It is observable that consiousness (whatever it may be) arranges itself in a hyper-fractal pattern; myriad levels of perception that can animate and occur simultaneously with the introduction of certain biochemical reactions.
It is concievable that this excited state of perception is evolutionary in nature, like a new modification to the perception of reality in our species (or old and just coming to practical utilization).
Still wanting to take a second bite of the apple.
Do what thou wilt the stilt
By ian on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 02:01 pm:
It seems to me that when one is with the mushroom, access to the mind of the collectivity becomes accessible, which allows the participant to move through the unconscious, the dreamtime.
By Anonymous on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:52 am:
it seems that inculabula is an incredible scientific and media phenomenon which few have heard of. I would like a better perspective on the availability of the books on EC's list and a general better awareness of others people's quest to confirm the validity of travel to E2+!!
By Anonymous on Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 04:36 pm:
In response to your message:
"I would like a better perspective on the availability of the books on EC's list and a general better awareness of others people's quest to confirm the validity of travel to E2+!! "
There is a hyperlinked version of the catalog on-line at that has links to on-line booksellers that carry the available titles.
By Pranshu on Monday, January 31, 2000 - 09:45 am:
Worry less about finding a paradise in an alternate world/dimension and wake up to the fact that you are living in a paradise now.
This is it, the Great Game, enjoy!
By Fooloony on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 04:09 pm:
I don't like the idea of possible meaningless intersections in my game. I enjoy the game, I live the game. But a senseless death should not be a part of paradise.
The idea of E2 is appealing because it is attainable to those who are worthy of it.
By Iktome on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 04:29 pm:
Then recognize real death as a logically impossiblity.
um, I've read the catalog but it was a while ago, what is E2 again?
By Death on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 07:59 pm:
Infinite players live in death
By Anonymous on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 05:15 am:
By Fooloony on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 11:41 am:
Death could easily be a logical impossibility, haven't seen it yet. Far as I can tell, my slice of reality will follow the paths that keep me alive forever.
and yeah, E2 is supposed to be earth without humans... mmm civilization rather.
Jobs are a passing trend in humanity. give it a few more years and machines will be doing our work, allowing us to gather (shop) and screw and play virtual reality all day (shroom).
Onward to the 21st century! whoot
By Death on Friday, February 4, 2000 - 11:34 am:
If I may, Fooloony, your comment about death easily being a logical impossibility...
I will not doubt that it may be possible to create a perfected neural network that would support a logical impossiblity...
The fact is, death and logical impossiblity are mutually exclusive, in that logic cannot drive death, nor can death drive logic
Death is here to stay...
By Anonymous on Saturday, February 5, 2000 - 05:05 pm:
New info :
Ong's Hat/Incunabula Dossier at disinfo
By Iktome on Sunday, February 6, 2000 - 06:37 pm:
well, I said it first.
so hmm, death is beyond logic?
well then I'm still right.
even if death isn't logically impossible, death is logically impossible.
A similar reduction is presented in the The Broken Worm Survival Guide
"Look, if you want to avoid contradictions in your results, logic is the only method you can use to generate them. Besides, the universe is not likely to be fundamentally contradictory in nature. Even if it was though, the universe would not be likely to be fundamentally contradictory in nature."
By Death on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 06:35 am:
No. I said death and logic are mutually exclusive on the single point that neither death nor logic
drives each other. To eludicate, death does not directly give rise to logic
. logic
does not directly control death. If death gave rise to logic
, then upon witnessing another living organism's death there should be an immediate (contiguous) realization of logic
. This in my experience is just not so. Likewise, if logic
directly controlled death, everytime you charted a Venn diagram (John Venn 1834-1923) there should be a cessation of life connected to that logic
. This again is not the case. Do we want to say that all forms of death cannot be mapped into some kind of logical diagram? Are you saying that death is immpossible according to some kind of logic
By insect on Saturday, February 26, 2000 - 02:31 pm:
eggless travel
these parallel universes exist in what could be called the 5th dimension
1-d cannot be sensed, there is nothing but itself
2-d sensed by touch(primarily)
3-d sensed by eyes(primarily)
4-d sensed by memory
you must understand the relationship between you (body), self (consciousness-metaphysical), and physical (external world)
all things can be expressed as being varying levels and patterns of energy (quantum structures)
this energy is the same as Consciousness
when physical and metaphysical were first "formed" (percieved) they took on opposite appearance in order to be percieved, but are still connected as the same
physical is made up of quantum sub-atomic particles, which are in turn made up of (nothing, another universe on a level "lower" than this one, patterns and and shifting complexities of energy reacting off of itself, where more complex masses are, "things" are)
you must understand the relationship between you-r-self and these waves and fields of quanta
parrallel dimensions are spatial, as is time
if they were to be "seen" would appear as a fractal pattern condensed into a single 1-dimensional point--but this is impossible because the observer would need to be separate of it,
all matter and non-matter is arranged in a fractal pattern (chaos-fractal)
but a fractal does not really exist, only appears as such
each "section" of the fractal is made up of an infinity of repeating images shrinking down to fill in the lines which are "seen" from a distance, but there is no actual "thing" holding it all together, just pieces of nothing revolving around themselves,
each "section" is what we call a universe, one 3 dimensional frame
solar systems down to atomic fields-- nucleus/star
and as you know fractals are generated by using real and imaginary numbers
the real being the perception of, and the imaginary the existence of
existence does not exist
this fractal of physical is mirrored by the meta-physical
consciousness arranges itself in a fratcal,
patterns of consciousness can affect patterns of sub-atomic particles
though an individual's wave of consciousness will hardly affect more than a molecule
travel is made through the mind as well, and so the self must be fully understood too
what is called the being by a majority of "people"
is biological
the "self" is a result of the patterns of bio-electro-chemical synapses in the brain, these "sensory perceptors" interpret consciousness which is in wave form) and alternately emit waves, vibrations
this biological determination as well as memory create what makes up the standard "person"
however these chemical interpretations can be altered, expanded, through use of various psychotropic chemicals, namely lsd dmt and psilocybin
psilocybin and dmt act upon the language centers in the mind, all of the internal dialogue you exchange with certain entities, this dialogue comes as a sort of "translingual objective thought pulse" non word based, which can develop into an advanced communication
which will inturn create a higher consciousness existing between beings--overmind
they also allow for exploration of vast mental continents
but that has nothing to do with travel, rather a progression of consciousness
after all of the conditioning and programming has been stripped away (lsd i find is great for this) your naked "soul" (the unpaved self-consciousness wave) is awakened
you will understand fully the relationship between all
you will later become aware of this 5th dimension and learn how to operate it
(my guess is it has something to do with the centers of the brain dealing with imagination)
and you can "access" other parrallel physical universes
it is also possible to "access" alternate meta-physical universes
as the wave collapses to a particle an infinite of alternate particles is formed by the act of observation and the nature of possibility,
as the folks at ong's hat were doing- riding the wave...
once all this is figured out, you can "walk" into another universe
everything becomes understood, and a higher level of complexity in awareness and wave-consciousness is reached by the individual
this "individuality" is also a false concept, only an appearance, by a false observer
nothing exists, nothing is everything as one
this is Chaos
chaos eventually in its timelessness percieved itself in divisions it had just made
these first two divisions are what became the physical and the meta-physical
(in the hyperspace theory these are the 4, and 6 dimensional universes--which of the two expanded and which contracted...?)
these two then also divided infinitly into the parralel hyper-fractals which make up existence, perceiver=perceived,
meta-chaos fractal
existence does not exist
By Anonymous on Friday, March 17, 2000 - 07:37 pm:
Purported Ong's Hat Survivors Phone interview, in REAL audio.
Also, linked off of
By luna on Saturday, March 18, 2000 - 04:33 am:
By nomad on Saturday, April 1, 2000 - 07:42 pm:
...hey i use to live in Boulder Creek, many moons ago...speaking of time travel, is this the resturant? where that conversation took place?
the santa Cruz mountains are very given to that sort of thing...Crowley spent some time there,
speaking of Time Lords....when i lived in
Boulder Creek i spent a year at a place called the
University of the Trees...
By Nergalus on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 06:48 pm: and its proported events and "conversations" is an online COMIC BOOK, nothing more. Polydimensional travel and multiple planes of existance are intriguing and highly probable, though.
By nomad on Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 09:29 pm:
...thankyou, if you hadn't told be that, i might be part of my chair by now...!
By Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2000 - 06:23 pm:
> and its proported events and "conversations" is an online COMIC BOOK,
>nothing more. Polydimensional travel and multiple planes of existance are intriguing and
>highly probable, though.
Wrongo. uses the graphic novel format to present *some* of it's information, but for the most part it is a repository of and portal to, ongoing investigations and new information resources concerning the very subject matter that this discussion area is concerned with.
And yes, Nomad, Adelita's is the resturant where that conversation took place between Matheny and Nick Herbert. I looked it up. It exists in this dimension.
By Anonymous on Thursday, April 6, 2000 - 04:11 am:
I've read an interview with an old time culture jammer, who claimes that he originated that particular piece of belief/information, which is incunabula. I do not have the link handy but a simple search on a few keywords should get something.
By Anonymous on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 12:43 am:
'ong' is a throat chakra petal sound........
By Anonymous on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 12:44 am:
try 'ong-ing' on dmt.............
By nomad on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 01:13 am:
By Octopus Egg on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 06:29 pm:
The egg.
I've 'been' egg.
Its the most wonderful thing there is. But loney, very lonely. 'egg' wants nothing more desperately than to mind MAMA...
Mama turns very quickly into LUST OBJECT when egg breaks.
Does anyone know what I mean?
By Klyph on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 06:55 pm:
The male seahorse carries the eggs. Hippocampus!!!
By ME_wwwing on Sunday, April 30, 2000 - 06:14 pm:
seeing the titans
do the child thing!
on the 10th moon day.
lay down and relax,
as you feel the rising of the sword.
this will open a door,
as you speak to them out there.
then when you feel the rivers running inside,
call out for satan and then see the fun.
yes he is visable,
just try harder.
when you see it,
its beautiful enough to make you stare.
when you look down,
and see the tail.
well then,
just who are you seeing?
and when if you awake,
just think WHO put the tail on him.
By oldman on Monday, May 1, 2000 - 10:52 am:
sure....sure I will.
By Octopus Doolittle on Monday, May 1, 2000 - 12:47 pm:
Nothin' like a little sex with demons to start the mornning...
Bring em all DOWN!
I've had a tail all my life, I'm not about to let some preachy human tell me to cut it off!
What's the use of being a child-abused if you can at least call up old Lucy-E-FeEEEr every now and then?
By Anonymous on Monday, May 1, 2000 - 09:26 pm:
Chica Bruce talks to Joseph Matheny about the history of
the Incunabula Papers and the Ong's Hat "massacre"(?) via long distance phone/video hook up.
also linked from
By Klyph on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 08:11 pm:
My next 79 page intermercial will contain hints to cosmic travel via an undisclosed sort of egg thingy. Send me $2 and you too may receive the secrets of a potentially fruitful egg thingy that might allow you to travel interstellarly! All the conspiracy kids are doing it, and the chicks dig it!
Gno egg-nog for ong tong...ontologically speaking that is. Hope to see you on Jive2 and ET3!
By YOU II on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 08:24 pm:
Hey!!! I love IT...
Where do I send in my money? WHERE WHERE WHERE!?
By ME_wwwing on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 09:56 pm:
well well well
no searcher of truth,
just followers they are.
the words are true,
a way has been said.
the seeing of beings,
titans i said.
when you get there some night,
and you are walled in.
walk thru the walls,
go up high.
when you cant go up,
will is needed with all your might.
SEE the shiny little beings,
trying to hold you down.
been there,
done that,
red hat.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 - 09:22 pm:
An alternate link that works more consistently is
By Leo on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 11:08 pm:
Hmmm... so I see.
satan = logic
because spock
's face appears after both terms. (But if spock
's face will appear after the word "spock
" then spock
is logic
is the devil
. Though not really...)
Why an egg? I think I've read somewhere that an egg is a shape which cannot be crushed if you squeeze it in your fist at the round part, not at the poles. I've learned a lot since I've first read the Incunabula files and now I will go and read the files again, seeing if what I learned can apply to the files. Wish me luck...
By Bishop on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 07:39 am:
I have just recently stumbled upon the Incunabula and find it very entertaining (Would make a great movie). Dont get me wrong, I am a seeker of truth and the concepts within the texts are interesting but... There is no real formula presented, no math or hard science. Sure there is alot of talk about chaos theory, string theory, particle physics, fractals, alternate dimensions and pretty words of sudo science but nothing tangible. I could rattle on about how these concepts work (as some have tried) and come off as someone who "might" know what there talking about as could everyone else in this forum. Lets not waste our time. If someone has something to add to these very interesting theories than let it be based on and explained in real scientific terms. And if your going to bother going that far then include the math! I am as intrigued about this as the rest of you but lets start bringing facts to the table. If anyone is involved with this project and is actively participating within a cell please bring your knowledge of these matters to this forum. I have heard your group speak of wanting to get some of this information out and I would be willing to dedicate some time altering my web page for your needs. I am a graphic designer and digital media artist and would love to help you out.(IF YOU EXIST)Please dont hesitate to contact me by e-mail so that we may discuss this topic in detail. Now that I sound like a complete flake I should go...Take care!
By Enamon on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 09:47 am:
In response to the following which was posted by Anonymous:
I've read an interview with an old time culture jammer, who claimes that he originated that particular piece of belief/information, which is incunabula. I do not have the link handy but a simple search on a few keywords should get something.
I've almost no doubt that the person who is posting under anonymous is Joseph Matheny. The interview he is refering to is located at:
The culture jammer in the interview is Joseph Matheny.
Doing a search on for info on the domain you get the following:
Administrative Contact, Billing Contact:
Joseph Matheny (JM2302-ORG) joe@IMMERSION-MEDIA.COM
Immersion New Media Inc.
131 Younger Way
santa Cruz , CA 95060
Fax- 831-458-5398
If you have visited the Incunabula web site perhaps a year earlier there was quite enough info to get you to suspect that the whole thing was a bit of a prank (or Art Project as J.M. called/calls it).
How Nick Herbert fits into all this I do not know yet. I havent emailed him yet.
By Eggnog Octopus on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 10:46 am:
Here's the funny thing about 'pranks':
Because, as we all now know, a single butterfly flappin' it's lips can alter the course of Russian politics, so called 'pranks' can actually have the effect of monumental social and economic upheval given enough time.
Just think of that crazy-ass wood-worker in Gay-Ley-Ley so long ago doing goofy magic tricks to impress his friends and family!
Then there's this Englisch eccentric who claimed he was the "Beast"...
Point is: there's no such thing as a 'prank', because somewhere, somehow, all things will one day be true.
By lukeman13 on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 11:16 am:
octo, i don't know where you got the eggnog there, but i love drinkin' it every christmas...
By Refried Matt on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 11:35 am:
A prank:
You are the doughnut of existence, facing the back of your own head forever. You tap the you ahead of you on the shoulder. What do you do? And who gets to laugh when?
Grab a cup of joe and lose yourself in the swirlies...
By octopus on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 12:36 pm:
Actually, Egg-Nogg is a form of the more ancient and respected Aeir-Likor... or Egg-Liqueur..., a delicacy created by the Bavarian Illuminati.
I am a biiiiiiig fan of Egg Nogg any time of the year.
Egg Nogg, in fact, is my vision of the combination of all our individual souls (eggs) into one tasy little drink.
By Leo on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 12:55 pm:
Okay. So now it's spock satan
. What's next? Stan?
Anyway, in response to the guy who said that there is no real scientific theories presented I reply...
"On the assumption that brain activity can be modeled as a `fractal universe'..."
This is a real scientific theory. Goto and find the topic "Holographic Universe". There's a link and info about this theory.
"Direct perception of the Heisenbergian behavior of matter (a process they called `surfing the wave function')..."
The direct perception has been achieved. There is an article about it in the Scientific American issue with the Quantum Teleportation thingie on the cover.
"...highly sophisticated fourth-generation version of the early `brain machines', which can sonically stimulate brain cells either globally or locally..."
These exist.
Look at the second file called the Curriculum. This has a lot of the scientific theory.
Now, let's focus on the disinformation....
The Dobbs twins and the UFO cult are both references to J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and the Church of the Sub-Genius. This pops up again when J.M. (Joseph Matheny) looks through the Incunabula's, now defunct, post office box.
Harold Acton and his 64 second-hand computers setup in a vast ad-hoc system based on his own I Ching speculations. This reminds me of "FUCKUP" in the Illuminatus Trilogy. I'm not saying that this is falls, it's just that this is irrelevant to the text.
