98, Lily Gardens, Dipton, Stanley, Co. Durham, England. DH9 9BH 01207 237 696
The FBI document with my name in it, was printed on
Written in September, 2000
Microsoft Word 6.
There is no copyright on this document
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.
William Allen White.
My name is John Francis Walsh. I was born in the west
of Ireland on Tuesday the 27th of February 1934, at approximately 8.49 PM. From
an early age I wanted to live in England. For some reason unknown to myselfe
at the age of seven, I loved a country I had never seen. Children don't exactly
know why they think particular thoughts and I was no different. I was also born
a citizen of America and because nearly all my relatives were and are still
there, it would have been normal thinking to have focused my mind on that country,
but that was not to be. I think I shocked my family by stating the above information
as if it were a fait accompli. II
remember the day quite well: I was seven years and seven months old:. I would live in England.
I came to England in 1953, to teach and this I eventually
did. After qualifying, I worked in the state system in London. My last job was
as deputy head of a London primary school. I had a very happy life in teaching
and took all itsmy challenges in my stride, for I always ssaaw these
to be minimal and to be an essential element of the experience I was on earth
None of us can help the things life has done to us. Eugene O'Neill
I am John Walsh. One day in early 1988, I found myself in a situation in which I had to make a decision fast. I left teaching. I knew it would be a decision that would affect me for the rest of my life. The road I sensed, would be full of perils but I seemed to have been guided through every step I would take as of that day. "When thou wast young, thou walkest whither thou wouldst: but when thou shalt be old, another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not:" John 21.18. The latter process has continued unabated ever since. I take one step at a time and then anchor myself to look at and assess, where I am. When I left teaching, in my own mind I did it to set up Christian oriented study groups that help people who need a helping hand, to live happy lives. As I wasn't tied to any religion, I found these to be very helpful in solving my own problems. I was convinced how good they were, because I worked in a school that had many challenges. The children fought a lot and things were so bad that supply teachers wouldn't come to the school when any member of staff took sick leave. Many of the children fought inside the classrooms as much as they did when they were supposed to be at play.
Because I had been asked to go to the school to solve this problem, after a year of failure, in desperation, I brought the basic philosophy from the study groups into my school assembly. I took the Junior School for assembly, once a week. I say that the group work is Christian oriented, but the word 'Christian' need never be used. It is just a mechanism. At the end of three months, all the fighting in the school had stopped and for the next six years we never had a fight again. Every week for five minutes of school assembly time, we did our study group work. I even had to reassure the head teacher once, that the fighting would never return. I'll never forget her words: "John, it can't last." I told her that it would and as time went on, it got even better. The process is given in detail, at the end of this document.
Setting up groups here in England after I retired, was relatively successful but not as rewarding as I had envisaged it would be. I had dreams of the whole country, even church going people, wishing to start groups of their own, but the end product of my work, was relatively modest. Then a complication arose, which gave me the biggest challenge I have ever had to face in this life. A group of people tried to kill me. I've tried desperately to get the problem solved in a way that is more righteous than lesser ways, but my attackers insist on doing it their way, which to me makes little sense. A point comes when one has to say enough is enough. The last attack on my life and that of a co-worker, took place in the course of a twenty mile journey on the local A1M motorway, just a few months ago, in early June 2000. Because of this attack and other attacks on my friends, on people who have written to me and on myself, I've decided that the illogical actions of the Freemasons have to be the end product of their own higher minds demanding action that will make them stop.
But more important still, I know that most people in this country, as well as in other countries should become more aware of what is really going on here in Britain, at this time. If my attackers have to be shamed, then that is how the plan was originally determined. By my way of thinking, the whole problem needs to be seriously addressed.
We started one particular study group in a family home. We made this arrangement, because we decided it was too much for the children to travel after a day in school and the two girls wanted to be in the group. I had never set up a group before for children. Nostradamus describes reasonably well what actually went on, so I will give you the quatrains he wrote. He wrote other quatrains that are just peripheral to this same challenge. He also wrote some that refer directly to the work I do, giving a total of fourteen that I am using in this writing. I'm giving you as many as I can. There are others but they can be left out of this writing.
The presence of these Nostradamus quatrains indicates that this whole scenario has been a very significant event in the universal scheme of things, as we know it. I say this because Ezekiel wrote about it in the Bible also, but I'll leave out most of what he wrote. By the time you finish reading this document, you may very well understand how unavoidable this negative episode has been. Going by our present way of thinking in a logical fashion, what took place in Durham seems to be ridiculous, but if Nostradamus was told so much, he certainly indicates our need to address this sequence of events.
Century 10: Quatrain 13:
Ruminating animals eat raw food out of their own stomachs. You can find the man's family name is in this first line, if you already know such a name. It's important to protect the children at this time. I think the rest of the signs will be impressive enough. It was he who got the Masonic police and MI5 workers in his lodge, to start a Masonic vendetta against me.
I sell herbal medicines to a small group of people. As a result of their being led here, both my friend and myself as well as our properties, have been attacked for more than 1,500 days, by Masons, by the police and by MI5.
The Freemasons got the police and MI5 to get control of the house next door to my herb place but also next door to my home in Dipton: number 98, as given in my address above. Their agent came to live in 99. When they failed to kill me in a sustained but noiseless microwave attack, that lasted 9 months, they panicked and increased the power, which means they also increased the noise. It was then that we heard both machines, which alerted us to what they were doing to me. The second machine was in 12, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley. DH9 7TR, which is next to my place of work: number 13. Microwaves pass easily through a wall. My legs still have the burn marks on them and I still get cramps in the calves of my legs where the burning was worst. I have no problem letting people examine them. The burning came from the continued attack on my body after their first failed attempt to kill me.
I was first condemned to death in a Masonic lodge, not far from Durham city, the city of Masonry. It was from the police station in Aykley Heads, Durham City, that the two police cars came from, when they first decided to make me the victim of their Masonic vendetta. To get promotion in the police in Durham, you have to be a Mason. My blue estate car was first damaged, almost beyond repair, when I had it paint sprayed on the premises of what is now RWD in Back Western Hill, Durham City. One of the owners was called Dave. I came down the hill after collecting the car and found I had no brakes. Had there been traffic on the road at that point, I would have been badly injured if not killed. There was damage to six other parts of the car as well. It was also in Durham City that the dentist: Mr. Dentith, destroyed my mouth. The last time I went to him he told me with a big smile on his face, that he had lost my file. My next dentist, describing the dentures he had made for me, told me that they were quite bazaar. Had she seen my file, I know she would have been shocked. This man is openly proud of having done his Mason friends such great service. He now acts as if he believes that his future rewards will be very great. I wonder how many other mouths he has deliberately destroyed?
My apologies to all the people named, but you would never have become involved had you not volunteered to do this work, a long time ago. For Nostradamus to read it, it had to have been written already. We all have free will. There's no way he could look into a future whose key events hadn't been already planned. Other answers explaining his ability, are too illogical for my way of thinking. How a prophet can look at something that doesn't exist, is completely beyond my ability to accept. I don't believe it can be done. When very good prophets get things wrong, it's because we've changed the plan. I see this in Ezekiel all the time. He wrote mostly for an Armageddon scenario that has now changed to one that is seemingly symbolic, though he still stays with the more important scenario to come at a later date. Nostradamus was writing 2000 years after Ezekiel, so he tends to be able to elaborate more than Ezekiel could do. Had what happened in my life never taken place, then I would never have bothered with Ezekiel and the latter's prophecies would have become dross.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls: the most massive characters are seared with scars. E.H. Chapin.
Now, we are almost being forced to accept that our original plan was a good one. The mythology states very clearly that God had nothing to do with it. It's our plan. The myth says that He just loves the good and the bad through all their challenges, because He knows that one day, the seemingly bad will one day be counted as good. In the meantime, God continues to be absolutely just and the challenges continue to be ours because we created them. Me? I suppose I volunteered, for so the myth says and I have no reason to disbelieve it.
I am taking this opportunity to combine my story with a look at problems other people are facing. If the Freemasons treat me in a particular way, then many others will have to face similar type challenges and this is not an acceptable pattern for living for any human being. Many of my close friends will be quite shocked here in Durham, when they read this document. I've decided to let as many people as possible have a copy of it.
I'm not a great fan of Nostradamus, but I do find that in some areas of prophecy, he's unbeatable. The details he has given concerning my life have shocked me a little, because for many years I thought he was useless. Because of this, I'm sure many of you who can't do anything much to help me, will at least appreciate the read. Without support from an outside source such as Nostradamus, without having seen my burned legs, you would find it very difficult to believe this story. At the same time, the Universe is saying to me, because of the number of quatrains quoted that relate to us here in Durham, that this whole issue is of great importance. Nostradamus continues with the original problem in this verse.
Century 10, Quatrain 28:
The two children who were in the study group play the piano. The Mason has one older child.
The group was set up for the children. The king seems to be Nostradamus' way of describing any one who leads a group.
I went from 10 stone to 8 stone in weight, in the course of a few weeks, when the attack reached its climax. My organs, flesh and skin had all been burned beyond their ability to renew themselves. I truly believe that I'm the only one ever to survive such an onslaught. I know of no-one else who has done this. This is why the police and MI5 have become so paranoid and are always sending their friends to visit me or ring me, to find out what I'm doing. Every time I do anything unusual, I have a visitor or other Masonic contact, inside 24 hours. I can only guess that their harassing me in my car, has it's driving force coming from their paranoia. They also use every ruse to get my friends to think that those of us being attacked are as paranoid as they are themselves. However, we discuss this problem and analyse it using very tough logic and we reject the Mason's conclusions. If I'm sitting in the middle of the road for five minutes and the car won't move, makes us believe that it's only the car that's paranoid.
Of course, they're afraid I will eventually write a document such as this one, which I had no intention of doing until that last big attack on our lives, on the motorway. Their latest worry is that I might put this document on the internet. I can always tell what their latest worry is by the questions their friends ask me. This is probably why they're forcing the e-mail bill through Parliament. They want their posteriors protected and fast. But the Bill, even if it will be passed, won't stop this process, if it's meant to be. The two other people I know of, who were attacked as I was, both supposedly died of natural causes, as I would have done had the Masonic intent been successful. Both Nostradamus and Ezekiel imply that I would survive it which means, my survival was a part of the plan.
The Mason seemingly told his friends falsely, that I was having an affair with his wife. If true: a death sentence? I ask you? I lived in a monastery up to the age of 33. I then stopped believing in God and saw no alternative but to leave. If anyone can find as much as one woman or girl that I've ever had an affair with I would like to know about it. It would be news to me. And to take someone's wife with 3 children, would have been out of the question when I get proposals from gorgeous single ladies regularly. I have to turn them down, even though my human drives rebel against my decisions. The truth was that the Mason's father was into illegal activity and I was unwittingly told about it. I had to be got rid of. Lucky for me, Nostradamus could see the truth and I'm pleased he was inspired to vindicate me.
The herb place written about above is 13, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham. DH9 7TR: 01207 237696. I sell herbal remedies from here. The number of the first quatrain given above is 13.
My date of birth is 27-2-1934. When you add up the numbers they come to 28, the number of the second quatrain. My name in numbers also adds up to 28.
28 adds up to 10, the number of the century in both cases. Century 10, Quatrain 13 and Century 10, Quatrain 28.
I've noticed that Nostradamus gives the numbers of the quatrains as clues to help us find the quatrain we might suspect holds information that is relevant to one's own life or to that of particular individuals who seem to have a need to know. Well, he certainly has done this for me. Some of the quatrains describing this area of the country and the part I play in all of this, are tied to my numbers or to the word AVANT. The number of these quatrains is so great, that what is going on here in Durham becomes significant in the greater scheme of things, when looked at from my perspective of what our function is here on earth. Nostradamus only wrote one thousand quatrains and he has tied myself, my life and my work, to at least twenty of these, which in turn are all tied tightly to my numbers or to the word AVANT. This is more than 2% of the total number he wrote, a fact that is to me, quite startling. It can't be explained using logic only, because we now live 450 years away from his day. It can only mean that there has to be some hidden significance to this whole scenario that my very limited mind finds difficult to grasp. Why? Because of my own insignificance. When considered in the context of the greater scheme of things, I am unknown and of no particular value to mankind. Ask the people who tried to kill me and they'll confirm what I have just written. Because of this, Nostradamus' hidden agenda leaves my mind in turmoil and all I can do is put my head down, live my life and then follow my fingers as they type out a tale I don't quite understand. I write this story, because I know it may help to save the lives of many people who are now living in a Masonic created hell, as well as my own.
When I read the prophecies and saw what was taking place here in England, described in both Nostradamus and in the Bible, I knew I was into something so involved and bigger than myself, that I was at first certain that I could never cope with it. I knew that this couldn't have been why I came to teach in England, but the prophecies keep on telling me something else.
After more than four years of attacks, the Freemasons now seem to me to be into a pattern that the words SELF DESTRUCT, describe reasonably well. Because I've survived, they have become paranoid concerning what I'll do next to expose them. This is why they've now imprisoned me, without actually putting me behind bars. I have explained to them that prophecies can be interpreted in more ways than one and that the pattern for the future need not be played out in the fashion they seem to be so keen on. I made my contacts with them, using my e-mails, because they illegally tap into mine and can block responses coming through, when they want to deprive me of particular information, as they once did. They seem to me to be like lemmings, hell bent on exterminating themselves. The better way would have produced the same end product and the prophecies would have been fulfilled.
I explained all this to them but it was a waste of time. Their minds are too tied into power games. Their harassment and persecution of me, is an ongoing everyday affair. Some months ago they put chemicals into the fuel tank of my car and forced my mechanic to take the car to the Freemason, David Oliver Electronics in Ferryhill. David wiped the car computer clean, leaving the car a sitting duck to be manipulated by laser or radio beams, from the satellite, from mobile phones and from the many agent cars the Masons (police and MI5) now have on the roads.
This makes my journeys hazardous both for myself, my passengers and other drivers. Going into a roundabout and having my engine switched off because they've cut the petrol to all four cylinders, is a criminal act and is life threatening when no-one else entering the roundabout at speed, expects a car to suddenly slow down and sometimes even stop, in such fast moving traffic.
The final time I went to collect my car, David's son Darren, did his last piece of work on it while I had to wait in the office. I expect this was when he put the holes in the air intake pipe, made so perfectly that they looked to me as if they were a part of the original pipe. With a Volvo 440 Xi, warm air, heated by the exhaust is essential to the efficient running of the engine. I expect that this was also when the alternator belt was badly damaged. When I gave the car to the Olivers to have it put right, the belt was fine.
When I went back to Olivers, some weeks ago, I was told untruths by Darren, who told me that he was too busy to reprogram the computer for me. He could have done it in a few minutes. Of course, he was very polite. They are always polite. The Freemasons, the police and MI5, even tried to kill me in an orderly way. There was nothing messy about it. Even my killers next door are polite. This procedure seems to absolve them of all feelings of guilt. Their evil doings are always parcelled elegantly, but the reality is that these same gold plated coffins are full of excrement. However, this is minor activity when compared to what the Masons and police perpetrate on me and my work elsewhere.
Century 2, Quatrain 27: This is my date of birth 27-2-1934
There was only one John the Divine: the beloved. Nostradamus is pointing to my name John in this context. The definitive statement describing John makes him important, so I will write a little about him here. We don't have the power to destroy God's voice from the sky, but we do have the power to destroy the voice of one of our own. Symbolically, in real life, what I write and speak about, has much in common with what John wrote in chapters 14 to 17 of his Gospel. I suppose that this is why Nostradamus ties him to me and my work. The myth says that the rest of John's book is padding. Also, the other two quatrains tied to the DIVINE VOICE will be mine.
