![]() THE
The microwave voice device can be used by
invisible operatives
of surveillance system to deliver instruction on an undercover
operatives or drive an unaware target mad (and/or to kill)
What is microwave voices device &
why does it cause difference with normal hearing?
The microwave voices can cause human hear voice with brain without using ears.
The human brain is not only responsible for
but it's also a receiver for electrical impulses from various parts of the body.
The brain translates these impulses into actual sound or sensation.
Allow me to explain how this works!
For example, the human ears only collect sound waves. It then translates these sound waves into electrical impulses and send it to the brain. The brain translates these impulses into actual sounds (that you hear). If you can directly send the electrical signals (which represent the voice) straight to the target's brain, then the targeted person will "hear" sound without actually hearing it through the ears. The ears is completely bypass in this "hearing process" (Another evidence of this type of communication was reported in an article in the DISCOVER Magazine of June 1993. The researchers reported: "They have enable deaf people to talk on the phone again by putting electrodes into the ears of deaf people" & "they've made a blind woman see patterns of light by putting electrodes in the back of her brain".
Concerning of hearing without ears (by using microwave voices), there was an important information which was mentioned by Dr. Robert Becker in his 1985 book _THE BODY ELECTRIC_ .
In the 1960s Dr. Frey found that when microwaves from 300 to 3,000 megahertz were pulsed at specific rates, humans (even deaf people) could "hear" them and the sound seemed to come from just behind the head. He disregard it at first, but later work show that the microwaves are sensed somewhere in the temporal region just above and slightly in front of the ears.
The phenomenon apparently results from pressure waves set up in brain tissue, some of which activate the sound receptors of the inner ear via bone conduction, while others directly stimulate nerve cells in the auditory pathways.
In 1973, the above theory has been successfully developed to a microwave voice device By Dr. Joseph Sharp and he heard the microwave voices in head. This microwave voice device was demonstrated in 1973 by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Dr.Sharp, serving as a test subject himself, heard and understood spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed-microwave audiogram (an analogy of the word's sound vibrations) beamed into his brain.
" Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive an unaware target crazy with "voices" or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin." The above deduction of Dr. Becker on the application of microwave voice device is a very accurate forecast.
The above information proves microwave voice device was invented in 1973 and as same year to invent the electromagnetic wave mind machine.
The following released information from US Patent & Trademark office has proven the microwave voice device has been invented & used (I would deduce that this device learned from intelligence's microwave voice device of 1973 but this device has been improved in order to use for business stores). The microwave voice device can be used by invisible operatives of surveillance system to deliver instruction on an undercover operatives or drive an unaware target mad (and/or to kill)
What is microwave voices device & why does it cause difference with normal hearing? The microwave voices can cause human hear voice with brain without using ears.
The Hearing system
Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.
Inventors: Brunkan; Wayne B. (P.O. Box 2411, Goleta, CA 93118) Appl. No.: 202679 Filed: June 6, 1988 ........ Description
This invention relates to a hearing system for human beings in which high frequency electromagnetic energy is projected through the air to the head of a human being and the electromagnetic energy is modulated to create signals that can be discerned by the human being regardless of the hearing ability of the person.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,629,521 issued Dec. 21, 1971 describes the use of a pair
of electrodes applied to a person's head to inject speech into the head of a
deaf person. An oscillator creates a carrier in the range of 18 to 36 KHz that
is amplitude modulated by a microphone. ......
Based on NIJ report, the information of 4/94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN article, MICROWAVE NEWS Nov/Dec 1993, and NEXUS magazine, it prove that state & local law enforcement have used the mind control equipment (microwave voice equipment-Voice synthesis) and life control weapons (microwave, infrasound, radio-frequency weapon, electromagnetic pulse weapon, etc.) on civilians. Therefore, state and local law enforcement have become mind control basic units. police officers become life controllers of local people.
Nov/Dec 1993 reported, in November, 1993, a three day top-secret non-lethal weapons conference took place in the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. 400 scientists gathered at this University Applied Physics Lab to discuss their work in developing nonlethal weapons technologies including radio-frequency radiation (RF), electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon, ELF, lasers and chemical. The meeting was classified. The meeting was attended by numerous scientist, military weapons experts, intelligence officials from state and local police departments. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare leading law enforcement officials for the use of psychotronic mind-control weapons.
