!...BETRAYAL !...SLANDER !.....
Now that I've got your attention, I have some important
things to say. At least they are important to me. If these issues
do not concern you, please just hit the DELETE button. But -if you think
there's a chance you might be an interested party, please keep on reading.
This public report is meant to be read by my friends and adversaries
alike. Anyone and everyone: Spooks and goons who revel in the joys
of persecuting the innocent. Advocates of Freedom and Justice. And everyone
in between.
Please forward this report. Please feel free to post it: on your website,
BBS or newsgroup; to distribute hardcopy. The only stipulation is
that it MUST be posted IN IT'S ENTIRETY : the original form with no editing.
I am a survivor of CIA black ops, Phoenix Project
and MK ULTRA. I am also a serious, professional researcher and
investigative journalist, having worked in radio, TV and print journalism
for over 20 years. Since I broke free of government mind control and
black ops, I have become a whistleblower.
Consequently, I have been subjected
to the most brutal harassment tactics by the perpetrators of the injustices
which have been visited upon me, who do not want their massive
abuses of human rights exposed. Not only have I been exposing
information about human rights violations committed by the U. S. government,
I have been involved in more general activism for human rights since
1969, including serving as a press representative for Amnesty
International. I take human rights violations VERY seriously.
And I refuse to back down from any investigation or exposure of such
abuses, no matter what harassment, sabotage or intimidation tactics
may be used against me.
If I were able to, I'd post this report on
my own website. But there's a glitch, a snafu, a wrench in the machinery.
I still have a website but I no longer have a webmaster. And so, my website
is currently frozen. Frozen, at a time when it is absolutely crucial for
me to continue to publish important information from my research and about
my own case, as well as the cases of other survivors of government mind
control, who have appealed to me for help, and like myself, are targeted
for extreme harassment and political persecution. In fact, my life may
depend on making this information public. This is not hyperbole, nor is
it an attempt to recruit help or sympathy by an unfounded claim. As God
is my witness, it is the simple truth. My hope is that in reading further,
with an open mind to my testimony, you may come to recognize the truth
in what I am trying to convey.
My legal Defense and Research Fund website
was put online in mid-May. This was after six years of having all the
other sites which published my material sabotaged and/or shut down. In
certain cases there were even death threats made to certain of my associates
who published my research and articles on various topics, including mind
control, black ops, CIA illegal domestic covert operations, UFOs
and PHOENIX project.
My first webmaster for the LDRF site became a target
of extreme harassment and intimidation tactics. Shortly after constructing
my original site, he lost his regular job, his only source of income was
cut off and he was apparently blacklisted when applying for other jobs
in his field. Shortly thereafter, his apartment was broken
into and totally trashed. Materials that were lent to him by me, including
books and tapes on mind control and CIA black ops, some of which contained
my own public testimony in lectures, interviews and hardcopy reports,
along with others such as ex-CIA agent Chip Tatum (Operation Red Rock,
codename Pegasus) were missing. ( BTW: What was stolen and/or destroyed
in this man's apartment was my property and I have no way to replace these
items. ) Not only did the perps steal and destroy private
property, the they left one of their usual "calling cards" :
in this case flyers advertising my videotapes which they brought in and
scattered all over the apartment. They hacked into and crashed his computer.
All his files were destroyed. The perps wiped out EVERYTHING: URLs, passwords,
programs -you name it, it was gone.
This man had no such problems until he attempted to help me by volunteering
to put up my website. I warned him ahead of time that he would be targeted
should he decide to work with me. Sadly -but typically- like most people,
he did not realize the severity of what the perps would do until it happened
to HIM. Now, despite the fact that I have known him for 27 years,
he refuses even to speak to me and blames me for what the perps did to
him, even though he was forewarned. By his own admission, he has
not told me the worst of what he was subjected to. I can only imagine
what that might have been, based on the past experiences of other associates
and friends who have been similarly targeted because of their association
with me. In the six years, since I have broken out of CIA
black ops and related mind control programming, people associated with
me and my research have been subjected to having their doors broken down
by SWAT teams; death threats; physical and psychological coercion; harassment
by black helicopters, "crop dusters", spy planes and even military
fighter jets; assaults by electronic weaponry; cars vandalized; destruction
of personal property....the list goes on and on.
My second webmaster -who took over from the first-
experienced a crash of his computer and modem as well, shortly after starting
work on re-constructing my website. Although he himself attributed the
crash to mundane causes - which certainly MIGHT be the case- to me it
seems more than suspicious, due to the timing and since this is the same
pattern which has been operating in my life for the past six years.
