![]() THE
BROTHERHOOD AND Extract from: Truth Campaign Magazine. |
Freemasonry | Round Table |
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Council on Foreign Relations | Bilderberg
Group | Trilateral Commission
Who controls the past, controls
the future: who controls the present, controls the past
(from '1984') George Orwell |
Our experience of life is determined by the framework around our society. The basic premise is that the goal of each individual should be to become a minute part in the global machine of consumerism led by Western multinational corporations and banks. Every other consideration is subordinate to the prime motivation of profit. Obviously, those in the positions of influence – politicians, bankers, corporate executives, media moguls – have been, according to their own definition, 'successful' within the System, so have an interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs. This framework shapes every aspect of our life through education, the media, health care, cultural and sporting events, religion etc.
With these framing conditions in place, the System regulates itself: individuals with attitudes that suit the perpetuation of the System achieve status and influence within it; those who accept the establishment rules soon find ways to impose those rules; those who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism attain positions to promote it. Regardless of how the framework came to be imposed, the truth is that the same attitudes control education, media, governments and banks and therefore exert an irrepressible influence over every aspect of our lives, our thoughts and opinions.
The vast majority of the world's population are merely sheep happily following the herd. Whatever is broadcast in the media as being desirable to the masses suddenly and miraculously becomes desired by the masses. Whatever our neighbour owns or achieves becomes the object of great envy and we lust to acquire what we believe to be ours by right. Thus, when we are shown a solution to a problem, any old solution to anything which interferes with our need to follow the latest trends, we accept it without question and cease to seek any further for ourselves. Problems abound and so do solutions; but it is the easiest and most profitable proffered option which is seized by the majority whilst the minority are trampled underfoot in the stampede to acquire the latest object of idolatry. And just like sheep who follow blindly and without question the direction of the herd, we are led through the gates of a pen to be confined at the shepherds convenience until it is time for the final journey, once again without hesitation and happy in the knowledge that we are with the 'in-crowd', through the gates of the slaughterhouse
However, this framework has not been constructed by chance or appeared by accident. It is a deliberate policy which has been implemented over the centuries and continues with ever more sinister repercussions today. It is the identities of these shepherds, their methods and motivation with which the following chapter is concerned.
Since Biblical times, the esoteric knowledge, outlined briefly in this book, has been largely withheld from the majority of people throughout the world. Initially, this information was the remnant of Atlantean knowledge but was gradually dispersed and further diluted by cataclysmic events such as the Great Flood. Throughout the ages, lost information has been returned to the collective consciousness of mankind via prophets and channellers. Great Mystery Schools, such as the Essene order, set themselves apart in order to carry forward this knowledge via carefully selected initiates. These initiates were the mystics and magi as well as the scholars, healers and philosophers, such as Pythagoras, who, it is said, was very much influenced by the Druid culture.
Secrecy was maintained by these orders to avoid persecution and to prevent the very powerful information from falling into the hands of those who would use it for imbalanced reasons. Knowledge was concealed within myth and fable, often passed between generations by word of mouth alone, as in the case of the Celtic Druids. Any written documents were careful ciphered, with the keys to the code known only to selected initiates. Covens formed throughout the world and maintained secrecy through secret signals and codes which would reveal their meeting places. This practice persists today amongst secret orders such as occultists and Freemasons etc..
Eventually, a large number of sects, which were initially sub-divisions of essentially the same orders, began to lose sight of the original purity of their doctrines. Gradual misinterpretation of codes and myths as well as the uprising of egotistical desires caused many of the groups to become separated in their intent; some of these have developed into cult organisations and religions. Luciferic influence has seen to it that most dogmatic religion owes more to misunderstanding of basic truths than anything else. Differences are amplified and seen as more important to followers of such creeds than the common ties between them – all due to misinterpretation of the same fundamental knowledge. All of the world's major religions share a pagan origin but have gradually moved their sights further and further to the left of the centre where Truth inevitably lies.
Despite this, some of the purer mystery schools have survived through the ages in areas all over the world. The ancient Egyptian magicians, the ancient Greek philosophers, the Celtic Druids, American Indian shamen, Australian aboriginal shaman and oriental magicians have all possessed arcane knowledge pertaining to the true nature of Creation. Initiates were often revered as holy men by the laity and were spared the distractions of daily life in order to keep alive the flames of the inherent magic of life.