Amongst the subjects covered at the conference were "RADIO-FREQUENCY WEAPONS, HIGH POWERED MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY, ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal voices into a victims head), VOICE SYNTHESIS, and APPLICATION OF EXTREME FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal (psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as PRESENT DAY, U.S. Government use of electromagnetic weapons was described conference chairman.
In the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO (i.e., VOICES OR OTHER AUDIBLE SIGNALS) DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN OF ANY SELECTED HUMAN TARGET. This process is also known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy ( Microwave voices device -- Alan Yu note)." This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.
The above reports prove that LEO & operatives have used the more advanced mind control equipment (Voice Synthesis-advanced than microwave device because it can be used to clone the voices of other person, animal, insect, etc.).
What is the relationship between invisibility technology (see details on Part II-A) and the use of microwave voices device? The short answer is that without using invisible operatives, the involved LEO cannot make a target to hear microwave voice at his home/office, car, boat, plane, super-market, shopping center, bank, stores, etc.
We know that the microwave voice device can be used to deliver an operator's microwave voices on a target's brain in order to cause the victim hearing microwave voice without using ears.
Therefore, when a victim hear microwave voices, it means an operative is using the microwave voice device on the victim. Also, the operative must can see this target clearly in order to deliver his microwave voices frequency to the target's brain. Thus, under such kind of situation, the victim who hear the microwave voices should also can see the operative who is using the microwave voice device. Especially, if the victim hear "microwave voices" when he is at his single house (or an apartment living with many persons), or sitting the passenger seat in a moving car, or walking on streets. That's because under such kinds of situation, no one can watch the victim clearly & deliver microwave voice on his head without being seen by victim. However, why would so many victims' cases report that these victims only heard microwave voices (either in a victim's single house, cars, or when victims walked on the streets) but never saw anyone who used the microwave voice device around them?
The true & final answer is that when a victim heard the microwave voice, the operative was not only using the microwave voice device, but the operative was also using invisibility technology. That's why the invisible operative/little spirits could enter people's homes, cars, or followed a victim when he walked on the street to watch the target clearly and use the microwave voice device to deliver his microwave voice on the target's head without being seen.
Beside the invisibility technology is a top secret, most of people have no knowledge about it. Furthermore, some people also have no knowledge about microwave voice device. Therefore, these operatives could use the invisibility technology on the personnel & equipment (including microwave voice device) to become invisible (little spirits) and enter people's home. car, etc. then fly onto the head of (or fly around) the victim to deliver their microwave voices messages and mislead the target.
Thus, these victims only heard microwave voices and never saw any operative who used the microwave voice device on them. Therefore, these many victims reported cases have proven that the invisibility technology have been used many decades. Thus, the invisible operatives can secretly enter people's home/office, car, ship, plane, etc. or followed a victim on street to deliver their microwave voice messages on a target.
Recently, some persons claim that microwave voices were delivered from satellite to a target. It is mainly used to mislead. Why? Everyone knows that satellite will orbit Earth and never stop. Thus, it obviously cannot be used to deliver microwave voices to a target for a few minutes. Also, the satellite cannot be used to spy a target in a building, home, etc. Thus, satellite cannot accurately deliver microwave voices on a moving target's brain in any victim's home. Such kind of theory is only used to prevent the secret of invisibility technology from being exposed to and accepted by the public. The truth behind the use of microwave voice device to deliver microwave "voices" to a target's head at home (or school, office, car, etc.) without victim seeing anyone is that the operatives are tiny, invisible (and mostly fly onto the victim's head). It means the microwave voices are delivered by the invisible operatives/little spirits who could be on the victim's head (they have been used the invisibility technology on themselves & equipment to become invisible & tiny-see details on Part II-A).
How could invisible operatives of surveillance stations/system drive people mad with microwave voices device (mind control equipment)?
