David Icke |
One Government, One Army, One Bank and Currency.
More control in the hands of the few, towards the New World Order.
The New World Order has come a long way since the start of the present banking system, the creation of Freemasonry, the United States, and the French Revolution.
When you look at how far the Elite plan has been allowed to progress, it is a sobering thought. And one which I trust will activate the determination within each of us to regain control of our own destiny. This we can and will do, but the bottom line is knowing that the manipulation exists, how is works, and to what end. Without that knowledge, we are at the mercy of the manipulators, because a calculated long-term strategy will go on being presented as singular events unconnected with each other.
For those who still believe that the plan for a world government, central bank, currency, and army, together with a microchipped population linked to a global computer, is a conspiracy 'theory', I will end this section with a summary of just how far along that road we have travelled without realising it.
World Government
The United Nations is evolving rapidly into just
such an institution. From its early days as a global talking-shop, it has created
a massive network of interconnecting organisations which cover all areas of
our lives, from health to aid to environment to a world police force to science
to religion, and so it goes on. The time is approaching when it will be given
its own source of funding, independent of the nation states. Perhaps some funding
'cricis' will be engineered, with some major nations failing to keep up contributions
and a 'solution' will have been found - a form of United Nations taxation of
some kind or another. More conflict will demand more 'solutions' and in desperation
people will look to the United Nations for answers. Centralised answers.
Most of the people who work for the United Nations believe they are doing the right things. They don't know what they are involved in. They are pawns in a game they don't understand. The real agenda is hidden behind terms like "global village', a 'global neighbourhood", the "global commons" and the need for "One World". The covert plan for the United Nations is exactly the same as that unfolding in Europe. The pressure is being applied with ever greater severity for centralisation of political power and decision making within the ever-expanding European Union which is now a maze of centralised power structures and legislation affecting every facet of daily life. The face of that organisation has changed beyond measure in the last forty years. It has been a metamorphosis from trading area to centralised tyranny and the same stepping-stones process is happening within the United Nations.
The President of the European Parliament, Klaus Hansch, made his ambitions clear in The European newspaper in May 1995, when he called for a European Union in which nations would 'pool' their sovereignty for the greater good (centralised control); a Union which assumed its full responsibility for peace and security, acting in close collaboration with the United Nations (world army); a Europe which "lives up to the dream and the vision of its founding fathers" (world government, bank, currency, and army). Popular enthusiasm for this "new European project" had to be generated, he said. I'll give it a miss, if it's all the same with you Klaus.
This evolution to centralised control has been done gradually, quietly, and secretly and only by looking back over the years can we see how much power the nation states, the regions, and communities, have given away Decision making that affects our everyday existence has moved further and further away from the towns, cities, villages, and countries in which we live. First to the national parliaments and civil service cartel, then to Europe, and unless we stop being puppets on a string, eventually it will continue to move away still further to the global government.
The Trilateral Commission's influence can be seen in the support by the European Commission for Japan to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and to have a greater say in UN affairs. The Trilateral Commission was created to co-ordinate the work of the manipulating elites in the US, Europe, and Japan, as part of the move to world government.
The game plan is coming closer to the surface with every month, as the Global Elite begin to filter the prospect of a world government into the public domain. The former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Sir Shridath Ramphal, voiced the plan at an International Development Conference in Washington in January 1995, when he said that the UN should be empowered to "raise global revenue for global purposes". The conference supported the policy with great enthusiasm. Ramphal, the co-chairman of the Commission on Global Governance in Geneva, Switzerland, added that national sovereignty was outmoded. "The time has come to establish arrangements of global governance," he said. "We need a new order in world affairs. Large numbers of people recognise this and understand by a 'new world order' nothing less than the birth of a new world."
The attempt to achieve this coup on the human race will be done by making the present world so awful and chaotic that anyone promising a new world will be followed like the Pied Piper, purely out of desperation (just like they did with Hitler - the 'saviour' for Germany's post-war misery). I believe the Elite have a global computer into which all the data of world events and public reaction is constantly fed. The computer is programmed to process this data and produce a list of events projecting years ahead, which need to happen if the human mind is to accept a world government. This is how the Elite plan can be prepared so far in advance.