However, within certain of the more secretive societies, the Luciferic consciousness has managed to take hold with disastrous consequences for mankind.
For millennia, human history has been a chronicle of the power struggle of man against man and of man against nature. In his over-physical five-sense-perception state, that which man could acquire for himself as an individual has been the main motivating factor, often seen as essential for survival. Survival has been perceived as for the fittest, the most powerful, the wealthiest and this has perpetuated imbalance all the way to its most bitter conclusions which are war, bondage and persecution. Domination through conflict and might over meekness has seen aeons of feudalism and social hierarchy in the worst possible expressions.
To perpetuate their claim of deserved superiority over the masses, the rulers of the past have explored innumerable ways to achieve their goals, both subtle and violent. One method has been recognised as being the most effective and has been employed by the ruling aristocracy throughout the world since pre-history right up to the present day through governments, businesses and monarchies. That is, by keeping the masses in ignorance of their true potential and power; to keep them at a low level of education, preoccupying their minds away from who they truly are from birth; to manipulate them via a systematic education programme, in all areas of their existence, into channelling their lives in pursuit of handing over power to their rulers. If this can be done in such a way that the masses have no recourse and believe this condition to be the only way to live, then they will be highly unlikely to challenge the status quo.
The present System has been engineered throughout the ages by these imbalanced secret societies in order to perpetuate their wealth and power. It is they who designed the System and it is only they who know every individual link in the chains which have kept us in bondage for millennia. Today we have a global network of secret societies, initiates into the 'Mysteries', whose only motivation is to serve the Luciferic consciousness. How many times have we heard such phrases as 'It's the money men who really rule the world', but how many of us realise the accuracy of this sentiment and its full implications?
Armed with vast amounts of wealth and esoteric knowledge, the negative secret society network has flourished as the aristocracy of the world. Power, wealth and information has been gained and maintained via warfare, exploitation, and especially in the last century, through control of the world's economic systems. Collectively these organisations, led by the self-appointed global Elite, have become known as the 'Brotherhood'.
These days, initiation into the various secret societies which form the Brotherhood is relatively easy. Potential initiates are hand picked and invited to join certain exclusive clubs, such as the Freemasons and certain mutually beneficial business cartels which are merely Brotherhood front organisations. Candidates are tempted with the promise that, once accepted into the organisation, many personal advantages would be on offer: improved career prospects with promotion easier to achieve, more prosperous lifestyles and obstacles to success would be made to disappear. In other words this mutually beneficial 'old-boy network' would take care of its own.
The only way for the Brotherhood to prosper is to keep the world in ignorance of who they really are. By convincing people that they are little more than robots, they can use those robots to perpetuate their power base. Power always seeks power and will never stop until all power is focused solely in the hands of the most ambitious.
In the last century, with the acceleration in technological development, particularly in terms of communication, the Elite have sought to realise their ambitions more swiftly with more blatant and definable aims: the creation of a World Government; a world currency and bank; a world army; the control of public opinion culminating in a microchipped population connected to a central computer; the destruction of any alternatives to their System; and to make huge amounts of money in the process. This sinister plan by the Elite has become popularly known by researchers as the New World Order.
The situation within the hierarchy of the Elite is necessarily complex as the activities are concealed behind a large number of front organisations of varying degrees of secrecy. Everything is based upon the pyramid principle with the very few Elite at the apex as the All-Seeing-Eye and ultimate controllers right down to those at the bottom who, in the largest numbers, have no idea about the true agenda which is being ministered to them from above. Through the levels of initiation from the bottom to the top, only the most ambitious and ruthless are filtered out to occupy more and more select positions of power and knowledge of the ultimate agenda. This is further enforced at each step of the pyramid by the process of COMPARTMENTALISATION which is the operation of the 'need to know' principle; this way even those upon the same level of the pyramid know very little of their fellow initiate's business and role within the overall plan. The vast majority of people working to further the Elite's aims of a New World Order, do so unknowingly but others whose names constantly recur will have a pretty good idea of what is happening.
