![]() Extract from: Truth Campaign Magazine. |
The trade in hard drugs is very important to the Elite for a number of reasons: it provides a source of income to finance other covert operations; it creates a 'problem' for which the public demands a 'solution' of increased police powers and the erosion of personal freedom in an effort to stop the supply; and, by addicting large numbers of particularly the younger generation to hard drugs, self-respect and the ability to think independently are diminished.
The background to many engineered conflicts is illuminated by analysis of the drug implications. In Vietnam a Pepsi Cola bottling plant was a drug distribution point with CIA helicopters supplying it with drugs from the fields. Drugs were also smuggled back to the US in the body cavities of carefully labelled corpses.
In 1986, Bo Gritz, America's most decorated war hero was sent by the US government into Burma's infamous 'Golden Triangle' to report on missing US prisoners of war. He discovered a man named Khun Sa who is deemed to be the overlord of heroin in the world, sending an ever-increasing excess of 1000 tons of heroin into the 'free' world per year. He also discovered that the whole rescue mission of the prisoners was being prevented by the CIA because these soldiers knew too many details of the operation between Khun Sa and the CIA to traffic these drugs. Later, he was told by Jerry King, head of Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) in the CIA that
'…we've been ordered to put operation Grand Eagle (the rescue mission) on the shelf as if it never existed. There are still too many beurocrats that don't want to see American prisoners of war come back alive.'
The conflict between the US and Panama was a result of Bush turning against Noriega who was a CIA asset while Bush was director and who had been paid to run drugs. However, having seized power in 1984, despite losing the democratic election and yet still being officially recognised by President Reagan, Noriega incurred US wrath by refusing to bow to their pressure for his country to invade Nicaragua. The US suddenly turned against the Panama administration under the pretext of drugs, corruption and a lack of democracy. In 1988, Noriega was indicted on drug charges all bar one of which pre-dated 1984, to a time when he was still on the CIA payroll. In order to arrest one man the US invaded Panama in 1989, killing 3000 civilians. Allegedly the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) paid him $4.7 million to keep quiet about CIA involvement and at his trial no CIA documents were allowed to be examined. A new government was installed by the US, headed by a president and vice-president involved with banks known for drug money laundering and under this new administration drug trafficking from Panama has increased.
Nixon and Reagan and George Bush (despite the latter two being regular heroin users), have led public campaigns against drugs which unsurprisingly have achieved little. In association with the major drug cartels, the CIA has arranged small 'busts' to lend credibility to the campaigns but these are usually to remove insignificant players or larger ones who have outlived their usefulness. In 1981, during the Reagan/Bush administration, the CIA convened a meeting of Columbian dealers to form the Medellin Cartel – an infamous group of 200 dealers. There is also evidence to suggest that the Zapata Oil Corporation is a CIA front and that Zapata Offshore is involved in drug smuggling. Both of these companies were set up and are headed by Bush.
George Bush was succeeded in the White House by Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, whose drug credentials are on a par with his predecessor. Whilst Governor of Arkansas he created the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) which was to finance drug trafficking. All loan applications were handled by the Rose Law Firm, run by Hilary Clinton, and those which were granted were to Clinton's business associates for use in trafficking. For example, one loan was given to Web Hubbel of Park-O-Meter which manufactured retrofit nose cones for drug shipping. The loans were not paid back, but large donations were given to Clinton's election fund. Web Hubbel became acting US attorney general under Clinton, and some think he still fulfils that role behind Janet Reno.
During the Reagan/Bush anti-drug campaign, whilst Clinton governed Arkansas, the United State's biggest drug trafficking operation was set up in Mena Arkansas by a DEA pilot.
Many people speaking out or investigating Bill Clinton have died in mysterious circumstances, for which the official cause of death is given as 'suicide'. Conveniently, in a law introduced into Arkansas by Clinton just prior to the first suspicious deaths no autopsy needs to be performed in cases of deaths attributed to suicide.