A lesson in post-modern warfare
What is HAARP?
HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
High frequency means short wave, the radio band from 3 to 30 megahertz, the one used by ships, planes, and international broadcasters. Aurora is the huge planetary electric current that, among other things, causes the northern and southern lights. Presumably the HAARP is a catchy acronym for some kind of celestial musical instrument, though it has been suggested that its players are anything but angels.
This electric HAARP is being assembled on a military base near Gakona, Alaska, by the Air Force and the Navy. It has several parts, most interesting being the IRI, for Ionospheric Research Instrument. When IRI is finished, it will be one of the largest radio transmitters ever built.
And that's it. With HAARP, what you see (and hear) is what you get. It's a radio. It's not that different from the flamethrowers in daily use for shortwave broadcasting, and only about ten decibels louder, but its advanced antenna system concentrates the beam on such a small target that effective radiated power shoots into the gigawatts. Since this beam goes pretty much straight up, it's tough news for some electrons, and maybe some birds, but not so tough for people on the ground.
And so what we get is very much like the space shuttle. We pay for it, it does world class research, it kills a few birds, maybe some good comes from it, but we never quite know who's using the data, or why. The government assures everyone that it's just science, but then the government says a lot of things.
But HAARP certainly does one thing that I really can prove. It generates more e-mail than all my other web pages put together. I love this mail. If it were not private and completely off the record, I'd have enough for a pretty entertaining book.
I have been assured, by everyone from Ph.D.s to poets, that HAARP is:
An ionospheric heater
A research tool
A military test bed
A tax-subsidized boondoggle
A directed-energy weapon
A communication system for submarines
A source of field-aligned ionospheric VHF reflectors
A way to improve satellite links
A planetary x-ray machine
A plot to depopulate the Third World
A means of creating power blackouts at will
Electronic warfare
Tesla's wireless power transmission
Tesla's secret death ray
Searching for space aliens
Killing space aliens
Killing off the militias
Keeping them awake at night (through RF head rectification)
Enforcing the New World Order
Creating nuclear-scale explosions Weather modification
CIA mind control
Brain wave modification
The end of HF radio
The end of wildlife in Alaska
The end of atmospheric ozone
The end of the human race
The end of Earth itself
Now, this is pretty good for one transmitter. I think the last experimental radio that attracted this kind of attention was built by Marconi.
Six years ago, environmental activists got word that the U.S. military was beginning construction of a world-class ionospheric heater relatively near Fairbanks, Alaska. The Gakona site is a bit farther south than scientists would have liked, but it became available when another Cold War monster, the over-the-horizon radar project, was cancelled.
HAARP caused panic almost immediately. It did not help that even perfunctory library research led quickly to a separate, private plan that ARCO petroleum had very briefly lobbied for as part of the Reagan-era SDI. This much more ambitious plan, while superficially bearing great resemblance to HAARP, was a far larger scheme, proposed in several far-reaching patents filed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a noted physicist. Little is known about its true goal, save to burn vast quantities of otherwise wasted North Slope natural gas.
All this provoked near-hysteria among a few radio hams and environmentalists in Alaska. Several unsettling articles and books were written. When these were completely dismissed by mainstream media in the contiguous 48 states, HAARP made the Most Censored News Stories list for 1994.
While this list tends to tilt decidedly leftward, it is still a serious attempt at research, and far from a crackpot fringe. When I saw the words, "Burn holes in the ionosphere," I darn near tossed lunch. While I quickly learned that any such "holes," even if they existed, would be inconsequentially small and brief, my fevered brain still closed a whole bunch of gestalts, with a clunk most likely audible back up in Gakona. Suddenly a lot more things about the worldwide heating initiative started to make sense.
Unless you read an awful lot of very dry monographs, all of which are well-studded with the alphabet-soup acronyms so beloved by scientists, you will be surprised at how huge ionospheric studies have gotten, worldwide. Here's a slightly dated list of the amazing number of research projects going on in the early 90s. We can be certain that the field has only gotten larger since.
