David Icke |
"Brave New World" report on the
Permanent Government's intention to replace war,
with eugenics, as a means to control humanity.
This was the secret report of the Special Study Group of fifteen people brought together during the Kennedy years. The proposal for the study group came around 1961 and it was established in August 1963. Among those assembled is claimed by some researches to have been John Kenneth Galbraith (CFR), the Keynesian economist.
This first and last meetings were at Iron Mountain, an underground facility near the town of Hudson, New York. It is a place where important documents are stored and the base for the emergency corporate headquarters for corporations like Standard Oil of New Jersey (the Rockefellers, Exxon), Manufacturers Hanover Trust (Rothschilds), and Shell. The content of the report was revealed by one of the group who believed the public should know what it contained. This group member had the code name "John Doe" and his friend, Leonard C.Lewin, produced a document summarising the Iron Mountain report. Part of the report said:
"There is no question (that) a universal requirement that procreation be limited to the products of artificial insemination would provide a fully adequate substitute control for population levels. Such a reproductive system would, of course, have the added advantage of being susceptible to direct eugenic management. Its predictable further development - conception and embryonic growth taking place wholly under laboratory conditions - would extend these controls to their logical conclusion. The ecological function of war under these circumstances would not only be superseded, but surpassed in effectiveness.
The indicated immediate step - total control of conception with a variant of the ubiquitous 'pill', via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, offset by a controlled 'antidote' - is already under development."
Remember this was the 1960s. More than thirty years have passed since then and such an 'indicated immediate step' was 'already under development'. So what the hell is going on today in our water supplies and essential foodstuffs, both of which are largely controlled by Elite companies? Also, just look again at what Professor Paul Ehrlich said in his book, The Population Bomb, published two years after this secret report was completed in 1966. He said that governments could enforce birth control by the addition of 'temporary sterilants to water supplied or staple food….". Yet another amazing coincidence. The Report From Iron Mountain laid out the functions of war which new policies would have to replace:
1. Economic. War has provided both ancient and modern societies with a dependable system for stabilising and controlling national economies. No alternate method of control has yet been tested in a complex modern economy that has shown itself remotely comparable in scope or effectiveness.
2. Political. The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured the subordination of the citizen to the state, by virtue of the residue was powers inherent in the concept of nationhood. No modern political ruling group has successfully controlled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing credibility of an external threat of war.
3. Sociological. War, through the medium of military institutions, has uniquely served societies, through the course of known history, as an indispensable controller of dangerous (free thinking) social dissidence and destructive antisocial tendencies.
4. Ecological. War has been the principle evolutionary device for maintaining a satisfactory ecological balance between gross human population and supplies available for survival. It is unique to the human species.
Very nice I'm sure. So what did these 'experts' suggest as alternatives to further world wars? Unite the people behind the controllers under the threat of war or some other form of destruction and keep them in a permanent state of fear, therefore dependant on their perceived 'saviours'. In the light of this need to control without world war, the Report From Iron Mountain proposed the following for consideration:
"An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force (a world army now called the United Nations Peace Keeping Force and NATO); an established and recognised extraterrestrial menace (now being engineered with the themes of horrible aliens and a possible invasion of Earth?); massive global environmental pollution; fictitious alternate enemies; a modern, sophisticated form of slavery; new religions or other mythologies; a comprehensive programme of applied eugenics."
All of these things have emerged since the report was completed. There you see the proposal for the environmental threat/eugenics scenario which was to follow very soon afterwards. The report called for the establishment of a secret War/Peace Research Agency using "unaccountable funds" which would study both the peace and war options.
Among the research required, said the report, was the "…determination of minimum and optimum levels of destruction of life, property, and natural resources prerequisite to the credibility of external threat essential to the political and motivational functions" and "(the) frequency of occurrence, length of phase, intensity of physical destruction, extensiveness of geographical involvement, and optimum mean loss of life". This is the deeply imbalanced state of mind behind those who promote and manipulate into being the New World Order, and conflicts are created to fit in with this plan - the war in the former Yugoslavia being another example.
In this chapter, I have described the network of Round Table-Royal Institute of International Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations-Bilderberg Group-Trilateral Commission-United Nations-European Union -Club of Rome, which together constitute a secret government of the world acting outside and above what laughably passes as the 'democratic process'. I have further shown that the members of these groups follow a long tradition of manipulators working from the same agenda of world government, central bank, currency, and army, and a genetically engineered, microchipped population.
But the organisation behind the New World Order coup d'etat is far wider and more complex than this network of front organisations. They are a vital part, but only a part, of the Pyramid of Deceit.