Ramphal is a long-time standard-bearer for world government. He has also served on other global commissions like the Brandt Commission and the Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development. It was members of these Global Elite-created commissions, and another led by the murdered Bilderberger, Olof Palme, who formed the Commission on Global Governance in 1992, chaired by Ramphal and the former prime minister of Sweden, Inglet Carlsson. And who, pray, is this I see listed on the Commission on World Governance? Why it's……..Maurice Strong, the 'Green' oil millionaire, the Maurice Strong who fronted the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil, and sits on the board of the Aspen Institute owned by elite Bilderberger, Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil. Also listed is Jacques Delors, that arch centraliser and former head of the European Union. Commission on Global Governance = New World Order.
Another world government lobby event, the Global Forum on the First 'Global Civilisation", was arranged by the Gorbachev Foundation SEA, for the autumn of 1995. Gorbachev played his part magnificently in triggering the prearranged 'freedom' in the Soviet Union and its subordinate states to set the scene for the absorption of those countries into the European Union and the United States of the World. The 'Cold War' was also a case of thesis v antithesis = synthesis. The 'freeing' of the Soviet Union was planned, not spontaneous. Among those invited to the event in San Francisco, the official birthplace of the UN, were George Shultz (TC, CFR, Bil, Kissinger Associates), George Bush (TC, CFR), Margaret Thatcher (Bil), Al Gore (CFR), Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC, CFR, Bil), Paul Volcker (TC,CFR, Bil), and Ted Turner, owner of the CNN global news channel. The pre-event literature published by the Gorbachev framework for stability and regulated human interactions (my emphasis).
The Foundation added that the forum was designed to:
"….focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities confronting humanity as we enter the next century and a new millennium. It is being held in the belief that at this momentous juncture in history, we are giving birth to the first global civilisation."
In other words, world government and all the trimmings.
Expect to see a series of 'commissions', 'conferences' and 'summits' to discuss the creation of world government in the months and years ahead. Expect, also, an attempt to re-write the US Constitution to allow the New World Order to impose its policies on the USA.
World Central Bank and Currency
Ramphal also calls for the establishment of an "apex" economic
body within the United Nations, and Economic Security Council. This fits in
with the Global Elite's plan to fuse all economic power under one roof, or within
one computer. The United Nations and its economic arms, the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation of Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD), and their stream of interconnected offshoots, control
the world's economic development, along with other Elite groupings like the
Bank of International Settlements.
They decide who has development funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that must happen within nation states before any money changes hands. It is a world economic dictatorship run at the behest of the few. Within this network, too, is the World Trade Organisation and the GATT 'free trade' agreement, which is gathering ever more power to prevent nation states from protecting their home industries and production from unwanted imports. Many of these imports come from areas of the world where the native population is exploited in the most inhuman way.
With countries increasingly unable to protect their own population from this economic warfare, the people of the world become ever more dependent on a world economic system over which they have no control. As cross-border tariffs on imported goods are removed by GATT, so that loss of revenue is being met by the people of those countries They are subsidising the New World Order. A report by the US Treasury in June 1994 suggested that GATT will reduce tariffs by nearly $750 billion over the following decade. Along with the pressure for centralisation of political power in Europe has come the connected demand for a European Central Bank and a single European currency. For political power to be effective, it has to be backed up by economic power. If you control the currency and the central bank to which all other banks are subordinate, you control the whole of Europe. This will eventually encompass the states of the former Soviet Union, also.
If we allow this to happen, the centralised European tyranny will have been achieved by a mental coup d'etat, without a gun being fired. The American continent's version of this, the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), and the Asia-Australia version (APEC), are designed to evolve in precisely the same way, until all combine with the United Nations as a world government, Central Bank, and currency. The plan is for NAFTA to become the American Union, APEC to become the Pacific Union, and together with the already established European Union, fuse together under the control of a global government.