Suddenly, in 1994, entered The Internet, abruptly making HAARP's internal technospeak public. Who can come in on such phrases as, "active auroral electrojet modification," and not be a little scared? It does not help that most of the money for all this comes from a very familiar source - Reagan's SDI, still very much alive today, as the ultimate militarization of space, and the most disproportionately expensive research program in the history of the human race.
Thanks to Internet, then, HAARP may very well be the first household word created completely outside of the traditional news channels. This is a lesson for social scientists, one of whom has in fact written about my page. It's also the New Millennium's version of word-of-mouth; an electronic whispering campaign.
We've even seen it all settle down enough to pick out several firm positions on HAARP.
The most visible critiques divide into the New Age and New World Order theories. New Agers seem to come from the Old Left, while NWO is definitely a creation of the New Right. Since the left and right agree on a lot more than they think, both come up with the same conclusion - NO HAARP.
Meanwhile, the most visible HAARP proponents are university employees, those doing Big Science, who cannot understand why anyone wouldn't like it. After all, their jobs depend on a continued, steady flow of our taxes into these huge research boondoggles. There's also a national security argument for HAARP, though this one has lost a bit of credibility since the question, "What if THEY get it?" has been answered, "THEY let US use it to take data."
What's gotten lost in all this contention over science is the ionosphere, the environmental question, the one that got me interested in the first place. What will be the fate of the last accessible part of our planet that we haven't been able to screw up somehow?
I still cannot get a definitive answer on the ultimate purpose of data gained from these heaters. Depending on who you believe, it's either aimed at improving the performance of space based systems that are being built anyway, or it's a rediscovery of The Secret Tesla Death Ray. It's either a great new source of low-frequency radio waves for military comm or recon, or a new generation of directed-energy weapon that will terrorize the planet, turning the Pax Americana into global fact, allowing a despotic U.S. government to roll over the world and divide it up between corporations.
This web page generates more e-mail than all my others put together. This mail is private, and off the record, which is kind of too bad, because it would make a book in itself. There are people who hear HAARP in their heads. There are people who blame HAARP for everything from their headaches to giant power blackouts. When the Kosovo war came, it was pretty much universally assumed that HAARP was participating. Since HAARP did transmit during the period, rumors ran wild.
There are people, usually with physics degrees, who have "done the math," and are convinced that the military is only a few years from global domination, burning cities, charred bodies, a civilization under a sword of fire. There are people, also with physics degrees, who tell me that the whole thing is radio astronomy, it's geeks with arcane degrees, it's data that will improve life and freedom.
Due to all this contention, HAARP's mighty radio waves illuminate far more than thin air. They show us what America is really about in the nineties, where the big bucks come from, where they go, who gets them, and who doesn't. They also show us how divided we really are over the NWO issue.
We don't have a fancy web page here. We just have a good story, better than most of what's on the corporate Nooz. Because that's just what HAARP is; real news for real people. You, the readers of this and other Web pages, have made HAARP's odd acronym a part of everyday conversation. Give yourselves a hand.
HAARP's web pages are lots of fun, by and for radio geeks like me.
They're at the Naval Research Lab, and a mirror at the University of Alaska.
Also, check out the HAARP Cam. Wear something warm.
Here's the current HAARP status. They let you know if they've been transmitting, and at 960 kW they can't exactly keep this a secret, so I tend to believe them.
And here's my HAARP FAQ, which has become a pretty long document, and still includes the glossary.
HAARP's unanswered question is buried deeper in the literature, where they don't like laymen looking. This is the matter of resonant auroral electrojet modification, the real goal of the project. Basically, it means that the ultra-enormous electric currents naturally flowing around our planet might be slightly jolted by kicks at just the right places and times. It's been tested, at several other heaters worldwide, and it works. It works very well, though not well enough to be militarily useful - yet.