Also, some of the scientific language thrown in is just to confuse an average reader.
That's all from me for now...
Fnord. Fnord. Snort. Oink. Honk. Honk. BOOM. Moo.
By Leo on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 05:55 pm:
So is it a prank or not?
By Leo on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 06:01 pm:
And if it is a prank then why would J.M. be searching for the books in the catalogue? Though, some of them (in the begining of the list in the catalogue at have the wrong ISDN address or something...
By N N on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 02:27 am:
...if this thing originated in santa Cruz,
then you don't need a time machine, santa Cruz
is one big time warp vortex...i know i lived there
off and on for about twelve years...i know because
i entered right into the center of the time warp...maybe i am the one that opened it,wide open
in the first place...what ever happend, i wasn't just having a psychotic episode...i saw things, experianced things, that i cannot explain except
to say that; for instance i returned to the house where a lot of it happened, some years later, and
there was a flotation tank in one of the bedrooms
and i floated in it for four hours, meditating on
what had happened to me years before....Oh and i raise you two evil and one santa
By Bishop on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 06:36 am:
As I sip upon a large rum and coke I ponder this whole subject again...Is it nonsense or is there something more to it? Sure there is a large mass of scientific data that suggests its possible but where is the math? I keep coming back to the math because math is the pure truth to this matter. No one has offered a mathimatical formula that backs up these claims of interdimesional travel. If this is going on then we need someone from within one of these operating cell's to give us some data that backs up the claims. I know there is many links to current theory regarding these matters but what of those involved? We seem to be pawns in a game with no real conclusive truth. It's the one thing that has alway's bothered me about conspiracey. We are lead down a road of tantilizing information with no real backbone. The truths are always hidden behind vaige referances to real theory but with no true understanding of what it all means. I am frustrated by the lack of information as Im sure we all are. If it is not true then why are we wasting our time following up leads we can not truley back up short of actually going there and researching first hand. I guess what I'm saying is why are we devoting so much time to someone elses fantasy when we could be building our own dreams. STOP THE DISINFORMATION HERE! We all seem to be intelligent people and if we put our minds together we can come up with something that surpasses this whole fantasy. Now that I've stated my ideolistic nature I'll shut up! Later
By N N on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 07:22 am:
you want numbers, but are prepared to DO the numbers....there Is no scientific explanation you describe....well maybe there is is in the wrong don't want
conspiricy, but there it is staring you in the face...what you going to do about it ? take another sip of your rum?....the is No Disinformation, only outlines of something, that
has been constructed of various coming at us from all sides, all the time, no quantum theory covers all the bases....there is no quick fix to the time travel issue....out of fantasy comes facts and out
of facts, we cycle the fantasy again and again in order to Do the myth, (MATH)....keeping sipping
your Rum...contemplating the mysterys, turning over data and thoughts sifting the surface images
until you have an AHA experiance...then it will slowely come into focus, don't be so one sided and demand immediate solutions to complex problems...
time travel is not something to do a science project on; it demands certain ferquences of thought vibration, everything has to be prepared slowely like an alchemists retort...magick is the secret to time travel. but those whom abuse it
are traveling in the rong do you abuse it? well that's for each practitioner to find out....happy hunting!!!
P.S. sorry if you in your scientific knowhow
don't like this explanation...but there it is....
By Leo on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 08:22 am:
Actually there is no math mentioned for a couple of reasons...
If the files are true (as I believe they are, though I could be wrong) then first of all, the people in Ashram would be paranoid about releasing information out to unverified people. Like they said, they don't want the Pentagon trying to get control over the alternate universes. Second, the people are hippies and physists, not mathematicians, though I could be wrong. Even if they were, I don't know if they could possibly mathematically explain the trip between universes.
Oh, and btw, update:
spock santa
By octopus honey on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 11:20 am:
Ya wanna travel in dimentions outside of this one?
Take a sip of my mushroom tea and visit with us creatures from the end of time and space.
Holy, holey, holey...
By Refried Matt on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 01:01 pm:
Indeed, Octo! Our math was born of our chemistry... so altering the chemistry alters the way we do our math.
As I lost my mind all over again a few weeks ago, numbers were haunting me every which way I looked.
We just made them up though. They work marvelously in the realms we've likewise made up for them to work in, but not one of my mind-blowing insights has come with a formula attached. Sometimes I fiddle with numbers and graphs after the fact, but the AHA (saying Aha! was instrumental in my understanding of calculus...) is a transcendant experience itself.
If you're so anxious for the math, maybe you're the one who should work it all out as such. Our obsessions quite often reveal aspects of our purpose, me thinks.
But numbers make strange bedfellows with flesh & blood time travelers...
By Leo on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 03:21 pm:
Okay, I've watched and listened to the interviews on my school's computer (my soundcard is broken) and I now believe that the Incunabula files are NOT a hoax. I wish for transcripts of the interviews to be put up on It'll make it easier for people like me to access the information. I have to go but I'll put up my ideas, theories, and insights on this site pretty soon.
By Enamon on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 04:58 pm:
Aye. I must say that what I wrote previously was before watching the video interview. It seems to me to be less of a hoax now. However I have not yet listened to the phone interview.
From what I understand, the cat is both dead and alive. The viewer does not decide in which state the cat is in. The viewer decides which reality he/she wants to percieve. Therefore in order to "travel" to alternate realities all one has to do is change his perception. That is what the egg is for. Of course mental processes such as reality picking are controlled by the robot. The egg is used to control the robot. So that's what I gather. Since many parallel worlds exist AT THE SAME TIME all we have to do is separate our perception from this world and ground ourselves in another reality.
These are the very basics. I still have to figure out the whole quantum mechanics/mathematics and all that stuff. Of course I need to learn it first.
By Max on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 05:04 pm:
"Reality itself appears to be a hoax...did I not carry the one?"
-Dr. Alias Moniker (temporal engineer)
"The meaning of life is the CREATION of truth(s) that MY face?"
-Janus Shilling, imaginary person
"Imitate yourself; struggle is hundred thirty-seven dollars please."
-Luna Potere, analyst
By octopus simple on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 07:02 pm:
All you really have to do is observe small bardos.
That is: take shit. One world
eat. Antehr world
By Leo on Friday, May 26, 2000 - 08:00 pm:
Okay. I'm reading the Incunabula files and I see 3 travel cults mentioned. 1 in California which initiates Nick Herbert into "the Art". The other one is in Dutchess County, New York. And finally, the famous Ong's Hat Ashram.
By octane on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 03:12 pm:
By N N on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 03:01 am:
...octarcane...octinane ...october...
oct's hat..."the Oct" oct toc...
octapus the watcher at the star gate...
oct-a-sis.. octamockta...octamucho...
By 8 on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 10:43 am:
By Bishop on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 05:56 pm:
At the risk of being ridiculed, the more I look into the Icunabula the more it seems to fall apart. There are theories presented with a basis in real science but the second you introduce physcotropic drugs into the picture you destroy observable credibility. I too have seen other worlds with humid enviroments and big pink monkeys, all thanks to mushrooms but that world did not exist except within my own temporal makeup. I have also had experience with sensory depravation tanks and yes the experience can be very internally spiritual. This story has already been told in the movie ALTERED STATES and someone has taken it to the next level, bringing it to our internet mytho's.The incubala and Ongs Hat are great platforms to sell books, movies, T-shirts and "COMIC BOOKS". We are all being taken for a ride although it is an entertaining ride.
I know I will be attacked for speaking in these terms but surely with all the seemingly intelligent people here someone must agree that this story just doesnt hold together.
Listening to the audio interviews of the survivors of Ongs Hat conducted by Mr. Matheny, I was struck by the poorly imitated New York accent of one of the contacts and the inconsitancy of the dialogue between the two survivors. There tellings of the "Key Egg" or "Meditation Egg" seemed to be made up on the spot. Perhaps a slip of the tongue prompted this fabrication.
In short, if anyone can give me one tangible, observable, testable piece of information regarding this matter then do so >NO MORE THEORY< I can read all about string theory, chaos math and trancendental meditation till the cows come home but I doesnt help gain any information regarding this orginization or its supposed operating cells. I'm really sick of being sidetracked from real phenomenon into these misinformation campaigns designed to better others finacially. Having said that, understand that I am curious about this mystery but I need something more before I devote extra research time to it. If this story is false then lets flush it out and move on to other things instead of blindly accepting it as fact (and wasting our collective time). We "ALL" need something more to go on and I guess I'm venting my frustration regarding the scant amount of information we have to work with. Just one more peice of knowledge that would give this matter credence before I give up on the whole thing...
P.S. Don't get too upset about this message and remember that both sides of the argument must be heard in order to see real "TRUTH". Take care...
By N N on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 07:36 pm:
...i too would like to know if there is any 'truth'
to this story...ANY , seems to be the key...where as i am satisfied to see the story as a multi-leveled tall tale...and a whooper at that...You
on the other hand still persist in playing the
Indiana Jones of time travelers...yes certain parts of the story are true...and guess what?
if people actually did travel in time in the flesh,
don't you think they would be clever enought to
make the audio interviews sound people like you would be mystified?...hehe
By N N on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 07:42 pm:
...i too would like to know if there is any 'truth'
to this story...ANY , seems to be the key...where as i am satisfied to see the story as a multi-leveled tall tale...and a whooper at that...You
on the other hand still persist in playing the
Indiana Jones of time travelers...yes certain parts of the story are true...and guess what?
if people actually did travel in time in the flesh,
don't you think they would be clever enought to
make the audio interviews sound people like you would be mystified?...hehe
By Bishop on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 - 09:47 pm:
To N N,
My problem with the interviews is that I dont see the logic in doing them at all. If you are a part of some ultra secret time travel-dimensional travel group and your traveling to some utopia with sparce human habitation (and you wish to keep it that way)then why do interviews at all?
Rather than makeing me mystified it just adds one more nail in the coffin of the Incunabula story. I do not take the story seriously but it makes for some great entertainment. I am puzzled however as there are some interesting bits of fact invovled in the case. My hats off to the creators of this new internet mythos! Youve obviously spent a good deal of time creating this situation. The interesting thing about the case is that it has a self proliferating knowledgebase. Information is added through rumor and conjecture by use the users. We are the Incunabula ...
By N N on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 03:44 am:
...ya; and then there's Montauk
By octopus fish on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 10:41 am:
Fishing for fishermen?
By N N on Thursday, June 1, 2000 - 10:18 pm:
...NOX NOX, whose there?
null and void!
null and void who?
null and void you!
NOX NOX, whose there?
all your deepest fears!
all your deepest fears who?
all your deepest fears gone!
NOX NOX, whose there?
Pan Pan Io Pan!
Pan Pan Io Pan who?
all and nothing!
Nox Nox, whose there?
the black void!
the black void who?
the black void between you and me!
Nox Nox, whose there?
Non who?
Non of yr beeswax!
Nox Nox, whose there?
Nuit Who?
Nuit, the nothingness that twinkles...
By Max on Friday, June 2, 2000 - 04:19 am:
If you really want to catch an octopus, you'll need a very wide net.
Or a crab.
By Leo on Friday, June 2, 2000 - 02:25 pm:
Ok, here's why I believe that the Incunabula files are real:
First of all, let me make one thing clear: There is no such thing as a New York accent. There is such a multitude of people living here that there isn't only one accent but many.
Second of all, when you hallucinate on psychoactive drugs, you don't normally dissapear along with a large egg in which you're in.
Third, the travel cults are not some super-secret society. They try to keep a low profile so they will not be prosecuted by the government but they will teach the technology to anybody who wants to learn it. Want my proof? Nick Herbert has exposed a bunch of this on He's getting his new book, which is also called "Quantum Tantra" published. This is basically "Alternate Dimensions" renamed.
Fourth of all, there are mathematics mentioned on Nick Herbert's Quantum Tantra site. Also, go to his normal site (whose URL I do not have at the moment) and read about his other stuff.
Fifth of all, any other questions, post them here and I'll try to answer them as I find the answers.
By Max on Friday, June 2, 2000 - 07:42 pm:
There are many "real scientific theories," Leo.
Just like there are real fairy tales.
Real don't mean viable.
By Refried Matt on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 02:25 am:
I don't get the obsession myself...I read the files, thought it was all swell, moved on to other things. Why the obsession? How true is true? How real is real? If the amazing egg was on sale at Wal-Mart would you pick one up and try it out? Only if it was $19.95?
Travel to alternate dimensions, including so-called time travel, has to be complicated so that one understands the value. No pain, no gain. Figure it out and you'll be there. But where will you be? Why are you here now?
Think paradigm shift. Think here & now. That's it.
Or that's what I read at this cool conspiracy site, anyway....
By Max on Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 04:20 am:
By Bishop on Sunday, June 4, 2000 - 04:37 am:
I live in Canada and I must say that a New-Yorker's accent is as thick as German to us.
Im not trying to disprove the Incunabula but rather see it for what it is and not be instantly drawn into what is on the surface. I find the story fascinating but not without some holes in the plot.
Considering we all have an active interest in the Incunabula are any of you in touch with any of these "cells"? You say that..."They try to keep a low profile so they will not be prosecuted by the government but they will teach the technology to anybody who wants to learn it." Have you seen or heard of anything that backs up this claim? Excluding the famous Joseph Matheny vanishing, which was a great P.R stunt to sell comics.
And lastly, why would I want to support Nick Herbert's new book? Hes another "theories man" and I am sick of authors twisting this case to sell there books! The truth of this matter is not in anyones book but in your personal and direct quest for the truth. (Money need not apply!)
In the end, we can talk theories until we are blue in the face but what of those involved, are these real people we are dealing with or are they sharletins exploting the public trust? How can we determine the validity of who they claim to be? These are the first and most important questions we should be dealing with before we even touch the science behind the Incunabula.
By Leo on Monday, June 5, 2000 - 08:44 am:
Okay, here are my replies...
Bishop: Once, again, about the accent... There is a huge number of ethnic groups in New York City. The stereotypical accent that you hear in movies and stuff is a New York Italian accent, and not a New York accent. Also, the guy in the interview doesn't have a New York accent but a general accent which I've heard around the country.
Also, you mention J.M. vanishing to be a publicity stunt. It was not. He explains this in the Chica Bruce interview where he explains that he was harrassed by somebody and kept being harassed that he had to fake his dissapearance.
Also, on Nick Herbert's page, it's not "scientific theories". Nick Herbert gives out all of the information one needs to travel.
Also, you say "How can we determine the validity of who they claim to be?" well, you can do that through informaton.
Also, right now I'm reading Jung's synchronicity book to figure out a away to use synchronicites to over lap the parallel universe in certain places and thereby gaining the ability to travel... Just in theory so far. :)
By Octopus Key on Monday, June 5, 2000 - 11:28 am:
I'm gonnna do a little dimention opening come Nov. 11 in Colorado Springs, Co. Anyone care to join me?
See, my objective is not to 'go' there, but to bring 'there' here, so that here is there and there is everywhere!
That's Octopus Dancing, baby!
By mooncat on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 10:38 am:
The travel cults are QUITE real,let me assure you.
A certain pagan group in northern CA has been working on things like eggless travel and dimensional doorways for some time some members are well known.
One such test of eggless travel ( sort of like one of Michael G. Coney's Invisible Spaceships ) occurred at a major midwestern pagan gathering in 1988.
P.S. I personally don't give a rats fuzzy ass if the bloody spaceship is only a shared delusion powered by friction there should be clear warnings DO NOT INSERT HEAD INTO ENGINE AREA WHILE INTERDIMENSIONAL DRIVE IS IN OPERATION
By Octopus on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 04:14 pm:
Beam me up, Scotti.
By mooncat on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 07:53 am:
Wanna know what really jerked my chain during the 7 years I lived in santa Cruz?
The fact that there musta been all sorts of folks who knew the answers to the questions I was asking but rather than sharing the wealth so to speak the decided to try and misdirect me with headtrips, even the folks up north wouldn't tell the whole truth, A.J. said the "ritual" I got tangled up in was a "trip thru the chakras" she didnt have enough balls to tell me about travelling and there i was in the very mothernest of the Traveller cult.
I got more straight answers from Boris "the Cat Drinker" and the boyz at "Blockheed" at least THEY had the guts to kidnap me briefly and show me their tech for ID travel.
P.S. To the "conspiracy" who undoubtably monitors this BBS, I now understand enough of the tech involved to at least be able to generate a form of "scattering field" that should be sufficient to render this (Earth1) continuum dithered enough to prevent either egg or eggless translations from being able to work here, Aviary tech uses fixed destinations and matched circuits in the psychotronics, its not as versatile but since They will somewhat cooperate ...
