The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension
A (no longer so) recent relocation of this website involved some significant changes.
1. The URL
has changed to
if gives you errors.
2. All long filenames have been shortened to 8 characters.
3. The .html suffix has been changed to .htm on all HTML documents.
4. For example: became
5. Links to remote resources now launch to a browser window named "remotes". The first time you select a remote link a new browser window will pop open and all subsequent selections of remote links will launch in that window. Please note that if a remote link is selected while the window "remotes" is minimized or behind other windows it may not come to the front, giving the appearance of "nothing happening." Keep the window or it's icon visible so you can see the remotes load. This change is not yet fully implemented.
6. Please update your links and/or bookmarks! A search engine and comprehensive access statistics for the site are currently being beta tested. Watch for creeping Javascript and frame additions.
your pal - dimitri