After the invisible operatives secretly enter people's home/office, car, boat, plane, etc and fly onto the target's head, they would use microwave voices device to deliver their messages directly into the unsuspecting target's brain and proceed to "talk" to the victim. The invisible operatives do this to drive the unsuspecting target crazy (for example by repeating the same statements over and over again). Especially, there are other persons around the target, the invisible operatives will use microwave voice device to deliver "voices" direct on the head of the unaware victim. Therefore, the unaware victim will hear "microwave voices" with his brain. However, no any regular person around of him hear the same "microwave voices" or talk to him about the content of the microwave voices. This is also used by invisible operatives to make the unsuspecting victim appear to others as being insane or paranoia.
If it didn't work, furthermore, the invisible operatives/little spirits (who fly onto or around the target's head) will use the microwave voice argue with the target to make the victim angry. The invisible operatives are eager to make that the target can't stopping to argue with the invisible operatives/little spirits who are onto the target's head or staying around the target. Especial, when there are other persons around the target. Then the other unsuspecting persons will agree that the victim have become crazy . That's because they didn't see anyone around there to argue with the victim. It's the way which the invisible operatives of surveillance station/system set their target up. This will make their target appearing as insane to others (or even make others thinking about that the target just argue with the ghost). At last, to make the all other persons treat the target as insanity, or even force the target to the mental hospital by using some collaborators to encourage the relatives of the target. Once the target is sent to mental hospital, all people will believe that the target were real insane. It's the most frequently used tactics of involved LEO of surveillance system to get rid of their target.
The above tactic has been used on a victim, Ms. Wang of Taiwan in order to make her appearing crazy to others in society.
Ms. Wang's father was the publisher and owner of a well-known Taiwan Min-Zu evening post newspaper (1960s-80s). In the mid 1980s, Mr. Wang had asked the head of Taiwan's National Security Bureau to help Mr. Wang's son-in-law to settle some "personal business". Mr. Wang told his daughter of this, and the daughter leaked it out (because of her big mouth). Unfortunately, the "business" of Mr. Wang 's son- in-law involved the interests of some Taiwan involved LEO & operatives. After these involved LEO & operatives found out about Mr. Wang's effort on behalf of his son-in-law, Mr. Wang suddenly suffered cerebral hemorrhage. After Mr. Wang had been treated and released from hospital, he suffered memories loss. Mr. Wang's daughter was driven mad with microwave voices by invisible operatives. That's because the effort of Mr. Wang & his daughter would have interfered with some of Taiwan's involved LEO's & invisible operatives' interests.
After Ms. Wang had recovered in the hospital, she immigrated to the United States. However, she is still being harassed with "mind games" and "hear" microwave voices in the US. How could this happen? This is because Taiwan's overseas LEO & operatives had used the invisibility technology from US local surveillance station/system. Thus, Taiwan 's invisible operatives have secretly entered Ms.Wang's home in US and even fly onto Ms. Wang's head to deliver microwave voice on her. That's because mind control, life control & life manipulation in surveillance system are the international conspiracies.
There is a secret agreement between many country's involved LEO to allow foreign overseas involved LEO & operatives to use other country's local surveillance station/system. It can make many country's involved LEO to continuously control their citizens' lives or mind control their citizens overseas. This method can be used to protect many country's involved LEO's personal interests & life control secret through the international cooperation in surveillance system.
Therefore, once a person is targeted, the harassment and attacks won't stop to avoid others getting real information of life control, invisibility technology, illness/death inducing techniques from the targeted person.
Second example:
A case happened in spring of 1994 & involves a person who lived in New York:
This person & his family was from China (This story was reported in "The World
Journal", a Chinese newspaper published in the United States).
He killed his wife while she was working. The newspaper reported that the killer have recently heard a voice which told him: his bad luck would go away if he kills his wife. The husband followed the voice's "advice" to kill his wife while she was working at home. The husband followed the instruction of the voice because the husband had thought the "voice" was coming from an angel trying to help him. I suspect that this case must be caused by something else (such as the involved LEO & operatives from surveillance station/system use microwave voice device on the target) instead of schizophrenia.
That's because the invisible operatives could use the mind reading technology in conjunction with the microwave voices to set anyone up whom they do not like. If the life controllers (corrupted LEO & operatives) disliked the husband in this case, then a female invisible operative would secretly enter the husband's home and pretend to be an angel to use the microwave voice to deliver the message "Killing your wife would bring you good luck" to the husband's head.