By N N on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 08:44 am:
...i lived in santa Cruz from 70' on until
79'...was in Berkeley for three years in O.T.O.
and came back to santa Cruz for a few years,
went away for a year and came back for another
say after living in San Fran for five...any way
when i lived in santa Cruz in 72 i went through some very strange psychic stuff and i don't believe it was just the changes and substances i was ingesting...i experianced some very strange psychic anomalies...i was 22 and to this day i
still don't really know what happend...but i servived....was i a subject of some experiment
or did i do it all by my self?
By Octopus Trippy on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 10:47 am:
You're still there, and dreaming you're here.
By Stseamonelmo on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 04:26 pm:
I just moved away from the santa Cruz area, I lived in Ben Lomond this past year. Now I can't speak for what it once was, as I was too young to really experience it. I know at one point Kesey and his Pranksters held Acid Tests in Scotts Valley. Now however, it feels like a vampirically sucked corpse. I met the random heads, truly, they thrive there...but I have felt stronger connections in other locales. Something is there, but I don't feel it is something I want to be part of.
- St. Seamon Elmo
By Octopus Rocky Mountain on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 04:29 pm:
If you ever want trippy, check out Colorado SPrings. Home of NORAD.
Weeeeird shit happens there all the time.
By mooncat on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 08:03 am:
Lived there homeless on street thru post Gulf War economic depression til mid 1997 when things got ttoo ttoo hot, life in danger. I was the bicycle riding holy man with the cat on my shoulder... good cover, no job to speak of so plenty of time to study the local monkeys. Reality there was always wierd even when there was no acid in town also place fulla CIA spooks doing MKULTRA/ARTICHOKE/GRILLFLAME sorta stuff drugs and implants and EMF voice in skull "laser radio" on streetpeople etc...
Real life vampires there as well as every sort of magick user,witch etc prob nearing 50% consensus reality breakover threshold. gravitational anomaly... the mystery spot..
And north of town in Bonny Doon a big secret facility levels 17-23 Aviary MJ shit down there. Ask locals about so-called county park "moon Rocks"
And I worked at the HGP too ...
yes mr Matheny, and you too you F@!#@!!#!# asshole Wilson
By AliasMoniker on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 12:09 pm:
There is absolutely nothing interesting,
I repeat,
happening in and around SantaFe, New Mexico.
Please do not look into it.
By N N on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 06:46 pm:
...hey mooncat how do you know about this CIA
stuff so much...i mean i experianced some really
weird shit, but that was back in 72, i mean santa
Cruz was always a power spot of sorts and Crowley
passed through the area in the 30's and performed some rituals ...see when i went there, it was right after the sixties, santa Crux was like a huge out
patiant clinic, well it was wall to wall freaks..
and liven was easy, rent was cheap 72
when i was going through all these psychic changes
at some point i thought i was the center of some CIA said skull 'lazer radio' i
did hear adio hallusinations but it wasn't just random, anyway it is a long story...santa Cruz was
a very wild place in the 70's...
By Bishop on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 12:08 am:
All right, Im going to stop bitching about confirmable information. I truely enjoy the journey and the bizzare nature of this bbs.
What does bother me is the whole Quantum Tantra thing and how its connected to this issue. I guess its every geeks dream to beat-off and travel to other dimensions. Dont get me wrong, I do have a higher understanding of this method but I think its new-age bullshit that removes credibility from this fascinating case.
I find it interesting how defensive some of us are about the validity of the Incunabula. I would only hope that not all of you are following this blindly as the absoulute truth otherwise we will never learn the truth.
QUESTION: Would anyone consider meeting this week on M-PLAYER in the ARTBELL lobby? I will set up a room there every night from 11:00-2:00 A.M G.M.T. The room will be labelled "Incunabula" hope to see you there and dont forget your microphones!!!
By N N on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 12:28 am:
...hey Bishop, don't knock the tantra thing...
were have you been don't you know anything about sex magick ?...Crowley was into Time least that is what his son Amado claims...but at
any rate any magickian knows that sex magick is the best way to shift realitys...yes there is a lot of 'NEW Age, dribble about tantra but that's better then new age nazi's ...
By mooncat on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 09:01 am:
From what I've found to be true, Tantric energy seemes to be the "480 Volt AC Threephase" of the reality shifting biz.
You have two choices for power to warp space and open gateways one is pulsed electromagnetics like the Philadelphia experiment and Montauk devices used in which you have more of a time machine and ID travel is usually uncontrollable and comes with a free electroconvulsive therapy lobotomy job like sticking yer head in a microwave oven.
The other uses more natural energies like Tantra and a more subtle quantum process to do the shift tho it still opens a gateway. From what I've been able to determine this one is psychically guided whereas most of the Aviary/Montauk style gear uses psychics in the "hotseat" only to initially find and open the doors and either replays canned "tapes" or uses matched generator pairs at source and destination to set up a corridor. Their sys also has a limited teleportation capability.
For a while I lived in the tarped over car on the west side, one night i was subjected to an interesting experience, I used to be a tech in an anesthesiology research lab before the Gulf War economic depression, I know the odor of a certain inhalation anesthetic called Halothane (its about the safest there is) One night something almost woke me up, I smelled Halothane then woke up in a large concrete room with some Aviary types. They showed me a small device that was the size of an alphanumeric pager. It strapped on your wrist had Flanagan style electrodes on the wriststraps one over the pulsepoint. This was enough to operate it for programmed destinations tho if you put on a set of brain electrodes I was told you could control your trip that way. I was only allowed to try presets and as their tech seems to work with a central Montauk style generator they have at the facility I was taken to theres no way to steal one or any unauthorized unlogged use. They of course gave me another mickey returning me unharmed to my hide.
At least THEY showed me theirs which is more than I've ever gotten from the travel cults. Eggless has definitely been around since at least the mid 80's , I ran into it in 1988 at a pagan gathering some sort of large appx. 12 couple double yolking that opened a gateway into a higher dimensional space. I was in a high spin singlet state and accidentally got sucked up into the startup of the drive field they were building, the yolks merged , everything merged, there was a wall of white as somesort of higher dim space opened (squashed 7 sphere??? ( A D E physics Sirag Monster finite group ???)) Anyway they WENT somewhere I got yanked along though I was bounced around and lost the slipstream ( yes this thing does resemble both the quantum slipstream and transwarp and some travellers write for Paramount) I ended up briefly where some Philadelphia Experiment folks must have went because I periodically have experienced similar phenomena psychically the overload damn near killed me.
Next day I got no answers and the "bum's rush", its taken me 12 years to put it all together and lo along comes Mr Matheny whom i remember from the homeless garden with this whole website, Wilsonian Disinformation loop with the answer hidden inside, how synchronicitous.
Ongs Hat NJ prob not real tho its probably a coded reference to the real thing... always read Wilson by reading the lines between the lines between the lines when readin between the lines as its buried at least two deep (Wilson is still a yuppie sellout jerk "credentials collector".. let him in your magickal order and he'll spill all your secrets, met him once had strong desire to wash myself immediately after)
By Octopus on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 11:01 am:
Ya'll have to agree that if we can generate sufficient ... debauchery, the very essence of this debauchery will lift our monkey-minds into what I call the 'mad-doctor' mind, the 12th monkey or whatever and ...
the gate then really CAN open..
Listen, all the bullshit I keep saying about evoking Kali Ma (invoking in my website) on 11.11 is for FUCKING REAL!
I'm on a constant experimental process using a variety of mind-expansion techniques to find the best, fastest and most raunchy way to have mama kali come over and give us all the fuck of our lives...
Sis is intimately tied to this incredible experiment, so ...
But I need SOULS... Kali Ma needs SOULS.
So come november... See ya in the Springs!!!
By N N on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 12:47 am:
...not if they are up wind from ya!
By Bishop on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 12:55 am:
You would make a great writer Mooncat. Some of your written experiences are very vivid and imaginative.
I have a great respect for your statement regarding "reading between the lines" as this seems to be the escense of the Incunabula.
Whens your book coming out? Should be another deceptive and confusing read that will continue to cloud this issue.
By N N on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 01:04 am:
Bishop you your self seem sort of didn't even adress the issue of tantra/ sex magick
i said that Crowleys son Amado claims his father time response?...watsa mata, wit ya
don't like Crowley?...and mooncat is leaving ya some clues, and he too talked tantra talk...besides this is an ongoing mythopoetic rant
want results?...maybe you ain't ready yet!!!
By mooncat on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 08:35 am:
I know what I've seen. Its taken me 12 years to put the whole picture together. My first experience of the phenomenon almost caused a lethal psychic burnout, so I know it was definitely real. I just haven't figured out all the details of doing it that way.
I've been basically stonewalled since day one of this little investigation, I've literally talked to people who ARE involved in it and they never let much of anything slip. Mr Matheney included.
As far as the eggs, those I've never seen.
And I'd still love to know who climed up my tree one day I was gone and photographed all my paperwork on a psychotronic device I was designing
By Stseamonelmo on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 03:28 pm:
as far as climbing a tree and photographing your work...THEY don't have to be so clumsy.....
consider, just for a moment before denying it outright, the possibility of mental "breaking and entering" if you will. what would stop a high powered occult organization that pries into interdimesional travel from temporarily co-habitating your own body, pushing you aside, you photographing your own work, then sending the roll out to their own agents, before restoring you to your seat of concsiousness? can you account for every second of every day?
I only ask this because i've witnessed it happening in myself. my increasing awareness of their activites drove them crazy, but when they finally realized I didn't have what they wanted, they mysteriously vanished.
or maybe that's just what they want me to believe?
- St. Seamon Elmo
By Bishop on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 06:24 am:
NN, Ive already explained my position on Quantum Tantra or Sex Magick, I dont find any validity in its phylosophy or any science in its "new-agey" flimsey claims. But to each his own...
is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
Aleister Crowley was a man who devoted his life to the search for truth and in that search he lost his way. I have read his works and am always amazed at his deterioration into madness. Its almost as if he injested to much religious phylosophy and it devoured him.(no religion being exempt including satanism)He was a man who preyed upon the minds of the weak and was corupted by the influence of control. Not to say his life was not an interesting one but I dont feel his work has any bearing on the truth behind and inbetween the lines of the Incunabula.
As far as Mooncat is concerned perhaps I was to harsh but understand that some of the things your talking about are alittle hard to swallow. I am sorry if I offended and would like to hear more especially regarding devices useing bio-chemical energies to induce reality shifts. Biorythms and the bodies natural current are to me a more plausible means of useing natural energies to shift (new age sex magick and religion need not apply).
By Octopus on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 11:15 am:
Okay. What about shamanic drugs?
By Stseamonelmo on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 02:46 pm:
ok Bishop...
you have read, you have studied, you have theorized.....but what have you done? it seems impossible to me to criticize the work of others until you have performed the experiments yourself and achieved some kind of results.
this is not meant to sound like an outright denial of what you say, just asking for your qualifications to make such judgements.
- St. Seamon Elmo
By Octopus Butthead on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 03:56 pm:
I like dat.
By Stseamonelmo on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 04:12 pm:
Your quest for the absolute truth is your greatest weakness. It helps explain your dislike of religion too. “There are absolutely no absolutes!” to borrow a religious “truth”. IS the quantum object a wave, or IS it a particle? The problems arise when we confuse our semantic models with objective reality. Why read as journalism what should be read as allegory, metaphor, parable? jesus spoke in parable, why should we believe the rest of the bible is any different? A story which means something else. “I never let the truth interfere with a good story,” as Sam Clemens liked to say. Does it make a difference to us today if 2000 years ago jesus
actually walked the earth, died on a cross, and was resurrected three days later? Not really. But does the lack of tangible evidence make any of what he said less “true”? Not really. Read a little deeper into symbolism and mythology before you go poking around the annals of magic and expect them to make any sense at all. Moses approached Pharoh, demanding to “Let my people go!” Our understanding now is that the Jews were being used as slaves to construct the pyramids. Stop for a minute, clear your mind, and think. How do these words from several thousand years ago (or so the story goes) apply to me? What pyramids? Turn over a dollar bill! Who are the “chosen people”? A symbol for you and me! WE are the slaves working away to build the pyramid of Gross National Product and heirarchial control systems.
How does any of this apply to the whole incunabula mess? Demonstration of methodology. If I remember correctly (it has been a few years since I last purused the incunabula files) the last part is a transcript of an interview with Nick Herbert. Does it matter if this interview actually took place or was just a literary creation of an especially creative individual (or group of individuals)? No, not really. But in the interview, Nick gives away the secret. Don’t be rigid when subtlety works better. (or something to that effect) You chase away the intangible element such delicate work requires. We live in a quantum world, like it or not. If this world is built up from quantum principles, as modern science assures us, then this world works on quantum principles. Popular convention claims we do not see the effects of quantum wierdness because we exist on a macroscopic scale, and these quantum jitters have miniscule effect here. The only time they have any tangible physical effect is on the quantum scale. As I said, this is popular conception. I disagree. The reason we don’t see quantum effects here, resides in the idea that quantum particles are unbound by temporal constraints. As soon as quantum jitters make a new possibility actual, the quantum world instantaneously (to our macroscopic perception) adjusts itself so that was how it always happened. The ineffable wave-form cthulhu beast lurking just outside of perception’s reach condensed to a quantifiable form when measured (but only for the traits measured for, and still subject to uncertainty - so as precision of one increases, precision of the opposite decreases), only to rebound to existing in all possible states as soon as observation ceases. AND, let us not forget the effect of observation itself. In a quantum world, the observer changes the parameters of the event. The photons of light recorded by the observing instrument (maybe just your own eye) exist along their entire history, so even after the fact of your observation, they can go back and change the event.
“As above, so below.” This is the quantum world as described by modern physics. Why should we think this world of everyday events is any different? Psychedelic substances open us up to these situations by breaking down our rigid perceptual grids and allowing us to see thru a different set of lenses for a while. Or a few sets - thus explaining quick changes in observed reality. Any claim that use of these substances invalidates the observations of the observer seems ridiculous once you understand the mental process involved. Such an argument taken to its most absurd logical conclusion would invalidate anyones observations, because nobody will observe a situation in “exactly” the same way.
For those of you wondering about Nick Herbert, and his qualifications beyond just theorizing and writing a few books, check out his website:
I think you will find him a little more than "theoretical"
- St. Seamon Elmo
By mooncat on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 05:51 pm:
Oh, i agree about Crowley he was playing around with some really corrosive shit. And he's left little "psychic superfund" sites everywhere he went including santa Cruz.
Circuits... do you have access to a scope, DVM, semiconductor curve tracer, signal gen.
In the psychotronics /Montauk field you hear about wierd unobtainable devices like Fogal transistors, Moray valves, radiosonde tubes, etc that have unusual quantum or scalar wave effects.
How bout a circuit you can build from easily obtainable parts that can be used in place of such "unobtanium" it could be used in neurophone or Montauk reciever type circuits, zero point energy devices, radionics boxes, delta T antenna drivers. The "Orion" integrated circuits described in the Montauk books were were simple transistor circuits it was the arrangement and connection internally that made them special.
take 3 garden variety small signal transistors from Radio Shack either 2 NPN and 1 PNP for the N version or 2 PNP and 1 NPN for the P version.
for the N vers. ( P similar) take one NPN and one PNP connect NPN collector-PNP emitter, then connect NPN emitter-PNP collector, now take remaining NPN connect collector to base of first PNP connect emitter to base of first NPN you have made a simple 3 transistor circuit. "comitter" is like collector or plate ( NPN1 collector + PNP1 emitter) "elector" (NPN1 emitter + PNP1 collector) acts like cathode. Base of remaining control transistor is signal in.
Go to a site called JLN Labs and try substituting these into the circuits they give for energy devices. put one on a curve tracer... you will be surprised, try one instead of the tube in a radionics box you will be intrigued by the results. Me I wanna try a Flanagan style device
What do the Tantric, chemical and electronic methods have in common: high energy density, high rate of change and usually a cancellation of polar opposites forcing the energy to bleed off into higher dimensions a la Beardens phase conjugate scalar wave stuff.
By btpete on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 06:36 pm:
Two years ago I stumbled upon this site and read about interdimensional travel with great interest. Reading through the E.C. catalog was most entertaining, enhanced by the fact that I actually own a copy of one of the theoretical publications mentioned. While accepting the possibility of interdimensional travel, I have no desire to achieve it by way of the magical mushroom. Since no documented research seems to be generally available, perhaps some here would be interested in starting some. I expect to bring a web site online within the next few days that could be used as the crude beginning of a collaborative project: This is an exciting topic, one I would like to learn a lot more about.