The best information I could find on John the Beloved, is put together in Chapter 16 of my book: END TIMES AND A NEW BEGINNING. The book has 344 pages and 22 chapters of writing. It can only be bought on disk for £10, from John Walsh, 13, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham. DH9 7TR. This includes postage to anywhere in the world. It's in Microsoft Word 6. Visa and Mastercard may be used. If you can't afford the price at the moment, write for it anyway. Should the Masons allow it to be published, this offer will have to be rescinded. They control nearly all the publishing firms and have stopped me publishing my books already. There are about 40 pages in chapter 16, so it can't be written here. The mythology states that John the Beloved is a key figure in man's journey on this earth implying, that without John, Jesus couldn't have come. This is why the Father loved him and probably still does. Jesus loved him also, because Jesus could only do what He saw the Father doing, as He Himself said. It's also why he told His mother when on the cross, that John was His brother: "Mother, behold your son." Their relationship goes back into a mythology that predates history as we know it. The myth states that John's journey wasn't meant to be understood until our times: "he (who and why he is) will wait until I come:" John: 21.22. Jesus couldn't have meant that John would live for 2,000 years. The myth also states that when John does come, he will explain many of the mysteries our minds couldn't get to grips with any sooner. The myth also states that John will be both rejected and accepted at the same time. It implies that this rejection may eventually activate what we would see to be the anger of God and thus start the changes. But this is not the anger of God, it is only His love, allowing us to activate our own plan. We all made a plan for the earth, but this earth is God's and He will have the final say. The earth wasn't made at the beginning of the universe, when we brought it into being. This situation leaves everything about the changes up in the air and there's nothing I can do about this apart from reading the mythology involved in this whole scenario. This is why Jesus said that only the Father knew when the changes would come. However, although I'm a good dream interpreter, I'm stretching my ability to its very limits with the interpretations I've just given in the last few lines. In comparison, the quatrains have been easy. In C3, Q2, Nostradamus says that everything beneath John's feet is his and he has all power even in the seat of Heaven. In this quatrain he calls him the divine voice again and repeats what mythology already had stated that John would explain things never explained before: the gold hidden in mystic facts. John did something in the past that must have allowed God to give him the power he has. The above statements also explain why so many people believe they were once John the Beloved. Their souls know that it's their short-cut to God and I can see their point in making this claim, but all forty of these that I know of, plus all the others no-one has told me about yet, can't be right. They can't all have been John.
At one point in this writing, I was asked by a lady one Friday morning, a person who works for HTV in Bristol, to help with a programme on earth changes and prophecy. I explained quite a lot about prophecy to her on the phone and agreed to help her further. From what I've read of the writings of others, I have to assume that I may know more about prophecy and changes than any other person in the country that I know of. The lady wanted me to go south the following week and promised to ring me back that day, but never did. The Masons, listening to all my calls had made sure she wouldn't. They had done this before. I was truly struck from the sky. I told my friends after the phone call that she wouldn't ring back, just as had happened before. I was already aware of the prophecy and knew it would realise itself, for they all eventually do. I also knew that giving a warning to people about the possibility of earth changes coming soon, would be of little importance to the Masons, were it to interfere with their vendetta. However, I soon realised that the lady would ring back, for I had told so many people of the incident and the Masons hear everything I say. By the time she rang the following Tuesday, I had already worked out exactly what she would say. They had decided to take the programme in a different direction and she thanked me for my help. One day she would get back to me. "Struck from the sky." How would you describe this incident 400 years ago? No further comment. I was going to write 'pathetic' but I'll resist.
This refers partly to the Masons almost destroying and controlling my car. An hour ago, I was sitting in my car on the road, for some minutes, as I revved up the engine trying to get it to climb a gentle slope in front of me, but it wouldn't move an inch. I didn't have the power to proceed further, as has happened every day for the past three months. After some minutes, they switched my engine on again. I know this line is about my car being stopped because Nostradamus uses the word AVANT in this one single line of writing.
The AVANT is the model name of an Audi car. It's the only time Nostradamus uses the word AVANT in the first 500 quatrains and that's in 2,000 lines of writing. AVANT means BEFORE and is normally used very often in popular writing. Because of this, it should have been used many times also, in this writing. Nostradamus seems to have isolated it specifically for me. He is making sure I have support for my claim that the Masons are destroying and have virtually stolen my car. He's making a point.
This means that any other quatrain that includes the word AVANT, in the rest of the book, will probably have to do with me. I will let you have all of these AVANT quatrains. I'm almost certain I've spotted them all.
I think Nostradamus is making sure I get this document right. The word AVANT adds up to 13. 1+4+1+5+2 =13. Nostradamus then incorporates the word AUDI by association. AUDI means LISTEN. Listening is about using the phone or using lasers to hear everything anyone says in my place of work or in my home or in my car. To me he's saying that they use their perpetual access to everything I say, to also control my life, to make sure I don't proceed further. After one visitor left, I found that my word processing programme had been wiped from the computer that works the only printer I've got functioning at the moment of writing this paragraph. That's me at a full stop. At the moment I cannot proceed further. Of course, I know it will be temporary, but only because of actions I will take to undo his treachery.
Nostradamus is saying that we have just discovered a long kept secret. One can't see this hidden power. Today, quantum physicists say that every cell in our bodies, is controlled by mind.
Cheetham's book on Nostradamus, explaining this line is pretty good. Going forward means "making progress," or "seeing to it that the prophecies are being fulfilled." Cheetham says that this line means that a spiritual man is either imprisoned for his beliefs, or will be stopped giving the people information. (Par dessus et devant, means both) The secret is in the mind, for many quantum physicists now claim that we are mind beings. If we are, we will be eternal in both directions, past and future.
If you believe what I've just written, you will realise that the underground cell is many cells and is your subconscious, your own mind, and it's in control of the paradigm that determines your journey. Why? Because it was here first and can't die with your body. While living a life in an animal body, our free wills only decorate the structure. You are chained by underground cells, by your subconscious mind. The myth says that all cells in your body have a consciousness of their own. Many people follow the still small voice in themselves, that guides them, when they are in need of help, but here it's saying that we are all going to have to live through the prophecies as well, whether we like it or not. We are chained. He's saying that the plan has now evolved to a point where there's no turning back. "When thou art old, another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not." John 21.18. Add the numbers and you get 39 or 13+13+13, the address of my place of work, in which I do all my writing. We are not losing our free wills here: we agreed to this process a long time ago and now we are under obligation to go through with the plan.
Man cannot remake himself without suffering, because he is both the marble and the sculptor: Alexis Carrel.
It was in late 1996 and early 1997, that new people came to live in both 12 Prospect Terrace and 99 Lily Gardens. Rimington and Werdman are still living in 12 Prospect Terrace. They were so sure of killing me that they seem to have bought the house for permanent residence and if this is incorrect, either MI5 or the police own it. The man who came to live in the house next to mine in Dipton, at the end of 1996, only slept there for an average of two to three nights in every month. He was a tall thin man. Every time that original killer turned up, he made a great show of being there, just like his next permanent replacement did. The last replacement lived opposite me in number 75, Lily Gardens, for the first six months of the year 2000. He has just left. He also took away the cars he used to permanently block access to my house. This kind of exercise is part of the regular harassment that has gone on every day for the past four years. Ezekiel 12.3 ff, speaks of this and everything he wrote has now been lived through. The wall was a wall of four to five cars, which I had to carry my bags through.
I used to wonder what was really going on in 99, Lily Gardens, but in the early days I innocently guessed that the man was looking after the listening devices which we also knew to be already in the walls of 12/13 Prospect Terrace. I have a device that picks up the laser beams that are used to carry voices to their recorders. The police also made a point of letting me know that my phones were continuously tapped, as the walls are. The microwave devices seem to have been put into operation in early 1997. The killers in number 12, could switch off the machines when they came home each evening. Down in Dipton where I slept, looking at it all in hindsight, I realise that the machines could be left on at all times, apart from the two or three days a month when the killer was there. This would mean that the two machines would have been in full operation by the end of January 1997. Apart from a few hours every day, my body was continually under attack; in other words it was being slowly cooked or burned and as happened to others who were attacked, a point comes at which the whole body ceases to function.
The experience started after one particular study group meeting when I was followed home by two policemen, in each of two cars. They drove very close to me and all four of them were laughing their heads off all the way. They were so close to me, I could see their tonsils in my mirror. At the time I thought it strange as I was followed right up to my door. Next day my phone was interfered with on a regular basis and eventually, a man called and told me that the noise on my phone indicated that my phone was being tapped. Every time I arranged on the phone to go anywhere after that, I was followed by either police or plain clothes men in private cars. Eventually it became all plain clothes. One time they even sent a helicopter to follow me. I knew it had to be me as I was on a mountain road with no-one else there to be followed. They had and still have their cars parked not far from 13, Prospect Terrace, New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham DH9 7TR, where I work. I usually do long hours as I'm not that interested in TV, apart from the football and the evening news, so I work to about 11 PM every evening. I also do my reading in number 13, because it's a nice environment to be in. The police agents now follow me at all times. Lately, they are into switching my engine on and off as often as they have seemingly planned to do it. They have a variety of cars on every road and they change them often. I can see that a lot of these people are young trainee officers, being taught to be criminals: like father, like son.
To get away from the police I hired a car recently to go to Ireland, from Europcar in Newcastle airport. Because my IRA qualifications plus instructions, are written into the information given with my credit card, the Fiat Brava I hired, became a Rover 25 without any consultation with me. As I went up the steep incline into the ferry, a shocking noise began to come from under the car. I thought the exhaust was falling off. It continued until I was going back down the same vibrating incline at the end of the journey. When I got to my destination, I pulled away the worn selotape that was now streaming from the bottom of the chassis. Their tracking device had fallen off but had vibrated so violently against the body work of the car in the process, it had scared both myself and my sister. When I eventually got my invoice a week after I returned the car, the lady had charged my credit card £50+ more than the original price she told me I would have to pay.
This behaviour is such an insult and takes away one's self respect. It is also intrusive and corrupt, but is a true reflection of the minds of its perpetrators. They know perfectly well that there's no need to follow me. They knew I had my sister with me and they know she's a nun. Because of her bad arthritis they knew I would be spending the week looking after her. Of course, that was not the point of the exercise: the rodent mentality has to follow through with the vendetta and the harassment must never stop, not even for one day. As one old lady recently told me: "I dream of getting one good night's sleep, knowing that when I go to bed I'll be safe for the night." She's been harassed now for 25 years and doesn't know if it will ever end. This is now the 21st century and as a nation many of us wish the old aristocracy had never left us. Their replacements behave as if they were the garbage of the universe. As I listened to the old lady crying as she told me her story, I truly felt helpless. This country needs the help all of you can give to this campaign I'm starting. The old lady is so frightened, I don't think she's ever been able to confide in anyone else, since the Masons sent their emissaries from the council to deceive her into believing they would help, but only used the information she gave them, to destroy her further.
Century 10, Quatrain 72:
This is the second of the AVANT quatrains that I'm giving you. The date is one of the most specific in all the centuries. We all waited for something to happen. We didn't realise that by turning 999 upside down we would get the number of the beast or the number of Masonry.
The Masons use one of the satellites to track me in my car, at all times. They have the keys to my car and can put the same spy devices into it that they put into the cars of criminals and others they have trapped into being the victims of vendettas. Without the sky, this tracking couldn't be done. When they switched my engine on and off on the motorway, using their control of the computer in my car, with the help of the satellite, Pauline my helper and myself truly had a ride that terrified us both.
Many observers waited expectantly for this quatrain to be fulfilled in a way that everyone on earth could experience. But seemingly nothing happened. It was at this time probably, that the plan was brought in to control my car using the satellite and radio beams. It wasn't until the following Spring that they were able to set it up, using the Olivers in Ferryhill. See also Quatrain 2.27, just given. The quatrains are tied through 27 and 72. Some of you people, the readers of this item, will have specific information as to what decisions were made with regard to the use of satellites in July 1999. I don't have access to this kind of information. Nostradamus would never have got this line wrong when the 55 others I'm using in this document, are correct.
Nostradamus writes "of the ANGOLMOIS." He emphasises MOIS to tell us he is referring to July in the first line of this quatrain. The only July who was ever king of Britain and who could measure up to the Masonic brutality that I've become aware of, was JULIUS Caesar, after whom the month of July is named. He is speaking of the total control Caesar had of Britain, while he was here. The next line supports this concept.
You will notice that the word AVANT is used in this line, making this quatrain mine. Mars was the Roman God of war, confirming the reference to Julius Caesar, which in turn confirms my conclusion that Nostradamus is referring here to the conquest of this nation by the Masons and of their continuing battle with me. When Julius Caesar came to Britain, he was certainly in total control of the south of England, with it's capital Londinium his headquarters. If this is correct, then the final decision to kill me had to be made in London, close to or in the Masonic HQ there, or in the Temple, C5, Q1: as given further on. However, the original recommendations, based on fabricated evidence, to have this operation put into being, would have had its starting point in a Durham lodge, here in the north east.
During the past four years the security services, the police and MI5, have continually followed me and taken my photo a number of times. They've also used video cameras to embarrass me in family situations and so on, even as far away as Ireland. They sent fabricated reports about me to the FBI in America. I'm on the list of criminals that was leaked from files in the White House. I'm number 917 on the list. Strange: that's 98, the number of my house in Dipton. My name is also the 13th from the top of page 9 of the document in front of me. I'm writing this in number 13. It's not just Nostradamus who works with numbers. I think Plato may have been right when he said that God spends His spare time geometricising. A copy of the FBI list was sent to me. The Americans even sent a Secret Service agent to interrogate me concerning my allegiance to the IRA. The articles written every day in every newspaper, speak of crimes of all kinds being committed, but the police and MI5 spend enormous sums of our money harassing people like myself in various ways, in every part of this country. For many of them, investigating criminal activity seems to be how they get their overtime.
The harassment has been continuous and they've never stopped, not even for one day. The details would bore you but I'll give you the gist of some of it, as this writing progresses. The latter section of this document is the important part. Luckily, I see these people to be the end product of a process that has gone terribly wrong. At the God level of operating in themselves, they are all good but today that can't be said of them when they use their logical minds. I was very patient with children in school, so I've been through a training that has protected me during these problem years. You see, I know it will all end one day and if the prophecies are right, I know that in the long term, we will all win. I also know that there's still a long way to go. This keeps me plodding along and responding only to what is coming to me from my higher mind. My logical then tries to make sense of the whole scenario but this latter process can be very difficult at times. By the time you finish reading this document, I hope you will realise how much both myself and the people of this country, need your help.
Every man, on the foundation of his own sufferings and joys, builds for all: Albert Camus
I think I'll give you Century 6, Quatrain 33 here, as it speaks of these incidents that took place abroad. When I visited Yugoslavia, I had a vision of the sun dancing strangely in the sky one day. It started at 6.28 PM, and finished at 6.33 PM, which has made these numbers special in my life. All the time I was looking at the sun, I heard a voice saying, "this is a God experience." I kept saying back in my mind, that it couldn't be, because I knew the idea was ridiculous. However, the first word of the next quatrain may very well contradict what I had then believed. I think that this is why the two incidents are tied to one another in 6.33. I published the photographs of the sun dancing in CITY OF GOLD, a book I once wrote for my friends about the Stone of Destiny, the Ark of the Covenant and a few other items of interest. I do have a few copies left. I only had 1,000 printed. Many interpreters of Nostradamus have written about ALUS being the third anti-christ, because of the word "blood" (sanguinaire) written after the word Alus, but this cannot be translated "bloody." Its modern usage as a curse word, has little to do with "blood." If the quatrain refers to me, the word has to mean "bloodied" just as my body is today. Also worth noting is that 6+33=39, which is 13+13+13, the number of my place of work.
