Microwave Mind Control - Modern Torture and
Control Mechanisms Eliminating Human Rights and Privacy
Helsingin Sanomat, largest newspaper in Scandinavia, wrote 25.9.99 referring to scientific American, that after millennium perhaps All people will be implanted with a DNA microchip.
How many people realise what it actually means? Total loss of privacy and total outside control of the persona physical body functions, mental, emotional and thought processes, including the implanted persons subconscious and dreams. For the rest of his life.
It sounds like science fiction but is secret military and intelligence agencies mind control technology, which has been experimented on for almost half a century. Totally without the knowledge of the general public and even general academic population.
Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and elsewhere with a speed of over 20 billion bits/sec can monitor millions of people simultaneously. In fact the whole world population can be totally controlled by these secret brain-computer interactions, however unbelievable it sounds for the uninformed.
Human thought has a speed of 5000 bits/sec and everyone understands that our brain cannot compete with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, local facilities, scalar or other forms of biotelemetry. Each brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment. Remote neural monitoring system with supercomputers can send messages through implanted persons nervous system and affect their performance anyway desired. They can of course be tracked and identified anywhere.
Neuroelectromagnetic involuntary human experimentation has been going on with so called vulnerable people for about 50 years in the name of "science or national security", in the worst Nazi type testing against all human rights. Physical and psychological torture of mind control victims today is like from worst horror movies. Only it is true. It happens today in the USA and Europe. With a few exceptions mass media suppresses all information about the whole topic.
Mind control technology in the USA is classified under "non lethal" weapons. The name is totally misleading because the technology used in lethal, but death comes slowly in the form of "normal" illnesses, like cancer, leukaemia, heart attacks, Alzheimers disease with loss of short term memory first. No wonder these illnesses have increased greatly over the western world.
When the use of electromagnetic fields, extremely low (ELF) and ultralow (ULF) frequencies and microwaves aimed deliberately at certain individuals, groups and even general population to cause diseases, disorientation, chaos and physical and emotional pain breaks into the awareness of the general population, a public outcry is inevitable.
Who is behind this sinister plan to microchip and control and torture the global population?
Patent office of the USA has granted patents for purposes of mental monitoring and mind alterations.
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brainwaves, methods for inducing mental, emotional and physical states of consciousness, including specific mental activity in human beings. Method of apparatus for desired states of consciousness are among some of them.
The real consequences of microchip implantation (or with today's advanced hidden technology, even without it, being only subject to microwave radiation and mind control through microwaves)are totally hidden from the public. How many know the real dangers of microwaves through mobile phones?
How many believe the disinformation that microwave radiation is not causing health problems? The economic issues in mobile phone industry are enormous. Therefore health issues are deliberately brushed aside. However, the same thing is inevitable in the future as with tobacco industry. When economic compensation for health damages becomes big enough, like in the tobacco industry, health hazards will be admitted and users are then responsible themselves. Today already about 50% of Fins, Swedes and Norwegians use mobile phones, especially the young population. Mobile phone use in mind control was a brilliant idea. Military and police can follow every user, influence their thoughts through microwaves, cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if needed burn their brains in seconds by increasing the currency 20,000 times.
That probably happened to Tsetsenias leader General Dudajev who died talking to a mobile phone.
Heating effect of tissue with the speed of light is know effect of high power microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons. According to Navy studies they also cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia, aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss, short catatonic states, cataracts, leukaemia, cancer, heart attacks, brain tumours etc.
Dr Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz could control all aspects of human behaviour.
Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond in the cells and can interfere with meiosis which leads to tumours.
All our emotions, moods, and thought have a specific brain frequency, which has been catalogued. If these records fall into the false hands, our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best interests.
Both military and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such persons. Director of Swiss secret service had to resign in September 1999 because of his agency's involvement in illegal arms deals and a plan to create an organisation within the legal secret service. This global infiltrated organisation has his octopus type activity in all major intelligence agencies in the world, working together with Mafia and terrorists. It has recruited people from all important government institutions, state and local administration. It owns starwars technology which is used against military and civilian population using non lethal weaponry. "Down and out" people, jobless, freed prisoners, mental out patients, poor old retired men and women, invalids, wheelchair patients, students and orphans are trained by this organisation to harass, follow and torture innocent people, who for whatever reason have been put on the organisation's hit list. They are already in every apartment block!