The USA was founded by the Elite for the very reason of executing the plan to control the world. It is this nation which is the hub of its wheel of influence. Christopher Columbus and his voyage was backed and financed by the Brotherhood, with his ships' sails bearing a red cross on a white background, the symbol of the Knights Templar (the chivalric order who went on to become the Freemasons etc., whose symbol is the red rose or cross upon a white background which represents blood and semen in Satanic ritual). Almost a century before Columbus, the Templars had reached North America and had already begun trading with and exploiting the native nations there. Since its 'discovery', the history of the USA has been the history of ethnic cleansing, imposition of power, slavery, mass exploitation and the worship of wealth. The U.S. president, generally accepted as the most powerful man in the world, is a slave to his prime allegiance, the Brotherhood. Even he is probably not a top-level member as it is wiser to hide behind the tools of corruption in anonymity and to pull the strings in this way.
I do not seek to condemn these people for their beliefs – everyone should be free to develop their own belief system – but I feel that they are seriously misguided in the ways they seek to impose them on the majority and conceal the truth. They have allowed themselves to become slaves to and also the major implementers the Luciferic consciousness which has taken this planet to the brink of destruction.
Presenting the information concisely is a difficult operation due to the complexity of the interconnections between people, organisations and events. I have attempted to simplify the situation into a manageable amount but it remains merely the tip of the iceberg. It should be remembered also that nothing is black and white, no one is 'good' or 'evil' – such simple distinctions are part of the manipulation which encourages us to judge our neighbours in order to create conflict.
The vast majority of members are on the first three rungs of the thirty-three level hierarchy and have no idea of the hidden agenda.
Once initiated into the lowest level – the first of thirty three degrees – vows are taken to pledge allegiance to the society above all else. Most initiates are willing to do this as the temptation of power, wealth and knowledge is hard to refuse. It is hinted that there are penalties to pay for betraying their society and revealing its secrets but at this level the organisation is viewed by its members as little more than a secretive social club with a morality based upon chivalry. Certain of what appear to be esoteric secrets are revealed to them upon initiation as a 'taster' for what is to come as long as the initiate remains faithful to the order. Money is then paid by the initiate in order to progress to the second degree through a ceremony involving the revelation of yet further secret knowledge with the promise of more to come at each stage.
Initiation into higher degrees requires increasingly larger sums of money and still the clues keep coming; promises of wonderful arcane knowledge are continual yet the actual knowledge revealed remains encoded and only serves to whet the appetite. No one is ever given the full scenario, only pieces of what appears to be a picture of the most awesome significance. As more and more is revealed and the higher up the ladder the initiate is allowed, the greater are the personal perks provided and doorways opened in terms of career and social status. Moreover, the warnings against transgression of the secret society's rules become blatant and more sinister at each step.
It is impossible to achieve high levels of initiation within Freemasonry unless one is hand picked by those of the higher degrees. In order to do this, one must meet their criteria of wealth, status, social class and character type. By the time the twentieth degree is reached a minimum of professional level income is required to fund progression through the system. The result of this financially dependent progression is that the top level members of the Brotherhood elite are among the richest, and most powerfully influential people in the world. They are also responsible, directly and indirectly for most of the money/power based crime such as the illegal drugs industry, political assassinations, Satanism and mind control which goes on every day, all round the world.
At the apex of the pyramid of the Brotherhood are the select few who actually know the full agenda of the organisation. These privileged elite have become known as the 'Illuminati', which is Latin for 'illuminated ones'. All other members (nearly five million world-wide) are ignorant of the true purpose of their individual organisation as a front for the Illuminati. Only the most suitable are selected to rise in the ranks, those recognised as being wealthy, ambitious and corrupt enough to perpetuate the ultimate goal which is world domination. No one but the Illuminati actually knows anything of importance and therefore cannot betray the game plan. Everyone else provides a front, a smoke screen of ignorance and misinformation and all must offer complete obedience to the will of their organisation or be banished (or worse). The same thing also happens in our universities whereby particularly talented scholars are approached with magnificent offers of wealth and status in order to follow unofficial secret research programs into such topics as UFOs, psychic warfare and advanced energy sources.
Betrayal of the Brotherhood is the worst crime possible in the eyes of its members and is ultimately punishable by death. The Brotherhood is all powerful: all top level members of the police and military forces around the world are placed there through the Brotherhood as Brotherhood tools. Judges and lawyers, media moguls, businessmen and politicians are recruited so that no member of the Brotherhood elite is ever in danger of being held accountable by the System for any crime or misdemeanour. The Brotherhood can, and quite literally does, get away with murder because it is also the law which opposes it. If a non-Brotherhood member should slip through the net and achieve high status then there are ways to ensure that such people are unable to achieve their full potential. For example, I doubt if Prince Charles will ever fulfil his right of kingship as he has publicly refused to enrol with the Freemasons. It infiltrates every area of our society at all levels, but at the top, in the highest social and monetary bracket, the Brotherhood prevails almost in total. It is the single largest vehicle for the perpetuation of the Luciferic consciousness on Earth.