Century 6, Quatrain 33
The word HIS probably refers to God, as I have just explained. I have to assume that He is acting through me. I have no problem with this. My name in the monastery was Aloysius. Take out the middle four letters and you have ALUS. Aloysius is a strange word. Al = 13 = 4. Oy = 13 = 4. Si = 28 or 1, and US = 31 or 4. Add up the three fours and the one and you also get 13. My full name is John = 2. Francis = 7. Patrick = 6. Aloysius = 4. Walsh = 9. Add these numbers and you get 28, which is also my birth number: 27-2-1934 or 28. Yes, and my body was and still is, a bloodied object. I left the monastery when I was 33 years old, and despite not believing in God at the time, this quatrain is saying that I made the right decision to leave, for I took the 6 number with me. 6 represents God in mythology. The process I went through in the monastery and afterwards has protected me in such a way that I am now free to do this strange work that I do. Had I a family to care for at this time, the prophecies would never have been realised. So many girls must have wondered why I backed away from them, but they weren't half as puzzled as I was. Many people are convinced that their logical minds are in charge of their decision making processes. For myself, I wouldn't bet on it, not after my experience in this life.
This explains what happened to me in Ireland and on main land Europe. I really did feel helpless when these attacks came. Once, I just had to go along with the humiliating procedure one foreign police force put me through, at my port of exit. At times like that, you block off all thinking and just act as if everything was normal. In Southern Ireland, it took the 'AA' 9 hours and three phone calls to come to a car breakdown I had there, having originally told me they would get help to me in 20 minutes. With my third call I had to threaten them. There were many other sly attacks that if reported would have made me seem to be paranoid, which is what they continually try to do. My burned legs and Nostradamus and Ezekiel, make their challenge something they can't handle, so it's persecution every day.
Where I'm writing this, is exactly half way between the Tyne and the Wear. This is the only conurbation in the country to be named after two rivers. Nostradamus would only know the one word MILITARY for the police and MI5, but he may also be referring to the MoD, for they developed the microwave devices. I should have been afraid, but this was minimal. Since 1982, my destiny and who is with me on this road has been very clear in my mind. If my plan and His plan say I go, I'll go, but not before, so fear in my life is truly relative.
In the monastery as Alus, we all dressed in black (noir). NOIR also means profound and hidden or something similar to God power, which is a much more likely translation. However, with a double meaning word like NOIR being used here, I could accept this to be a united effort between myself and some power, such as my subconscious mind, that would make the Masons repent. But, as God doesn't make anyone repent, the higher power must be the part of God in me that is the basis of my existence and that we all use on this earth. The double meaning word NOIR, also implies that that is how I work anyway. For 18 years I've worked in this way.
In 1982, I heard a voice in a dream as I woke up one morning and the words gave me two choices. In the waking state I chose the road I'm now on. My logical wanted the easier road, but I had to overrule it, because short term rewards have never been an option I could consider. This is why I'm prepared to let children learn nothing for a year, if I'm sure they can do four years work the following year, having used the first year to build a quality foundation. This is explained later on in this document. I feel that as humans, we must always look at the long term effects of decisions made every second of every day. This is why I've only ever fought the Masons with my pen. Doing it this way has given them time to think about the role they play in killing people and in destroying this country. Had killing them been the way, then God would have done this long ago and don't think He's not got the power. He can exert the same power in a negative way, the power that kept me alive, when I should have died. But that's not what He's into and because He's not, neither am I. His way and my way take longer, but time is a cheap commodity when one realises how much of it there is. Yes, the pen does seem to be mightier than the sword. It is always my choice.
I only get angry when I look at the end product of our education system and see what it has done and is doing to our children. They grow up with the ability to kill children like Sarah Payne, other innocents and adults like the best friend, husband and father I've ever known. This thinking does make me angry, especially when I see the same police standing on their thrones as they tear other murderers to pieces for the media, knowing that they themselves know quite well what is really going on in this country. No wonder John in Revelation calls their organisation the Beast.
The first thing the Masons told my friends was that I was in the IRA. Being Irish, it was an applicable accusation. However, I don't know anyone today from the north of Ireland, so how I could operate in this capacity is beyond my comprehension. For two years the Masons, Police and MI5 broke nearly all the packages of herbal remedies that I sent to my customers, which means that the business of selling to my original customers, has completely collapsed. They still break the odd package, but we package well against what they do. The damage was probably done in the Darlington depot. Most of our post goes directly there. Before the vendetta started, we never had a breakage. The police had probably no problem getting their Mason friends to work against me in Darlington. The Councils here in Stanley and Consett, which are probably both loaded with Masons, arranged to have the killer already mentioned, put into the house at 99 Lily Gardens. They gave the people who were living there an offer to move, that they couldn't refuse.
These Masons on the council, do nothing for the poor people I live with. They believe they have some divine given right to destroy them. Shortly after this they broke into my house 98, Lily Gardens and damaged my gas central heating system, forcing me to use electric heaters that Winter. They blocked the two down pipes that take water from the eves of the house, by putting tennis balls into both pipes, front and back, causing water to destroy the paint on the walls and dampen the house. When they were inside the house they went into the attic and pulled back the slates from their place against the wall of the house next door, so that rain came in all that Winter without my knowing it. They left the screwdriver marks on the inside of the slates where they had pulled them back.
When I got Coulthards, Freemasons in Bishop Auckland, to supply me with a radiator for my last car, it came with the central area filled with plaster of paris or some such white putty ingredient. I have to do everything on the phone, so the radiator was well prepared for me. The old radiator had screwdriver holes punched into it by the Masons and it had to be replaced. It took a long time to pinpoint the part of the car that was damaged, as one doesn't suspect a new radiator to be the reason that a car engine is overheating.
Everything I arrange on the phone is interfered with in one way or another, if the police find it possible to disrupt my arrangements, which is nearly always. This week, as I write, just like every other week, something negative has happened every day. This is now more than 1,500 days of police activity against me, and it's all done at the request of a Mason.
What they are doing can't be done for less than £500 a day. The only things against me that they can find are my IRA qualifications. Their insane fanatical commitment to persecuting myself and my friends, certainly points to paranoia on a grand scale, operating at a very high level in both MI5 and the police force. The harassment is now done officially, to protect the state, but the reality is that it is done to protect themselves.
Not one of them is ever tried for anything because they claim it's corporate killing and this they claim is legal and above the law. The Home Office officially supports this stance. At least this is the message that was implied by the lack of support I got from Jack Straw and his aids.
I'll give you a break here by letting you read another quatrain that is really a follow on from Century 2, Quatrain 27 and Century 10, Quatrain 28. This is another AVANT quatrain. 51 is also the number of the house in which I was living when I first began this journey that I am now on.
Century 5, Quatrain 1.
This quatrain starts with the word AVANT, indicating that this quatrain belongs to my journey. It is also speaking of a time when I was unknown. Who is being spoken of here is strengthened by the use of the word Celt (Celtique) as this word describes Irish people. Quatrains 4.49, 1.76 and 2.28 also point to the concept of my prominence mentioned here. I was undoubtedly ruined in the eyes of the Temple people, so it's a good description of me at this time.
Two of the four Inns of Court are the Middle Temple and the Inner Temple. These are usually controlled by Freemasons. In the olden days, the Temple which lies between Fleet Street and The Thames, was the HQ of the Knights Templar. The modern day Knights Templar, which is a branch of Freemasonry, claims it is descended directly from the ancient order. As I've mentioned elsewhere, the people who practise law are usually Freemasons. The first Senate of the Inns of Court was set up in 1966. It was to be the overall governing body of all four Inns. Its first president was Mr. Justice Widgery, a high ranking Freemason. No doubt, his friends in the Temple will have followed him. When the MI6 man told my friend that the decision to kill me was made high up, this quatrain makes me wonder how high is high up? Of course, the Temple and the Lodge do go hand in hand as those words are the name of a book about Freemasonry. The place in which Freemasons meet is called a lodge. This line could very well be substituting Temple for Lodge. This verse certainly points to the existence of a murder tribunal controlled by lawyers, judges, barristers and or Queen's counsel, operating at the highest level in London, as the Julius Caesar quatrain also indicates. To release the resources needed to harass and kill me, for I was harassed continually while the microwaves were active, the decision had to be made very high up. We reckoned it had to be costing the taxpayer at least £500 a day and at times it had to have been much more. We're talking here of a minimum of six mason controlled cars on the road, at any one time, as well as the back-up support an operation such as this demands. I wonder who the two people were, who stabbed me to my heart?
This is what most of us do. We think that by lowering others, we raise ourselves, but the opposite seems to be the truth. We all tend to follow this practice, but the longer I live the more I try to avoid doing it. However, it's often the cutting remarks that win court cases. One can see clearly here how Nostradamus may be referring to people such a F.E.Smith, who raised his status inside law circles in London, by his use of the cutting remark. He is now long dead, but he's a good example of the idea I'm trying to get at, in this line of writing. In other words, the people in the Temple were vying with one another as they forced themselves to believe what an evil person I was and am. They then determined how and when I would die.
What these people do and are doing, is done behind closed doors. The law people are so secure in their environment that they know that everything can be done in secret. Nostradamus is undoubtedly pointing to a secret organisation. By the time they had finished with me, they knew I would never again be able to do the work I do and they knew for sure that I would die. In every sense, I was as good as buried. They obviously knew nothing about intervention.
I had double glazing put into all the windows at my place of work, 13, Prospect Terrace, two years ago: 1998. I had them made by Horizon Glass, in Crook, Co. Durham. This company has their windows made in Scunthorpe. The only other place they use in emergencies, is in Birtley. Their secretary told me this. But they had my windows made at the Derby plant that made the treated windows used by the MoD, when they attacked an Eastern European country's embassy in London, some 30 years ago. All the windows have DERBY written on them. In that incident in London, everyone in the building got sick as a result of the radiation sent to it from an MoD controlled building, across the road. This is how they are attacking me at the moment. Both my home in Dipton and the place I work in have so much radiation coming through, on permanently switched on laser devices, as well as others I am unable to name, that I am now getting sick in the same way as happened to those people in London. Every piece of metal in both houses registers radiation when we test for it.
They have a laser device pointed at my photocopier from next door. They probably had my photocopier interfered with to react to their laser beams. It came to me a day after it had been promised and as the service man who serviced it before I got it, is a Freemason, you don't have to look far to see who was involved and why it doesn't work. To hire it the way I do, costs the Centre £1,000 a year and we don't have a copier. It's like my car. I think they've decided to kill me using other kinds of radiation, without using the microwaves any more. The radiation also comes through the back windows of 13, Prospect Terrace, because my radiation detector reacts to what is coming through the glass. The front windows that back on to a field, don't register anything. Every piece of metal in the building, when touched with one of my detectors, sends the needle over the top, every time. I can only attribute my present tiredness to the massive use of laser beams and other types of radiation, coming into my home and into my place of work, as they keep their listening devices in operation and on full power. Both walls of 98 Lily Gardens and at least one wall of 13 Prospect Terrace has these devices as permanent fixtures in them. I test them regularly, using my testing machine, but nothing ever changes.
Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you are free to live. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in. Saul Alinsky.
In May of 1997, I first noticed that I had become very forgetful. By June, I was writing down everything I had to do. By July and August I was on automatic pilot, walking round like a zombie. My short term memory was so bad that seconds were too much for it. Luckily for me, my long term memory didn't seem to get much weaker, so I was able to continue giving talks, using cue cards. The part of the brain that controls long term memory is deep in the back of the head and is protected to a limited extent. I couldn't understand what was going on because it seemed to happen so suddenly. I was aware that Alzheimers indicated a general decline in all areas of mental ability. That was why I was so puzzled.
The same thing happened to one of the two people I mentioned above who was murdered. He had every symptom I had but his were worse than mine. With the microwave device in his computer at work, he didn't stand a chance. The noise couldn't be heard above the hum of the computer. It's a guaranteed efficient murder device in the murder scenario and most importantly, it's very elegant. This man's name is coded into the Book of Revelation where John speaks of the death of the witnesses: King James. I'll only write about him and the other major incidents, if this document doesn't play the role it was written to play. I don't want this to become a book. If it does it will be too clumsy and take too long to read. All the coding of my name in the Bible is only in the King James. It's not in the other translations. I don't know for sure why the King James was chosen.
In late August 1997, I began to lose my appetite and by the middle of September it had gone completely. However, I continued to snack during the day because I knew I had to eat to stay alive. I've had a small amount of psoriasis on my arms for many years but my diet kept it under control and it never worried me. Then, in the second week in October, in the course of a few days, my whole body got covered in a kind of psoriasis I had never seen on anyone before.
On Sunday morning, the 5th of October when I got up, my body looked fine. That day I had arranged to go to a conference. I wasn't going to drive. I got into the front seat of Bill's car because I was feeling under the weather. The other three passengers got in the back. After a few miles I felt my face and realised that my skin had begun to come out in big scabs. By the time I left our host's home in the evening, most of my face was covered as was much of my body. I didn't know what was going on apart from the obvious. My liver, kidneys and stomach had all closed down and what I ate was coming out through my skin. This wasn't supposed to happen to me.
When Jim and Marj saw me the following Thursday, I looked so sick, they told me afterwards, that they were sure I was going to die. Only the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet were now clear of the psoriasis. On Friday the 10th of October, I decided not to sleep in Dipton until I was better so, that night I slept in 13, Prospect Terrace, my place of work. That same evening, my friend Allan also decided to give up work to look after me until I got better. He would start on the Monday. I went to bed that Monday, with the intent of staying there until I got better or died. They've attacked Allan mercilessly ever since.
Allan's good wife also decided to join him and they both gave me 12 hours of their time, every day of the five weeks in which I was in bed. Luckily, I stayed in my place of work, as I only got the microwaves coming through the walls when the neighbours were out. I knew I would be in bed for a long time. However, Allan is one of the most sensible therapists I know and together we put together a programme of diet and massage that might rescue me. Many times during the course of that first week, I knew I was going to die, but I would then cheer myself up by convincing myself that I still had work to do.
Century 6, Quatrain 71. The numbers add up to 14, which is half of 28. This is another AVANT quatrain.
Some people knew for sure that I would die and they came with pleasure, to give me the last rites. Had they not known, they would have assumed that I would get better, but they knew I wouldn't.
Before I would die. After three days I stopped people coming. I was too sick to see anybody. The intervention started after 7 days approximately, so the visitors would have assumed that I would die. The intervention lasted for 9 days. Allan Wilkinson can tell you about it. He witnessed what happened. It was too weird to explain in words here. Aliens wouldn't have had the technology to do what took place, so the power had to have been greater than even they could manifest.
The last to come to offer condolences, is referring to my anticipated exit.
These mourners have something to do with lions but I don't know what Nostradamus is referring to, when using the word LIONS here, unless he means people from the LION country, which is England. Most of the people who came to lament were and are true friends. My work has been to set up study groups. We use a text book to guide us along the way. We buy this from America: the eagles. Chapter 10 (28) in the book is titled: THE CROSS AND THE CROWN. In it is explained how one has to bear a cross should one wish to gain a crown. The cross would have been my suffering. I think that Nostradamus wrote this verse to make sure I knew that my suffering would not be in vain. Maybe he sees me getting the crown. If he does, I can see why he calls me a king in another verse also, so the word king becomes symbolic. "The true teacher must suffer and do. He must break bread to the people. He must go into Gethsemane and toil up the steep of Golgotha." Unquote: TSPP. The word AVANT ties this quatrain to me.
I was on my feet again by the end of November, weighed only 8 stones but knew I would live. Of course, there was intervention, but Allan and myself didn't understand what we saw, so I'll leave it to him to explain, should anyone wish to know about it. Microwave killing is very efficient so, if the whole story were to be told, then there had to be intervention and the intervention also had to have been planned. This helps us understand where the real power in ourselves lies. Some of you may wonder how I kept my hair. My scalp was covered in really bad psoriasis. The first Monday morning I was in bed Allan soaked it in pure cold pressed castor oil and kept it in for all of the thirty five days. He washed it out once a week and then renewed it as I had no strength to do anything.
The Nostradamus prophecies tell so many other stories about this experience that it has to have an explanation we can't easily understand. All my spare time after getting up, was spent lying on a settee, with my feet up, because of the pains in my burned legs when the blood went into them. The pain was literally unbearable. This pain was there for another year. My friend said the same thing and in the end, the pain was so bad, he said that he just wanted to go. By December I was on the road again, pains or no pains, giving talks as before.