By btpete on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 06:51 pm:
Two years ago I stumbled upon this site and read about interdimensional travel with great interest. Reading through the E.C. catalog was most entertaining, enhanced by the fact that I actually own a copy of one of the theoretical publications mentioned. While accepting the possibility of interdimensional travel, I have no desire to achieve it by way of the magical mushroom. Since no documented research seems to be generally available, perhaps some here would be interested in starting some. I expect to bring a web site online within the next few days that could be used as the crude beginning of a collaborative project: This is an exciting topic, one I would like to learn a lot more about.
By AliasMOniker on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 12:37 am:
What is research?
By mooncat on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 09:50 am:
Heres an odd one, I have had a computer and net access for over two years now, yet in all that time i have never encountered either the deoxy or Incunabula sites nor any mention... not in browsing, indexes, searches
Now all of a sudden pop! 12 years of trying to figure this out and suddenly heres a buncha websites that "appear" to be two years old. Yet they weren't there at least on any net I ever accessed. Odd that penguin bein' there idnit?
Who knows maybe the Aviary/ secret government/ psi corps/ "Boris" controls the DNS servers via ECHELON. Maybe the hippies from Ongs Hat do it...
maybe its ... THE STONECUTTERS
I saw something in 1988 and I only now know what it was. Why all of a sudden now are the persons involved suddenly releasing all of this information. The secret government's motives in pursuing such projects are obvious... a "greenbriar" like facility in a nearby reality in case of holocaust. The "egg" conspiracy gets a new paradise to despoil as they see fit. But why all of a sudden are the rats not simply sneaking off the sinking ship as they doubtless have been doing since before 1988 that I can attest to. Are they thumbing their noses at us.... so long and thanks for all the fish ... just seems odd what next Nick Herbert's Quantum Tantra in bookstores, Alternate Dimensions complete with diagrams, live egg demos at the local mall, WILL SOMEBODY UPSTAIRS PLEASE RESET THE SERVERS FOR EARTH1
I wonder at the significance of the timing, and yes santa Cruz is a vampirically sucked corpse... the undead walk the streets (aint sunscreen wonderful) theres a reason they filmed THAT MOVIE there...
By Enamon on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 10:23 am:
So mooncat, anyways, what's Project Artichoke? The name resounds in the back of my head. I know I know what it was but I seem to have lost a vital memory link to the concept. It's like a forgotten word on the tip of your tongue. You know you know it but you can't recall it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know about MKULTRA (Mind Control), I know about GRILLFLAME (Remote Viewing). So what is ARTICHOKE?
And as for you not knowing about these sites until quite recently, I must say that I've known about Deoxy for around 2 years now. We have radio station here, WBAI, you know one of the Pacifica radio stations. They mentioned deoxy there a couple of times. I dont remember when or why but that's how I found it. Found Deoxy and found the Incunabula files.
A little admition, I did not read all that is above. JLN labs energy devices? Which ones? I'm not that experienced in electronics at all (know any good beginner's book? you can email me). Still interested in such stuff though. Also wondering if anyone here can tell me how magnetic fields affect quantum particles while they are still in their "undecided" state?
By Octopus on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 10:52 am:
Don't worry about all that crap.
Everything - every atom every nano-particle
Is a love poem
From me to my sister.
By Spider on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 10:54 am:
You're not an octopus.
You're a pig.
You're a devil, pig monster!
By Octopus on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 10:56 am:
I will leave you alone...
When the very last particle in my body has degenerated into nothingness...
Or when our son is born, and then only if you want me to at that time...
Sorry, webcrawler... You've fallen into my web.
By Bishop on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 02:55 pm:
I just like to say wow! Thats a mouthfull. I'll try to sum up my response in point form as to not waste space on this great forum.
- I have done nothing but study
- I could lie about my qualifications but I wont, I am an average family kind of guy who enjoys the study of the paranormal.
- “There are absolutely no absolutes!” I agree! Have some children and then you will understand chaotic uncertainty.
- I do not dislike religion but rather choose to not let it direct my ingestion of knowledge.
- Had a discussion with my friend who is a bio-chemist the other day about what is provable. It basically comes down to this... You can prove nothing to anyone unless they themselves have direct access to the same realm of information ,experience and in his case re-testible data. Nothing is provable in a person to person way. Its all about personal belief,knowledge and predictable results or in the quantum world "strange predictors".
- Yes,observed matter changes on a quantum level by the mere act of viewing it...Who here in this forum doesnt know that? I'm not sure I see your point.
- NO one has "physically" travelled to another dimension by useing drugs (mentally perhaps)impossible to prove either way. If you are gullable enough to believe everything you read or every bad trip you experience then you are less intelligent than you seem. I do however think that physcotropic drugs could be utilized as a problem solving tool to help the mind ingest normally undigestible information. In the end its not really the area I am interested in and I think you underestimate the capabilities of the untouched, drug free mind (god..I sound like an drug councler.) Physcotropic drugs are a dangerous shortcut to understanding things you shouldnt understand.
- Nick Herbert, amazing stuff and difficult to wrap your mind around. No arguments there, he is a brilliant man. By the time I reach his level of understanding I'll be dead.
What would be the expected results of building a 3 transistor circuit? I dont have the means or the knowhow to do such a thing. What is the nature of the supposed unusual quantum or scalar wave effects? Could you explain it in terms I might understand?
By Anonymous on Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 09:07 pm:
By Max & Maxine on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 12:39 am:
By Bishop on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 02:40 am:
Thankyou Anonymous for the lead...Im sure its most interesting to everyone here.
By mooncat on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 08:50 am:
I'm hoping to get a few pages on the scalar wave switching circuit up this weekend. As I currently have no electronic tech tools yet this is all from when I had such things about 10 yrs ago.
The circuit basically puts two complementary transistors in parallel controlled by the third one which yokes them together.
NPN and PNP transistors conduct current by two totally different charge carrier mechanisms ( NPN by electron flow... negatively charged particles) ( PNP by positively charged "holes"... nonexistent positive particles...or perhaps real phase conjugated temporally reversed electrons as Bearden discusses)
So what may be happening when these modes are paralleled together is that they are "interfering" with each other in some quantum sense... like the double slit thing with light. OR it may be some sort of pairing phenomenon similar to the one that makes superconductivity work. Polar opposites... Tantra with electrons???
What I do know is this:
signal gain of over 9,000,000 no noise whatsoever also tends to remove noise from signal like phase conjugate "starwars" laser mirrors Bearden describes
these circuits had frequency ranges that far exceeded that of the individual component transistors. at high freq they ran cool often cold to the touch even when driving a load. ( DC response no better than standard circuits) other strange effects similar to what Bill Fogal describes for his device can be demonstrated as well as overunity when driving highly reactive loads. Normal amplifiers usually do poorly with highly capacitive or inductive loads... paradoxically the scalar wave switch actually performs better. On a semiconductor curve tracer they show a wierd pattern similar to a tunnel diode and those do work by a quantum effect so I just wonder how you'd test that??? Besises when I turned the volts up to get a better look it went into some sort of overunity mode and blew up the scope..Irwin Allen style with lotsa wierd long sparks like the stuff described in the Moray Valve literature.
As far as the JLN site I was thinking of the "scalar wave battery charger" or the G-strain device replace each single transistor in these with the appropriate P or N version of the 3 transistor circuit.
Perhaps the Montauk boys and the Ongs Hat folks already know???
By Anonymous on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 10:26 am:
By Octopus on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 03:53 pm:
Look. No more posts. We are the only ones left.
By plant on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 04:37 pm:
attack the system
we all know it's a hoax and it's sooooooo unbelievablyfuckingREAL
I can travel anywhere I want
I don't need math
all I gotta do is kill reason and logic
tear down every idea that I didn't create
if I'm here then it's all true
cuz I said so
By lukeman13 on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 12:26 pm:
that is a interesting message board/discussion.
i'm curious as to how that situation got started in the first place.
i didn't see too many white men in the video footage, causing trouble.
and i don't know of very many rock/heavy metal songs (stones "under my thumb" and a few "ted nugent" songs notwithstanding) that are even as remotely derogatory towards women as "ganster rap".
and if the nyc police had gone in there and started beating the accused, they would be vilified anyway...damned if they do, damned if they don't.
not that i'm predjiduced, i'm not.
meanwhile, liberals wonder why rich people (and others who can afford to move out of the city) prefer the country and rural areas...
By plant on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 02:17 pm:
Women do not need to be protected from rap lyrics.
The whole reason why we have undercurrents of sexual domination in urban art forms like rap, is because in our society, sex has become so supressed, so 'hard to get', that women have become sexual objects, aquired with fast cars and lotsa dough. It is not rap and heavy metal that caused this, it's been going on since the beginning of history. Society controls sexuality, controls courtship (there is a certain procedure to pick up a girl, you can't just say: hey bebe, let's fuck! you gotta say a shit load of bullshit to show her sex isn't really on your mind). The concept of sexual power shouldn't exist, but it does. The rich and powerful get all the hot chicks , rap merely recognizes that fact. The way to whipe out sexual violence, is to whipe out the sexual frustration that is placed on us by society. Free love baby, is the way to go.
Oh yeah, and dem rich folks are leaving the city cuz they'd rather lock themselves up inside their cold plastic shells than face reality...
By Anonymous on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 02:28 pm:
Luke,You didn't see many white men causing trouble only because there wasn't many white men didn't see many blacks or hispanics causing trouble at woodstock when simular only much worse happened for same reason mostly white participants....either situation very disturbing and something I don't understand.
By lukeman13 on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 03:53 pm:
yeah plant i know where you are going with that line...
all of us men are evil, sexist male chauvinist pigs and we enslave women for our own deviant pleasure blah blah blah...
so why not encourage young ladies to "just say no"? then we'll have less abortions and thus less breast cancer as well assorted other health problems in women.
as for "Anonymous" (a very popular name around here, i might add) yes, that is correct. however idiots allow themselves to be brainwashed by crap in the media and entertainment world. then when they wind up in jail, they don't want to take responibility for their actions.
and ozzfest didn't/doesn't have all the problems that woodstock had (all three woodstocks, vs 5 ozzfests).
then there is my "brainwashing" via the bible and god...wouldn't you know it...BUT I MANAGE TO BEHAVE MYSELF AND STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!
so what's wrong with this dogma, again...i'm still not clear on the logic behind removing biblical
morals from our society, especially when the "whole generation, with a new explanation" has obviously screwed everything up, with their lack of morals...
free love? nothing is free. the price for that is a bunch of whores (sometimes crack whores) on without fathers, etc.
these kids grow up and are pissed off at everything 'n everybody...rightfully so...
you want to make it right? bring back conservative values...otherwise, go back to yer hashish, heroin, cocaine, etc.
but when i tell you how to fix it, don't accuse me of being a nazi or ask and i answer...
By Octopus on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 05:30 pm:
Last night, I took a bottle of coca cola, the one galon kind and filled it up with scalding hot water. Then i put a rubber hose on the to pand squeezed up my ass it until all the one galon of scalding water had all but killed me.
It felt great.
A bucketful of shit, blood and god-knows what else came out of me, and I just laid in the bathtub floating on it until I felt kinda like a foetus.
Now, I know that's not particularly romantic, but I just thought I'd share with ya'll how octopi occupy their friday nights.
Sweet dreams.
By Spider on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 05:31 pm:
Y'see the trouble with this crazy bastard?
How can anyone love somebody like that?
By Anonymous on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 07:08 pm:
I'd hate to see octopus porn...
By Stseamonelmo on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 07:19 pm:
it aLL depends on your definition of these ambiguous concepts. other dimensions? according to mathematical description, any multiplicity of dimensions exists at every point throughout the universal structure. can you be in a one dimesional space or two dimensional space without also existing in the third? even if you aren't aware of it, you're there! so, to assume that just because we might not be attuned to sensing these extra-dimensional spaces theorized by modern physics, by the sheer fact that we exist in this space, we exist in all these multiple dimensional spaces as well. the six extra curled up tightly - within the conventional 3(4, counting time). point being, why don't we see them? we shut our eyes to them! where are they? how do i access them? for thousands of years, the most reliable methods have been deep and profound meditation, but this takes years of training and much dedication to achieve even moderate sucess with. a "shortcut" developed by other cultures involves the use of plant "guides" to show us these spaces. on a purely nueral chemical level, the differences do not exist. thought is an electro-chemical process, and for these "drugs" to have any effect on us, our brains need to have receptor sites capable of matching up with the molecular structure of various ingested chemicals. the difference between these two lies in ease of repeating an experience. as long as you have steady access to a suplly of your prefered chemical, the chemical dependancy is not an issue. look at our current experience with coffee addiction! meditation is prefered by some because of the ease of repitition - no outside source is needed. myself, I have combined these techniques, and thru the views gained thru use of "dangerous" chemical, have shown my brain what to look for, then with the use of meditation, have re-accessed such states. i can only attribute the ease i can slip into such a mindset now with experience gained from "artificial" means. but to believe the experience only rests in chemicals or meditation misses the point the experience itself makes, and demonstrates a lack of real understanding in what is going on. the experience is everywhere. what is a dimension or reality or universe, other than a definition given by a constituent intelligence of said system? the real trick of switching universes is using the gravitational pull of another active intelligence. learning what makes them tick, and applying it to your own life. you will not experience the same life in the same way if this technique is properly understood and applied.
- St. Seamon Elmo
By q on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 08:11 pm:
Lukey, you really are not the brightest bulb are you!!!So what your saying is this incident could have been prevented by the little whores just saying no?
Dont even know how to explain the facts of life to someone like you.
I'm not sure what you read in plants post,but,what he is saying is sexual repression breeds this type of sickness....and your conservitive values are what perpetuates this repression. So do you think this is a new problem? take a trip to a neiborhood bar and ask how many of the old seasoned alki's 60+ where fucked by thier father after church and went on to marry someone like thier father who in turn fucked thier daughters and perpetuated this nasty cycle.Majority rules 1 out of 3 women are sexually molested and of this 1/3 majority goes on to be less than a good parent and very prone to substance abuse,this type of scenario is not on the increase,only the exposure is.
Time and time again you hear of sexual devience in the church,seems like every other week another altar boy is coming out to say how he was fucked up the ass by his priest,now not too many ppl want to admitt this type of thing so you can only assume for every 1 that sez something there are 100 that do not.
I'll cease my rant but I could go on,and on.
Talk to your buddy octo and see if any of his sick sexual wants stem from the childhood of an "average christian family and talk to NN and see how many of his wife's psychic hotline customers are victims of an "average" christian
And no I do not carry any hostility due to any upbringing from christian parents,only observed the sickness around me.
By q on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 11:12 pm:
St. Seamon Elmo
Bravo...well said,sorry to follow such a truely great post with lame wise up Lukey drivel....
By plant on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 04:53 am:
q knows the shit. sex is a major part of human nature, if you attempt to control or surpress such a primal and basic urge, what follows is neurosis, insecurity and violence. It is conservative values that propogate sexual frustration which causes an individual to seek sex through force.
Sex is a beautiful and unifying act that is as pure as anything in nature, and it is insane to control when, where and how a couple (or group) may engage in sex.
Free love means breaking down the barriers that have been erected between people by society. In cities, we have a phobia of physical contact, people live in a private world, strangers are met with distrust, and we are obsessed with having sex only in 'politically correct' ways. In other words, we are afraid to be intimate with people because physical intimacy is taboo. We are alone and confused, because we are disconnected from each other. Sex is nature's way of unifying a species, of sharing ourselves with others, instead of hiding behind oppressive modesty.
The girl doesn't wanna come onto the guy 'cause she doesn't wanna seem like slut. The boy doesn't come onto a girl 'cause he doesn't it to seem like sex is all he cares about.
Both wanna fuck, but both have 'social values' opressing their urge (nice girls sleep with boys only after they're 'commited', real men have to win the girl's heart by impressing her with bullshit). Sex is the honest and complete sharing of an experience, it is primal freedom! The falsity of courtship and the politics of 'sexual values' degrade it into a headache.
By Bishop on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 05:19 am:
This is Bishop signing off... Its been fun and frustrating. I'll never visit this board again as its to scattered and confused. There can be no real answers found here regarding the Incunabula or Ong's Hat (too many people "think" they know what there talking about). There are however other more accurate and less "flakey" information sources. You need only drop your preconceptions and think with a more rational mind to find them.
