![]() GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP by David Icke. Excerpts from: I Am Me, I Am Free. |
Control of the world over a very long period has been achieved by the means I have already outlined: mind manipulation, manufactured division, and most important of all, fear. This is the emotion that has handed control of our lives to the manipulating clique which I call the Global Elite.
Once you can make people fearful they will look to someone to protect them from whatever they have been conditioned to fear. This is why history, and the world today, is full of hyped up “monsters” and “dangerous people” - a focus of fear from which we must look to our “leaders” to save us. The fact that these “monsters” and our “leaders” are both appointed and controlled by the same force is kept from us. We are programmed to see two “sides”, largely projected as “good and evil”, when there are not two sides, but one. In . . . and the truth shall set you free, I highlight hundreds of people, events and organisations, who in the public arena appear to be in opposition, but in truth are connected to the same Global Elite. Among these connections, for example, are those between George Bush and Saddam Hussein, the “opponents” in the Gulf War of 1991. The manufactured Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union was another classic of this kind. Both populations were so filled with fear of each other that they gave still more power to their “leaders” and accepted grotesque weapons expenditure in the misguided belief that they must be protected from the “enemy”. The make-believe, propaganda-created, enemy, as it turns out. Both sides, including Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, and other Soviet and American leaders were controlled by the same people. They were the same side.
All the major institutions and groups that affect our daily lives connect with the Global Elite, which decides the coordinated policy throughout the pyramid. People in the lower compartments will have no idea what they are part of.
The Global Elite, the few who decide the direction of the world and humanity, sit atop a pyramid of manipulation Almost every organisation today is structured as a pyramid. At the peak you have the tiny elite who know everything about the organisation. They know its real agenda and what it really wants to achieve. As you come down from the peak, you are meeting more and more people who know less and less about that agenda. This is called cornpartmentalisation. Those at the top ensure that everyone lower down in the pyramid know only their own individual contribution to the organisation, company, secret society whatever. As a result most of them think their work is quite innocent because they are not allowed to know how their work fits in with the others in the pyramid to create a pattern that is anything but innocent. Only the elite at the top know how these individual contributions fit together and in this way you have people throughout the pyramid working in ignorance of what they are really a part of. The Freemasons and other secret societies are an obvious example of this method with their levels of initiation. Each level has no idea of the knowledge held in the levels above them. The vast majority of freemasons never progress higher than the third degree, but there are another 30 official levels above that in the so called Scottish Rite and then another 13 unofficial levels, known as Illuminati levels, which are not even acknowledged to exist. The majority of freemasons, down there on the bottom three levels, are oblivious to what that organisation is really there to do. They are a manipulated, largely unknowing smokescreen for the few who control the secret society. When the freemasonic network is named as a tool of the conspiracy, people think you are saying that every freemason is seeking to take over the world. That’s simply not true. It’s just ridiculous. Secret societies, like almost everything, consist of the leaders (the few) and the led (the rest).
So it is with the global pyramid within which you find all the organisations that control our lives - the banking system, political system, multinational corporation network, the media, “education”, intelligence agencies, military and so on. The peaks of their individual pyramids all fuse together into the peak of the global pyramid, controlled by the ridiculously few people I have called the Global Elite. From that peak, the same policy, methods and aims filter down through all these, apparently unconnected, aspects of society. At this Elite level all the banks, political parties, newspapers and broadcast media, intelligence agencies, multinational companies, and secret societies, are owned or controlled by the SAME people. This is so important to grasp. The myth of choice is there to fool us into believing we are free. Look at how many companies the multinational corporations own. These “companies” each have a different trade name and appear at first glance to be independent of their “competitors”, but they are owned by the same people. Two of the biggest electronics retailers in the UK, Dixons and Currys, are owned by the same group and yet on the high street they appear to be in competition. It is the same with the UK’s two leading roadside restaurants, Little Chef and Happy Eater. The examples of this all over the world are endless. The global food chain is overwhelmingly controlled by three multinational corporations operating through scores of different trade names string-pulled from the centre. Choice? What a joke. Something like 99% of those working within these organisations have no comprehension of how they are being used. The people who sit behind the counter in a bank won’t be aware of what is going on in their own manager’s office, let alone what is discussed at board level or above that by the Global Elite. They’re just pawns in someone else’s game. They keep their heads down, close their minds, and do as they are told -just like the human race as a whole. This submission to another’s view and the suppression of our own individuality allows the Global Elite to set the limits of the Hassle-Free Zones by filtering down the same policy and attitudes throughout the pyramid. They do this through a network of organisations which include the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, the Trilateral Commission (US-Europe-Japan), and the most influential of them, the Bilderberg Group. There are many other offshoots of this network, like the Parlour Club, the Club of the Isles and the Pinay Circle or “Le Cercie” which works to remove political leaders deemed unacceptable to the Elite. These private organisations have in their membership the top people in politics, business, banking, the military, the media, the ‘legal’ profession, education, etc., who then pervade the pyramid with a single overall plan which has led to greater centralisation of power every year. All these institutions which control the direction of our lives are themselves controlled at the peak of the pyramid by the same people. You can read about this network in great detail in . . . and the truth shall set you free.