The result may ultimately be the largest ELF transmitter ever imagined. This ELF/VLF range, where radio turns to electric sound, is a wild and wooly place. It's popularly (if usually erroneously) associated with Nikola Tesla, secret energy weapons, nuclear subs, and UFOs. Wild stories of mind control and weather war on the Third World just won't stop.
ELF is presently being used to communicate with missile submarines. Its huge wavelengths penetrate water better than normal ones do, but they require antennas many miles long. These antennas have to be towed behind aircraft, or buried for miles under cow pastures, with debatable effects on the milk production. The military would like it just fine if the "antenna" could be vibrating electrons in the sky instead.
Active ionospheric modification dates from the well-studied "Luxembourg effect," the investigation of which led to the discovery of the ionosphere's structure in the first place.
At this time, radio waves were tiny Luxembourg's biggest export. The little country made big money licensing super-power broadcast stations that could compete with government monopolies all over Europe. One of these stations started appearing in everyone else's programs. Ultimately, the interference was shown to be the effect of the station's mighty waves on the ionosphere itself.
Ionospheric modification went big-time when some very wild patents were filed on behalf of ARCO, the oil company, by Bernard Eastlund. He apparently sold the SDI crowd on the military uses of ultra-power radio beams, from many miles of antennas, making HAARP look like a weenie roast, and, incidentally, using electric generators that promised a nice market for ARCO's otherwise wasted Alaska natural gas. (Funny about that. :-))
This project would have cost many, many billions of dollars and covered much of Alaska. There is no doubt that it would have been the most energy ever concentrated for more than microseconds in the planet's atmosphere, energy approaching nuclear detonations, FOR AS LONG AS NECESSARY.
Eastlund is absolutely not a crackpot, but the language in his patents has a kind of large-scale, doomsday feel, not unlike in those global thermonuclear war scenarios. These patents are public record, and available for reading, though I advise one not to peruse them too close to bedtime.
This time period was also the last, weird, gasp of the Cold War, in which stories of Russian psychic beams and time travel experiments circulated widely. One popular view was that the pulse rate of the USSR "woodpecker," a special HF radar for early warning of low-altitude attacks, had been chosen to interfere with brain waves, or to move the jet stream out of position. While the woodpecker was an extremely powerful radio, definitely capable of biological effects at a distance, it still remains doubtful that it ever threw enough juice our way to do anything beyond its stated mission - early cruise missile detection. However, all this got people thinking.
Of course, ARCO's super-HAARP was never built. The military ultimately soured on poor Dr. Eastlund, calling him "nuts." Raytheon took over the project. Very good sources tell me that Eastlund's patents are still taken seriously, however. This means that somewhere in the Pentagon, someone is thinking seriously about the wilder ramifications of ionospheric heating. These include weather modification, global tomography, and other creepy scenarios, all from resonant auroral stimulation.
But it gets better. Way better.
Three years ago, there came a researched, 230-page book titled Angels Don't Play This HAARP, which should still be available from EarthPulse Press and other sources. The book, with its hundreds of cites and footnotes, is a great read, but once again it's best not to do it at bedtime. While reiterating the environmental objections, scary enough in themselves, the authors go on to argue that Eastlund has vindicated the mysterious, usually misunderstood, later work of Nikola Tesla.
Nobody's objective about Tesla. While he was contemporary with the other great inventors of our era, his vision was about a century ahead of theirs. Visionaries never have it easy, but Tesla had it worse than most. Though he lived well for a time, he died broke, while his inventions were in daily use worldwide. Some of Tesla's ideas were so advanced that they've been taken for black magic, or at least weird science, ever since.
This mythic tale of the exploited wizard, the visionary pariah, the lightning man, has hardwired Tesla into the post-modern consciousness. The legend grows yearly, as everyone projects their own, personal myths and fantasies into it. The Web is full of these, too numerous (or too weird) to list here. They make for great entertainment.
There's a core of truth to the Tesla mythos. His later work is not well understood. For example, the notorious Tesla Death Ray might have really been a particle beam idea that Tesla tried to sell the U.S. military as an anti-aircraft weapon. Such an idea was re-investigated for SDI. And conspiracy writers will never let us forget how some Tesla papers were taken by the Government right after Tesla's death in 1943.