Thanks for responding but no thanks. Your like talking to a fucking robot. The only answers you have are in a lecture format and Im not one to be lectured too. Wake up! and stop limiting yourself to what you think you know and try to have a more open mind, allowing more possibilities than the ones you think you know about.
Dont bother responding to this as I wont frequent this board ever again. And I wont hear your witty and opinionated retort.
Whats with the Rap shit anyways? Hardley seems to touch on the Incunabula...Whatever
Good luck on your journey for the truth...
BISHOP is nowhere...
By plant on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 05:23 am:
bishop is IGNORANT
By Anonymous on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 11:31 am:
very ignorant.....what he needs is to talk to a robot and he does not find one here so he will look elsewhere...
By Octopus De Sade on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 12:29 pm:
Da da da... Another one bites the dust!
Ye wanna know the truth about sex in America?
Ask Dr. Octopus.
He has all the pointers.
Or take a lill' trip down to the nastiest, dirtiest porno shop in your local skid-row district and ask about in house 'specialties'.
Amerikkka is far more fun than some folks can handle!
By lukeman13 on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 08:35 am:
let's see a quick review of all my other posts (which respond to comments by q, plant and maybe bishop)
i haven't been to church in quite awhile, for various reasons.
whatever problems you might be experiencing, get yerself a bible and start reading...and don't worry about what anyone else says.
primal freedom? what kind of bullsnot is that? what happens when the boy, who is an irresponsible jerk, leaves her as soon as he realizes he can't handle the responsiblity of raising a child? in some cases, she goes on welfare.
or in my case, the mother leaves the father of her son, leaving him with the responsibility of raising the kid. (my dad and me, 28 years ago)
nothing is free. there is always a price.
the "wilding" incidents have been happening in nyc for at least 10 years. the rape of the central park jogger, and several other cases. fox news had a story on it on saturday night. detailing various incidents.
mostly it has been black and hispanic teens. and about the incident last weekend, nyc cops apparently have at least one more tape that may detail a rape.
what the cops should have done is gone in there and just started beating the men with nightclubs, who they witnessed assualting women.
many people didn't like it when cops down south did that to protesters in the 60's. water cannons 'n all.
and q, i've said 1 or 2 things toward nomad that i regret. but i don't recall questioning his intelligence. if you can't come up with a decent argument refuting what someone else has said, you resort to personal attacks. like calling someone a bigot (typical liberal comment). or the 47th chromosome party (al gore's comment about the republicans, which made fun of mentally retarded people, who have no control over what happened to them).
By Octopus on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 10:46 am:
Please, please.. Stop your drivel.
I like Deoxy. It's a good home for a guy like me. Open minded folks about (good nutricious food)
But chewing on your brains is like trying to gnaw on an old shoe.
Take some acids, man.
By lukeman13 on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 11:28 am:
i know...not trying to drag this out.
By Octopus on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 11:42 am:
They why even bother?
Don't you know the first rule of sales? You need a captive audience. You need to know your buyers, and I can pretty much guarantee that nobody here on deoxy will buy anything you gotta sell..
Now... Me, on the other hand, I'm all ID, and that's okay. People will buy ID stuff if their life depends on it, because it's a primal urge.
Sooooo.... Luk duk. You're the lame-duk candidate for deoxy's evil Genius elections... Buchannan wanna bees like you are Legion, but there is only ONE Octopusmeister!
By lukeman13 on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 11:54 am:
hey people ask me about something i'll answer...
but i can almost guaruntee someone (my bad spelling) is listening, i mean reading...a lot of people post, so a lot more are reading...the law of averages 'n all that.
still, i don't post very much, what you say is true.
however, at the rate things are going in the u.s. and the world, someday soon, we won't be allowed to have this discussion...the christians and jews won't be the only ones locked me on that one...
By plant on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 01:27 pm:
All I wanna do is get to heaven!
Lukeman, in all seriousness, tell me how to get to heaven. Oh, I want it so
By mooncat on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 01:41 pm:
I think that may be what the Incunnabula papers are about, The papers claim to have roots in the late 70's early 80's as far as the supposed work at Ong's Hat is concerned, I saw something in 1988. SO if there is a way to escape the coming mess for the elites (the Aviary/secret govt supposedly have Montauk tech... the hippies use Tantra) the rest of us sit here waiting for them to do the takeover thing, put power control Idento/destructo chips into our brains and ship us off to the FEMA slavelabor deathcamps in Nevada.
And listen to the Xtians blather about how wonderful it is with "Armageddon Douchebag Blowemup The Great Holy HOLY HOLIER than Thou War" just around the corner.
Meanwhile, the govt has undoubtably been building a new "Greenbriar" over there for themselves, and the hippies are busy colonizing their worlds (when theyre not too busy eatin shrooms and fucking in great big piles of warm squirming bodies) 12 years or thereabouts theyve both had for colony building, and supply runs.
My question is: Why now should EITHER side jeopardize their operations (especially since theyre enemies, or at least competitors) by releasing ANY INFO, sensible thing would be to just do it and leave the rest of us all to rot.
Maybe Matheney, Herbert, Wilson, Zell and the rest of them need the money from the booksales to buy supplies for the colony... after all they arent funded by the "Black Crack Budget" like the CIA boys at Montauk.
And what is the connection between the "vampyre" groups and the travel cults or the govt. This connection has been reported to exist re: Montauk and other "black ops" related groups including Michael Aquino's Temple of Set. I've been told vamps have somewhat of an innate travel capability.
If it wasn't for what i saw at PSG1988 I woulda disregarded the whole thing.
By lukeman13 on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 03:50 pm:
mooncat, chect out these sites:
this one dropped a few sites i liked, like "bert is evil", which is pretty funny...
By Octo Dracul on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 04:31 pm:
From the temple of set.. Rune guild... Any of the black-magick groups sprouting in and around the greater US of A and it's European Colonies, Germany, UK and Fance...
I've heard from good sources that those boys are Nazis by any other name.
So maybe Nazis are not so bad this time around!
By Stseamonelmo on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 07:05 pm:
i have no illusions about my being robotized. we're all robots, living out our lives according to programs. my hope is that occasionally at least, i am the one doing the programming. from my conversations with friends (in the flesh, not digital), they seem to think i have come furthur in such a quest than they have. or so i perceive.
i do lecture. i think it to be a product of my education. formal education in this country consists of a figure of authority lecturing on what they believe to be "true" and all the little serfs taking notes on these words from on high. now i've broken out of this set enough to know it is not the end all of existence, but...
early conditioning remains hard to shake. plus, i've found that (for me at least) trying to talk to people allowing for the ambiguities you perceive (ie not speaking with a tone of authority or certainty) nothing really gets said. hem and haw gsnort...uh, um, kinda like... so, I take the position of gonzo journalism. objectivity thru ultimate subjectivity. if there can be no "objective" truth (as any perceptual framework destroys such a notion), report honestly from whatever framework you have managed to build for yourself. and do so fearlessly. if someone else doesn't like it, their loss - of one more piece to the puzzle which is never "solved". a good answer raises more questions. a true initiation is never complete.
how many stumble onto this discussion with no comprehension of the most basic premises?
- St. Seamon Elmo
By jingbad on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 08:20 pm:
...ya ya ya...i have seen the light, and it was
all fuzzy and funny, and sometimes it talks in
metaphorical gibberish only i can't understand, but i nod my head, and pretend like i know what
the hell just happened, and hope the empite state
didn't just shoot into the sky like a rocket, well
i wouldn't want to be one of the people enjoying
the view and suddenly i am catapulted into orbit,
might make yr power lunch come up and your wall street journal fly around the room, but sex would be an interesting proposition, 'madam as the entire building just left it's foundations behind
and we are about to leave the earth's atmosphere,
and as i have no idea if we will disintegrate in the next few moments, would you kindly bend over this railing here'....ah well' life is a subjective object at best, and at worst it's an
objective subject, might as well slow down, and enjoy the view, my what interesting wall paper
a collage of life magazines, with randon cuttings
from Naked Lunch....boy that Bishop guy was dull,
his rap on Crowley was so hackneyed, i mean if
you look at the body of works that he left us, why
dwell on the sensationalized, sensationalisem about him, who cares if he was a bit mad, arn't
we all, we need to air out our airs now and then,
i am a bit clumsy about it, but you know that's
why A.C. emphaticaly stated 'don't take my word for it'
go out and reconstruct it for yourselves...
" All death and all life, and all reigns and ruins, drop through me as sand"
Crowley wrote that was BAAAAD!!!
By jingbad on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 08:44 pm:
...see even my mispellings have random meaningless
meanings...sometimes when i am writing something
and i make a mistake, i decide the mistake, is the real thing that needs to be said...kinda of breaks up the monotany,of my dis discourse, a blip on the screen of nothingness we call reality...a de'ja' vu, vu la vu...time travel, time babalon...time warp...time woof...arf arf arf...
reminds me of what F.Z. said..."VARMINTS"....
By mooncat on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 08:08 am:
I'm not saying Crowley was bad, crazy probably but anybody involved in Magick understands the risks. He did leave a LOT of useful material.
I guess what bothers me is why now does the Ong's Hat material surface, books like "Alternate Dimensions" or "Quantum Tantra" are the sorta things that will ruin your career in modern physics so what does Nick Herbert have to gain by being involved. Matheney was homeless so anything that makes him $$$ is a plus. Robert Anton Wilson is undoubtably in it for the bux and to revive his flagging career as an "author" (sarcastic quotes intended). WHY now are the conspirators being so open about it. It would seem to be a better course of action (and more typical of elite groups) to simply get on with it in secrecy and just let the rest of us screw ourselves into the ground, disclosure creates vulnerability. The more who know who aren't going to get to go...
Remember the movie from the 50's where the elite group is building a rocket to escape Earth's impending collision...
By jingbad on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 08:48 am:
ok...mooncat bro! is my moment by moment take on your take, on something that has so much
spin, myth making, sensation, weirdness, layers of absurdity, conspiracy theory al'a mode, hype, ect.
ect. that the more you try to figure it out, the more it will elude you...on one hand, and on the other, you are getting deeper and deeper in the real shit...but what IS that shit...TIME is a bottemless pit, time is everywhere and nowhere, so where is it?...R.A.W. makes money, but he has done a lot of good, so what is your problem with him?
i don't know about the rest, because i have been coming at this thing from another direction...but
i have been coming at it, get me mooncat, do you hear what i am saying?...i have been in the santa crux vortex...i don't know to this day what happened but, i servived, i servived to go to join the O.T.O.and submerge myself in ritual for three solid years, and left because of bullshit politics, i have seen the undead of santa
cruz streets, my poet friend, lost it, i could not help him, the last time i saw him he was standing on a corner by the herb room, having several different conversations with himselves, i still have vary vivid dreams about him, like he is communicating with me, like we are living in a different time slot, like we are still poet buddies, charting
poetic universes, but i servived the vortex, he
split up into many different pieces, why him and not me?...mooncat are you still in the CRUZ cuz
i would like to know about your continueing saga,
because that's what it is, your a bit broken up...
but you are intact, that is a victory, don't write
me off just because i don't talk the same exact language...i have a part of the puzzel, you do
perhaps we can share some experiances, perhaps
we can fit together some poetic maps to the Gulag
demon ride in the center of the dream carnival of time...perhaps we are standing on a cliff overlooking the time machine disney land of eternity....El Dorado Hotel...mooncat keep free forever!!!
By Octopus Eagle on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 - 11:18 am:
Welcome to the Hotel Kalifornia.
Such a lonely place.
Such a great disgrace!
We're living it up in the HOtel Kalifornia...
Every time of year!
Everyone's so Queer!
By mooncat on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 04:36 pm:
No, I'm now at a safe distance from the phenomenon. But I've seen what the place does and barely survived the experience. Not only did I meet the undead but... I was bitten.
Wilson to me seems the classic "Yuppie Sellout" he coulda/shoulda been a stockbroker or better yet a commodities trader.
Me I HAD to dissappear and I've lost contact with anybody that would likely still be there.
But something sure as hell happened. Maybe they should just fence the whole region off...
By Octopus on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 04:41 pm:
No! Not fence it off!!
Let's EXPAND IT... Let the whole world become Southern California.
The City of Lost Angels will then RULE THE WORLD!!!
(courtesy of bad movies and worse t.v.)
Planet Hollywood, anyone?
By plant on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 06:54 pm:
the galactic empire of beverly hills
with perfectly manicured stormtroopers
poodles for killer assult squads
but wait, the camouflage nail-polish doesn't match my combat golf shirt...
Put the invasion on hold, I gotta consult my psychic
By Octopus Cop on Friday, June 23, 2000 - 12:40 pm:
I have seen the master race.
They all have 90211 zip codes.
Barbi Dolls have taken over the world!
They broke down the 'ugly' factor, genetically altering mankind so that we are all homogenically beautiful, regardless of race, national origin, political affiliation...
There is a cure for this Barbi dis-ease...
Give me Donuts or Give me hell.
By jingbad on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 06:30 am: about donut helll
on earth...?
By Max on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 01:01 am:
Your own go to the word and want to what the anyway
in his own what the hard enough to what a home move
to often author from the and I'm sensitive a' the time
in the ninth and 137,000 doughnuts move and other fun and
said that you other fun side of anything to the fifth over the
Four to a side and one in the middle.
Can button is to afflict and assume affection a record number of the night that in home okay.
Allow whom you can get to support it. What you do what the day likes.
Not half all I'm doing is vowing sounds to the microphone.
Know what he thought I was
They tried to tell me
Who I am.
I'm not that I am not that
High can never be that you are mistaken stucco
Like some fortuitous pudding in a bear plane
To the Phoenicians, who came and corrected us.
Some editing like the way it had involved.
Professor in the carpets.
The dumbbell fell on like a dumbbell with his nose broken twice knows.
Meekly Templeton and that little raft.
There is no way I can make it to the island. But I can make it to the shore. To where the waves break scope in proportion.
it was then that he realized
would provide anonymity to those who needed it
fuck the reality testing, the bullshit, the "characters", and high mayhem. People want information without having to give up their identities. When you buy, use cash...when you research use
By jungbad on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 04:46 am:
max?...who the donut heck?
little internal
dialogue with
diary distance
Liliputan voice
to itself
carried around
in childhood lost
paradise eviction
but first numbers
seen in fixed stars
long ago inky night
those foot lose old salts
knew a sea serpent or two
By Anonymous on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 07:23 pm:
By Anonymous on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 07:27 pm:
By lukeman13 on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 07:38 pm:
what is this crap?
put it in english, for crying out loud !!!
By Klyph on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 10:51 pm:
Luke, what do you care? Even if it was spelled out for you, you'd deny it. That's the devolution of your particular situation...denial!
By q on Thursday, June 29, 2000 - 10:53 pm:
It would be greek to you anyway Lukey....
By lukeman13 on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 09:25 am:
more examples of close mindedness...on your part.
stereotyping others based on their religion.
locally, in my life, a couple of homos get perterbed at me when i do this imitation of how some people like that talk, mannerisms and so on.
but it's a joke. not meant to be personal.
then you and people like you turn around and do the same thing, you get upset at me.
snl, various morning radio shows, howard stern, imus...the jokes are everywhere. i can deal with it. you can't, if it's about you and your corner of the world.
By Klyph on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 10:02 am:
Well you don't have to be so deffensive if you're so dambed sure of you?
By lukeman13 on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 10:48 am:
i'm not here for support. i'm here for (i already reviewed that)...
i'm one the nicest people you'll ever meet.
i can discuss anything without getting all worked up.
i'm reasonable, easy to get along with, and i try not to stereotype people.
so what's the problem?
By Klyph on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 11:00 am:
Please stop baiting me. It's tiresoma. Thank you.
By Anonymous on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 07:12 pm:
The following report is based on observations which were made only 20 years ago in Tibet. I have this report from civil engineer and flight manager, Henry Kjelson, a friend of mine. He later on included this report in his book The Lost Techniques.
This is his report: A Swedish doctor, Dr Jarl, a friend of Kjelsons, studied at Oxford. During those times he became friends with a young Tibetan student. A couple of years later, it was 1939, Dr Jarl made a journey to Egypt for the English Scientific Society. There he was seen by a messenger of his Tibetan friend, and urgently requested to come to Tibet to treat a high Lama. After Dr Jarl got the leave he followed the messenger and arrived after a long journey by plane and Yak caravans, at the monastery, where the old Lama and his friend who was now holding a high position were now living.
Dr Jarl stayed there for some time, and because of his friendship with the Tibetans he learned a lot of things that other foreigners had no chance to hear about, or observe.