Shortly after Christmas of 1997 and on into 1998, Allan and myself had started to listen to sounds coming from the walls of 99 Lily Gardens and 12 Prospect Terrace. We now use Whisper 2000, to check. Cost: £9.99 plus postage, from 01733 777333. The sound of a microwave device is a droning sound and can be heard when we use other instruments also. Most of the time it was so loud, it could be heard by using nothing more than a screwdriver placed on the wall. Then I read in a magazine in January 1998 the story of Mr. and Mrs.Verney, who were attacked by the MoD using a microwave sound device, in the country home they retired to, near Biddenden in Kent. The device used was a sound device and from being in excellent health, certified by their doctor, in twelve months they were both so sick they never recovered. They left the area but continued to be sick until they both soon died.
Then I read another article by Ingo Swann, explaining how the security forces had used the same kind of device against the Greenham Common protesters and that some of them were even burned by it. He said that some of the people at Greenham had their bodies cooked, just as happened to my body but particularly my legs. I still have the evidence to prove what happened to me and this, with the help of the letter I sent to 3,500 friends, has saved my life so far. The Masons have sent a number of people to my talks, to check that I am telling the truth. Of course I let them see my legs. I am also prepared to testify in public and to have my legs photographed by anyone who might wish to use the information given here, to support any case they are making against the security forces. These latter are now the biggest threat to justice I know of in this country today. Their criminal minds think that they can live a double life and never get caught. I know that MI5 had to be involved as well, because of the massive number of people used both in Durham and in other parts of the country, to attack me. Also, I can't see the police being supplied with batons, handcuffs and microwave devices, the first day they go on duty. The big problem is that some doctors, lawyers, financiers and others high up in other professions such as Medicine and Education, are into Masonry. They become one group with one mind, when they attend their Masonic meetings, wherever they might be.
It must have been in March that I wrote to the government and it was also then that I wrote my Ransom document. The government did nothing. The machines were switched off in April because of the Ransom letter I wrote to 3,500 friends, many of whom copied it and sent it on: they saved my life. I thank them both for myself and for the man who climbed the steep of Golgotha. However, the rest of the terrorist activity has continued and is now at its worst ever, while they continue to use their radiation devices.
My legs don't swell up as much as they used to, but I have to be careful all the time, because I get cramps in the calves where the burning was worst. At the time of the attack, I had stopped sleeping with my head against the wall, so my legs got the full blast of their devices. Had they got my head as they had intended, I would not be writing this today. They didn't know that I had changed my bed round after my first recovery. I know that my liver is badly affected and if it is, then so are my other organs. I also have to assume that the important glands in my body were also burned and harmed in an excessive manner. Time, of course, is helping them get a little better as the years go by.
I hope you've not got the idea that I'm unhappy. I've never been so happy or fulfilled in all my life. What's taking place today in my life, is a small part of the most important event this earth will probably ever experience. How could I be unhappy when I can be a part of it? I just follow the text in Nostradamus and in the Bible, as it evolves. I have all the time in the world to sit in my damaged car in the middle of the road. Their stealing of my car, for that is what they've done, is just one more crime they will have to answer for one day. I am very amused when I hear the police talking on TV about stolen cars, for their own actions make their statements a big joke. They've betrayed us.
Century 9, Quatrain 44. This is C9, Q44 or 3.9 and 8.44. These numbers add up to 28. It is also an AVANT quatrain. 9.44 = 98, which is my address in Dipton.
Here Nostradamus is saying that if we have stolen gold, then we should leave the consciousness that created it. It was in Geneva that the Swiss kept most of the gold they stole from the survivors of the Jewish nation, after the war. This was a mind thing because as individuals, the people who engineered it, probably got nothing, but they did it for the bank, as the Masons in the police and in MI5, do the killing for the hidden agenda their organisation has been at the heart of for many years. Mythology has on record the determination of this group to bring the earth to its knees by hook or by crook, no matter how long it takes. C2, Q27 speaks of the power of this hidden consciousness. Many people believe that mind can't travel from one life to the next, but think again why it is that you hate certain people the first time you look at them and why you love others. I think it could be possible.
The gold that is spoken of in this line, points to the interpretation we should give it in line 1. Saturn represents unrestrained licence, which will change the gold to iron. Iron, coal and fire represent Britain in mythology. It's the quality of ruthlessness that created an empire. Jesus said that you can't serve two masters. If you know what is right to do, but follow your greed, then the outcome seems to be always the same. The next line states this clearly. The Freemasons can now operate an unrestrained licenced policy here in Britain, because of the power in their hands, but the empire experience and the humiliation that went with its downfall, will be repeated. Mythology says that this takes place as sure as night follows day. The second world war took away all this country's riches, the end product of a then dead empire. The years of hunger and deprivation that followed are still alive in the memories of many people today. Henry Ford may have been right: "History repeats itself."
Because this is an AVANT quatrain and was written for me and like the ALUS quatrain, is also based on the English language. This allows me to interpret RAYPOZ from a familiar context and know that Nostradamus was telling the truth when he said that we were to interpret the quatrains just as he wrote them. He said he was hiding nothing. The way I see all this is that he has been pretty straight with me. The fourteen quatrains he wrote for me in this context, are all pretty easy to understand, once you've lived through what he had to say. There are others, but they need not be included here. How I see the word RAY P and OZ is, that Nostradamus could not put the P first, for then it would be PRAY and would have to be interpreted in the light of the obvious transparency of the word. But because P is 7, we have the first four letters RAY and P representing the 7th RAY or GOD. P = 7. When OZ is made one number (4) and is then added to the first four letters of the word RAYPOZ, using numbers: R (9) A (1) Y (7) P (7) you get 28. This means that those against God and against myself, will be exterminated. Both Isaiah and Ezekiel imply the same thing. The word PRAY also supports this point. OZ is king of the Green City. Green is the colour for healing and implies a healing process in operation here. This means that the belief systems in the people who are against God, will be exterminated, not the physical bodies that hold the mind body, which is the more important part of us, when seen in the context of eternity. The physical body is of little importance. Another quatrain also says that we are going to have healing taking place here in Britain as well as elsewhere. See 2.10, the last line, also 1.8 and 1.76 and 2.28. These can be read further on in this document. It's interesting to see that the so called Egyptian god: RA, was one of the writer's most important mythological sources of information.
This indicates that people will panic all over the country but before this takes place, there will be signs in the sky. Here, Nostradamus is speaking of the big changes ahead. He seems to see them to be inevitable. Worse still, he is tying them up with the period of my persecution, which means they are imminent. Because he wrote these quatrains, less than 500 years ago, we should probably take note of what he is saying. I can't give details here. I've already given 340 pages of writing about the changes, in the book I've written: END TIMES AND A NEW BEGINNING. These changes seem to be on their way. Nostradamus is so accurate when giving me relevant information describing my life at this time, with not even one line inaccurate, that I can't see him going wrong on anything else he writes for me either.
Science presented us first with normative ethics, then with relativistic ethics and at last with no ethics at all: George Faludy.
The Masonic power that manifests through the police and MI5 is a real scandal. An ex M16 worker told a friend of mine that the decision to kill me was made high up. It had to be of course, because the resources that had to be deployed to achieve what did eventually come about, had to be enormous. This means that there is an official Masonic murder tribunal inside our security forces that makes these decisions and this tribunal will be in charge of the murder squad. No wonder we need the Europeans to help us get a freedom and human rights act passed in Parliament, with none of the protection for themselves built into it, that MI5 and the criminals in the police are demanding be incorporated into the current bill going through Parliament.
I've had many letters from others who've been attacked and who've had their lives saved only because of my publicising what the security forces were and are doing to me. But the number of people that I've sent this information to is very small. This is why it's going out again but this time I hope you can all help to tell the world what is taking place here in Britain. Many lives will depend on each one of you who receives this document. Let me know if you want a disk with the document on it. Then, please copy it and send a copy to all your friends, especially if they are on the internet. None of the other vendettas will have stopped and there are people dying here in Britain every day, because a Mason somewhere has decided a particular individual should no longer live. Where the microwave devices are not being used, the harassment is so bad, it alone is killing these people. I've talked to them and I will testify that what I am saying is true. They are so terrorised that getting them to even tell me the truth is difficult. They are afraid that I will inadvertently let the Masons know that they've told me. Were the medical profession not up to their eyeballs in these vendettas, I could write the stories of these people more easily. If the people complain to their doctors or leave them and complain, they can be sectioned and never see freedom again, which some of them have been told by implication, will happen to them. The reality is that they would soon be killed by the police and MI5 Freemason doctors, in the homes and hospitals they would be sent to. So, how do terrorised people get their freedom? The only way I can see to solve the problem, is to ban Freemasonry and penalise its members, with over the top penalties if they don't conform.
We also need to get the telephones out of their control. They are the most effective weapon the Masons possess. It's criminal to give them continued access to the private lives of their personal targets. In this context the politicians are being made to look like idiots as they support them. But one day, many of them will understand the meaning of the phrase "hoist on your own petard." The people they harass are so scared I can't even use them as witnesses. That's why my burned legs are so important. One person told me of the massive phone bills they sent him, just to break him financially and force him to lose his only contact with the rest of the world. Mr. Blair wonders who is leaking his private mail. If it's on e-mail it's tapped.
Who, I wonder, supplies microwave devices and who is accountable for the number of these devices being used against the people? No-one, unless he's a Mason. The Freemasons who run the factories that make the devices, are also responsible for the murders they are inflicting on the population? I hope that they too will have to answer for what they are doing, one day. They are all accountable for what they do and there are no exceptions.
The Masons know they are absolutely secure: few names available and few faces, just the operators in the front line who are probably lied to. With complete control of the telephone system, they are all absolutely safe. Operators can be switched to any part of the country in which there are people that the police decide need to be harassed, on the say so of any local Mason. The first killer in 99 Lily Gardens, was followed by two people from Preston: or so they said. However, they seemed to get cold feet and they soon left. Cesare Lombroso, the great Italian psychiatrist and founder of the modern school of criminology, examined the brains of former killers after they died. He found that in the skull and brain structures of these people, they have the same characteristics as rodents. This means that they tend to revert to a more savage and bestial modus operandi than people with normal brain and skull structures. Cesare discovered that these people cannot be reasoned with because they have no innate ability to make moral decisions for they truly are a throwback to an earlier stage of human development. They can't tell the difference between right and wrong for whatever they do is always justifiable. Not having a conscience means that they have no regrets. Telling lies will be a part of their lives. Finding out that they are Masons can be quite difficult. They are under orders to tell no-one. This means they live a lie every day. Cesare says that they do in the main, follow a particular pattern as they grow up, but especially if they are unsupervised. When they look for work they are attracted to secret societies so that they can hide their future crimes. They are also aware of the fact that the secret societies will protect their need to kill. In this day and age, they are attracted to the police and MI5, operations that are now a respectable part of the British way of life. Being in the Freemasons as well, makes their activities doubly secure. If one breaks ranks as a Freemason, retaliation is much worse for that person, than for an outsider like myself. One who contacted me had a microwave device in his TV set and didn't know why he couldn't heal himself. His wife told me he was a Freemason and she even knew the Freemason who had organised his murder. It seemed to me that there was only a token reason for doing it.
Today, you can't rise in any of the security services, unless you are a Freemason. The boastful quality that's a part of the consciousness of these morally weak people, leads them to be ever more and more demonic in what they do. The regular weekly meetings at which they can boast safely of their exploits, lead to them getting the admiration of their fellow Masons and they are into a cycle out of which they cannot escape, even if they wanted to, as some of them sometimes do.
With regard to the IRA accusations against me, I have to assume that the police bought their evidence from their friends in Northern Ireland that is, if they even bothered to get such papers. The Chief of Police in Aykley Heads, Durham City, had to have been the power behind the original decision to attack me, the one that was originally made, back in 1995. These police are replaying what the Orange Lodge did, when they got their support from the Masonic police in Manchester, to destroy John Stalker. They wanted to make sure that their policy of murdering innocent Catholics would not be discovered. In those days it was done with a gun. The informer, who told my friend about the decision to kill me, being made high up in the security forces, implied that the people who are executing the orders are just doing what their superiors are telling them and that the killers, who work where the action was and is, in my own two villages, should be exonerated. He implied that I should not have had the temerity to complain against them so unjustly. My friend challenged the ex M16 rep by asking him if the Nuremberg trials were also unjust. After all, the blame was Hitler's. He had no answer. Then I get accusations from people who are influenced by Masons, without their even knowing where the accusers allegiances lie. They accuse me of not going to doctors to have my legs put right. There are now so many doctors in Masonry, especially here in the north east, just as my last dentist is, that one injection would see the end of me. Shipman proved that to be very easy. The Masons even tried to persuade some of my friends that my eating lettuce caused my burns and sickness. For those who know, it does the opposite and was the main item in my diet that helped to heal me, as I knew it would.
You poor women suffer so much pain, so much sorrow, and yet you do not die until long after your strong, young sons and lovers have died. TSPP.
The microwaves made my psoriasis worse. It seems that whichever sickness the body is coping with, the microwave device works on it and speeds up the destruction of the body by expediting the development of that sickness. This means that if you die as a result of the attack, the verdict will always be "death from natural causes." After the microwave attack, Mrs. Verney got lymphatic leukaemia and eventually died of ovarian cancer.
For those who are not prone to having a particular sickness, they will usually suffer from retinal bleeding, nausea, nosebleeds, dizziness, palpitations, vomiting and headaches, but cancer seems to be the most common outcome and that often becomes the immediate killer. My friend, I know, finished up with dead cells in his body, just as they are a part of my skin. His doctor told him the cells were dead. I've had exactly the same burned skin on my legs, for three years now. My friends specialist told him he couldn't help him because he couldn't understand what was going on in his body.
To counter this in the short term, action to force the issue can only come from the women in the lives of these men. If you look at the pattern of living in the course of these past hundred years, you will see that it's always the woman who makes the sacrifices in any marriage. This occurs because it's the women who have the power in themselves to be moral, ethical and human in a way that most men can't be. There's 2.8 % more DNA in female sperm than there is in male sperm. The presence of this factor may I think, indicate that there may be other physical factors that allow females to be more ethical and moral when making decisions, than the male part of the population can be. Also the rodent brain structures may not be there. I have to guess here, because there probably is a physical reason as well as a mind reason for the difference.
The mind reason is known but is too complicated to explain here. We men now depend on you, the women of Britain. This country has no other way available to it to change what's going on in the short term. It will be very difficult to change the law, because there are so many Masons and women in Parliament, who are there because of their connections to Masonry in their private lives. So the law will probably continue as before and give the killers protection against the law abiding citizen. Every time I see a policeman on TV, talking about a murderer he has just caught, I want to vomit. Their hypocrisy sickens me. I don't think my estimates are far wrong when I say that more people are probably being officially killed by the police and by MI5 agents, here in England every year, than are being killed in the old fashioned way by criminals. One group of killers is glorified in the lodges, and the other group is sent to prison.
Century 4, Quatrain 24:
This line explains to me, what I am saying should take place during the course of these years.
The words 'divine voice' seem to continue to tie me to these 'divine' verses. It's as if the women of this country have decided to follow what I am encouraging them to do. They are doing it quietly but are very effective in what they are doing. The fire is there but can't be put out because all that can be seen is the glow.
It seems to be the case that the opposition of women to the execution of evil, will cause the Masons to react viciously against all those they feel safe in attacking.
Nostradamus is saying here that this process will help break up the study group movement.
From what I can see, the change in this country will only come as a result of the wives and girlfriends of Masons saying: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH." This country really does need you to take action against the men in your lives. As long as you continue to be silent, you are supporting evil. There's also a decency and ethical side to this whole scenario that we should honour as members of what we see to be the human race. Yes, we do have the potential to have a worthwhile planet and we should do something in this country, about leading the way to achieving a better end product than we have at the moment.