I was invited in 1995 to the memorial service
for a great British comedian, Larry Grayson, and there a story was told which
encapsulated our plight and the means of escape. During this celebration of
Larry’s life, one of his experiences was told to the assembled throng by another
comedian, Roy Hudd. It was a story from the days when Larry used to travel the
variety halls of the UK and on this occasion he was part of an all-male show
which had one “woman” taking part - a dressed up Larry Grayson. The producer
was very patriotic, Larry had once recalled, and the show’s big finish was a
rendition of the song, Rule Britannia. The rest of the cast came on wearing
sailors uniforms and they climbed on each others shoulders to form a human pyramid
on the stage. At this point, on walked Larry dressed as Britannia with the long
gown, the helmet, shield and sword, and he was manhandled up the pyramid to
the top for the finale of the show. One night, he said, things seemed to be
going rather well. But then he noticed that the sailor in the bottom left hand
corner of the pyramid had got rather a cough.
“And as any ancient Egyptian will tell you” Larry had observed “That is a very
important part of the pyramid!”
Anyway, this sailor’s cough became progressively worse until he had to step
out of the pyramid. And what happened? The whole structure collapsed with sailors
going in all directions. Larry Grayson’s shield went one way, his sword another,
and he finished up in someone’s lap in the second row. What had caused the pyramid
to disintegrate? Not Larry Grayson at the top (symbolic of the Global Elite),
but one sailor at the bottom (symbolic of the “ordinary” man and woman in the
street). The real power in a pyramid is at the bottom, not the top, but the
human race has been conditioned to believe the opposite. This is why it has
been so important to divide and rule “the masses” into dogmas and factions -
the Elite know that is where the real power lies and they seek to diffuse that
power by turning “the masses” against each other. Humanity gives its power away
to those who are only up there because humanity holds them up there! The power
used by the Elite to control humanity is merely the power which humanity hands
over to them every day. Let’s hear that one more time:
The Global Elite are only up there because the rest of humanity holds them up there. The power used by the Elite to control humanity is merely the power which humanity hands over to them every day.
Hey, wake me up. This has got to be some crazy nightmare
I’m involved in here.
It’s not?
But we wouldn’t be that stupid would we?
We would?
We would?
I’m sorry, would you excuse me for a moment? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you.
Every Hassle-Free Zone is a pyramid with religious, political and economic dictators sitting at the peak imposing their will on the rest. They can only achieve that if those lower down the pyramid agree to do, unquestioningly, whatever the peak tells them, and believe, unquestioningly, whatever propaganda the peak sends down to condition their thinking and perceptions of life, themselves, and others. It is actually possible in the world our minds have created to go through an entire lifetime without having a single original thought. There the prisoners stand in their Larry Grayson pyramid, their fellow prisoners on their shoulders, each telling the other not to move or the whole thing will fall apart. There they stand with aching shoulders and silent minds, terrified of walking away from this pyramidic prison. They fear to let go of their (perceived) “security” or to face the ridicule or hostility of those still mesmerised by the lights of the oncoming car. Security? I beg one’s pardon. Living in jail is security? Having your life controlled and your future dictated is security? What delusions we weave. Anything based on fear and the suppression of human potential is never secure. Anything that must be enforced is never secure. Only freedom for all and by all is secure and can survive.