At the 1995 meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Denmark, inside sources suggest that the plan was revealed for a Transatlantic Free Trade Area (TAFTA) to combine the European Union with the North American Free Trade Area. Sir Leon ("Mr GATT" Britain, the European Trade Commissioner, has since called for something similar. Ireland's Peter Sutherland (Bil, TC), and GATT negotiator and first director-general of the World Trade Organisation, was at the Trilateral meeting to speak about the "changing world economy". At the same time the German Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel, was in Chicago addressing the Council on Foreign Relations about the Transatlantic Free Trade Area.
Remember the motivation and the methods. If you want to install a single currency and bank, you have to create a perceived need for them. Therefore you trigger a banking crisis and currency chaos. On the face of it, when such things happen and they are reported on the news, they appear to be bad for the bankers and financiers, and for many they are. But not for the Global Elite, because they need such crises to manipulate their plan into reality and, as they know what is coming, they can not only insulate their own resources from the effect of their actions, they can actually make an economic killing.
In late 1994 and early '95, they plunged Mexico into economic chaos which seriously affected the value of the dollar, just as they did before when Mexico wanted to use its oil potential to gain economic independence from the USA. In doing so, those US banks who knew the peso's collapse was coming, made a fortune. While the Mexican people suffered from the consequences, Citibank reported an 81% increase in earnings for the last quarter of 1994 and the New York daily, Newday<, reported profit gains for Chemical Bank of 22% and the Rockefeller/Rothschild Chase Manhattan of 19% for the same period. All were heavy investors in the peso, but switched their investments at exactly the right time to take advantage of its imminent fall.
Mexico is being pushed into an economic catastrophe through debt to the banks of the Global Elite because they want to forgive the debt, or some of it, in return for control of all of Mexico's oil and other natural resources. Who proposed the $40 billion bait out of Mexico which has substantially increased its debts to America, so accelerating the scam? The Democrat, Bill Clinton. Who supported him? The Republicans, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole. In June 1995, the leaders of the 67 industrialised countries met in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a week after the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland, and agreed to increase the role and powers of the IMF. Their excuse for this? The financial collapse of the Mexican peso! Bill Clinton also called for a national identity card in the United States to deal with the "wave of illegal immigration (from Mexico) that was sure to follow". Meantime, small business people the world over are being ruined by a market rigged in favour of the multinational banks and corporations which control the politicians who pass the legislation.
World Army
The progress to a world army has advanced quickly through the 1980s
and 90s. The idea is to manipulate conflicts which will lead to demands for
greater military powers for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. They will
then be fused with NATO into a world army. What would a world army do? Invade
any country or community that refuses to bow to the world government, central
bank, and currency. The Gulf War in 1991 was created in part to hasten this
process with NATO countries funding and fighting that conflict under the United
Nations flag. The conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been manipulated to
this same end. Any occasion which sees NATO forces operating outside their designated
area is another precedent which takes us closer to the world army. We can expect
to see moves, too, which extend NATO's area of operation, particularly into
the Middle East and the former Soviet Union, and you will see moves to expand
the number of nations in NATO in the same way that the European Union is expanding.
The UN troops will continue to evolve from peacekeepers to peace enforcers and then, once that precedent is set, to enforcers of policies issued by the global political and economic elite. When the UN troops are seen to be ineffective in places like Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and Somalia, the public perceive this as a bad thing. But for the manipulators, this failure is essential. If the UN Peacekeeping operations were working effectively, there would be no demand to give them more powers. They have to be seen to be not working (problem) to attract the desired reaction (something must be done), and open the way to the greater powers (the solution). The immediate victims of this are the men, women and children, slaughtered by the Elite-engineered civil wars designed to show that the UN forces need more power.