If there's a regeneration here in Britain, the whole world will follow. There is that much charisma and spiritual power centred here, we could change this whole earth in a few years. There are good Masons in their organisation, but according to Cesare Lombroso, they will put the organisation's needs and negativity, before all else, when asked to do so. God seems to be of no real consequence, but experience teaches that you can't serve two masters. Jesus said it was impossible. I know a number of Masons who claim they can and do actively serve God, but they are deceiving no-one, not even themselves.
Because like attracts like, the recruitment of potential criminals into the services is a very natural process but when they join, there should be people there to lead them in the right direction, but those people don't exist in the environment in which they all function today. We are in a cycle that can only get worse.
The best book to read on the evil I'm writing about, is by Stephen Knight, called THE BROTHERHOOD. Harper/Collins. From my own experiences, going back to teaching days in London, as well as to my experiences here in the north east, I know he's telling the truth. He has 13 letters in his name, so I looked up the 13 numbers in Nostradamus to see if he wrote anything about Stephen. I suspected that he could have done so, as we seem to have the same mission in life. 13 when added, is the number 4. 49 when added is the number 13. So we'll look at Century 4, Quatrain 49 and see what it gives us. I'm not saying that my interpretation is right, but the quatrain certainly ties into Stephen's number.
Century 4, Quatrain 49:
This seems to say that someone will die. That same person will be a person of relative importance because the population at large will know about it. Stephen was a published writer. The name Stephen is 33 in numerology, which is the highest master number there is and the name Knight is also a 33. When he decided to come to earth, he obviously chose his names with care. He tied them to the Christ number: Jesus died aged 33: a martyr. Stephen seemed to have planned to die a martyr's death also.
It's as if the event could be referring to DAY and NIGHT, as these two words are associated more than any others, with the heavens. Nostradamus says NEAR. Knight is near night: Stephen Knight. The K is extra. Nostradamus often changed one letter in words. Hitler became Hister. L came out: S went in. If prophecies are any good, they will be written so that they can be interpreted in the language of the person they are meant for. The best authorities on the Bible say clearly that Ezekiel never lived through the prophecies as they are described and as they seemingly relate to him. The commentators are speaking of chapter 4 in the Book of Ezekiel. But when applied today, they certainly do relate to what is going on in England now.
Stephen Knight has been dead for fifteen years and no-one has even tried up to now, to tell the whole truth about his death. Some of that omission is now hopefully, being put right.
I'm single and I do believe that courage or spirit, plays an important role in my life. This document is my testimony. The address of the place I am writing this document in, is number 13, Stephen's number. I am bearing witness to not only what I have always seen to be Stephen's murder but also, to the evil in Masonry that saw his life to be worthless. Isaiah 43, 4: "I have loved thee, therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life." When I understood this quote from Isaiah, I realised that I might very well have planned a long time ago, to write this material. Without the sacrifices made by both Stephen and my friend, what I've written and suffered, could very well have been worthless.
Also, I don't want you the reader, to get the idea that only Nostradamus was tuned into what is taking place on earth today. All the prophets I've read have mentioned it, each in his own way. The method of killing, now used by the security forces, is so efficient that even Stephen's own family say that he died a natural death. If they ever do decide to check this, all they have to do is check the movement of his neighbours at the time the Masons first found out that he was investigating them. Find out who moved into the houses or flats, next door, below him and above him, and find out if any of the occupants were absent for unusually long periods of time. Masons can only mount these operations when they have the security forces backing them, or they get the security forces to actually do the dirty work involved.
There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue. Erich Fromm.
I've survived to tell my story. But the experience has left me with my black and brown skin, my burnt out internal organs and a total body that hasn't functioned as it used to, in more than three years. But Stephen Knight didn't make it and the doctors certificates are there to prove he already had the sickness before he was attacked. My survival and the position I hold has of course, set the security forces the greatest problem they've ever had. I don't think there has ever been such clear evidence against them as there is now. To the best of my knowledge, no-one else has ever survived to tell the tale. Because of the letters I've had, I notice that many of the people they attack, live alone. The rodent mentality is very obvious in this vendetta type scenario, for most people attacked, there is absolutely no reason for doing so. It's just a vendetta created with great care and executed to see how long people can last before they break down mentally. They can then be locked up for the rest of their lives. They are chosen at random and become an experiment. To the rodent mentality, destroying them is the equivalent to killing them: this satisfies some of the rodent's primitive urges. The choice is usually made by doctors in the lodges, who have access to the private lives of potentially vulnerable people. So, never tell a doctor that you have few friends, no matter how sympathetic he seems to be. Also never fill in forms that have personal questions in them that give other details of your private life, such as income, savings and so on, or their lawyers will take it from you as soon as you try to make a complaint through them. Most lawyers are also Masons.
The attacks on me, from the time I survived, have been unbelievable and you've only got a small percentage of them in this article. There is little concrete evidence to use against the killers, so my burned legs are more precious than one can imagine. They are like two witnesses. We know that most lawyers and judges are Masons today. That's why you get some very strange judgements in the courts, with no objections from any of the Masonic lawyers, because decisions are usually made at Masonic meetings, as is done for headship appointments in schools and leadership roles in most of the professions today. Stephen Knight describes this adequately. I've witnessed the school aspect myself and it's not very nice. The children are of no importance: the vendetta always comes first. The biggest problem of the Masons is that they believe themselves to be innocent and that I should be grateful to them for having allowed me to live this long. They send me this message regularly in a variety of ways. Their logic is built round the concept that having put excrement on me yesterday, I should be grateful to them for only letting their water flow over me today. I'm being polite in my use of language here.
Should you find a book called, 'Inside The Brotherhood' by Martin Short: read page 31ff, where he implies that it's the Mason's belief that it's Masonic justice to kill anyone who exposes them or who challenges whatever they decide is right.
I've been told through reliable sources, that the Masons put microwave devices into people's televisions and computers at home, as well as at work. Most companies are now run by Masons and having it done in the workplace is no problem. Writers in particular, who spend long hours at their computers should check their computers regularly, especially if they've offended a Mason by their comments. You need a MICROWAVE LEAKAGE DETECTOR Model MD-2000 DIGITAL READOUT. Made in Taiwan. If you hear of anyone suddenly losing their short term memory and of then being accused of being inefficient at work, as happened to my friend, the odds are very high that they are being attacked, either at home or at work. If they use a computer at work, you can be sure there was or still is, a microwave device in the machine. It's now the easy way to get rid of an unwanted employee. The sickness will show when they begin to function inefficiently when compared to their previous competence.
The security forces invade people's homes when the people are out as they have done regularly to my place of work here in Durham, as well as to my home, despite having the best 5 cylinder locks on the doors that I could buy. The big lock making companies supply them with keys. I've had to have my place of work secured with a home made lock. They've tried everything to get a copy of my key, so I've had to have it hidden from everyone. Before I got it, they came in regularly when I was away, stole papers and changed the codes in my computer programmes, so that they wouldn't work and so on. As I said earlier, their attacks have been continuous in every area of my life. But it's good that you should know how your rates and taxes are now being spent. Unless you become a Mason in the north east and other areas I know of, you can't get promotion in the police force, or anywhere else either. If your face doesn't fit in your workplace, you are forced out by the most devious methods available to the Masons running your place of work. This country has become a large prison, run by S.S and KGB type people who have developed a thug mentality, with no allegiance to anything but the exercise of power, their bank balances and the Masonry that ensures their protection.
Then they blame the football supporters who are just an expression of themselves, for being thugs and they call them all the names they can think of. If they only knew, they are just looking at themselves. We had the potential to become world leaders in everything that's good, but we've thrown it all away. We now use the same potential that is ours to do good, to actually do evil. Without action being taken by those close to each individual in Masonry, there will be no change. I hope the women of this country can lead the attack on this evil. If they fail, everything will be lost. But first of all, they need to get this document and then read it. So, please play your part. This document is not just for people in high places, it is mainly for the man in the street, the ones who are being affected by the negative environment being created all over this country.
After writing my Ransom document and letters to the government, I got a letter from an S. Gadvi in the Home Office. He wrote nothing intelligible, but finished up with a quote from an HAC Report: "We do not believe that there is anything sinister about Freemasonry, properly observed, and are confident that Freemasonry itself does not encourage malpractice." He implied that this would answer my complaint. That was probably the biggest lie he's ever written because the exact opposite is the real truth. Secret organisations observe no law, when they have the power to live by their own laws, the ones they make up as they go along. He is fooling no-one and certainly not people like myself who have taken the brunt of their evil plans here in Durham.
Secret societies are only secret to protect the interests of their members and today, it's the interests of killers. They are by definition evil, when they become the driving force in what should be a democratic country. There is little democracy in Britain today and it's all because of their existence. The newspaper writers are not allowed to do their jobs, so the people have no-one to care for them as Parliament is now in the hands of Masonry. I've written to other government departments including Blair's, as well as to every member of Parliament, but they did nothing either. I've never had an apology or contact from anyone excusing what has been done to me. The Home Office sent me a form to fill in, but the form said that the people who have the final say in deciding the guilt of those involved here in the North East, are the same police officers who tried to kill me in the first place. They've got it tied up very neatly. As these are all Masons, they will undoubtedly be under obligation to the guilty, one way or another. The FREEDOM organisations are mostly run by Masons, to entrap people who write to them for help. The country today is in such a mess and the facts tell a story of many years of deplorable leadership.
No one should expect the government to act in accordance with the moral code appropriate to the conduct of the individual: Spinoza.
The Masons are now pushing a bill through Parliament, that will allow their Email spying, which they already do, to become legal. This will ensure that every company in competition with the Masons will eventually go bust. They are already into this practice but they now want to make it official. The Masons will have direct lines continually operating from the offices of their competitors to their own offices and eventually by stealth, they will break one company after another, buy them out cheaply and make their fortunes. What good the money will do them I don't know, but I do know that the rodent mentality they foster, will be satisfied. If you can't kill a man, you kill his trading company, or you kill what the man stands for and does. This latter is what they are now attempting to do to me, but if the prophecies are true, I think it's possible that someone somewhere has other plans.
To destroy companies, the Masons use the kind of phone lines that are set up in the walls of my buildings, to record everything spoken in my place of work, in my home, in my friend's home and in our cars (mobiles). The technology is simple. They are probably already doing this to destroy companies, but now they want to make it official. They can now put cameras into everyday objects in people's homes, into TV sets that work even when the TV set is just plugged in. The higher up in Masonry you are, the more clout you have and the better your business will run. This is not a level playing field and living has become a sham. The Masons are even now trying to stop us getting the protection of the Human Rights Bill that is going through Parliament this October. Their objections are infantile as the only parts they can attack publicly, are those that hardly apply any more. The newspapers are now being forced to write material that diverts the minds of busy people from the truth. The writers they employ are the finest in the country and they deserve an absolutely free rein. Given that, their campaigns would soon straighten out much of what is wrong with Britain today.
Nostradamus speaks of the 20th century, in Century 2, Quatrain 10. Two tens are twenty. This is how he speaks to us. As I wrote already, his prompting is done mostly in the number of each quatrain. If you know what you're looking for, it can be spotted.
Century 2, Quatrain 10:
The Freemasons can now control the country, just as they've set it up to be controlled.
This speaks for itself. It describes the 20th century very well. This is from 1900 - 1999 inclusive.
Before this century the Masons, the people who are permanently masked, didn't have that much power. What they had, they were very guarded about using. Just after the war, we had people like Roger Hollis, who was a Mason, becoming the head of MI5. He prepared the way for the recruiting of people such as Philby, who in turn guaranteed the recruitment of people who had as much allegiance to this country and decency, as a rodent has. They would eventually work for the Russians. The best authorities now accept that Hollis himself, worked for the Russians for thirty years. This in turn has led to what we have in MI5, the MoD and the police today. The pattern was set. Allegiance to the Masonic organisation meant allegiance to no-one else and that includes this country, its people, people such as myself, the neighbours on my estate and my fellow workers. When there's cancer in the body, the whole body dies, not just the part in which the cancer is stored. The masked and solitary ones are the spies who spy wherever specialist information might be found, to further their own advancement or their own riches. Now they are all powerful, with the telephone system under their thumbs, they have become killers also. Their state has greatly changed.
When most good people realise what's going on, they will decide to leave the Freemasons. They will eventually realise that you can't serve two masters. One has to decide if one's allegiance is to decency or to supporting a living obscenity. A person can't do both at the same time. If as a country, we support a positive way forward, then the regeneration that the prophets spoke about, that would manifest itself in the British Isles, will be the end product of all our efforts combined. It will be so worth while. We can then lead the world and it will become a better place than it has ever been before. The myth says that to go high, we usually have to go to the depths first. How true? We've been there, but it's now time for lift off.
I now know a number of families, other than myself, whose lives have been almost destroyed by Masonic attacks using the security forces. The type of attack they operate is quite varied. It seems that everything depends on the type of maladjustment the MI5 man, or policeman is suffering from. This seems to me to be deplorable, because the number of people in my life is relatively small and not that many people up to now, know what the Masons did and are still doing to me. I'm asked on the phone how things are, but I'm not going to have the phone tappers gloat as they listen to me complaining: not a chance: so I tell everyone how well things are going.
I know I'm not answering their question in the way they expect, but the bottom line is that the plan is on schedule and I am truly very happy to see that this is the scenario that is evolving. The descriptions given to me by harassed people, duplicate in many ways what I had to go through and am still going through. The security forces continue to support the sham that I'm a target for security reasons and that I'm a threat to the nation. They are trying desperately to take the focus away from the Masonry that is their only religion and only God. The psychology behind what they do is very good: if you keep telling a person he's a liar, you actually make him a liar one day, but that's not where I'm coming from.
Hopefully, the next elected government will have the closing down of Masonry on its agenda. Some hope I know, but at least we can hope! The government should then appoint women to all positions of importance in all the services, women who are not married to Masons, are not ladybirds and are not committed to Masonry through boyfriends. They can then recruit new forces, outlaw Masonry and give freedom to the people again. It's time the scandal was addressed properly. If it's not, the activity of Masons today, will lead to enormous trouble in the future and as sure as we have half a life only in England today, we'll have Bastille Day here tomorrow.
The Masons can't seem to get it into their heads that we are all one and that the rich are, whether they like it or not, a real part of the life of the fourteen million living on the bread line. These are the people living on less than the recommended minimum that people require to survive on today. These are official figures. If Bastille Day ever comes to England, these people will have nothing to lose. The Masons think they are superior because the person waiting for a bus doesn't have their fancy motor car. But the rich will not be elevated until they take the poorer part of the nation on to the same level of dignity that they themselves partake of. I don't mean riches, I mean dignity. This idea is the foundation of the American constitution. It assumes that we are all born free and equal.
The poor of this country have provided the wealth that gives every rich man a nice home to live in today. This is why the government should let every law abiding council tenant in the poverty controlled areas of the country, buy the homes they are living in, for the sum of £10 a week and finish with the payments after two years or less. The councils can pay the legal fees involved. It will take no more than one year to change the face of the more run down council estates of Britain and the people will be given their dignity back. What's happening now is an abomination. The descendants of the people who made this country great have been betrayed. The rich inherited the stolen wealth. As a nation we allowed them to do this and we honour them. What have the poor inherited? CONTEMPT! The ill-gotten gains have been passed on from father to son: it's now time we passed something on to the descendants of those who gave the rich a head start. The myth says that if we don't get it right we'll pay in full. That last statement is written in stone and it will not go away.
With Brown's £30 billion surplus available to be spent, we can well afford to do something decent for those honest and good people, who have no property. Most of us enjoy ownership, so why can't we do something for the rest? We can't tolerate a levelling down; there's got to be a levelling up. Child poverty (2.2 million affected) and children's suicides (numbers escalating every year) are the badge we walk around with on our foreheads every day. It's our mark of the Beast, the mark of Masonry that John spoke about in his Book of Revelation. Brown thinks he owns that money but he doesn't. Most of that money belongs to the people he and his predecessors in office, stole it from.