The second webmaster resigned on July 6. He told me he has decided that
it is in his best interests to distance himself from some of the issues
I am addressing. One of these issues concerns defending myself against
slander and misinformation campaigns which are being waged against me
and which have already compromised my credibility. My policy is ALWAYS
to expose the perpetrators of such slander and to correct any misinformation
that is being spread in connection to my research. This
webmaster advised me to change my course of action, in the interests of
"maintaining my credibility". Since I do not allow anyone to
censor what I publish, I declined to take his advice. Although I respect
his decision to withdraw his affiliation, due to his concern that his
own credibility might be compromised by association, it is important
to me to stand my ground. For me, it is a matter of honor.
As far as my credibility is concerned, here's
my view of credibility: Credibility is earned by consistent truthfulness
and integrity. It is a matter to be ascertained on an INDIVIDUAL basis
by those who read or hear my public testimony. Open-minded, perceptive,
intelligent and ethical people have a way of discerning credibility
-or the lack of it. As far as I'm concerned, I don't give a damn what
the rest of them think. I am not willing to sacrifice my honor, nor
my allegiance to the truth, in the hopes of gaining credibility. There's
far too much at stake.
A third person -a fellow survivor of gov't
mind control- appealed to me for help in defending herself against
the harassment she and her husband were being subjected to, after
hearing one of my lectures at the Psychops conference in N.J. last
May. After meeting me at the conference, and establishing contact
through e-mail and phone calls, she was immediately targeted for escalating
harassment and surveillance. She and her husband were followed
by men in surveillance vans and hit with electronic weapons.
This same woman recently tried to help me
by sending out an e-mail notice about my website being frozen and
my computer crash, while I was temporarily offline. Her computer also
crashed, right after she sent out the e-mail notice on my behalf.
Subsequently, this woman -who is a computer expert- spent over three
hours on the phone with another friend of mine who came to my home
to try to help me get my computer back up and running properly.
After three hours of bizarre complications and mounting frustration
in trying to accomplish what -according to my two friends- should
have been a fairly simple task, they gave up trying to fix the system
by re-loading the software into the hard drive. Consequently, I have
had to keep the computer running -with the CD program installed- 24/7
since Saturday July 15. I dare not turn it off, since it will
result in another crash.
I will be the first to admit that I know
very little about computers, but I do know this: The perps have so
far destroyed 3 of my computers in 6 years through various means,
including viruses, hacking and even by sending provocateurs under
the guise of computer technicians who offered to re-build and upgrade
my computer as a "donation" in support of my Legal Defense
and Research Fund. What I ended up with was NOT a rebuilt computer.
Instead, hired thugs were sent to trespass on my property, after having
been warned by me NOT to come near my home. They had dismantled
my computer and dumped the pieces of hardware in disarray on the hood
of a visiting family member's car, parked outside my home. These goons
then threatened the life of my visiting relative and only fled the
scene when I called the police. Naturally, the police did not
conduct a proper investigation of the case and even when I appealed
directly to the D.A.'s office to prosecute these criminals, no help
-and certainly no justice- was forthcoming.
I also know that the technology exists -and
is operational- for these criminals to hack in -REMOTELY- and access
computer files, destroy systems and anything else they feel like doing.
I know this because I have been privy to inside information from computer
and electronic surveillance experts wo have been involved in investigating
my case, more than one of whom had formerly been employed by the CIA.
I also know this because I myself have been repeatedly victimized
by such sabotage, EVEN at times when my computer was NOT connected
to a modem. I only learned about the existence of this technology
because I did my own research, since I needed to understand how I
have been relentlessly victimized by the use of it. I don't waste
my time arguing with people who try to convince me that this remote
technology does not exist, or that the causes of my 6 years
of on-going bizarre computer problems can be attributed to some mundane
and innocent malfunctions. They can believe what they choose,
but speaking for myself, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind exactly
what has happened to me. Please remember this: PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY
is the standard operating procedure by which these gov't-sponsored
criminals may run amok and get away with everything -from computer
sabotge to cold-blooded murder.
I am now trying to raise the money to take
my current computer into the shop for service, which will cost hundreds
of dollars that I do not have.
Slander and misinformation campaigns are presently
being waged against me by various individuals and collectives. This slander and misinformation has done major damage to me and
to other innocent parties associated with me and has compromised my good
name and reputation, both personally and professionally.