We can expect more Rwandas and Bosnias until public opinion either bows to the manipulation for a world army or acts to bring an end to the New World Order. The UN Secretary -General, the Elite-stooge, Dr Boutras Gali, is echoing the words of Henry Kissinger at the 1991 meeting of the Bilderberg Group when he calls for the formation of a UN Army under its own command with the right to go into a nation state at will and without the need to consult other countries for permission. In his Washington Speech, Sir Shridath Ramphal said that the UN should be "backed by the ability to rapidly deploy UN forces", and he said that protecting the security of states was clearly authorised under the UN charter. The following day, Jessica Mathews, a senior fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, called for exactly the same, a UN Standing Army, when writing in the Elite-controlled, Washington Post
Readers of The Spotlight newspaper have been sending in pictures of UN troops in the United States on manoeuvres all across the country and UN tanks and equipment being transported by rail trucks. The authorities have denied the existence of any such thing. As I detailed at some length in The Robots' Rebellion, government organisations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are fronts for the creation of holding areas (concentration camps) for those who oppose the New World Order conspiracy once it has launched its physical coup d'etat across the world, particularly in America and Europe, against those who challenge the tyranny. Indeed in some areas this has already begun. FEMA was created under an Executive Order (which required no debate in Congress), and signed by President Jimmy Carter, the Trilateral Commission frontman.
This allows FEMA to take control of the United States during any "national emergency" declared by the president. These powers include martial law and the right of the military to enforce whatever FEMA decides. All the laws are already in force which allow a military take-over of the United States. They have been passed by Presidential Executive Order and any time a president calls a state of emergency they can be invoked. At the forefront of this plan are the Delta Forces in their black uniforms and unmarked black helicopters which have often been seen at the scene of cattle mutilations, which some researchers connect with extraterrestrial activity. People can ignore all this and walk away if they like, but their children will reap the consequences if we hand over our responsibility for much longer.
The Spotlight edition of December 5th 1994, revealed the creation of a joint UN-NATO force called the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) which will have four "multinational" divisions of some 80,000 troops when combat ready. According to the article, the designated commander-in-chief is Sir Jeremy MacKenzie, a Lieutenant General in the British Army. The justification of this force was the failure of the UN and NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia! A report quoted by Spotlight from the North Atlantic Assembly, an offshoot of NATO, says that the multinational interventions in the Balkans have been "characterised by massive failure and shortcomings" (problem).
To cope with this new challenge, the report continued, NATO aquired a new organisation (solution). The joint NATO-UN Allied Rapid Reaction Corps had already completed its first exercise under UN auspices by the time of the Spotlight article, a NATO report obtained by the paper confirmed. Some 2,000 troops were involved in a rapid deployment of riot control forces from northwestern Germany to "…….an imaginary cricis spot in the United Kingdom".
The veteran military analyst Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Coulterm, said when told of this:
Troops that practise multinational military intervention in the internal domestic quarrels of Great Britain today will be preparing to do the same thing in the US tomorrow. We must cut off the head of this one-world monster before it bites us."
Ironically when the Bosnian hostage cricis unfolded I May 1995, some politicians called for a UN-NATO rapid deployment force. It already existed!
The process of centralising the world military is also happening with the police force. A little debated or publicised clause in the Maastricht treaty for European Union established the K4 Committee to create a European police network operating outside democratic control. This must have been one of the clauses the voting fodder politicians missed when they failed to read the treaty before passing it into law. K4 is supposed to co-ordinate Pan-European police action against drug trafficking, money laundering, and illegal immigration. It will also establish a European police network called Europol and a massive database on information about the population. Some have described it as a European FBI. Under the Maastricht Treaty, the 'democratically' elected European Parliament will have the right to be 'consulted' about the policies of K4, but has no right to change or veto them!
The membership of K4 is also to be kept secret and inaccessible to journalists and human rights groups. Tony Bunyan, a director of the civil liberties group, Statewatch, said that K4 is "a major step forward in the creation of the European state infrastructure that will be largely unaccountable and undemocratic". The British government and establishment which talks from time to time of its concern about the centralisation of power in Europe is a keen supporter of K4. This is because the rhetoric of those in power is only for public consumption. The overwhelming majority of them support the centralisation of Europe.