A SURVIVOR'S STORY Alex Farquhar. |
3rd April 2000 George, I sent you a fax telling you of the brutal destruction you are wilfully inflicting on me. Mum and I are on medication because of your wilfull crimes. Politians and others have been informed and still I am being tortured. You must return now to cessate this. Dad wants me to go into hospital. I want this insanity to cease now. If you kill Mum with a heart attack or me you will be totally guilty. I will send you the money for the fare. My life is more important than anything. Reply now. ............................................. 3rd April 2000 Dear Alex, I never received your fax. Email is the best way to contact me. Alex, you are under a total illusion if you believe that my return to Australia will stop your torture. My crimes of 8 years ago has nothing whatsoever to do with your torment. If you want this insanity to stop you have to fight, for yourself. Your suggestion that your life is more important than anything is insidiously selfish. You are no more important than the countless thousands of people all over the world who are being systematically attacked by the same force that you are encountering. The attempted murder of you by the Intelligence Agencies has nothing to do with me or my past activities. It has to do with the fact that you are just one of the many remote mind control experiments going on over the globe. My job is to expose this truth to the world as well as try and help those who wish to help themselves. No-one can be helped if they expect others to do all the fighting for them. The people who cannot find the courage to fight eventually die. If you do go to hospital the establishment will only control you further with mind-numbing drugs. The Freemason run psychiatry profession is also involved in this major mind control experiment upon humanity. Please get back to me - if you want to fight back. Love and peace, George .............................................
George you have knowingly and wilfully forced your family to endure totally gratuitous torture for more than 2 years. I have been forced to take medication. Mum has been forced to take medication. You state you are doing what you are doing for humanity but you will wilfully sacrifice your family's health, safety and lives for your cause of which we want no part in. Your letters to politicians and the media have harmed us because you have refused to return to Austalia in all that time. Your crimes here were the catalyst for this torture, your running from those crimes escalated that torture and your constant refusal to return on hundreds of ocassions has kept that torture aflame. 1. You made me endure 5 months of persecution in Europe in 1994 which was totally unnecessary. 2. After an absense of 2 years and within meeting you in a few days you wilfully drew me into a totaly unnecessary fight of which I tried to pull you away from. I was kicked and beaten because of your actions of which I still have back pain from to this day. 3. You forced massive amounts of totally unwanted information on me for 4 years sending letters, tapes, books, calls, your diary which without your family would not be enduring this harm today. If I thought my actions caused my family to endure such unwarrented hurt and pain I would do exactly and whatever they requested. Come back now. Alex ............................................. 21st April 2000 Hi Alex, As you well know for the last two years since you have been a victim of Mind Control Police harrassments and your attempted murder by them, you have blamed me for this problem. However, if you are willing to see the truth of the matter, you will realise that this is not the case and that the terrorising, torturing, murdering, raping, paedophile mentality of the Freemason run Intelligence Services are solely responsible for your situation. I would strongly suggest, if you truly desire to be free from their torture, that you search deep enough into your heart to find a truth, that you must now turn your anger and rage towards the Mind Control Police and not me. If and when you do realise this, as an absolute fact of truth, then and only then shall you be able to start on the journey towards stopping your EM torture. Project Freedom is dedicated to exposing these human rights abuses to the public and you are very welcome to expose your experiences of torture on the P.F. website, as many have already done. We are also in the process of producing a 3 hour documentary and exposing the use of electro-magnetic psychotronic weapons against the public as well as exposing who is behind it all. You are very welcome to participate in this expose documentary which will help enlighten thousands, possibly millions, of people around the world to what is going on. Only when the masses of society realise the truth of the matter will this human rights abuse stop once and for all. Please get back to me soon and let me know what you think. Love and peace George. |