to Australia by 31st of December, he would inform "everywhere I have my website" of my previous criminal activities.

His dialogues on the phone suggest to me he is severely mentally imbalanced, as one moment his voice will be quiet and clear, the next he will be screaming "You are an Evil Cunt - you will pay", etc. When he attempted to blackmail me to return, otherwise he would inform everyone of my crimes. I told him to "go for it". I cannot and will not be harassed or intimidated by those who wish me to do anything other than what I have to do - expose the Government's Paedophile Rings.

Letters of blackmail from Alex and my responses

Letter 1

--- alex farquhar <> wrote:

I have already informed Bill Kinloch Al Dunn and your
son Garry of your confessed crimes. You should go to
Linda Kinloch and confess what you have perpetrated. I
also informed Ivan and he said you must be unbalanced.
You are unbalanced if you think I will work on
websites that you want to create. You are fantasising
if you think they will work. They have already
failed.The second set of letters are finished and
ready to go out. These though will be sent out to
people in positions of authority. If there is no
return flight date so that you could actually do
something like go to the media have you not thought of
that in nearly 5 years of this operation you
created. No you have not. Then I will send those
letters out. My programer friend has informed me that
he has been able to reach Number 1 site in many areas
within half an hour this he is able to do by using
codes. Your websites will not be believable by people
when they find out the truth. I will supply them with
names dates crimes committed and people and bodies
they can contact.

Reply to letter 1

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:35:45 -0800 (PST)
From: "George Farquhar" <> | 
Subject: Re: return
To: "alex farquhar" <>
Dear Alex,
I have full intention to inform our relatives of the
crimes I have committed to give them a more balanced
perspective than you will have presented to them.
I have never asked you to help me with my websites.It
is clear to me that if you cannot even help yourself
it is impossible for you to help others.

You say my websites have failed. The information on my
websites are not for those such as yourself who are
too self indulgent to see the big picture,and
therefore the solutions to the problems.

My websites are for those who truly desire to get to
the heart of the matter,toward solving these
atrocities created by the Governments.My websites have
not failed,it is you and those like you,that have
"failed" to see the facts as they are.

The fact that you believe the Media may solve your
problem,proves catagorically,your level of holistic
awarness of the situation.The Mass Media is run by the
Masons ,the same scum that run the intelligence
network, that is torturing you.

You say that no-one will believe the information on my
websites when they veiw your propaganda.To the
mindless morons who choose to disbelieve the countless
of documented cases,presented on my sites,your
propaganda,will make no difference.

To all those who have been targeted by Government
Intelligence, and other holistically intelligent
people who are dedicated to see the truth of the facts
in its entirety,your propaganda,will only re-enforce
the information on my sites.

As for all the thousands of abused children,who are
presently have documentation on,and linked from my
sites,your attitude and dedication toward destroying
their truth,proves you are in an extreamly sick and
twisted state of mind,along with your computer
programmer "freind".George

Letter 2

--- alex farquhar <> wrote:

If you do not return by December 31
2002 a website relating to the atrocities committed by
you against numerous innocent people will be published
on multiple search engines where your websites are. It
will consist only of the whole truth of what you have
perpetrated in your life pre 92 and up to your arrest
in 92 in Australia. In Scotland in 94 and in 96 in
Bali and from 98 to date in Australia deliberately
against me when I only tried to help you. All details
will be there. You words are meaningless. Your
promises are meaningless. Try contemplating the
reverse of what actually happened to me had happened
to you. Contemplate on that if I had cost you your
house your car your possessions and part of your
hearing pain and suffering. Contemplate intensely on
that. I am asking you once more to return. If you
refuse the information all the truth and nothing but
the truth will reveal what truly has taken place.
Contemplate on the reverse of what you have done to me
over the last 10 years. Contemplate on these acts and
keep on contemplating on it until you really
understand what you have done. 

Reply to letter 2

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 07:37:08 -0800 (PST)
From: "George Farquhar" <> |
Subject: Re: return
To: "alex farquhar" <>
Dear Alex,
It is now perfectly clear to me that you believe that
your personal situation, of being tortured by the
Australian government in a social control experiment,
is far more important, than the mass public exposure
of all the countless thousands of children who are
being abused every day by the governments of the
world,in their child abuse networks. This is your
choice,as it is mine to dedicate my life to expose
these atrocities.

Your attempted blackmail,to force me to return to
Australia by the end of the year,otherwise you will
expose my crimes to the world,is fruitless. As I have
already informed you, I have recently realized that I
have been a target of Masonic surveillance and
manipulation,since I was a child. 

Hence the "programmed" crimes perpetrated upon others,
by myself.It is therfore completely apt that I focus
my full attention,on solving these crimes,perpetrated
against all children,by our Masonic Government,rather
that be manipulated in any way, by your blackmail.

You also appear blatantly unaware that as I have been
targeted by the Masons since I was a child, my
daughter,targeted when she was only seven years old in
September 1997,and then you in 1998,makes this a
social control experiment against "our family".Yet you
appear to believe, that it is only you that has ever
been "victimized".

I know you do not have the holistic mental capacity to
to understand these facts.I believe this is due to a
"programming" you are presently being irradiated with,
combined with your own victim mentality.

From my prespective, I have never been aware of
anything you have done to attempt to stop the tortures
against you, apart from demand, that I solve your

Your vindictive attitude to expose my past crimes,will
not stop your tortures. Nor will it stop the truth of 
Masonic Governments crimes against countless men women
and children,I expose on my sites,from coming to
public light,as you have disgustingly,ignorantly and
cowardly suggested.

Please inform me when Your website is up so I may link
it from mine.It is important that the full picture of
Masonic manipulation is presented,so I would
appreciate that you link my sites from yours.George