Slander and misinformation campaigns are among
the most insidious tactics used to discredit survivors, targeted individuals
and their advocates. All it takes is a few persons with an ax to grind,
and a willingness to spread disinformation or malicious gossip. Before
you know it, the slanderous rumors have a nasty way of taking on a life
of their own, growing into an attenuated grapevine which
bears the rapidly proliferating and toxic fruit of lies and defamation.
The target of such slander -in this case myself- is unjustly branded with
an undeserved negative reputation which is exceedingly difficult -if not
impossible- to counteract.
Since the perpetrators of this slander have taken
it upon themselves to publicly spread lies about me and to
declare themselves as my adversaries by this unconscionable behavior,
I will confront my adversaries openly and expose their trangressions
publicly, as I always do. It is the only honorable line of defense available
to me. And in my own defense, I will name the perpetrators -at least those
who are known to me- one by one. And yes, I have evidence. I have
also documented the testimony of numerous witnesses as to the sources
from which this slander and misinformation is emanating. In certain cases,
I have heard it on radio programs or seen it published in books,
periodicals and on the internet. This problem can be typical for
someone who develops a high-profile case by publicizing her research and/or
personal testimony as a survivor and/or witness of illegal covert operations
which involve massive violations of human rights. In order to maintain
a cover-up of their crimes, the perpetrators use the tactics of spreading
misinformation and disinformation.
Many times the perps infiltrate research, advocacy and support groups
in order to implement these tactics. For example, these groups may include
those for survivors of cults, SRA, sexual abuse, government mind control,
UFO abductions. These penetration agents not only are sent to collect
information by gaining the confidence of group members; some of them are
also provocateurs and disinfo agents who often succeed in muddying the
waters by promoting half-truths, bearing false witness against individuals
-inside or outside the group- who threaten their agenda and telling other
outright lies.
From my observations, most of the sincere members of such groups who
are seeking support from other survivors have little access to accurate
information about the BIG PICTURE involving the SYSTEMATIC and INSTITUTIONALIZED
violations of which they have been victims. Often, they are too ignorant,
subjective or biased to correctly analyze such information, even when
it is made known to them by serious, ethical professional researchers.
Thus, they are easily led astray and play right into the hands of the
perpetrators, whose agenda is to continue with business as usual: Denial.
Cover-ups. Mind control. And continuing violations of human rights.
Thus, it is my policy NOT to join groups. For one
thing, it is not in my nature to be a "joiner". As well, my
observations on the occasions when I have chosen to attend public meetings
of various groups -without committing myself to any membership- has been
that these groups offer nothing of value for me personally.
I am an independent researcher and I do not wish to become involved
in the politics and group dynamics which are characteristic of organized
collectives. I think and act on my own. I do not make my decisions by
consensus, or by some party-line position, as is usual with group endeavors.
I do not wish to be entangled in any hierarchical structure, in which
there are leaders and followers. I am nobody's leader and nobody's
follower. Basically, I have chosen to do my own research and form such
individual affiliations as suit my purposes. Groups may work for some
people; they just don't work for me.
What continues to amaze me is that I am continually besieged by those
group-minded people who try to recruit me into whatever agenda or projects
their group is promoting. Even if I tell them politely and respectfully,
no thank you, some of them will persist to the point of actually harassing
me, in their efforts to reel me in. These tactics do not work on
me. However, some of these prosletyzers and PR people take personal offense
and when their efforts fail, they seem to feel the need to try to discredit
me as a result of my refusal to join up and toe the party line.
The bottom line is this: I am a champion of INDIVIDUAL rights and freedoms.
If you disagree with me on any issue, that's fine with me. In that case,
respect my rights as an INDIVIDUAL, just as I respect yours. If you don't
respect my rights, take the consequences.
The main issues which I need to address here are
as follows: My freedom. My right to privacy. My right of free speech -as
a journalist and a private citizen. And just as important, my honor.
Anyone who REALLY knows me, knows this: "Death
Before Dishonor", that's my philosophy . My
friends know it. My enemies know it. Probably, my enemies know it better
than anyone else could. And I do have more enemies than I can count.
As tends to be the case with enemies of the advocates of freedom and justice,
most of them are hiding in the shadows. Most
of them don't show their faces, and even if they do, they don't declare
their enmity openly....No, they operate covertly and in the most insidious
ways imaginable: subterfuge, sabotage, deception, manipulation, meddling,
and the dissemination of lies.
I try not to let that phase me. I've been up against
these types of characters for so very many years. Since I'm approaching
the half-century mark, that's a long time. It's not hard for me to scope
them out. I have my own spiritual discernment, as well as a psychic
radar that is not likely to miss the mark.