The extent to which billions of people have given their minds away makes the control of the world so simple. We might become robots? We are bloody robots! It’s no good denying that, because if we do we will do nothing about it. The childlike way in which we think what we are told to think never ceases to take my breath away. For 48 hours after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995, it was a nightmare to be an Arab in the United States. Why? Because the government (elements of which planted the bomb as we shall eventually realise) announced that there might be a Middle East connection. Arabs in America, and even those who only looked like Arabs, were harangued in the Street ifl the wake of this announcement. Two days or so later the same government said there was not a Middle East connection1 and suddenly it was OK to be an Arab again. Those who responded like this were “adults” acting like babes in arms, puppets on the strings of official pronouncements, and fodder for the Global Elite.
There is no limit to the examples every day
of people playing the robot. When I started to reveal the background to the
global conspiracy and name the names and organisations involved, the campaign
to discredit me began. I was dubbed “anti-Jewish” and a “neo-Nazi”. Now that
was no surprise because everyone who gets close to the truth of who really controls
the world is attacked in the same way. The Global Elite has two main defence
responses - assassinating those who are lifting the veil or assassinating their
character by branding them anti-Jewish and Nazi. What followed in the campaign
to discredit me was the final confirmation that large tracts of the human race
no longer have access to their own minds. The people behind these attacks on
me were two “journalists” in London called Matthew Kalman and John Murray. There
were people encouraging them too, I am sure, but they have been the public face
of the campaign. They wrote an astonishing article full of untruths in their
own little known magazine and then, by their own admission, they began to hawk
this “story” around the mainstream media. Some newspapers refused to print it,
but others like The Guardian and The New Statesman ran this nonsense. More then
followed. Over a period of a year, virtually every magazine article making these
accusations was written by Matthew Kalman and John Murray and almost every newspaper
article was based on “information” supplied by Matthew Kalman and John Murray.
A magazine called New Moon ran a stunning misrepresentation of my book, .. .
and the truth shall set you free. I was called a Nazi and the front page consisted
of a picture of me changed to resemble Adolf Hitler. The article was written
by Matthew Kalman and John Murray and the magazine was edited by.. .Matthew
Kalman. The New Age magazine, Kindred Spirit, also ran a long letter calling
me a Nazi and anti-Jewish. The letter writer was.. . Matthew Kalman.
So the claims of me being an anti-Jewish Nazi were, overwhelmingly, put into
the public arena by two people. Two people. But given the current state of human
consciousness, that’s all it takes to mind-control millions. Amazing, but true.
In fact you don’t even need two people, one is enough. Suddenly people who had
believed I was “mad” because of what the media had told them about my spiritual
views were now convinced that I was “bad” because they were reading in newspapers
and magazines (the work of two people) that I was a Nazi. Those who by their
own admission had not read my books or heard me speak, began to protest at my
public meetings on the strength of what they had read in the media (two people)
or what their friends had told them after also reading it in the media (two
people). The events at Brighton on the South Coast of England summed up the
point I am making. The local Robot Radicals believed the untruths fed to them
by Kalman and Murray and they put so much pressure on Brighton University that
the authorities gave in to threats from a mob and cancelled my meeting at very
short notice.
I booked a hotel in Brighton for the rescheduled talk. It was called The Brighton
Oak. They accepted the booking and things seemed to be going OK. Then they suddenly
cancelled the booking because of my “far-Right” views. Oh yes?
Had the people at the hotel who made that decision
read my books or heard me speak?
Er, no.
Then where did they get their information from about what I was supposed to
be saying?
The Anti-Nazi League.
And where did they get their information from?
Kalman and Murray.
We tried at Crawley, just north of Brighton at a theatre owned by Crawley Borough Council. Forty-eight hours before the event we heard via the media, not the Council, that the meeting was cancelled. This time the Council did know what I was going to say because they had seen a video. After viewing that recording they wrote to confirm the meeting could go ahead. So why the cancellation? They had been threatened by a phone call from the Robot Radicals in Brighton which said that “the safety of the audience could not be guaranteed”. This from a group of people who call themselves “anti-fascists”! Instead of standing up for freedom of speech and against such intimidation, the Council immediately succombed to the threat and stopped me speaking....
Incomplete.... We will update this article soon.