The real HAARP - Tesla connection, however, comes from another great notion. This was the global, wireless transmission of electrical power. Tesla, after all, pioneered high-power RF work. He couldn't just call up Continental Transmitters and order a few megawatts. He had to more or less invent the radio first. While there's no doubt that Marconi did the real grunt work needed to get wireless telegraphy going as an industry, the fact remains that he used 14 Tesla patents, as later proven in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tesla's RF oscillators, mostly evolved from the " Tesla coil" so loved by science teachers, are still not understood. But any school kid knows the problem with wireless anything. It's the inverse square law. A simple, Godzilla-size coil just blasting away will cause a nice light show, possibly fry its operators, certainly make as much RF as Marconi's early stuff, but Mom out in Denver still won't get enough juice to make toast. It's simple physics.
Supposedly, Tesla planned to get around this by using the Earth as a huge, resonant system, probably at an ELF rate. His writings contain references to "The Terrestrial Stationary Waves," a resonant excitation of the ground, the magnetosphere, or even the 'waveguide' between the two. Tesla boasted that he'd done this on a trial scale, using super-power "Magnifying Transformers" like the ones in Colorado.
Would the "Terrestrial Stationary Waves" have worked? We won't know any time soon. But some writers think that other people, with access to classified files, know now.
This is that perennial conspiracy theory, the one that says how wireless power distribution actually worked too well, with near-apocalyptic consequences, nuclear effects at a distance, at will. It's one of those great, unprovable, Frankenstein tales, part anti-government paranoia, part fear of science, part sheer faith. And, since Eastlund was known to talk as big as Tesla, the connection was inevitable.
When it's finished, HAARP will be among history's largest HF transmitters. Even so, compared to Eastlund's unbuilt supermachine, it's a weenie roast, a little toaster, posing little danger to the planet. However, an increasing number of conspiracy authors seem to find evidence that it's good enough for a very nice test. And then, of course, depending on what they learn, they might build the real thing.........
True or false, the notion that a bunch of SDI spooks were building an Alaskan doom machine made HAARP the biggest thing to hit the paranormal/UFO scene since that Air Force guy let something slip about that flying saucer in Roswell. Most of the original HAARP publicity came from the Angels authors' appearances on FOX. Better than nothing, I suppose, but not much better as far as mainstream credibility is concerned.
Alaskans, who have to live next to this thing, were the first to get scared for other reasons. Out of this came a real, no-hidden-agenda, grass roots group, NO HAARP. The name explains the purpose. Their website has an order form for the Angels book, and some interesting documents.
As part of the Government's P.R. counterattack, HAARP got a lively, attractive web page. Check it out. It's fun, and it has some nice photos. No radio freak can resist all this neat hardware, definitely The Boy Inventor at work. The IRI, at least, is completely unclassified, and its builders are cool people. They'll answer your questions, and discuss ham radio with you on the side.
I really hope it stops there, just Photon Phun. But how are we ever going to know? We must know.
We live in the post-modern era. The struggle for truth is not in the streets but in the media. Business as usual equals abandonment. The corporate Nooz vendors will placate us with their celebrity sludge, until whatever happens, happens.
For me, the real problem comes back to the first problem. Are we sure we aren't screwing up this poor planet even more than we have already? Will El Niņo be the primary beneficiary of active auroral modification? Will some guys in a room under Omaha decide who's going to have an ionosphere today?
Personally, I'm not anti-HAARP. I actually rather like HAARP. However, I'm pro-knowledge. I get a little nervous when year after year goes by without any serious news reporting on what the SDI research establishment intends to do with all this data.
The disturbing spring of 1999, all violence all the time, shows how dangerous the world is becoming. Perhaps in response, the U.S. Air Force has quietly changed its mission statement from "Global Power, Global Reach" to "Global Engagement," whatever that means. NWO? WW III? Meaningless PR? We don't know. Meanwhile, they're still helping pay for HAARP.