Here's my definition of an enemy: My enemies include
anyone who attempts to deprive me of my basic INDIVIDUAL rights and freedoms.
Anyone who attempts to interfere in, obstruct or sabotage my personal
or professional activities. Anyone whose intent is to exploit me. Anyone
whose willful intent is to do harm to me and mine. Anyone who betrays
my trust. Anyone who falsely accuses me of wrongdoing, slanders me or
defames my character or professional reputation. Anyone who violates my
privacy or shows a flagrant disrespect for my personal boundaries.
So be forewarned: If YOU are such a person, watch
out ! Your transgressions will NOT be tolerated. And I will fight back
by every legal and ethical means available to me. Unlike YOU, I observe
the martial arts code of honor: I walk away from a fight whenever possible,
assuming I may do so honorably. I strike back ONLY in self defense. And
I do only what is necessary to neutralize my enemies, so that they are
stopped from doing further harm to me or those under my protection. I
do not act out of aggression, vengefulness, false pride or malice.
Only petty-minded cowards are capable of these tactics. I am, however,
very capable of acting out of RIGHTEOUS ANGER when my rights are violated.
And I WILL defend my rights, even to the death.
So please, if you have established yourself as my enemy, recognize the
fact that the most dangerous adversary is the one who is not afraid to
fight TO THE DEATH for her freedom, for justice, and for honor. So, take
heed: Don't tread on me !
Here is my policy:
When someone attempts to interfere with me or violate my rights in any
way, I confront that person -directly. I issue a warning to cease
and desist. If the offending party refuses to be directly
confronted by using avoidance tactics (the tactics of cowards) or once
warned, disregards my warning, I take action -by any legal and ethical
means available to me- to protect my rights.
I have found that the most effective strategy is
simply to publicly expose the perpetrators of injustice. In fact, this
is exactly what I have done on countless occasions and it usually works
like a charm. Once they see that their unconscionable acts have become
a matter of public scrutiny, they run for cover.
Now, let's get back to the slander and disinformation
campaigns. How am I being targeted ? Let me count the ways....
Recently, the aforementioned friend who tried to help me by sending
out an e-mail notice about my computer troubles, told me that one of
the members of an e-mail support group for survivors of mind control and
ritual abuse to which she belongs, had posted a message in reference to
me. The message was a warning that I could not be trusted. In this attempt
to discredit me and to assassinate my character, this person told all
members of the group that I am a liar. She falsely claimed she had been
in regular contact with me for some time. And that she knew from corresponding
with me that I am NOT financially destitute, but am flush with money and
Here are the facts:
Firstly, I am indeed living in abject poverty, due to the successful
efforts of the perps to drive me into financial destitution. I am at constant
risk of having my phones and electricity turned off , and worse,
in danger of losing the very roof over my head. Things are so bad that
I make sure to feed my 9 cats, whom I love more than my own life,
even if I have to roll pennies to do so- before I worry about food or
other basic necessities for myself.
Secondly, I have NEVER been in correspondence with this individual.
I had received ONE e-mail message from this person, crying the blues about
being a survivor of CIA mind control, which I did not even respond
to due to my intuiton, which told me that this person was not to be trusted.
But I do have her e-mail address: beckiandus@aol.com . This address
was confirmed to me by my friend as the same individual who is spreading
the lies about me.
Just yesterday, my friend was warned by the moderator of this e-mail
group that she would be kicked off the e-mail list for "not following
the rules" and for "showing disrespect" for the person
who was spreading the lies and slander about me.
What was my friend's "crime" ? Defending the integrity
of yours truly, Barbara Hartwell, and exposing this person, beckiandus@aol.com to everyone
on the list as a liar and perpetrator of slander and disinformation.
beciandus@aol.com will
be receiving a piece of my mind. She- if in fact "she" is really
a "she"- will also be receiving this report. All I can say is:
Read it and weep ! The game is up.
Frankly, I have had enough ! I have had it UP TO
HERE ! There is much more that I will expose, and many more names,
but for now all I can think of is getting this latest report out while
I still can, before the perps strike again and I am forced offline with
no communication to the outside world.
To those of you who believe in me and have offered support:
Thank you and God bless !
To those who have established themselves as my adversaries:
You have been warned. You will be exposed. Get off my case or
take the consequences !
For Freedom and Justice,
Barbara Hartwell
"In a time of universal deceit, TELLING THE TRUTH is a revolutionary
-George Orwell
Barbara Hartwell Legal Defense and Research Fund PO Box 832 Woodstock, NY 12498 website: http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/