I own my ex-council house and am secure with my two pensions to live a life with some dignity, but when my poorer neighbours on a much smaller income than I've got, have to pay rent of £50 to the council every week, before they even start to live, they don't stand a chance of breaking out of the negative cycle that many of them find themselves in. Just to get to work many of them are paying £1,500 in tax on their petrol alone, every year. Who are they subsidising now I wonder? Their children have nothing and at this point, we are in a suicide world. Just because they manage to just avoid it, means nothing.
A typical example is 70 year old Mr. Kadry in the Borough of Fulham Hammersmith, thrown out of his home by the borough officials, in January of this year, who claimed he owed money in back-rent. When the expulsioners can sit on their corpulent posteriors and make judgements against a defenceless, lonely, deaf and isolated old man, they give us a great example of the attitudes that have become a part of our way of life here in Britain, these past 40 years. The one thing Mr. Kadry spoke of at his trial was the loss of his human dignity and I agree with him. He lost his possessions, his home and the same officials will wonder why he set fire to himself in their offices, as the only way to end it all. Because he failed to kill himself, he's now in prison. When he comes out, he will have no home to go to. While this was happening, Brown was sitting on at least 15, billion pounds. I don't know what you think, but the whole scenario cries to high heaven for vengeance and it will come on us all. The POWER AND MONEY IS EVERYTHING consciousness, created by the Masons these past 40 years, has made us a sick nation. There has to be a better answer.
If you're not a Mason or you don't have relatives in most of the factories up here in the north east, you don't work. It's as simple as that. We need a level playing field and we need one thing even more badly and that is A LEVELLING UP: changing the housing scenario can start the process. You'll think I am sitting here angry, when I think of what is going on here in England. Well, you bet I am. Then some will say that this is not my business. Forget that one. The simple fact that I was born makes it my business, just as the same fact makes it yours. This is not only England we are speaking of. We speak of the earth here and all of it is ours and if you don't believe me, just wait until the ice caps melt and you'll soon find out if we just belong to the British Isles and Ireland.
It's worth looking at some lines in John's Revelation: 13.17: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." And 13.18, reads: "And his mark is six hundred, three score and six." These prophecies are always written in such a way that the reader who wishes to reject them can do so. Free will is never overruled. MAS adds up to 6. O is the 15th letter, which is 6 and NS adds up to 6 giving MASONS = 666. Put FREE, which is 7 in front and multiply each 6 and you also get Freemasons = 666. The number of the beast's name is 666. John says that the mark, the name and the number of the beast are interchangeable and the myth pointedly states that the Freemasons are the Beast. You can read about the Beast's activities, in the last book of the Bible. Everything the prophet says, indicates that it's fine to throw your weight behind the Beast, but it is also very definite as to how you will be judged for doing so. You can also be guaranteed that the subconscious powers in yourself or as some see these: a divine being, can no longer be a part of your life, no matter how much you want such a power to play such a role. You can't serve two masters. The Bible allows for more than one interpretation of a prophecy, but the prophecies themselves are never wrong.
As people, we are also one with nature. Plants grow using the powers inside themselves. The sun provides some help from outside but not much outside help is needed. All nature is one. This is also how children learn naturally. We can see what the end product of our teaching has done to our children when we see them at football matches. We saw the hundreds of offenders in Belgium and Holland in June 2000, as they took fellow supporters and towns apart. We all said that they are letting the country down. We called them beer bellied louts and other much worse names, which was utterly ridiculous. What we ignore is the fact that there are hundreds of thousands more of the same at home, who are not there starting the third world war, simply because they can't afford the cost of going. All of them without exception are the end product of what we have done to them in our schools. Litters of rodents produce other litters of rodents and these latter cannot become the swans we would like them to become when they go abroad to support our football team.
Even the Bible says that what has been done in secret these past years, will be revealed. In the past 40 years, we have let our children down in the cause of supporting a Masonic created structure in administration in Education, that has now begun to destroy the teaching profession itself. Teachers are entitled to intelligent leadership that is led by innovative thinkers. When every member of a group such as the Masons, thinks the same as every other member in the group, then there's no thinking and by definition no leadership to help keep pace with an evolving world. Our present administrators don't think of what they are doing to our children. They are happy as long as they continue to secure their jobs and keep the status quo that guarantees that they and their Masonic friends stay in power. The clap trap I've heard lately describing young people, coming from the mouths of so called experts, insults us all and dishonours the youngsters.
After the war we began to watch TV, instead of playing the games we used to play, to keep ourselves in balance. Most of us could handle the process. However, with this change, the minds of our children were thrown out of balance. They no longer had time to undo the damage the schools were doing to them. Thirty years ago I did a survey in our school and found that our children were watching TV for 26 hours a week. VISION works with a part of the brain that's tied into fear, greed, sex and power. It's no accident that fear is the more powerful. The survival of the human race depended on this quality being the most important attribute of our consciousness. When you foster the fear of failure, in unavoidable standard classroom activity, it will grow fast into a destroyer in the young person starting life. The attraction of Masonry will lure the male to the organisation, for this institution will guarantee him a job for life: security. He is also led a step at a time to come into line with the lowest common denominator in the lodge he is a part of, just as the football hooligans will also follow the leader with the "lowest common denominator" written on his shirt. The mind set of both groups is the same. The rat follows the leader rat.
Fear has a mesmerising quality that forces the man into his negative journey. The other problem with fear is that the response has to be the basic animal response that is obvious in the animal when it is cornered. In this situation, the human also goes for the jugular. This reaction is also repeated any time the man's buttons are pushed in the appropriate way. Many people believe that the children of this country can be treated the same as the children of every other country, but they can't. Examine our origins and you'll soon learn that we've plummeted into the biggest trap that any nation on earth could have succumbed to.
We now have a million people living alone, who in any normal week, never make contact with a friend or neighbour. This is an official statistic. It is the end product of our switch from listening to radio, to watching TV and using our sense of vision too much. The problem with using VISION too much is that it tends to make everyone a loner, helps them to stop trusting others, forces them to start to see that everything is either black or white and leads to people searching for happiness outside themselves. This kind of happiness is one they never find. The listening allows us to realise that our real strength is inside ourselves and we use this as a base to build other joys on. If we don't we go the way our insecure children are going, with 2 million of them now overweight. What is inside us is our foundation for life. As loners, we decide that we must be able to get happiness somewhere out there and life becomes a burden. One in seven women now say it's unbearable. We blamed our young girls for having children out of wedlock, just to get a flat of their own and become independent. But that's not how it was. They had the babies because they were afraid to face that world out there. They had no foundation in themselves to reach out from. They didn't have the confidence in themselves because without the listening process being a part of their lives, they truly believed they were nothing and that they were worthless. I hope you can see how the clash of conflicting thoughts can destroy the mind.
No morality can be founded on authority, even if the authority were divine. A. J. Ayer.
Because we can only see life to be black or white, leads to violence, not just on the streets on a Saturday night or at a football match, but worse still: in the home. This leads to much greater problems. Because the women truly don't have any feeling of self worth in themselves, they start to think they deserve it and it's seldom spotted.
There are two murders every week in this country, committed by current or former partners. This is why the Masons have got away with the evil things they do to people today. Some of the people who've contacted me have the attitude that they must have deserved everything they are getting. This has to change.
Century 10, Quatrain 39. Another AVANT quatrain. The 10 is 28. The 39 is 13+13+13.
My eldest brother is dead: his wife is still alive. They do have children.
This seems to explain my own marriage to the monastery I was a part of. It gave me no children. In other words, Nostradamus is doing here what he has done in another verse, where he speaks of my family to indicate to me that it's my quatrain. Yes, I was truly married to the monastery.
I stopped believing in God four years before I realised I had to leave, and I only took that final step when it came home to me how ridiculous the situation had become. You only ever dream of living in a monastery if, above all else, you believe in God.
This explains what has been happening in Britain and Ireland these past few years, with the IRA prominent in all that has taken place. I was falsely accused of being a member of this organisation. C1, Q76.
AVANT DISHUICT. AVANT C DISHUIT. Dishuit means 18. With a C for Century in it, we get another meaning, so I will do Century 1 Quatrain 8 for you, later on in this document. For short it is written C1, Q8. Nostradamus does lead us from one quatrain to another. In End Times, I show how he leads us from the MABUS quatrain to the one that gives it an added meaning. Leading me to all the AVANT quatrains, the way he did, was a miracle of ingenuity.
INCOMPETANT EAGE: In his letter to his son, Nostradamus wrote in French that: "What You See Is What You Get." INCOMPETANT E.....AGE. INCOMPETANT ELEVAGE. Elevage is the only word I can get in my French dictionary that gives me E with AGE following on from it. The word means "rearing of youth" or "incompetent rearing of youth." The next line indicates that this is correct. We will probably all agree that this rearing of youth has been incompetently worked with, since the war.
This probably refers to the abuse of alcohol and drugs, as well as to bullying and suicides in our schools. We also have two million children overweight in our schools, a sure sign of mind deprivation and insecurity. It is also why I see the future education of our children in a light that has no resemblance to what we've been doing with them up to now. I will not stop dreaming dreams.
The other side of the VISION coin is the LISTENING process. The listening process tunes us into a part of the brain that allows a child to accept that he or she is one of a larger group and that if the whole group functions well, so will he or she. Listening allows a child to lift a weaker one on to his or her level as we did during the war when the radio was king. "Did you think I would leave you dying, when there's room on my horse for two." Rolf Harris song. The mind can't respond to that Rolf Harris line, but the soul does. The first time I heard it, my body shivered. This same principle applies to the council estates. The levelling up is so important.
Listening also speeds up the learning process in a way that most of us today cannot easily understand. I once arranged to work with children aged 8 to 10, for two years, in a poor area of London. I got them to study only the topics they were interested in and gave them about 70% of every day, in which to follow their own programmes unsupervised. I forced them to listen to the answers that came out of their own heads and to record these, no matter how stupid the answers seemingly were. I did this by refusing to give them my answers. When they insisted on my marking the weird answers they created, I would write excellent after every one of them. One of the many children who couldn't write, drew me a set of boxes and said it was his name. He got an excellent too. I had to make sure they knew I was serious about what I was doing. You see, the process he used was excellent. Each had to pull answers out of his or her own head. I tied up the loose ends of the curriculum as soon as the children had prepared themselves to learn it. This took about three hours a week in either a formal teaching environment or working with groups of six children at a time.
I had 36 children in that class. The teaching and the learning became easy for both of us. The power came from inside the children themselves. I just guided them a little. To finish every day, I brought them all together to read for half an hour. They were given the official Inner London exams before and after the two year period and we found that, without exception, every child had done four years work in those two years. I am speaking of 108 children here because two other teachers did the same programme with me. I failed to teach three of them the letter A in December of that first year. (yes, they were that weak. I had six of these children in my class) But all three had reading ages close to 9 by the end of the two years. In the last six months of the two years, I never had to tell a child off for doing anything wrong. We couldn't keep them away from school, it was such a happy place to be in. They had learned much more than their lessons. They were secure in themselves, they were always helping one another as well as any adult who seemed to need their help. I watched the brighter children doing the levelling up process I have already mentioned, to help the weaker ones. Of course, I never objected, because you only ever really learn something when you teach it, so I let them get on with it. My first reaction was to stop them, as I originally thought that they needed their own time, but I soon got my thinking right. These children had learned to face up to every kind of problem and challenge and were more mature than most of the adults I knew at the time, including myself.
At the start of the second year, they asked a church going teacher to give them half an hour a week explaining the Bible to them, which surprised me because I was a very happy atheist at the time. I thought a dozen children in my class at most, would attend, but was surprised again to find every child in the class attending every week. Not one of them ever missed for the rest of that year. Had I organised that class in a normal setting, I would have had problems. I could have trusted every one of those children to go anywhere on earth to support their team and I would know for sure before they left, exactly how they would behave. I often think of them, but especially when I see what we have done to our children these past many years, but notably when I see the shootings in schools in America, the child suicides here in Britain and the drug addicted youths who've been too easily led astray these past many years. I can only believe that this poisoning of the nation has been deliberate and there's only one organisation in this country that could have organised such an evil plan. Criminals hide too easily in it and only those butting in on their trade are set up to be caught. The cost of Masonry to our country has been a lot greater than any of you can ever imagine, but we can recover.
We now have seven million adults in our country who are functionally illiterate and close on ten million who can't do basic sums. These are government figures. The same children are encouraged by idealists in the private sector to apply for further education, but why should they, when all they learned while in school was to both fear and hate learning. Get our schools right and we'll fill all the vacancies in the work place. It's time we all examined our consciences and acted in an unselfish way in our decision making processes. One day, I hope that all our newspapermen will rebel and tell the Masonic advertisers who pay them a pound of flesh to get two back, to find another scam that will not destroy the country. Those 108 children showed me the kind of potential we destroy here every year. At the end of those two years I was scared to tell anyone what we had done. I knew I might need another job one day. And that was 1973, a long time before they had the grip on the country that they have today.
If the statistics are correct, this is the most unhappy and sickly country in western Europe. We have to change the system of teaching we use in our schools, even if Masonic interests are at stake. What happened at the football tournament in Belgium in 2000, is the end product of our disastrous education system. What has happened to me, is the product of the same type of maladjusted mind. You sow nettle seeds and you get nettles. You don't get the roses the Department of Agriculture will tell you that you are going to get. You destroy a child in school and you get what we all live with in our cities every Saturday night and what I see isn't very nice. We are now one of the most violent urban societies in the western world. This information is from official statistics. We will pay for what we have done: the children were never ours to destroy and to then use as fodder.
Every child is its own person and if we don't honour them, how can we expect honour to be given to ourselves and how can be expect them to grow up to be the civilised citizens any country could be proud of. Arming the well off, as the Americans are doing, is not the answer. The professionals should not have to be told, but the same people blame the parents and home life, which is a total misrepresentation of what is going on, for it has nothing to do with the parents. The professionals should have the answers, not the parents who have enough trouble, labouring on small wages, trying to make ends meet and then, at the end of a tiring day, try to cope with children we in education send home to them from school, more maladjusted than they were when they left their parents in the morning. The cycle stinks.
G.B. Shaw was serious when he said that schools were worse than prisons. Most of us know what John Major and Winston Churchill thought about schools and learning. They both had to protect themselves from the evil inherent in the process. I had to follow the same journey myself. I instinctively knew that all I would be left with after the spoon feeding was finished, would be the spoon and I rebelled. We have to change the philosophy we support in the schools. Then the new adult population will have the capacity in themselves to lead us into a better world. Because of the stranglehold by the Masonic inspectorate on everything teachers do in class, and their indoctrinating the people and the government to believe that force feeding is the answer, it is really up to the parents to get their children who are in primary schools, to make a stand in the classrooms and demand they be allowed to spend at least half of every day studying the topics they are interested in. Your children will not be honoured unless you the parents demand this right. Then all children in every classroom in the country, will make progress. Your children will soon teach the teachers how to work with them. The average child doesn't have either the brain or the experience to work with a programme set up by a teacher, but the teacher has much more and can work with the child as the child demands its guidance, not its spoon feeding.
What's happening in primary schools today is criminal and it's not much better for the older children. They are all growing up out of balance. But, its the old story. The psychology is that you can only raise yourself to great heights if you do another person down. Teachers put the children with tape recorder minds, on this artificial pedestal every day of every year. These few successes then believe they are Gods and the rest of the children in every class lose their dignity. That this is education is the greatest criminal fallacy ever created in any century, in any country on this earth, and we've managed to perfect it's execution here in Britain. How do you think we created a group of people who believe they can kill others and have no sense of guilt for having done so. This is a group that also believes that their actions are not only correct but can be justified?
Die, my dear doctor, that's the last thing I shall do. Lord Palmerston.