As always, until everything leaves the closet, there's no doubt that prudent
Americans will once again assume the worst. As word spreads, through alternative
channels such as this net, millions will once again decide that their Government
intends to hurt them, in secret,
The science here is pretty good, though the QST article (by a member of the HAARP team) was better. While the international law issue is addressed, and a lot of hysteria is rightly debunked, the arguments are of low quality, invoking Cold War/SDI boogymen, and hinting that if We don't build it, They will. This last one especially rankles me, because even a brief investigation shows that They already did, and in fact They're letting Us use it. Therefore, for my own cussed reasons, I put his piece here instead of in the media section.
HAARP is only the best-known part of what's become one of the largest research initiatives ever. It's not as big as particle physics, but it's coming up fast. No, I do not know why.
From: garmar1914@webtv.net (Mark Harp) Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 05:08:59 -0600 Subject: Fwd: second biggest secret Your web page is quite interesting. Ironically, my father's name was Hugh Harp. Perhaps partly because of my last name, I recieved a letter from HAARP Program Manager John Heckscher dated March 22, 1996. He assured me that the project is a good and safe thing. No, I sure don't believe it. Mark[This is where it used to say that I'd never been contacted by anyone in the program. However, I've recently been contacted by several of the program's engineers and researchers. They helped me a lot with the technical details for the rewrite, which is why it's taking so long. -Hugh 12/98]
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 96 17:08:04 -0800 From: TJ Subject: the 'Tesla Death Ray' This is all very interesting, that such a thing could progress and neither my employees nor I have heard of it. I feel obligated to tell you that Nikola Tesla did keep some very accurate notes, but it was not until he became of a victim of age.. when he was younger he kept no notes having a photographic memory. This started to wane and he became more conscoius of making notes on paper. He did not beat the inverse square law, but his (seemingly) flagrant abuse of the laws of physics would merit such a statment. If this is true about the government and ELF propagation, then we have a problem. The tower of Wardenclyffe was not such a device, and is covered in great detail in manually transcribed documents from Tesla to his financial backers. I can see that this would make a dandy weapon if configured right. this is all scary...
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 14:37:43 -0500 (EST) Sender: tesla@mhv.net Subject: Re: the 'Tesla Death Ray' Wardenclyffle was more than just a big tesla coil...A glance of the primary and secondary would make one think, wow just a big sparkin' toy...but there was to be implimented a bizzare desing technique that I have never seen the likes of in any other Teslian devices. Try to picture three magnifiers, of diffenent resonant freq. 66.23khz , 41.1khz, and 30.75khz all 'trying to be fed off the single oscilator. Along with this, there was to be a fantastic array of copper plating along the sides of the tower in order to 'maximize reactive equalization' connected to varoius parts of the secondary. Tesla liked noise makers, so it could have been a big coil, but more possibly a resrch tool, with which to try new low freq. theories. He apparently wanted the tower to be the lowest frequency coil, at just under 2/3 of the 52khz Colorado coil. My forte is plasma physics, and Tesla was always a mistery to me
From "Matthew Hoel (EE)" <hoel@eng.usf.edu> Organization University of South Florida Date Tue, 26 Mar 1996 22:50:57 -0500 Newsgroups alt.conspiracy Message-ID <Pine.SUN.3.91.960326224334.13580C-100000@suntan> Does anybody know anything about the HAARP project in Alaska? I read the September 1995 article in Popular Science, "Mystery in Alaska," by Mark Farmer. I sent a letter to the editor in care of Popular Science asking him what government documents he was referring to. They sent me a letter saying: "Unfortunately we do not have all of the addresses and phone numbers of the companies and people mentioned in our magazine. This often happens when a freelancer has written the article." How do they expect us to verify the claims made in their magazine? Matthew D. Hoel hoel@suntan.eng.usf.edu http://www.eng.usf.edu/~hoel
"The present is theirs. The future... is mine." _Tesla
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