One day his friend took him to a place in the neighborhood of the monastery and showed him a sloping meadow which was surrounded in the north west by high cliffs. In one of the rock walls, at a height of about 250 metres was a big hole which looked like the entrance to a cave. In front of this hole there was a platform on which the monks were building a rock wall. The only access to this platform was from the top of the cliff and the monks lowered themselves down with the help of ropes.
In the middle of the meadow. about 250 metres from the cliff, was a polished slab of rock with a bowl like cavity in the centre. The bowl had a diameter of one metre and a depth of 15 centimeters. A block of stone was manoeuvred into this cavity by Yak oxen. The block was one metre wide and one and one-half metres long. Then 19 musical instruments were set in an arc of 90 degrees at a distance of 63 metres from the stone slab. The radius of 63 metres was measured out accurately. The musical instruments consisted of 13 drums and six trumpets. (Ragdons). Eight drums had a cross-section of one metre, and a length of one and one- half metres. Four drums were medium size with a cross-section of 0.7 metre and a length of one metre. The only small drum had a cross-section of 0.2 metres and a length of 0.3 metres. All the trumpets were the same size. They had a length of 3.12 metres and an opening of 0.3 metres. The big drums and all the trumpets were fixed on mounts which could be adjusted with staffs in the direction of the slab of stone. The big drums were made of 3mm thick sheet iron, and had a weight of 150 kg. They were built in five sections. All the drums were open at one end, while the other end had a bottom of metal, on which the monks beat with big leather clubs. Behind each instrument was a row of monks. When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After three minutes of ascent it landed on the platform.
Continuously they brought new blocks to the meadow, and the monks using this method, transported 5 to 6 blocks per hour on a parabolic flight track approximately 500 metres long and 250 metres high. From time to time a stone split, and the monks moved the split stones away. Quite an unbelievable task. Dr Jarl knew about the hurling of the stones. Tibetan experts like Linaver, Spalding and Huc had spoken about it, but they had never seen it. So Dr Jarl was the first foreigner who had the opportunity to see this remarkable spectacle. Because he had the opinion in the beginning that he was the victim of mass-psychosis he made two films of the incident. The films showed exactly the same things that he had witnessed.
The English Society for which Dr Jarl was working confiscated the two films and declared them classified. They will not be released until 1990. This action is rather hard to explain, or understand.
The fact that the films were immediately classified is not very hard to understand once the given measurements are transposed into their geometric equivalents. It then becomes evident that the monks in Tibet are fully conversant with the laws governing the structure of matter, which the scientists in the modern day western world are now frantically exploring. It appears, from the calculations, that the prayers being chanted by the monks did not have any direct bearing on the fact that the stones were levitated from the ground. The reaction was not initiated by the religious fervour of the group, but by the superior scientific knowledge held by the high priests. The secret is in the geometric placement of the musical instruments in relation to the stones to be levitated, and the harmonic tuning of the drums and trumpets. The combined loud chanting of the priests, using their voices at a certain pitch and rhythm most probably adds to the combined effect, but the subject matter of the chant, I believe, would be of no consequence. The sound waves being generated by the combination were directed in such a way that an anti-gravitational effect was created at the centre of focus (position of the stones) and around the periphery, or the arc, of a third of a circle through which the stones moved. If we analyse the diagram published with the original article, then compare it with the modified diagram, we become aware of the following coordinates, and the implications, when compared with my previously published works.
The distance between the stone block and the central pivot of the drum supports is shown as 63 metres. The large drums were said to be one and one half metres long, so the distance from the block to the rear face of each drum could be close to 63.75 metres considering that the pivot point would be near the centre of balance. My theoretical analysis, by calculator, indicates that the exact distance would be 63.7079 metres for the optimum harmonic reaction. I believe that there is not much doubt that the Tibetans had possession of the secrets relating to the geometric structure of matter, and the methods of' manipulating the harmonic values, but if we can grasp the mathematical theory behind the incident, and extend the application, then an even more fascinating idea presents itself.
In my last book I mentioned the flying machines described in ancient records, that flew through the air with a melodious sound, and theorised that the sonic apparatus was tuned to the hal-monic unified equations.
Now the Tibetans have given us a direct indication of how to construct a sonic propelled anti-gravitational flying machine. All that is necessary is to complete the circle of sonic generators, indicated by the drums, trumpets, etc., and we have a disc which creates an anti-gravitational lifting force at the centre. From this it would appear that a vehicle could be constructed that would resonate at frequencies in sympathy with the unified fields demonstrated throughout this work.
Ville V Walveranta (
By lukeman13 on Saturday, July 1, 2000 - 10:22 am:
well, sratch my back with a hacksaw...
awhile back i put up a link to t.b. pawels site in which he talks about subject matter related to this. but it was pretty much ignored or dismissed by others who were posting here at that time.
free energy, using the pyramids to communicate around the world, and so on...
too much of an education (our modern version of an "education") is a bad thing, i think...sometimes...
By Octopus on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 01:46 pm:
So, it would seem with all these Tibbetans we're back to Donuts.
Donuts, you see, dear children, have a message from God hidden inside the hole.
Lukko... I sure wish everybody like you would simply die... But then again, I kinda would like it if those pesky monks died too! And while we're at it, girlscouts, movie stars, veterinarians, drug-fiends, pregnant mothers, fathers, pizza delivery boys, undertakers and all kinds of butterfly afficionados!
But that's another story for anoter time. I've had a chance to play around with those crazy Tibettans! Wow! Those boys know how to SING!
Music, my friends (and dance) is the secret.
Music to the eyes.
By Anonymous on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 09:56 pm:
The tibetan monk story is interesting, but how does launching rocks into the air relate to incunabula? Are we supposed to infer that because the monks may have mastered a form of antigravity (although it seems more like some type of propulsion to me, whatever the source) that they have the capability to move between dimensions? Less than a week ago, I watched a science documentary on Discovery where scientists used a magnetic field to neutralize gravity on a grasshopper. This certainly doesn't mean they have the capability to warp over to, say, Java 2, or even that they suspect that such a place might exist.
Having played devil's advocate, I do believe that if the story is true, it could potentially provide another tool in the quest for pathways to parallel universes. Perhaps we could use sound waves to modulate magnetic fields that in turn could open a door in spacetime without the drastic repercussions associated with your average black hole. Hmmm.
By lukeman13 on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 07:53 am:
anon, they altered the magnetic field to do that. important stuff, which we don't here about from any of the mainstream scientists or media.
after all, if we can have that much control over our world, with technology that's been around for at least 3000 years, how can the powers that be make any $ ???
i'm not sure what incubala means, don't feel like taking the time to read the papers on that.
i just understand the basics of the science of what the monks did what they did.
By Spider on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 11:01 am:
'I don't feel like taking the time to read the papers on that' and yet you post on this specific topic.
Interesting character trait mein freund.
By lukeman13 on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 11:15 am:
i will, me a jerk (or whatever your favorite negative name is) until then...
By Spider on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 11:19 am:
I have such much more...
'creative' terms for you.
When my omnipotent powers kick in, your suffering shall be legendary!
By lukeman13 on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 11:23 am:
...besides, it wasn't intended as a nasty comment...just another one of those things...not a big're cool with me, i think...
By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 01:27 pm:
Some time ago, shortly after discovering the original site and the incunabula pages, someone new came into my life. Being preoccupied with work and other matters as well as this new person, my attention turned elsewhere for a couple of years. Recently, my interest in the incunabula papers reawakened, fueled in part by a number of unusual coincidences that have occurred within the last several months. Since then, that new person in my life (no longer new now, of course) has been the cause of an increasing number of downright odd events.
Generally, I subscribe to the principle of Occam's Razor - namely, that the simplest explanation for any given scenario is usually the correct one. Now I begin to wonder.
Others have opined that various conspiracies exist. The incunabula papers themselves suggest that at least two opposing factions have achieved this travel between dimensions. It seems unlikely that either faction has an interest in anybody else finding out about their exploits (Matheney, the mythical Emory Cranston and others notwithstanding), since the unwashed masses are as yet unworthy of this gift and probably never will be.
My question would be whether those of us who have an interest in this subject and who tend to explore it in a more scientific - as opposed to chemically induced - fashion have caught the attention of one or both of these factions. I hazard a guess that perhaps this could be the original source of the new person in my life, as well some of the unusual events happening lately. Or maybe I'm just a paranoid in need of serious therapy and medication.
How about you? Anything strange happen to you lately? Careful how you answer, you might be under scrutiny even now.
By Octopus on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 02:49 pm:
Well, there's this whole 11:11 thing happening.
Notice the time on your clocks?
Always SOMETHING happening at 11:11.
THere is a little booklet by some Luciferic self-publisher which states that 11 is a key number to understand the secrets of 'the machine' a device which will allow for an inter-dimentional opening between 'hell' and us.
But just what the hell is hell
By lukeman13 on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 07:26 pm:
well anon, my god told me not to worry about squat.
having said that, if you suspect someone is after you, but it's not that person...but someone else is...are you paranoid, or are your fears realistic?
there is a former u.s. gov't employee who i know of...he occasionally jokes about having worked for "agencies that don't exist". which he implied, in a very roundabout way, may have been up to some shady activities (then again, maybe he's joking).
because in a court of law, if it's not written down, you can't prove it. so how how do you prove that said agency broke one or more laws, if you can't prove the agency even exists?
my favorite logic that he said concerned the cia. i said, well the cia ran drugs through arkansas while slick willie was gov. and george bush was vice pres. he said, well the cia couldn't have done that, because they don't exist, per se. there is an agency that calls itself that, but do we really know what it does? really screwy logic
, designed to throw off even the smartest among us (like myself) so that we don't know what to say next.
i'm 31, never having gotten any closer to top secret papers than them laying on the bridge desks of my ships, and even they only pertained to the current operations we were involved in. if you don't have the "need to know", then you don't find out.
we, of course would include members of congress (bob barr, for example) who would like to reign these guys in, and make them behave.
his reasoning ability had been screwed with anyway. i observed this, and came to the conclusion that all those years of woring for "agencies that don't exist" and the knowledge he accumulated had messed up his mind.
but even you could be working for "agencies that don't exist", sniffing for people smart enough to look, or know where to look, or whatever they would have told you to look for...
"people think i'm insane because i am frowning all the time"...ozzy/black sabbath
By Octopus on Wednesday, July 5, 2000 - 08:31 pm:
Good, lukko... Now all that misses in your rants is ZOG.. (Zionist Occupation Government), the bilderbergers, the rockefellers, the rothchilds (I actually met one in london on business, very nice chap, he had really sharp teeth) the trilaterlal comission...
who did i miss?
albino alligators in the sewers of NYC?
By lukeman13 on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 08:53 am:
sharp teeth, huh...(you make the joke here, i can't think of one just now)
By Anonymous on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 09:50 am:
Maybe it's paranoia, maybe I'm just messing with my own mind, who knows? Perhaps a red flag has been raised somewhere, and myself and anybody else discovered to be contributing to this forum are scheduled for annihilation, or more likely, the mysterious groups or people who may have something to hide plant red herrings that lead to dead ends (that's the sneaky way to do it, you know). In any event, this forum seems to be long on speculation, fragmented poetry and mystical ramblings, but short on practical knowledge, so my guess is that if anybody is in fact monitoring the discussion, they'll find little to be concerned about. Probably better that way, since it would be a fairly trivial task to uncover the real identities of those who post here.
By Messenger on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 10:15 am:
i believe you missed the masons, not to mention lost atlantis. and those pesky transdimensional elves. curse them.
By Octopus on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 10:54 am:
Well, for all who don't know me yet: My name is Robin. I live in North Hollywood, and as the song said:
Whose afraid of the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf...
By Messenger on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 10:55 am:
some reading material for those of speculative disbelief: as listed in the incunabula catalog: "Creative Imagination in the Sufism of ibn'Arabi", by Henry Corbin.
it's about as useful as it gets; creative not as in ingenious or original, but as in the act of creating. ibn'Arabi had some funny ideas about angels and their physical/emotional/imaginative reality. explains where the whole thing is coming from; conspiracies aside.
other than that, the whole catalog is schlock. the pieces by Nick Herbert are interesting and well-written accounts of physical reality, but pay negligible attention to the Everett-Wheeler hypotheses. the scientific discussion of these very hypotheses within the catalog/informational-sites is uninformed, and leads one to believe that the authors of said works had never truly read/understood the books in the first place. what chaos mathematics have to do with the whole shebang is negligible as well, the combination of chaos and the ultimate in order (a division of reality into little pockets of speculative existance) is oxymoronic at best.
unless of course, the Everett-Wheeler hypotheses are only a sign-post of sorts, but i consider that highly unlikely.
By lukeman13 on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 11:08 am:
if you pay attention to my posts over the last several months (a few in particular) you can figure out exactly where i live, who i am, etc....
if god can be for me, who can be against me?
By jinngbadcatdoor on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 12:17 pm:
...i posted about Ibn 'Aradi and The Creative
Imagination, more then once and knowone commented
there on, i figure if you haven't read Ibn...then
you haven't been!!!...THERE!
By Messenger on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 12:26 pm:
i hate to get into semantics, but ibn is the prefix to the sur-name Arabi, it only means "son of."
but yes, if one hasn't read it, one is missing the point.
By jinngcatbadoor on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 01:00 pm:
...ibn told; Muhyiddin
By Messenger on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 02:06 pm:
my apologies. i am extraordinarily dense today.
By plant on Friday, July 7, 2000 - 12:03 pm:
'if God can be for me?' lukie...
for ME? all to myself? my own, personal, GOD?
Where do I sign up?
what, just listen to that little voice in my head?
little voice
little voice
oh why can't you give me a little choice...
so kiddies, ya wanna find... stuff?
See, I was thinking
all human fear throughout history has been misplaced
always anxious about suffering, helll, lies, death, dark, evvil n' all that shit...
afraid to be powerless, to be controlled...
always trying to reach heaven, God, purity,
But let's go over to elementary universal truth #1:
it's all one
so why still fear anything?
weeeeell.... if anything is everything, then the only uncertainty is me, 'cause something smells of finity in this infinate void...
but I'd rather not dwell on that, 'cause after all ME is the most important thing to me...
and 'I' cause no suffering, right?
poor me only receives pain
never creates it...
so I can fear and hate anything but myself...
cuz ah'm just a victim of the universe...
But I AM GOD, and any kind of universal common sense says so...
so...what does God fear?
cause being God does not guarantee that one can handle the realization of being God
so... what about those funky inkkkanabula folks?
we all hope
wouldn't it be cool, if true
all the shit, conspiracies, interdimensional adventure... I wannit! I wannit! I wannit!
are you suuuuuuure?
the world seems pretty safe n' all right
are you sure you don't want to raise a family instead
get a dose of comfort in a slice of suburbia?
c'mon, you'll miss it once it's gone...
Incanabubble may not be literally fact
but the essence behind it is more truth than a microwave dinner
(well duh, say the acidheads)
but this essence...
once you admit its possible...
its already true.
'cause anything is possible after all
the only question is:
'what's your reaction to strange things?'
By Octopus on Friday, July 7, 2000 - 01:34 pm:
Mah reaction to strange things is to put my pee pee in em..
Or I can also put them in mah bee- hind.
By lukeman13 on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 06:07 pm:
plant, it's pretty simple.
just a rather simple belief, no need to complicate it. like you (might) do with your religion, or politics, or whatever else in your life...
By octopus on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 06:12 pm:
I thought for a while that we had finally gotten rid of you lulu.. What brings you back to deoxy? You a little S&M bitch who likes verbal abuse? Is that it?
I got it.. You like to be humiliated.. What a bitch! Hehehehe.. I like you lulu.. stick around. We'll dish it out nice an' fat for you.
Pucker up, boys.. Lulu is back!
Sis, in this case I'm just trying to get rid of the riff-raff so I can focus my attention on writing you love poems on this board.
By plant on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 06:23 pm:
simple minds like simple things, lukie
By lukeman13 on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 06:29 pm:
wow, plant, that's pretty long did it take you to dream it up?
and you accuse me of copying someone else's ideas, or their religion...
octo...words, that's all this is...
By Octopus on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 07:02 pm:
Your feet are a little like lotus flowers, except I have a hard time remembering flowers.. All I remember are your feet.
Perfect little fingernails. The soft touch of the palms of your feet, tickle, tickle..
I know this is funny, but I would lie under your feet for all eternity and still love your feet.
By plant on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 08:48 pm:
your 'simple belief' comes from the hope that its better to trust than to question. that's you, its okay...
but I am not trying to 'complicate things'. If my post seemed complicated, it is only because you didn't understand it.
did you?