If the deduction is correct, then both the husband and wife of this family were victims. The real criminal would be the life controllers (the corrupted LEO & invisible operatives).
However, if the Chinese immigrants family didn't become US citizens then the involved criminals should include the local LEO, overseas involved LEO & operatives of China. In this case, the involved overseas operatives would be mostly recruited from Chinese immigrant business owners/managers (in US) who have naturalized as US citizens (According to 1984 House Representative Hearing, many business stores use mind control equipment e.g. microwave voices equipment & could send subliminal message on their employees or customers-see detail on my web Part 7-A).
Now, let me remind you the news reports in the front. The above information from news report, it proves that US' LEO indeed use mind control equipment and have more advanced microwave voices device (Voice Synthesis). Such kind advanced microwave equipment in surveillance system is mainly abused to drive unexpected people mad. That's because the common microwave voice equipment can be also used for interrogation from local surveillance stations (County or large City)/system by involved LEO & operatives.
How could the involved LEO simply use microwave voices equipment to interrogate a target at victim's home from local surveillance station (County or large City)/system (the local surveillance station can network with any other County's/ or State's surveillance stations).
By using microwave voice device and invisible operatives to secretly interrogate a citizen at his home without others' knowledge is the involved LEO frequently used tactics.
First, they must use the invisibility technology of surveillance station/system
on their personnel & equipment (including microwave voice device) to make them become invisible & tiny. Therefore, the invisible operatives/little spirits can carry the equipment and secretly enter a target's home through interdimensional travel or hitch a ride of other collaborators to approach the target's home (then the invisible operatives can secretly fly into the target's home/office from the collaborator's car).
These invisible operatives/little spirits will mostly enter the target's home at night after the target's family members all go to sleep. That's because their goal is by using invisible operatives to talk a target through microwave audiogram which is not heard by the ears. Thus, other persons who live with the target at a same home neither can see the invisible operatives, nor can hear microwave voices. By using the invisible operatives and the technique of microwave voice, it can easily avoid attracting the attention from others (including the target's relatives who are living with the target in a same address) beside their target.
After these invisible operatives enter the target's room, they usually stay at the upper section of wall (to prevent the invisibility technology from target's knowing). They will use ultra-sound to wake up the target then use the microwave voice device to deliver the invisible operative's message (the microwave voices are translated from an operative's voice) to the target's brain. The target's head will only hear what the invisible operative say as normal dialogue in a whisper, but actually there is no any voice (sound) can be heard by ears and can't see anyone (invisible operative) around himself. After asking a question, the invisible operatives will use the advanced mind reading techniques (see details from below attachment or my webpage Part I-A) to read the target's thoughts as the answer (if the target answer with the normal voices, the invisible operatives can still get the answer from mind reading techniques- as the target whisper the answer in the invisible operative's mind). When the invisible operatives disagree with the target's answer in the interrogation, they will use their weapon (e.g. chronal gun, radio-frequency, etc.) to injure the target or even injure the target's children as threat (these children will keep sleeping although they will have reaction to any injury. That's because other invisible operatives will fly onto these children's head to control their brain in order to keep them sleeping).
The current functions of microwave voice device: 1. After using invisibility technology, it can be used to deliver microwave voices on any unaware target to eventually drive the unaware target mad. These invisible operatives can also use the special ELF technology to create an illusion of the Devil and mislead the victim to mistakenly believe that the "microwave voice" were from the illusion of Devil. This is all done in order to create a programmable murderer and drive a Devil worshipper to kill (see details on my webpage Part VI-A, C). 2. It can be used by invisible operatives to secretly deliver instruction with microwave voice to an undercover operative (a co-worker of target who is part of the mind game). 3. After using invisibility technology to secretly enter people's home at mid-night, the invisible operatives will hide on the higher section of wall and use ultrasound to wake up a sleeping victim. After the victim wake up, the invisible operatives will use their microwave voice device to deliver their microwave voices messages to the victim in order to remotely interrogate a special target. Under such kind of situation, if the victim is uncooperative, the invisible operatives will use chronal gun or remote electroshock weapon (see details on webpage Part II-B), etc. (which can cause victim feeling pain) to injure the victim to threaten him in order to achieve the interrogated goal.