Deception is the name of the game, so recruits are told untrue sinister stories of their victims to keep them motivated. They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include satanism and symbols and yellow-orange-black colours. However, fresh recruits must wear pink and the highest elite wears yellow ties with dark suits. Even dashes of yellow or orange in their ties may signal their recruitment as well as yellow shirts or other objects with that colour for signalling. Too many world leaders fit into this signalling. However, it is quite possible they are only used as fronts for this global organisation without any knowledge of its criminal activity in the field against innocent people. Mass media and big industry is also infiltrated. Who are the targets? Experimentation with soldiers, prisoners may continue, as well as handicapped children, mental patients, homosexuals and single women are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and chemical warfare. But today ANYONE can become a target, also those who invented the system. Researchers who find out about this secret radiation of the population become targets themselves. US senate discussed the issue 22.1997. US Air Forces commando who fly solo aircraft have been used to send subliminal radio frequency messages to manipulate even the minds of foreign nations in their elections. Haiti and Bosnia are a couple of recent examples. In July 1994 US Department of Defence proposed the use of "non lethal" weapons against anyone engaged in activities the DoD opposes. Thus opposing political views, economic, competitors, counterculture individuals etc. can be beamed to sickness and death.
Psyciatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders has been a brilliant cover up operation in 18 languages to hide the atrocities of military and intelligence agencies actions towards their targets. The manual lists all mind control actions as signs of paranoid schizophrenia. It a target is surveilled with modern technology via TV, radio, telephone, loudspeakers, lasers, microwaves, poisoned with mind altering drugs via airducts, giving familiar smells which cause headache, nausea etc. if he claims his clothes are poisoned, his food and tapwater as well, all medical schools teach their students that the person is paranoid, especially if he believes that an intelligence agency is behind it all.
Never the medical profession is told that these are routine actions all over the world by intelligence agencies towards their argents. Thus victims of mind control are falsely considered mentally ill and get no help since they are not believed and their suffering is doubled by ignorant health professionals.
The unethical abuse of power by individuals in charge of biomedical telemeter is incomprehensible to normal people.
In chemical "warfare", metro stations are often used to spread mind altering drugs. Trains are used for the same purpose. Many drugs are made in Norway and they are camouflaged into smells according to the environment, thus well hidden from unsuspecting public.
Usual gasses and poisons used are burned wood smell, steak food smell, coffee smell, fresh baked break smell, old clothes smell, honey smell, sweet smell, strong piss smell etc. Well hidden aren't they?
With RHIC-EDOM system implanted people (in 1950s and 1960s around 3 million in the USA alone, according to a radio programme) are in total radio hypnotic interceder control and electronic dissolution of memory. It seems this system is at use with child serial killers and when adult serial killers 'dont know' why they have murdered innocent unknown people. The reason of course is to change public opinion to give up all arms so they could not defend themselves if needed.
The goal of mind control is to programme an individual to carry out any mission of spionage or assassination even against their will and self preservation and to control the absolute behaviour and thought patterns of the individuals. The purpose of mind control is to disrupt memory, discredit people through aberrant behaviour, to make them insane or to commit suicide or murder.
How is it possible that this technology is not stopped by political top authorities? They themselves will also be targets someday, a fact they have not always realised. How much are they involved?
Anyway, this year 1999 European Parliament in "Resolution on Environment, Security and Foreign Policy" in paragraphs 23,24,27 call for 'non lethal' weapons technology and development of new arms strategies covered and regulated by international conventions. Also it calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments of weapons which might enable ANY FORM OF MANIPULATION OF HUMAN BEING.
Also HAARP, in Alaska is a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.
It is possible that the USA will ignore these resolutions. The dangers of non lethal mind control weapons was already revealed in an expert meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva in July 1994. Only increased public awareness of microchip implants, their frightful consequences to privacy and influencing of individuals' thoughts and actions, causing people to become biological robots with physical and emotional pains whenever the supercomputer technician so wishes, is enough reason to refuse to take the chip into your body for whatever reason. It is the biggest threat to humanity and the most sinister plan to enslave the human race for ever.
If you have a choice and want to remain a normal human being with privacy do not have your children nor yourself implanted with a DNA microchip. Otherwise your vision, hearing, sensing, thoughts, dreams and subconscious will be influenced by an outsider who does not have your best interests in mind.
Rauni Kilde MD
Recommended reading:
Mind Controllers, Dr Armen Victorian, 1999 UK.
Mind Control World Control, Jim Keith 1997
USA Microwave Mind Control,
Tim Rifat, The Truth Campaigner, winter 1998 UK