By lukeman13 on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 08:57 am:
yes plant, i understand where you are coming from, i think.
i was hoping you were the type to rise above petty name calling and so forth. and have an intelligent discussion about politics or religion or social issues or whatever...anything.
By octopus on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 10:34 am:
The voices keep saying things, but frankly I don't care any more. I am writing for you and you alone. I am making the ties that bind us into an endless river, reaching out with each breath, each thought, each eyeblink...
It is slightly terrifying to think that now it is really only you an me inside here.
But it is also exciting! There is very little we can't do now. Immortality is just around the corner.
By lukeman13 on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 11:29 am:
By lukeman13 on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 11:34 am:
"An audience of the converted is no challenge."
hence my presence here...
By Anonymous on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 01:11 pm:
Lukeman, (and all the rest)
Wouldn't it make more sense to start a new topic and take this conversation there?
In other words: "Take your silly ass problems outside"
Some of us monitor this board for new information concerning THE TOPIC.
Yes, yes, I know. Let a thousand flowers bloom. I couldn't agree more, but this squabble that you foist upon us is old, tired, and a tad boring.
It's also gonna go NO WHERE and everyone but Lukey knows it.
Yes, cat and mouse with the "company man" is fun...for a while. Then it's more fun to just IGNORE AUTHORITY.
By plant on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 02:55 pm:
Sis and Octo,
by doing this....
so early on....
this isolation...
you will fail...
there's twelve more years to go, baby
and you are already trying to seperate yourself
ignore the rest
ignore the rest
the rest is still bigger than you and you
and it will begin to hate you
there is still time
and time doesn't like to be rushed
yeah, I'm nothing
but you're not something yet
and you can loose it all
if you rush to your false center
By octopus on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 - 03:30 pm:
I hear distant thunder.
12 years are passing. Have passed. Will be passing.
12 years. 12 dances. 12 stories.
Mama is comming, sis... Mama will make it right. She will take away our tears, and mend all the broken bones in our bodies.. Don't be afraid. Just think of me as little Hansel and you little Grettel and this is just the dark period in the woods, walking into the candyhouse of the evil witch.
Don't be afraid, sis... We've done this before. We will do it again. We are doing it now. Hear the thunder, and cover your ears if you have to, but hold on to my hand, feel my touch on your back. Listen to the silence of my voice...
As you read these words, you'll understand, you'll dream what I dream... Time is on our side, sis... Sis... We ARE TIME.
By lukeman13 on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 - 11:53 am:
i apoligize for putting that here.
i should have put it under "fun with christians"
By Anonymous on Thursday, July 13, 2000 - 08:53 pm:
By Anonymous on Thursday, July 13, 2000 - 10:10 pm:
By lukeman13 on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 09:44 am:
NOMAD !!! the solution to yer problems with "dogma !!!
so we can't contol you with our brainwashing !!!
seriously, thanks for the sites.
By Octopus on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 10:41 am:
I grow tired of the people on this board. But my message MUST get to you, and this is the correct pathway. Please forgive them, for they know not what they say.
By Anonymous on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 05:51 pm:
By Anonymous on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 05:53 pm:
Material from a coronal mass ejection on July 11th [170 kb SOHO animation] could arrive in the neighborhood of our planet on July 14th. Also, this morning's CME is expected to reach Earth by July 15th or 16th. High geomagnetic activity is expected to persist for 24 to 48 hours
By Octopus on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 08:31 pm:
I like the last posts.. Somebody actually sharing useful information with the little antsy pansty people...
Much better than all the emotional baggage that has been dished out lately on deoxy.
Now, I'm not feeling particularly inspired today, but I just wanted to remind you that every day, every hour, every breath.
You're in my heart.
By jinngbadcatdoor on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 02:22 am:
...octo you are such a little phony asshole...
all you do is suck energy...and then you dish out
your cowardly insults about emotional baggage...when that is ALL you do...!!!
you are just like luke man...on the same egocentric sound just like him!!!
the same assinine arrogance...!
why don't you shut the fuck little cowardly prick!...fucking cripto-fascist!!
pyschic chicken shit to do anything
but spew psycho-slime Shit in Slime..SIS
By jinngbadcatdoor on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 08:55 am: this the way it will go?
because never fear it will go...oh and
by the way i desecrate, i ritualy burn your
evol diz-gusting, dispicable little phony's about time you learned
how to laught from yr belly...
By Octopus on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 11:14 am:
The inquisition is alive it well, it would seem.
But as winston churchill once said:
Never, never, never give up.
By lukeman13 on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 01:33 pm:
octo, this is getting old, your obsession, very unhealty on all levels...but anything that gets nom-er all riled up is sort of ok with me...
by the way, where is spider? you didn't chain her up in the basement, did you?
By plant on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 04:52 pm:
Octo has created his own little game,
and that makes him feel special.
He is getting attention,
and that makes him feel special.
He has the power to make people frustrated and angry,
and that makes him feel special.
Octo, sweetie, you are special,
and you don't need to talk to pretty symbols of your own uniqueness, to prove that fact. Your schitzopphrenik game is beautiful, but the symbol of Sis is too dominating and exclusive for you to realize your true potential.
Everytime you try to describe her beauty, you will fall short.
Everytime you describe the future, you trivialize it.
The real SIS does not need to be talked to, described or talked about. Its nature will stay the same no matter what you say about it.
the sooner you eat your symbols.... mmmmmmm, you can already smell the main course...
By jinngbadcatdoor on Saturday, July 15, 2000 - 06:46 pm:
...Winston Churchill...was bipolar also...
...really lulu, any cowardly racist bigot
like you should be riled up! else
you going to be a good little
loves you, now go out and oppress, oppress
oppress, maybe octoon will join you, when his will
has been completly vacuumed up by his id...his
Shit in Slime...SIS, just remove the I and you get
SS....octoon octoon of the SS
By Octopus on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 12:46 am:
If you listen to them. You will hear, soothing words, clearly pointing to something grand.
Why should I give you up?
What is this grand plan?
That I don't feel quite invited?
By Anonymous on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 01:43 pm:
They claim that they will provide a "direct web link to earth 2 colonist network"!
By lukeman13 on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 05:57 pm:
nom-er, i won't get stressed out by reading crap from a chicken draft dodger like yourself.
what do you get out of pointing out everything that is wrong with your political enemies (churchill, ex.)?
By Anonymous on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 06:47 pm:
DarkPlanet has been researching the Incunabula and Ongs Hat as of the past few months and is planning a report on the subject (interest pending). To bring you up to speed on this fantastic enigmatic tale visit .
By plant on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 06:48 pm:
...Such a wholesome chriztian point of view
'chicken draft dodger?'
you think Jezus would have served in the Army?
love thy neighbour
kill thy commie scum
A 'chriztian soldier' takes a shit on J.C.'s message every time he raises his rifle
you'd rather kill for the symbol of Amerika,
than live for the truth of love
By Klyph on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 10:10 pm:
Luminarios cloaked in a paper bags. Rub me in butter and call me a cracker, my sweet jelly roll.
By q on Sunday, July 16, 2000 - 11:04 pm: I found myself in a small bbq joint out- side austin tx. that had the best food and better yet a great name "Bobs Pig Shop", we were greeted with great hospitality beyond our expectation. The reason for the questionable big howdy's was the mixed bag of weary travelers our party consisted of: S. long haired, long time drug dealer and looked much the part, T. vampish goth (before goth existed)she wore nothing but black lingere wherever she went and white as a sheet, and myself basic same profile as S....anyway besides food they sold t-shirts they silk-screened on the spot, the odd thing was the back had the pig logo with mvwp$*^%$^^%....curious we asked whats up with this odd lettering on the back??
They informed us of the origin as follows....
"back in the early 80's cold war still brewing in the south with all thinking anybody from russia was some commie pig and not to be trusted...
So one day this limosine full of soviet official where touring around the country for shits and giggles, a regular fear and loathing the way it sounded......
The greeting was less than welcome and the soviets knew they then brought in a case of good russian vodka and informed them "Its party time" anyone who came in free food and vodka compliments of dem dam ruskies....
Turned out to be the best time of the southern boys lives,the party went on for days dancing on the tables and bar,festive russian music crankin', tons of good food the works....
So after all was said and done they felt like jackasses for the hate they had for someone they did not know but by reputation only "commies"
So the T-Shirts? They said "Bobs Pig Shop" on the front and on the back was the same only in Russian.
Our unexpected warm welcome? the town vowed not to hate people they did not know and gave us a warm welcome as if we were communists,not to many places on our map can you say that....
By Klyph on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 12:13 am:
WIITYWIMWYGMAT <----written on a placard at a bar in Rotorua New Zealand.
I asked the bartender what it meant, and she said..."well if I tell you what it means will you give me a tip?"
I said "sure," she said "well if I tell you what it means will you give me a tip?"
By Alias Moniker on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 01:18 am:
On the wall at a
Differentiators Anonymous
That's just the point. Moniker ain't no monkey.
By lukeman13 on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 12:39 pm:
plant, do you read the news, at least once a year? or even once in a lifetime? people and countries don't like other people and countries...war happens.
unless you have a relatively strong military...then war still happens, but at least one can defend oneself.
you are in no position to lecture anyone, but yourself. nom-er admitted to being a draft dodger, although not in those words. when you stand up for what you think is right and correct, you better be ready to take a load of crap for the rest of your life if you stand your ground...and it gets worse if you switch sides.
matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that
hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
also, i can't find it on family radio's site, the parable about the watchman not knowing when the thief will show up, so the watchman should arm himself, to be safe. this is jesus' justification for having all the guns and other weapons you feel you need, within reason. howitzers are not within reason; small arms are.
during my second stay in navy formerly known as the world's greatest (before another chicken draft dodger took over as commander in chief, and i got out during his first term) i came up with a statement about "the peaons of the world are taught to hate based on a system that is racist in theory and corrupt in practice." there were 2 more lines also, "they are sent off to war to kill" and a few more lines, when i remember, i'll post them. you get the idea.
i didn't fully realize what was going on until after i got out and read some books on the commitee of 300, as well as the one about bush, clinton and the cia. how the cia runs drugs and used the s&l's as a front. meanwhile they laundered the profits through bcci and other shady banks. and a lot of politicians are involved. meanwhile the media lies to us about the subject matter of "incubala". and it is probably too late to fix it, because too many people have become idiots via tv, drugs, etc. it goes on and on.
and the ulcers on my tongue are acting up again. too painful, to worry about stuff that is pretty much beyond my control.
it all comes back to the theory of evolution, plus people who use the bible (and other religions) to gain power. according to the theory, some ethnic groups are smarter than others, eventually this leads to war, coupled with massive profits for a few. i've put a lot of thought into this, but i never wrote it down. maybe i'll get to it someday.
but if you just read the bible (or some other religion) and you stick to yourself, then you don't get caught up in the deceit. like me.
klyph...funny. i also like "wysiwyg"-"what you see is what you get".
alias, wherever i go, i'm usually the fifth person. i've learned to adapt, though.
By Octopus on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 01:46 pm:
There is something strangely tragic about the thinngie called Lukeman13. His story is one of isolation, and of fear. Fear is useful to this thinngie isomuch as it feeds his need think people actually pay attention to him.
He is in desperate need of friends.
But he would be better off to become a maniac, a lone shooter, and then guarantee many, many, many people speaking about him. After all, it is a matter of his basic need of people which produces his illusions of a 'country' or of 'patriotism'.
This tragic figure could be useful to the Octopus Dance if only we could harness his energy to debauchery, but unfortunately, we can't so in the end, his kind must simply become extinct.
By jinngbadcatdoor on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 05:31 pm:
...your grade B hollyweird trash and slash flick
is tedious, your message of Hate and pathetic vanity, is tedious, octoon the crypto facist..
is tedious,...your psycho twerp menatlity, is tedious...your tedious shit an slime voice is like a bad day of L.A.smog...your ugly mask face is tedious...your spoilt rotten rich kid act is soooooooo tedious...nothing but a pathetic meglomaniac psychic vampire.....filled with poisonous bitumen...cleaver, so cleaver, but
so what?'s amazing how many assholes like you
are on internet forums...psychic vampires, varmints!!!...little rotten shit brains, that think they are a happening THING!!!...for a moment
for a sound bite of Hate and egoty...then on to the next vision, just anti vision, no
truth and justice, no revolution of ideas, just
putrified psychic slime like a whole days worth
of television programing made into a powder and cooked up like bad junk and injected into cyber space...pure hate and poison, from a self loathing
little sick, so predictable, so lost, aaaaahhhhhuuuuukkkkkkk!!!
...but hey at least the game is over! the true you is revealed, what a piece of work!...!!!
By Octopus on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 06:21 pm:
Isn't it amusing how people criticize each other with the anomimity of the internet? I mean, if we were face to face would we all share such.. delightful things about one another? I doubt it.
So for a change, there is a REAL forum, where no holes are barred, where the innermost juvenile delinquent can come out an play.
How funny that Jinglecat, who professes himself a champion of justice truth and the Ayahuasca way is all so ready to judge a poor, self-deluded soul like myself.
Ahhhh.. Yes, I can hear the drums of self-righteousness drumming in jinglecat's head saying: I'm right! I'm rigth! I'm right!
Oh, jinglecringle... Relax, baby. The fun is just starting. Best you meet me face to face next weekend, and maybe you'll realize that I don't have little horns on my head.
Give me a buss. My phone line is always open to you, and believe it or not, I kinda like you.
By q on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:01 pm:
lulu-What the fuck are you talking about,um ah are rainbows things that crawl up your pant leg and bite you in the ass?
OK in your post I see a q then: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you and the watchman should arm himself, to be safe.
WHY? is this a response to my story?
Do you think Russians are some enemy of your that you should be armed against?
If this is the case dou you not see the message of my story? How can you miss this?
I am speaking about some backwards town in the south that saw error to their backwoods backward ways and living in a fog of disillusion created by someone else for no good reason.
Is this the world you live in? Thinking some commie is going to storm in and rape your mama so you need to be armed.....
"The peaons of the world are taught to hate based on a system that is racist in theory and corrupt in practice." "they are sent off to war to kill"
Now what is your take on this phrase and why would you post this?
You are the peon that is spoke of that is why we do not like you, you believe in the racist corrupt system and ARE the igrorant one who would go to war and kill for it, and condem those who stand up for basic freedoms,um aahhh perhaps like not having to go murder people for reasons unknown...this would seem like a way off base thing if you have individual freedom not to be forced to go kill kill kill, unless one is like you and enjoyes the fantasy of creating enemies and them killing them,however some do not(jing)
By Octopus on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:22 pm:
Frankly, if some bad ass comunist gestapo babes come my way, I'd rather just pull my pants down and let them rape me.
Mmmmmmm .... Yup. That'd be just fine by me.
By jinngbadcatdoor on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:34 pm:
..GADZOOKS...octomansion, kinda of liiiikes,!...little ol jinng the surrealist thelemite!
an anomaly, and an anathema to octo emperors
at best, an sixties flower child anachronisem
at worst...he said he actually liiikes me, kinda
brings a lump to my throat...i think i am going to cry!...that's why he hurtled all his malise at me earlier he, he sorta of li li liiikes
m, me...sniff sniff,....yes sis there is a santa claws!!!
By Octopus on Monday, July 17, 2000 - 07:43 pm:
You'know WHO loves ya! Pucker up, baby! Bring yer wiffie too..
You're more than welcome to Bacchanalia 2001, celebrating Spring Equinox with debautchery, drunkenness and flogging of christian Virgins.
No fucking joke! We're gonna flog a LIVE christian BABE!!
Looks like March 10, 2001 - at the CLub Monte Christo on Wilshire Blvd. and Wilton... You can email me for details at:
By Mistamephisto on Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 07:43 pm:
Ong's Hat Rod and Gun Club is now open for live chat on a myriad of bizzare and related subjects...check us out on
By Octopus on Thursday, July 20, 2000 - 08:54 pm:
You are all still invited to dance the octopus.
By Lady Latin on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 12:07 pm:
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
By Lady Latin on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 12:10 pm:
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
By Rom Kaliph on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 01:11 pm:
Prohasar man opre muro djiben semas opre chengende!!!
Dav opre.
By Octpous on Friday, July 21, 2000 - 05:15 pm:
Non ere superstitione, vieja bruja.. ero io vero verodero!
