CONTROLS WHO? Diagrams courtesy of David Icke, Dr John Coleman and George Farquhar. |
The Pyramids of Ignorance and Knowledge Knowledge
is in the hands of the few and the rest are kept ignorant. The Pyramid
of Manipulation All the major institutions and groups that effect
our daily lives connect with the The Brotherhood Pyramid
The Secrets Societies like the Freemason's. Knights
of Malta, etc, appear to be separate organisations.
The Political Pyramid This is a generalised summary of how all political movements connect to the same source. There are however, elements of Communism/Fascism within all of them - some more than others. The spectrum is really a circle with Fascism and Communism operating on the same thought pattern - AUTHORITARIANISM The Irish Pyramid
A classic
symbol of control on the US One dollar bill. The all seeing eye of
the For an in-depth
view of Pyramid stucture and |