The explanation of advanced mind reading techniques:
Another technology used by these invisible operatives is an advanced mind-reading technique. This technique allows the invisible operatives to fly near the target and read the target's mind immediately. How can they do this?
The electrical impulses in the brain of every human, which describes the thoughts (brain waves) of a person, use the same signal. This means that if we can transfer the electrical impulses of PERSON A directly into the brain of a PERSON B, then PERSON B will understand the thoughts of PERSON A as if he was reading PERSON A's mind. This is just like microwave voice technology, which directly delivers electrical impulses (which describe voices in brain) into the human brain; this allows the person receiving the electrical impulses to "hear" voices with his brain, without actually hearing anything with his ears.
(attachment)-Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE
In the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed- energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO (i.e., VOICES OR OTHER AUDIBLE SIGNALS) DIRECTLY INTO THE BRAIN OF ANY SELECTED HUMAN TARGET ((a kind of Microwave voices device -- Alan Yu note). This process is also known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy" (it means this device can be used to clone a target's brain electrical impulses which express one's thoughts or language and deliver it to another nearby operative's brain to know the target's thoughts or words immediately-Alan Yu note).
This psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference (same meeting as above Nonlethal weapon conference).
The advanced mind reading method is that the involved LEO can use Voice Synthesis to clone the target's brain electrical impulses which express one's thoughts or language and deliver it to another nearby operative's brain to know the target's thoughts or language immediately. This is another function of Voice Synthesis and that's why the Voice Synthesis is also called "Synthetic Telepathy" within US government. The technique described above is currently the latest and most advanced mind-reading technique.
After the "little spirits" (invisible operatives) fly near the target, they will use Voice Synthesis to clone the target's brain electrical impulses which express one's thoughts or language and deliver it to another nearby invisible operative's brain to know the target's thoughts or language immediately.
The technique described above is currently the latest and most advanced mind-reading technique. By using the above technique, the invisible operatives who fly near the target can read their target's thoughts, no matter where the target is. Under this kind of situation, mind reading (like a psychic) has become the basic ability of every "little spirits (invisible operatives)" in surveillance system.
In surveillance system, the invisible operatives will use the advanced mind reading technique to read a target's thoughts immediately.
Alan Yu
I report the subject of life control, invisibility technology & illness/death inducing from surveillance station/system based on facts which include news reports, information from scientists' books, released document of CIA, reported cases, mind control researcher's scientific report, Government document report, mind machine and hearing system (microwave voice device) on US Patent & Trademark Office's records, 1971 congress,Majority Leader Boggs' warning speech on Congress record, etc. with my best knowledge. Therefore, no one can simply deny it without counter evidences. Those persons who deny my reports without counter evidences must be involved LEO & operatives from surveillance station/system ( or their collaborators).
Recently, I found the (electromagnetic wave) mind machine patent was filed on August 5, 1974 and registered on 4-20-1976 which can be read on document of US Patent of brain waves (United States Patent 3,951,134 Malech on April 20, 1976 ). Also, the microwave voice device (hearing system) patent has been found on United States Patent & Trademark office. The patent number is United States Patent 4,877,027 owner is Brunkan on October 31, 1989
When I first reported above EM mind machine information on internet in 1994 & the microwave voice device on internet in 1995, the involved LEO & operatives from surveillance system (including some collaborators) always falsely accuse me insane or mentally ill person. However, the above two patent finally prove that what my report on mind machine & microwave voices are purely true (see details on webpage-Part I-A, B).
Now, the invisibility technology is the same thing.
When I reported the information about invisibility technology on internet, they also falsely accuse me insane, or mentally ill person. However, comparing with their false accusation on me for my report on mind machine & microwave voice device, the smart citizens will finally know that only Alan Yu is telling the truth.
The shorter the lie is, the better it is. So, the liar can avoid inconsistencies and mistakes that other people can catch. Only a person who tells the truth would rather describe the facts in the most detail - in order to let others know the truth - instead of discussing things in very genera.l