By n.tropy on Saturday, July 22, 2000 - 04:51 pm:
I have come to the recent conclusion after reading about the ongs hat mystery,that the times when you cant find something that you use all the time, and you know exactly where it should be,then later, it suddenly reappears in a place that you know you've searched already,its those earth 2 colonists that have it...never with your consent would think that they might leave a note or something,just to let you know theyve borrowed it ..
this happened to me last night,its been happening more and more,ever since i read those bloody inculabula,if theres any of you transdimensional folk reading time..ask first!
By jinngbadcatdoor on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 05:24 am: get that too? know what really bugs me? when you can see the wires and chips, and
black holes and fractals out of the corner of your eye,....and when you turn to confront them, just vanishes,...but it's like they left a calling card,...that when you pick it up, it self destructs
in your hand, like in Mission improbable!...
i use to get these darn little machine like entities hovering over me at night,...sort of
half there and half not, because it happens when you wake up, and i would reach out to them and kinda wave them away...darndest thing!...that hasen't happend for couple of years now...i guess
they got done doing whatever they were doing...actually the first part was my sense of humor, the second part was something that happened to me!
By Octopus on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 01:12 pm:
As you know, I really didn't walk until I was 4-5 and I had massive surgery as a kid.
I believe that this kinda gave me a little edge on the 'other-side' because on more than one occasion, I was put under deep anesthesia, cut to shreds and believe it or not, I can go through meditation into that painful space.
I did a little 'candle' burning of myself last night, to enter into the deep place. Payoff: a clear dream about you.
But please, don't do these experiments unless they are absolutelynecessary. REmember, we're after pleasure, not pain. I heard 'from dad, no less' about your little pain experiments, and I honor them, but PLEEEEASE wait for me, okay?
We'll go there, and many other places, some that will surprise both of us. But WAAAAIT... Time is on our side, kiddo..
I love you.
By Octopus on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 01:16 pm:
As you know, I really didn't walk until I was 4-5 and I had massive surgery as a kid.
I believe that this kinda gave me a little edge on the 'other-side' because on more than one occasion, I was put under deep anesthesia, cut to shreds and believe it or not, I can go through meditation into that painful space.
I did a little 'candle' burning of myself last night, to enter into the deep place. Payoff: a clear dream about you.
But please, don't do these experiments unless they are absolutelynecessary. REmember, we're after pleasure, not pain. I heard 'from dad, no less' about your little pain experiments, and I honor them, but PLEEEEASE wait for me, okay?
We'll go there, and many other places, some that will surprise both of us. But WAAAAIT... Time is on our side, kiddo..
I love you.
By n.tropy on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 03:08 pm:
i'm still convinced that those travel cults are borrowing stuff off us inhabitants of earth prime....without our permission! i got this theory too,that they smoke a lot of illegal substances too.....every time i reach for my cigarette papers,they've been dissapeared...probably by that lot from ongs hat i guess.....keep your thieving transdimensional paws off my stuff!
By cthulhu on Sunday, July 23, 2000 - 07:53 pm:
there aint nothing anyone can show me about an octopus dance.......
By n.tropy on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 11:12 am:
i was wondering....did any of you earth 2 colonists have trouble with either your soundcard or keyboard yesterday? cos i machine started to do the strangest stuff...the keyboard went haywire and the soundcard started acting like it was totalled...i replaced both,and this morning,i noticed that both had dissapeared...the soundcard turned up several hours later,guess was working again!i dont mind you guys borrowing my stuff-but please..cut the headgames and just let me know whats going on!!!
By Octopus on Monday, July 24, 2000 - 11:17 am:
Sounds like Tropy needs a gremlin de-atomizer.
I used to have a real bad gremlin problem until I figured out that it was just myself, in one of my more impish personalities doing it all anyhow.
By Anonymous on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 06:01 pm:
Looks like a new segment is being released:
What Really Happened at Ong's Hat?
Coming in late July 2000
Part 2 of the Incunabula Papers eBook saga on Mightywords
By Klyph on Friday, July 28, 2000 - 04:36 pm:
How exciting...what will I do with myself until the new revelations? I've got to to go where there's only green grass and happy Lemor peoples. EARTH-ONE isn't good enough and not worth caring for it? Gosh darn..I wish I could have made it in time for Hale-Bopp...gee golly, they got it good now...them Whoodini's.
Well, klyphoo...
The option for you then is clear: Octopus Dance. A place for serious discussions into how to create a new reality based on touchy-feeliy-squishy-slimy stuff.
By Klyph on Friday, July 28, 2000 - 05:02 pm:
OK, E1's really not so bad after all. I guess I'll just have to have ruckus sex. Thanks for the encouragement.
Octo-Dance sounds lame. Thanks again for the invite, but you kind of seem like a jerk so I won't be making it.
By Octopus on Friday, July 28, 2000 - 08:06 pm:
You won't be missed then.
You can ask once, you can ask twice..
But if by the third time they don't bite,
You're looking at the wrong fish.
It's almost 5:00 here in Hollywood, and the long weekend is almost ready to start. I feel cool and happy and life is good. I'm gonna go and write poems to you all weekend. Then I'll make copies of your photographs and do some more collages. I've put you in just about every possible background... Mountains, Lakes, Exploding Worlds... I've also dressed you as everything from a clown to a queen.
I know these simulacrums are but sad, pathetic renditions of the real you. But for the moment, it is what I have to enjoy my NOW. That, and planning the dance. Not this first dance. This is just a test-run... THE BIG DANCE... 12 years from now.
I believe Kali Ma will answer my prayers because I believe she is the one who has suggested HOW to pray. I am not really a devotee, but an 'employee' of Kali. I will be paid in full with you.
I don't want your body alone, oh sister... I want your SOUL. A terrible battle to 'join' a person's soul... But I am no ordinary vampire. I want your soul so that then I can give you mine. YOU will devour me in the end, my soul, name, likeness... You will consume every breath, every thought, every memory to FEED YOUR OWN DREAMS...
And inside your YOUR dreams, I will find my immortality. By dissolving into nothingness to you, oh sister,.... I shall fulfill my most powerful need.
I love you.
Beyond time.
Beyond distance.
Beyond reason.
Beyond... Beyond... Beyond... Even me.
By Gaia's synapse fireing on Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 03:03 pm:
Death is a logical impossibility I hear.
Could it be then that it is a subjective probability of reality(try to make sence out of that).
I love the mountains. Oneness and isolation becomes a definate reality. So does a direct experience of GOD.(Which is more than human description can attain) And when you hang there from a ledge, Knowing that you must find physical strenght to pull yourself up, death becomes a certain possibility.
Logically it follows that if you fall it is the end of your exitance(at least in this form). So what do you do? Look at your life and realise that, hell, it has been worth it. Find peace. Think about the other parts of your subjective reality. Love, beauty, freedom, peace, air, water, fire, life, earth which contains all of these and more including the mountain, which you are part of now. Feel the rock (o GOD how old it is). Hard against the body, but the body has also become hard. Taking ages and millenia to do its dance of slow, graceful and definite movement. Feel that movement going down ,
down to the root of the mountain. To the root of your existance, and find your strenght there. But don't use it yet, for then you would be struggeling against the ages. Feel the dance coming up again. Up to where you are,and add on to it your strenght. Become part of the dance and let it lift you up to the glory of life.
Have I died?
Then who am I now?
A child of the Earth.
What happened to GOD?
GOD is smiling.
For you have found eternal life in the garden of Eden.
I can see the beauty.
Define life in absence of death. Bit more difficult? Death is not senceless.Apart from the obvious biological need, it is also a value adding factor. Doesn't it make life more precious? The knowledge that only a short period of time has been given to you is no reason to lament on the uselessness of it all. Go out and make that time count dammit! Grab life and be reborn every day!Also realise that one day it will be over, and if you cannot accept that fact with peace and love, you do not know yet what it is to live. Irrational fear of death is a symptom of bloated self- importance. Other symtoms include the crimes we commit against nature and life. All the crimes we as a species are guilty of, as a matter of fact. Realise that you are not only an individual, but transcend that to the point where you feel a part of all living things. To attain immortality in the way most people crave it would be an abomination. Through that you would innevatably take away the right to life of future generations( not only humans that is).
Think about life now. Life as an entity. All things exist in 4 dimensions(possibly more),and time is one of those dimensions.Life has been on this planet for 3 000 000 000 years. In all that time it has been changing through a proccess we call evolution. Admittedly we understand it very poorly still, but the fact remains. Life (as an entity & proccess) could then also be described as a proccess of change. Take away death and this proccess will end. Nothing new (and potentially greater than you) will arise. You would go on living, but one of the greatest reasons for Life to exist in the first place would be gone.
Face it- one day we are going to go the way of our brothers the dinosaurs. A sad prospect, true, but their departure made room for most creatures alive on this planet today(excluding our cousins the insects, which is the true lords of the earth). One day we will have to take our last breath so that life could be breathed into our children.
We are different though, but that is a topic I will babble on at a later time.
Peace be the journey.
By Octopus on Monday, July 31, 2000 - 10:55 am:
Octopus considers the beautiful words he just read, and smiles. THIS is why he comes over and over to Deoxy. Find beauty. Destroy it.
Change is not the only thing that life exists for. THere is also... COmpetition. The reason that our cousins the insects are such vivacious entities is that they, more than we, recognize the value of their own form and fight against all odds to retain it.
Ahhh... But you are wrong, my dear octopus! Life IS precious, especially because it is so short, so...
And if that could be changed? If there was a way to beat death?
I thought I was loved by you!
You are! You are! Only so as you love me too...
A marriage of convenience?
Whatever you wish to call it.
Why? What is so damn special about you and your sister that you would live forever in this form? Why enter into Nosferatu's dark embrace?
Why not?
By Bishop on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 04:37 am:
Im back...I can guess that your all very excited (lol). Have you learned anything new? I certainly have.
So how are things in nonsense land? I understand the nature of coded speech and double negatives but I've had a more productive time gaining knowledge away from the forum. Ive checked in from time to time and was always entertained. They should rename this forum "The Deoxy Poetry Forum". Alot of inspired words with no inspiration.
Are we still involved in general banter with no real gains in knowledge regarding Ongs Hat and the Incunabula? Whats the story? What have you learned? Have you learned anything?
By Bishop on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 04:45 am:
A new place to rant
By Klyph on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 05:08 am:
You tell me great Bishop of sense-land...have you really learned anything or are you just here to insult people...'cause if that's your goal then don't come back!!!
I'm glad you're "more productive" you fucking underhanded snake asshole...who do you think you're kidding? Go away to more productive "sense-land" and shove your judgemental crap-trip up your holier than thou with "real gains."
With love.
By Klyph on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 05:21 am:
Oops..that was very unfair of me...sorry, inspired words with no'm ashamed of my brashness and will take it out on my fellow postal workers in the morning...thanks for your great learned enlightening mantra of transformative vision...I'll just kill myself now...don't have shown the way...shower of the learned way... Bishop'll write books about you...
By Bishop on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 02:44 am:
Funny stuff,
Im not here to insult and I dont presume to know more than anyone else. I just really wanted to stray away from the coded poetic nature of the board. I truely am curious if anything solid has been learned in these regards (new leads ect).I understand the deep spiritualism that can be tied to the Ong's Hat case and realize that it is an important side but I was hoping to talk to those who felt diffrently about the Incunabula (or who have views that arent purely spiritual).I have the habit of coming off as abit of an asshole and for that I apologize (it was not directed at anyone in specific,just an opinion). For that reason I have started my own board, I just thought I would touch base with bad taste (Isnt the Incunabula full of double negatives, thats another part of it's nature). Sorry to offend and I say goodbye once more. Goodluck on your journeys!
By Bishop on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 02:59 am:
Or maybe lets disseminate the technological and be completely spiritual. Either way the two subjects just dont jive together and I think that is the hole in the Incunabula that needs to be opened. Ill shut up now. You can have "your" board back now Klyph.
By Klyph on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 11:11 am:
Relax buddy...I may have something that could prove time-travel was accomplished...and Ongs Hat...but good riddlance anywho. Sir Bishop not like what he put in mirror?
...AT TA...
By Octopus on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 12:01 pm:
Home. Okay.... Last night I was under a little of psychological and psychich attack from either:
1. Powerful Brujos
2. CIA MK-Ultra goonies...
But it don't matter, because alaways when confronted with such meanies in hyperspace, I tend to rely on my Sis to get me to ... reasonable land. I'm building a strong psychic bond with my sister, and each time I suffer attack, I seek her out to help me (and vise-versa, sis!). Two minds are stronger than five billllliooonnnnn.. I think.
Anyways, about Inoculuba and Ongs' Hat or whatever you call it... I've been experimenting with the 'egg' symbolism and I found out a way to 'open' dimentional gates from the comfort of your own home... But beware: you kinda need balls of steel and a veeerrryyyy resolute mind not to go totally crazy when you do it!
Here's how.
1. Smoke a doobie. The stronger the better.
2. Set an alarm clock for 3.33 hours
3. Go into your closet, put on headphones, a blind fold yourself.
Then wait for the alarm to go off if you dare.
Kinda like a sensory deprivation machine with a little THC boost to make it more interesting.
You WILL travel to other dimentions. Guaranteed.
Sis? Did really weird shit happen to you last night?
By Klyph on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 11:11 pm:
Sensory dep is the key to the K trip...we did a pentagonal (that means there were five* of us) K trip in sensory went something like this:
Administer (and a sixth*) the medicine with ear plugs and blindfolds on, and you go out/in (it's difficult to say) at a time.
It feels like getting sucked out your toes by a cosmic straw...then into the second attention tunnel, where the emissaries (little golden mushroom people) lead us into a golden cathedral.
Here thought forms ARE reality so beware what you think because IT IS REAL...well kinda, I guess (it depends on the focused intent)?
Everything one sees is seen by the many, like a big mind cannot hide your thoughts. This place is best visited with those you feel comfortable around because the barriers do not exist.
One place we found that is particularly intriquing is the central primal fire where our harmonic octives reside. There's a Monkey-like lower light-shadow (we live in the middle shadow-world) and a Kachina-like higher light-shadow...they are ourselves existing on parallel planes.
Matter itself exists 'between the folds' of this place...manifestation of thought forms is attainable...across dimensions.
By Octopus on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 10:49 am:
Hmmm... Interesting.
Five you say?
I am far more interested however, if I was really able to enter my sister's dreams. Call me the Freddy Krueger of poor sis, but I feel if I can establish the link we had when she was... donno four or five years old... Dream the same things.
Problem is that sis has kinda moronic parents, they tend to dilute her energy with common-place burguise shit. My attempts at showing sis the pleasures of magick ended up in a restraining order.
So I'm reduced to Freddy-Krugering her! Sad. Very sad. But does it work?
See, I have a hunch that anyone who gets thrown into isolation long enough is gonna go to the same places... Never seen that fire, though. Mostly shadowy, dark things that go bump in the night.
Met a few ghosts... More than a few.
Also walked in a variety of alternate futures, all having the basic same ending. Methink's the right side of my face and head is gonna get blown to bits some-day, just as I know I got bayonetted in my stomach last time around.
No prob. Dead Man Walkin'! I'm about as sweet and loving to EVERYONE as there is, and maybe my only problem is that I was born in the wrong Century.
This whole .... huh... incest thing. Some day it's gonna be the norm rather than the exception. I've seen that too.. And as for Sis'n myself. If I ever manage to get her pregnant, it's gonna be juuuuuust fine. Ritus is a swelllll fellow. Although I don't care much for the name. I figure that SOME of Ritus is the soul of our dead brother, Roman. Roman died when he was just a few day's old and he is ... waiting for sis and I to help him out. He needs a body. Only sis and I can give it to him properly like.
I can't prove any of this shit. I just know it.
Last night I did another little sensory dep trip... Shorter in duration. 1 1/2 hrs. ALso, I started at midnite. Didn't go far this time. Just breathing. Then... A brief glimpse of what I think was my sister's dreams.
Damn... I wish I could ask her!
By Klyph on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 12:09 pm:
...and a sixth...
By MiaX on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 01:02 pm:
I just finished reading the newest graphic novel additions on the Inc. site (OK, klyph, no sarcastic comments...) Want some insight (without all the conspiracy, poetry, etc.) about the comments JM makes concerning the Montauk - santa Cruz wormhole connection. mooncat? You seem to have had some wierd experiences there. Also, what type of programming do you think the green eyed, Fez-capped, anexoric Cranston is referencing to JM? Finally (to give Klyph something to joke about) was he handing JM the blue pill or the red one? LOL!
Stseamonelmo - any research into these areas?
AND - how does one get rid of these ridiculous spock heads?
By Klyph on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 01:33 pm:
MiaX...I kind of flip out when people tell me what not to do, but I'll try and be serious for a moment...
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