I sent out 3,500 copies of an early draft of this document in the Spring of 1998, to my friends here in Britain. I did it before the Masons found out that I knew what they were doing to me. I suspected it might save my life, so I called the document RANSOM. I know I wrote the truth because of the immediate attacks made on me by Masons I knew. So, I hope this document helps many of you get better lives in the future, than you've ever had before. We all deserve better lives than we've now got, and this includes the Masons. You can stop an army but you can't stop an idea. One can die for an idea. If you can adopt the ideas here and make them a part of your life and the lives of your children, you will have bought your children's tickets to live. Thatcher's philosophy was in the main, based on the concept that someone somewhere might be happy and it had to be stopped. Her actions then guaranteed that she would not be alone. I often wonder why Blair has taken up where she left off. I don't understand what is going on here, unless the people and I don't mean the voters, who gave him power, have a hidden agenda that was also dictated to Thatcher. I think they are backing out on Blair right now, to show him and the Tories where the real power lies in the country. Without doubt, not all Blair's leaks can have come from his inner circle. It doesn't make sense unless one of them has been promised great rewards. Blair, above all people, should know by now that a Mason's loyalty is neither to his party, nor to his country. We saw this with the last Tory government: the throat slitting was venomous and successful. If the same scenario is going to be repeated, the squealer will destroy Blair. One day we are all going to have to vote for Independent MPs and I mean independent of Masonry too. Of course, most of us assume that Blair's E-mails and phone calls are all monitored and that the leaks come from the Masonic team set up to keep him in check.
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, states: "Everybody has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." When the law enforcers: the police and MI5, who overspend by hundreds of millions every year, don't know the meaning of this article or the meaning of freedom, how can we expect the villains to be good. Since being accused of being a member of the IRA, I have given some thought to what is going on in Ireland. Some English people now wonder why the IRA won't give up their guns. It seems to me that if they do, the Catholic population in Northern Ireland is dead and in their hearts, the Catholics know this. The number of MI5 agents in Northern Ireland, has just been increased dramatically, (May 2000), and they'll have their microwave devices with them. The key people in the Catholic population, can be killed, one by one and they will all die natural deaths. Killing can never be justified. But with the Orange lodges in the north of Ireland, working hand in hand with the Masonic lodges in Britain, they now have access to every killer weapon they want. The gun problem that's a part of a possible agreement, is just a big diversion. I have no religion but people, no matter where they are, are a part of me and I know it and I will try to protect their rights to live, much more than I will protect my own.
In the next quatrain we have 7 + 6 = 13. 1 + 7 + 6 = 14, which is half of 28 my birth number. This is the kind of quatrain that helps me understand why I am here in Britain, fighting my life away to save the lives of the descendants of English people, who put my people into virtual slavery for 300 years. My problem is that I studied History and it's not that many thousands of years back, when both our ancestors were the same family. The people of Britain, as well as the people of every other country on earth are and have always been, as much a part of me as have been the Irish. I can't put into writing how blessed I was to have been born in Ireland. I had the kind of youth I would wish for every child on earth today and that's a part of the reason also, why I am now writing this document in the year 2000. I was never taught to be Irish. I was only ever taught to be a human being. I've not measured up at times, but I've always done my best, except when Celtic were playing Rangers. When I first came to this beloved country, I stood in no man's land in Ibrox with a friend and couldn't understand why no-one else would join us. Strange, that day, not one bottle or stone was thrown. These memories of battles long dead, have also to go the way of all flesh. If I was allowed to do in Northern Ireland what I did in school, the animosity between the two groups would die in three months. But, the lodges don't want peace. The problem is FEAR: fear of losing their pennies: fear of having to stand on their own two feet, believing that if they do, they will stand alone. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Century 1, Quatrain 76:
This has to be a reflection of how we think of the IRA ( barbarous) and how the police describe me to their friends when they want them to break the law by attacking me. Ezekiel also says that I will be labelled with the IRA appellation. Nowhere does Nostradamus say that I belong to the IRA. The next line indicates that I have the same consciousness as my three sisters. The two following lines indicate this fact even more powerfully. Ezekiel, in all his writings, rules out any possibility of my actively joining any organisation of any kind and in my own mind, this certainly includes the IRA. He states very clearly that I have a single consciousness and that consciousness is with God and God only.
The one with the barbarous name will have three sisters. This is what I do have: three sisters. Nostradamus is identifying me here.
I think that this line speaks for itself. I wouldn't have bothered fighting this battle I have been dragged into, in a Godlike way, did I not believe that this great nation was worth fighting for. Had I been in the IRA, my response would have been quite different. Of course, had I been in the IRA, the cowards would never have touched me. Don't forget all of you who read this, that Nostradamus calls this a great nation: Great Britain. We can then lead other countries by example and they will follow, as happened when we founded the health service after the war. By doing this we can take the whole world with us.
Sometimes Nostradamus does have lapses and I expect this to be one of them. People who become famous, usually make it after they die. So be it.
The security forces have been so successful now with their crimes including that of murder here on mainland Britain, using microwave devices, that they now feel quite secure in what they will be doing in the future. They already break the law by tapping into the telephone system on a continuous basis without permission, to ensure that all Masonic targets are destroyed. Although this telephone tapping is used mostly to destroy the businesses of competitors, (I have first hand reports of this taking place) it is also used to destroy innocent people. The final answer will always be, from now on for both businesses and people: death from natural causes.
The next problem we will have to face is the one in which a Freemason decides to get rid of his wife, or he gives a nice television set to his ageing parents, so that he gets his inheritance faster. Lombroso said that they can see no difference between right and wrong. Had I not met this scenario already I would never have thought it possible. The relative dies of natural causes and all's well. There's no alimony to pay, if the not yet divorced wife is dead. Then we have the extension of this scenario when we get the aspiring MI5 agent who wants his boss's job. It's so easy to put a microwave device into the boss's car or into his television set.
As this scenario becomes commonplace, using devious verbal untruths, the aspiring upwardly mobile operator will get the better job much faster than he could have ever imagined in the past. All will be well: the vacancy came as a result of death through natural causes, certified by the Freemason doctor who just happened to be in the same lodge as the new executive, who will be very happy in his job until the next upwardly mobile aspirant decides that its time for promotion. But it will all be done in a very civilised way and they'll all attend the funerals and say how sorry they all are. This process will be repeated in business also. I wonder if this is why cancer is so rampant in this country already. I wouldn't be surprised if this were the reason. The forecasts of .the experts, going by the current analysis of the situation, is that one in every two people in twenty years time, will die of cancer here in Britain. Here, I'm just sowing a seed that is very relevant when killer devices become so easy to disguise and are so effective in getting the desired end product with no come backs.
The police force used a microwave device on my estate in November and December of 1998 and many of the people there got violently sick in December, as a result of the attack. Some of them were sick for three weeks with a sickness they had never experienced before. One normally healthy friend told me he almost died. When I saw him when he was getting better, he reminded me of how I looked when I was recovering. The microwave device was so loud on the last day they used it, that I had to leave my bed at 5 o'clock in the morning and go to work. As they track me at all times, I expect they realised why I had left the estate because the next night it was switched off. Many of the other people on the estate had to put up with the attack for as long as they spent at home each day.
Today, the friend I have just mentioned, is now sick with another disease I am certain he shouldn't have. For myself, I'm certain that the intensity of his present sickness originated in that microwave burning of his body more than a year ago. His body was weakened so much, although he seemed to recover, the process of deterioration in all his glands had just begun. Others, who were on the estate then, may also be suffering from the after effects of that original attack, but they will assume it's from natural causes, for this is how the microwave devices work. It took my other friend six months to die. The only people capable of putting that device on the estate were the police, MI5 and what I ask, were the Council doing? Who would have been the hidden power behind such a move? I hate to think there was collusion. But when one shares a Masonic lodge with others, who know others in other Masonic lodges, one never knows how many people can be party to such a leprous alliance. There's no-one else who would have bothered to go to all that trouble for nothing, or were the authorities using the people on the estate as guinea pigs to determine how effective microwave devices are, when used on large communities they consider to be worthless? I've given this example here, because if it happened here in Durham, you can be sure it's also happening elsewhere in this country today.
I've only touched here on the persecutions that the Masons have perpetrated on me and my friends, practically every day since they started, four and a half years ago. It became a problem for them when I survived, because I'm probably the first person ever to do so. Their master plan never included how to treat a survivor. They have been too successful in the past. How many full time workers they have persecuting myself and my friends here in Durham, I don't know. But I do know that this is not why we pay our rates and taxes. Paying my own killers just doesn't make sense.
All cities are beautiful, but the beauty is grim. Christopher Morley.
The people of this country or any other country for that matter, in responsible positions, are accountable for their actions and are responsible for the leadership they should be giving the rest of us. The people in the media are also responsible and should bring to light the work of all people who are breaking the law every day and this includes the police, MI5 and the Masons. It's time to change things or history will judge us all, in the way in which we deserve to be judged, if the Masons let the country survive that long. History can only see us to be the people who allowed evil to rule these Islands. Right now, that is a fair judgement but the only thing our government wants to do, seems to be to wish the problem away, but life doesn't work like that.
I see the people of this country to be the salt of the earth and most of them already are exactly this. I loved them even when I was still a child in Ireland, a long time before I ever met them. Having met them, there is nothing that the temporary maladjusted few can do to destroy that love. I am very aware that most Masons and ex-Masons are the salt of the earth, but when orders to do evil come from high up, I find that even the good obey. It's an automatic reflex action that I still find very difficult to comprehend.
My love for the people of this country will always be there and I mean: into eternity. I've lived all my adult life in Britain and I hope to finish it here in what may become a civilised country again. I think I should say a sincere thank you here to you my friends, the hundreds I know, for all the love you give me. Without you I could never have kept my life on an even keel, these past seventeen years. And a special thanks to the hundreds of children I've taught down through the years, for suffering my faults and failings with a fortitude that was truly divine.
The prophets describe the situation clearly and state the fact that action is important. They are writing for these times, whether we like the idea or not. Too much of their material is too specific to be ignored. But I will just give you a quote or two to help me make my point. The city in both Ezekiel and Isaiah is always Freemasonry. The Duke of Kent is Grand Master of the Masons. All quotations are from the King James Bible,
Isaiah: Chapter 1, V 21 - 23: "How is the city become an harlot; it was full of judgement but now it is full of murderers. The silver has become dross. The princes have become the companions of thieves."
Ezekiel: Ch. 8, V. 16ff: "At the door of the temple of the Lord, were about five and twenty men; they worshipped the sun towards the East. It is a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations that they commit here. They have filled the land with violence." There are twenty six men in a Freemason lodge. Here Ezekiel is making it very plain that the whole country is ravaged by Masonic vendettas.
Ezekiel: Ch. 11, V. 1ff: "Behold at the door of the gate five and twenty men. Son of man, they are the men that devise mischief and give wicked counsel in this city. Which say, let us build houses. This city is the cauldron and we be the flesh. Ye have feared the sword, but I will bring a sword upon you. Ye shall know that I am the Lord: for ye have not walked in my statutes, neither executed my judgements but have done after the manner of the heathen."
The Bible always leaves room for the unbeliever and we can see this in the number 25 given, when in reality, it should have been 26. In 8.16, Ezekiel says "about 25."
Ezekiel sometimes works with numbers also. The numbers 8,16,11 and 1 of the two 25 men verses given above, add up to 36 or 6x6. As there are two verses there, each can be seen to represent 666 or the beast of John's Revelation.
Ezekiel Ch. 4, Verse 1:
A hard disk in a computer is made from 50% of the same material that a TILE is made from. I also wrote RANSOM on this computer. The city in Ezekiel is always the Freemasons.
The IRON PAN is the aluminium cooking foil I put between myself and the radiation and laser beams, coming through the wall of my bedroom, from the devices put there by the Masons.
Ezekiel says quite a lot about my challenges at this time, but I feel it's better to let it rest for the moment. I just wanted you to know that Nostradamus is not the only one who tried to describe what is going on here. At the same time, I wanted you to know that the plan goes back further than you might imagine. If Ezekiel can describe what has gone on in Durham accurately, then he must have got it from a plan that already existed. That's how it is. I often tell this plan in my talks so one day, you may catch up with me. Who knows?
However, all those of you who have been attacked, must also try to get the courage to go public and not be afraid of Masonic retaliation. The first thing the Masons did to me after I started to expose them, was to imply that it was my fault. They can forget that one. If you too are being attacked, make sure you know that there's no shame on you in any way either. You were born with rights that no other man or woman should violate. Keep in mind that if you do go public, you're doing it for others into the future, whose lives have not yet been destroyed, in the same way as yours has been. Your duty is to fight for them and forget about what the Masons might do to you.
Keep in mind that you are being either a hero or a heroine. If you all go public as soon as you read this document, or write to me, I'll act for you, but you've got to then have the courage to support what I advise. I'll find it difficult to act for the whole country. Also, all those who've been attacked in the past, or whose relatives know about such attacks, especially if they now begin to suspect that the person involved has been murdered, must have the courage to shout loud enough to be heard. You know the first symptom: loss of short term memory. After that it depends on whatever sickness they are prone to have.
When I first started doing the work I do, twenty years ago, I knew I couldn't do it alone and I can't and don't want to save this country right now, if I have to do it in isolation. If it's not done in co-operation with you who receive this document, what I've written here will be practically useless. But don't worry about the waste of the sacrifice I will have made. Mythology states very clearly that it's not success in a venture that's important, but the try. Nothing else: just the TRY. Now, I hope you understand that. Only a few people do.
When I left teaching to do what I do now, I wrote the same thing to all my friends on my mailing list and some of them have honoured me with their support ever since. I am asking for your help now, people from all over this country and from other countries also, who have never heard of me before. I do hope you can respond to this request. The evil here is very real and those who are a part of it have no way out unless we shame them enough and force them through bad publicity and the power of their women folk, to close down the organisation their husbands, their sons, their fathers and boy friends belong to. But, the Ladybirds must go too. We should all have the right to experience the game of life on a level playing field. On your death beds, you will be well aware of the fact that if you've never had a survival challenge to face in your life, that you're worth little and that you've achieved nothing. You will also be aware of all those you've belittled, to achieve something that's not worth having, simply because you can take nothing with you apart from the good and evil that you've done or supported, all your life.
Many of you will still believe that the road to power and riches is the way to go, but if the Bible prophecies and Nostradamus are correct, then you may have to think again.
There's something else I want you to know: there's not one persecuted Englishman or Englishwoman I will not do my very best to help, should any of you need help and wish to contact me in writing, because of this document. I believe in a Creator who loves every person in existence, as much as I know he loves me. Because my phone is tapped continually, it would be best to write. My e-mails are tapped also. If you don't get some kind of answer to your letter from me, you'll know that your mail has been tampered with, so write again. My friend Nostradamus writes about this also. 28 is my birth number.
Century 2, Quatrain 28:
Mohammed was the last great classical prophet before Nostradamus. John of Revelation fame, was the second last. Here Nostradamus is just referring to my name: John. He himself has to be excluded from this, because he is writing about what was the past for him.
During the course of the 18 years I've been giving talks, most of them took place at week-ends. I had to rest on the Mondays as a result of the travelling. But because the quatrains refer to these times in particular, I think it is much more likely that Nostradamus is referring to the first day Allan and Pauline came to look after me when I was dying. It was the first day I could go to bed and truly rest. It was Monday: 13-10-1997.
He will have a driving force in himself that demands he share what he knows to be worthwhile. I've travelled almost a thousand miles a week for 16 years, giving talks, attending and supporting study groups. Masonic activity has slowed this down somewhat of late, but like most of the harm they've done to me, it has all gone to helping fulfil prophecies that otherwise would never have got off the ground. So, they've done God and all of us, nothing but favours. My problem is that mythology states clearly that when one meets evil in high places, one should fight it with all one's might. Their helping me fulfil prophecy, hasn't yet done anything to help the others who are being persecuted on a daily basis right now. This is why we all need your help.
The great nation is always Britain, or Great Britain. Because Nostradamus is writing for our times here, he has to be referring to the grip the Freemasons have on the powers that control this country. You may not know that you are being enslaved but you are, to either people or power or money but more often, to all three at the same time. The writings of Ezekiel, Nostradamus and Isaiah draw conclusions that I hope can be realised. I hope I've done you proud with all those quatrains. When I started writing, I never thought that so many would find their appropriate places here. I've done two of those left out, in END TIMES.