One of the ways by which the faithfulness of members is ensured, especially in the higher levels is by the insistence that the initiated give details of their most intimate secrets to the organisation, so that if any transgression of the rules were to occur then this information would be revealed and used to publicly destroy the individual concerned. As an example of this, one Masonic branch, the Skull and Bones Society, centred around the Harvard and Yale universities, was founded on opium money, is blatantly racist, has some particularly bizarre rituals including an initiation which includes lying in a coffin with a ribbon tied around the genitalia whilst masturbating and shouting out one's greatest sexual fantasies. It boasts amongst its members (who, remember, swear complete allegiance to the society above all other commitments) George Bush, Percy Rockefeller, Winston Lord (one time CFR chairman) and nine members of the board of the Morgan Guaranty Trust (see House of Rothschild).
Also associated with Freemasonry within the Elite's own hierarchy are other esoteric societies such as the Grand Orient Lodges, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, P2 and the Black Nobility.
The Brotherhood owns the law, they own the military, they own the oil companies, pharmaceutical companies and just about everything which provides fuel for the status quo. It sets the standards for education, it sets the curriculum, it plants seeds via the media and education systems of what will later become, through tender nurturing, power hungry, dis-satisfied, spiritually unaware slaves to their System. If it was not so sinister it would be purely perfect in its all encompassing design.
While the first three degree Masons and Round Table members are raising money for charity and enjoying relatively harmless social events, their superiors in the Craft are organising wars, drug pushing, co-ordinating assassinations, mind-control, raping and murdering young children in Satanic abuse and formulating plans for world domination.
History has convinced me that it is possible to get away with virtually any crime as long as it is on a large enough scale.
The U.S. presidents, also thirty-third degree Masons, are financed into the position not as leaders of men but as a tool of the Brotherhood. All allegiance come secondary to the bonds within their secret society, on pain of death. Political systems are also a front for the Brotherhood elite. Not as representatives of the people, elected by the people, for the people, but as tools of and for the Brotherhood. Science is controlled to the benefit of the elite, wars are created and manipulated to the benefit of the elite. Every time a bomb is dropped or a tank built, ultimately it is the multi-national businesses who profit, especially the oil industries and world bankers. All is Brotherhood controlled. The scale of the manipulation in all areas of the status quo is almost immeasurable and for this reason virtually unbelievable to most prisoners of the System.
As well as Milner, who effectively controlled Lloyd George's War Cabinet during the Great War, members in the first half of this century included Arthur Balfour (then Foreign Secretary, later Prime Minister and whose Balfour Declaration created the State of Israel); Lord Astor who owned The Times; and Nathan Rothschild, Governor of the Bank of England. After WW1, the Round Table was instrumental in the formation of the League Of Nations, the forerunner of the Elite-controlled United Nations.
Rhodes' legacy includes a bequeathal of funds for the financial sponsorship of selected overseas students who attend Oxford University to be sold the New World Order. These 'Rhodes Scholars' include Bill Clinton.
The influence of the Round Table and that of the various groups it has spawned is prevalent today, although the majority of members will have no idea of what they are involved in.
Supposedly, the RIIA is a 'think tank' but in effect it determines British policy. And yet, its membership list is never divulged and it is shrouded in secrecy. Information that has been obtained reveals that its current joint presidents are Lord Carrington (former Foreign Secretary, director-general of NATO and close business partner of Henry Kissinger), Lord James Callaghan (former Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister) and Lord Roy Jenkins (former Chancellor of the Exchequer and president of the European Commission).
Funding is derived from its corporate members which is a vast list including government departments, petrochemical companies (who also fund its Environment Programme!), merchant and high street banks, newspapers, television stations, the Church of England, Amnesty International ...etc..
Leading the group is an unelected steering committee, the chairman of which since 1991 has been Lord Carrington. Members outside this committee probably do not know the agenda towards which the group is working and are merely invited to be sold the public face of the New World Order for them to expound its virtues in their areas of influence.