I will close the main part of my long document now and wish each of you who reads this report, every blessing this earth can give you,
Sincerely, always: John Francis Walsh.
This scepter'd isle, this earth of majesty, this other Eden, demi paradise, this precious stone set in a silvered sea, this blessed plot, this England.
William Shakespeare.
I will write some thoughts here, that are not strictly related to what I've given above.
I'm having this document sent to many people. I'm asking them to also send it to their friends on the Internet, as soon as they've read it. It's important to also get this document into the schools and universities network, so that children can think again about how the learning process they are a part of, will affect their lives. If you don't have it on disk and you want one, please write. At the moment I can afford to send it for nothing. Please write your comments to me. I'll answer them if I can, but whatever, I will try to find time to acknowledge your letter.
Write to John Walsh, 13, Prospect Tce., New Kyo, Stanley, Co. Durham, England. DH9 7TR.
Phone 01207 237696 if contact is required urgently.
I just can't afford to make contact with all the people in the world who should read this writing and I mean every country in the world. Isaiah is very clear on this in 49.6, where he is speaking to the people of the Isles afar off: "That thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth." I just hope that the newspapers in various countries can pick up on what is written here. Isaiah is speaking of these years.
For those who have friends with computers both here and overseas, who are not on the internet, please copy this document on to disks and send a copy to everyone you know. If you feel you need to translate it for your own country, please do so. Then send it on. Microsoft Office or Word can copy it. I've written the document using Word 6. If you know anyone in a position of influence, who is not on the internet, could you please print this document for them and hand it to them or post it.
If they live on a council estate, or have a family with problems that a proper school should be solving, please let them have a printed copy. I'm sorry about the cost, but I hope you can see it to be your tithe for the month. The professionals are in the schools and given half a chance and some encouragement, they will change their methods of teaching and begin to honour the child. The only thing they are allowed to honour today is the book of ticks and crosses that humiliates and chastens, at least half of every class of children in the country. But their Masonic inspectorate love that book.
When I started work here in Durham twelve years ago, people helped me with finance. Because of this we've always had the right amount to continue with the work. We've never had too much or too little. I know that God speaks to them, because I always have the money as I need it. Now, it's different. I'm not asking any of you to support what I do. But, I'll know if I have to do more by what you send me. The God mind in you works with the God mind in me and I'll let that part of us both, be our guide. If I do get more finance, it will be spent rescuing this great nation (its people) from subjection: C2. Q28. As I already stated, I will not do this alone. This is your country also.
Many people are truly dying because of the present harassment they are being subjected to. They are not lying. If I could have thought of a better way to do this, I would have told you.
You have my sincere thanks, not just for reading this document called MARTYRDOM OF A NATION: A NEW DAY WILL DAWN, but also for any sharing of it with others that you may do. Should you pass it on, you will be the tool that will help someone, somewhere, one day, find some happiness in his or her life. If your children can put it through the schools NET system in every country, it would do a lot of good. Reading the English will help children learn a new language, even if it does have an Irish accent. Should anyone wish to translate it into their own language and share it, please do so. If you have friends abroad, please send it to them also, as it may stop their countries going the way we have gone. Should anyone wish to print it in booklet form, you have my permission to do so. You can then sell it but please give some of your profits to a children's charity.
Freemasonry and all other secret societies have no place on this earth today. The power available to a secret society such as that operating in Britain and Ireland, is now absolute and it's important to stop the cancer, before it's too late. We have been betrayed. "If ye break faith with us who die: we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders' fields:" Rupert Brooke. These men never died to honour slavery.
I am very aware of the price this document will cost me, but like those who have gone before us, I am very aware of the fact that freedom is worth dying for and I am also very conscious of the fact that this whole country has been betrayed. Immature adults playing children's games, inside the context of secret societies, when these societies have ultimate power over life and death, is taking evil beyond the status of a game. We badly need to revise our modus operandi for the coming years.
Century 1, Quatrain 8:
This line may refer to the many sunny country races that share London today. Each race usually congregates in the same area. However, it more probably refers to the many changes of Parliament we've had in the past fifty years. None of them have been able to lead the country in a truly positive way. Nothing has changed. The sun tanned city will refer to the easiest to heat city in Britain. This is London.
The grip of the authorities, mainly Masonic, has the laws changed to its own advantage.
This refers to the way in which the Masons manipulate the system. The quatrain leading to this one was all about children and schools: C10, Quatrain 39. Here is just one more example. Many people are hoping that the £2,000 a year gift that is being prepared mainly for teachers who are Masons, will not go through the House of Lords. The majority of heads in the country today are Masons or married to them, or whatever. Most appointments are now made in the lodges, so it's obvious who will get the money. I can't see London where I once worked, being different to the rest of the country.
Manipulation is the key to evil. Gordon Brown now sits on his billions as if he owns them. It's beyond time that he began to look at the real England that exists today and stop supporting the Masons as they control a process that will one day lead to every council estate in Britain becoming a wasteland. These areas are now the breeding grounds that ensure that every child will start life as a junkie or whatever the Masonic control has determined he or she will be. These decisions are probably made in the Temple. Their control and their experiments on the children and people of this nation are an obscenity. These false Gods need their golden calves beheaded.
The big car fleet owners get 33% off the cars they buy and when they sell them on, I don't know who gets the cheap cars but I know for sure who is paying the bill and who has paid the bill for many years now. In my mind the price of cars has just been one big Freemason scam. The price of petrol is ridiculous for the ordinary man in the street who cannot take advantage of the illegal activity of Masons, in the way in which they have grabbed all the sinecure jobs in the country. They can afford the higher prices.
When the poor are priced off the roads, we won't need to build any more and the Masons will be able to travel at any speed they wish. One of them told me in London that he never had to worry about motoring offences. He didn't know that I knew he was a Mason. In the meantime, the price of petrol guarantees that the poor are taxed up to their eyeballs. Hopefully this document will help stop the ordinary man in the street having to pay twice his share for everything he buys: in other words: unjust tribute. I've just given a few examples here from dozens I could write about
The North East, the land of Hadrian, where I work from, will be the catalyst in rescuing your dynamism as a country. The myth says that blood represents energy in the real world. This could even mean the price of petrol, for that too represents energy. Something has now started here in Durham and it won't stop. Hadrian's Wall is just up the road from where I live and work. His camp would probably have been in Chester (castra = camp) Le Street when he visited the North East. This is where I have my study group, in which I learn about THE CROSS AND THE CROWN. C6 Q71. It's now time that the birthright of every person in this country be honoured and allow fifty years of a continually expanding hell, to be wiped out.
I know I came into the earth to do this work and I do hope that you can see whatever it is you do with it, in the same light. My road is the easy one. At the moment I just can't see how you will all have the courage to support my stand, but I hope this document can start something moving in your soul. If it does, this whole country will win. Can you please copy it for everyone in your lodge, if you are a Freemason and then discuss it with them. I am very aware that most of you would never support what has happened to me, but your presence in the organisation works against decency and honour. And if one of you owns a Volvo garage, with a computer that can reprogram my vehicle, can you please let me know so that I can have it put right: (Volvo 440 Xi 1993). The bottom line in what I say is: please don't walk away from those who are suffering and my violated car is no more than symbolically important.
To believe in God is impossible, not to believe in Him is absurd. Voltaire.
The Book of Revelation makes it very clear how this whole scenario we are in, has to work its way through a particular pattern and that there will be an outcome. I just hope that we can all without exception, see that everyone has been a winner. But here, I want to look at a power that may or may not exist. Some call it God.
If there is a God, then HE IS and He cannot change. In Einstein's world there is no TIME. Time is an ever present reality that can be handled by minds that are not limited by the human brain that they are a part of, here on earth. It's just that our vibrations are so slow in the 3D world that we see TIME to be linear. At the speed of light it doesn't exist as we know it. This seems to have been the world that we originally came from. The mythology states that Einstein had it right. If we can imagine ourselves in real GOD TIME, then we are half way there. Mythology states that the TIME we work in, in the year 2000, was created by God for us, because we needed to experience the activities we get involved in, one at a time. When we didn't have it, we used to get confused because everything was happening at once and being inexperienced souls, it was all too much for us.
The mythology says that God didn't want to give us created TIME, because He knew we would one day ask the question: "Who made God?" as if He too had to have had the kind of beginning we see on earth when we look at how life comes into being and needs to function in TIME, if it is to survive. Today, many of us are trapped in a zugswang world of thought that states that no matter how we think, we will be confused. This outcome is our reality, because our logical minds are so limited. We came for the sex and the power, but one day we will realise that there is a greater happiness available to us, if we can just break free of our present mind constructs. Death helps us to do this, because it forces us to leave the now worthless 'food for worms' behind, but it only helps.
We've always had our freedom to make choices, because the mythology states that God wants companionship and not clones to be his companions. The mythology states that before we came into being, He already had the Angelic world that came directly from Himself, but because they were bits of Himself, He became lonely and decided to create beings with free wills, who could really be his sons and daughters and who one day could truly inherit His kingdom. I smile when I think of all the scientific minds I hear telling others how they have now deciphered the three billion DNA alphabet of the human chromosome and that the writing on the 23 chromosomes in one cell in my body, would take 750,000 A4 pages to record its contents. I then wait for them to tell me that all this came out of a Big Bang or something similar, but the latter statement is never made. Even the scientists are not that stupid to put the two thoughts into the same sentence. They can speak about each apart but I still have to hear them mixing the two. When they did do a replica experiment, creating an artificial Big Bang, this recent Spring in America, the end product of what they did was the biggest damp squib I've ever seen. The photograph of the event was absolutely symmetrical, while our Universe is the very opposite. The scientists thought they were recreating the original Big Bang, but as nothing worthwhile happened, to most of us their experiment only proved that their deductions as to how the universe came into being, were and are all wrong. Had their theories been right, they would have blown this earth asunder.
The quantum physicists tell us that this is a MIND world with matter in it. They can move particles as small as quarks and electrons by just using their minds to move them. The mythology states that mind, by its very nature, is an eternal force. It can't be tasted or felt, or touched or smelled or seen. Only the effects of using it can be observed. The myth says that MIND is not subject to TIME or MATTER and that one day we will, if we choose to, live again in our original MIND world, when we get fed up with the sicknesses and suffering that this dense physical world brings us. In other words, the myth says that we are MIND beings. When the body dies, the MIND lives on. Living outside TIME as we know it, in an ever present world, allows us to understand the fact that no-one needed to create GOD, because He too is the MIND being who brought us all into existence. So, if we can understand TIME, we will know that we have always been in existence and this will be the future for us also. What I write here may truly mean that we are eternal beings. We will one day have the ability to step outside our created TIME and start to function in the real NON TIME world that we once lived in, when we were first created.
I thought I would write these few ideas for you, ideas that have helped me understand life a little better than I had ever done before I found them. Try to understand them and on another day, you will read what someone else writes and you'll understand it all a little better. Keep doing this all your life as I do and by the time your day is done, you will probably have something really worthwhile. The myth says that we just cannot get the whole truth while we are held in chains through the limitations of this physical body we live in. Hopefully, some words of mine may just rescue some of you from subjection of another kind. C2. Q28.
I found that by doing the two exercises I give below for the children, I got to know what I call for simplicity: God, for I found a part of Him or some other power, right inside myself. At that point my whole world changed. I then understood why the scientists say that there's mind in all matter, for the myth had already told me that GOD and MIND could not be separated. So, when the mind inside me one day said, using quite a loud voice: "Why don't you take me with you?" I knew that some power had made an important connection with me. At that time, I had been going into dangerous places alone and I always returned exhausted. From the time I consciously took Him or my inner power with me, I was never tired again. Mythology states that if you don't test procedures, you will never find out what's right for you, nor will you find your happiness in life. I've travelled this road. I rejected many pathways but I found that I was able to eventually accept the one I explain here. It's the one I got the children to do in school and I can truly say I do little else today. It's all given below for the children.
Why was I attracted to it? It was so easy to test and easy to do. Then I found it worked. Most of all, I realised it protected my freedom. It never asked me to follow the sound of an antique drum, played by a preacher from an antique land who said!!!! Then I found out how easy it was to continue with the process. I was quite startled at first, but I've been happily following this road ever since. I knew the way back to God had to be possible to follow by the most stupid people on earth, just as easily as the most intelligent would find it. You might just realise now, why I have never been as happy in my life as I am today, just when the persecutions and harassments are at their worst. This experience has also helped me understand the truth in the myth that Jesus could have smiled on His way to Calvary. If it has worked for the many people I know to be following this road, don't you think it might work for you also. That's just my thought, but test it before you take it on board. It might be the wrong time for you: no-one else can tell you what your next step should be.
My own way of life and belief system, is very simple. I believe that God, or that power that manifests 3 billion combinations of symbols, that make up the writing in the 23 chromosomes in every cell in my body, loves everyone. Having started us off so perfectly, He had no further need to interfere in the life of anyone. He gave us total freedom. The myth says that our minds build. He gave us minds that control those 3 billion symbols in every cell in our bodies, so that should we wish it, we can have a sick body or a good body. How do you think I'm alive today? Do you really think that massage and lettuce saved my life? On paper, being here for me, is impossible. It's all about honouring others. God gave enough of Himself to each of us, to achieve whatever we decide to achieve, be that good or evil. The power is always available to us inside ourselves, should we ever need it. It's inside us all. If we don't use it we really have no excuses. It is there. How do we get to it? The mythology says it will come to us if we do the exercises set out for the children on the next page of this document. In the same way that doing them stopped fighting in school, doing them will stop sickness and wars in the adult world. It's that simple.
You get nothing by thinking about it and saying 'I like that' no, you only get things by DOING. You see, the mind builds. The mythology says that religions are good, but we have to follow the spirit of love in them and not manipulate them to satisfy our selfish needs. Finally, I wish I could tell you all, including those who test me, how much I love you, but in a document like this, doing such a thing would be against all the rules of conduct that society implies I should observe, so I will just sit on my Irish fence and let my dreams be carried round this beloved country on every gentle breeze.
John Francis Walsh.
This last piece of writing is for the children and for people with the same kind of thinking as the writer. Until the way the children are taught in school is changed, this process will tide them over. Please pass a copy of these two pages, on to a friend.
(A) Do each of these exercises for one week. When you finish the seven in seven weeks, please start again. Then continue to repeat the process. Having chosen an exercise, try to do it as often as you can, each day.
(B) Also, ten times every day, listen to your inner mind speaking to you for five seconds at a time, especially when you are fed up, feeling sorry for yourself, when you are bored or when anything is going on that you are not happy with. By doing this, you will find that your sadness and problems will go away.
Doing both (A) and (B) at the same time, will keep you in balance.
Just doing one of them doesn't work too well. I tested this with the children I taught in school and that was what I found.
Here are the little exercises that can change your life.
1. Smile at as many other children as you can, every day this week.
2. As soon as someone speaks to you this week, send them a thought of love. This will take one second. Then answer them.
3. Imagine a white light surrounding you and your friends as often as you can this week, but especially when you see them upset with one another.
4. Do a special kind act for one person in your life and don't ask for any favours back. Just do one of these every day, then smile and get on with your life.
5. Give a gift of some kind to someone you don't like very much, every day this week. You should have given away seven gifts by the end of the week. Each gift could just be a spare pencil you've got, or a sweet or a comic or half the slice of cake you just nicked from the bread bin, or whatever you would normally prefer to keep for yourself.
6. Think something good about the important people in your life, at least once every day this week. The most important people in your life are usually the ones you don't like or are the children who have hurt you.
7. Be patient with every person who comes into your life; friends who are doing stupid things, saying stupid things, running away with the ball you are playing with and who in general, are making you feel very impatient.
Do make up your own assignments, if you find these get boring. If you can, tell someone in your life, someone you can trust, what you are doing and ask that person to ask you how you did your assignment at the end of every week. I used to ask the children in assembly, but you won't have this help. Keep in mind that you are loved more than you can ever imagine, and when you need that love, just listen inside your own mind and you'll always get it. And do keep in mind that I love you too. From: John Walsh.