"WAR ON DRUGS".....or |
The Elite Government's lip service goes on
unthwarted while importing and distributing 'hard drugs' to the people.
George Bush became America's 'Mr War on Drugs'. Hard to believe when you see the company he kept and the operations he was involved in during Iran-Contra and the invasion of Panama.
He led 'anti-drug' campaigns during the Nixon and Reagan presidencies and
another during his own. None of them worked, and , in the words of Congressman
Glenn English. his war on drugs was "little more than lip service and press
releases". Once of these claimed that his South Florida Task Force, set up under
Reagan, had ended the marijuana trade in South Florida. This was an outrageous
claim, but when Francis Mullen Jr. of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA),
challenged the statement, he was sacked. Bush even used the CIA to arrange drug
'busts' that were designed to give the public the impression that he was succeeding.
CIA operative, Trenton Parker, has told how the Colombian drug dealers each donated cocaine which was landed in Miami International Airport in March 1980 and left in a place where it would be found by customs officials. This is often done to give the illusion of success.
On other occasions the small fry are targeted while the major players, with their links to the highest levels of world politics and intelligence, are allowed to ply their trade unmolested. Only rarely do genuine officials apprehend the big names. Even then it can be because they have outlived their usefulness to the manipulators. Parker also described how it was the CIA who called together the top Colombian drug dealers for two meetings in late 1981 under the Reagan-Bush administration to form a cartel to improve the shipment of drugs into the United States. The first meeting, he said, took place at the Hotel International in Medellin, attended by about 200 drug dealers. The now infamous Medellin Cartel was officially created in December 1981. The CIA formed the Colombian drug cartels? Yes. But, then, what is amazing anymore?
Nothing of substance that Bush promised in his various drug 'campaigns' was ever delivered and, more than that, the revelations of his links with drug dealers continue to mount, as they do with Jimmy Carter and also do with Bill Clinton. We have already seen the Shackley-Gregg-Rodriguez connections through the Iran-Contra arms-for-drugs scandal when more not fewer hard drugs were brought into the United States to further destabilise American society. For fourteen years Bush was also a friend of Don Aronow, who (according to one published account and a number of other researchers) was connected with the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate, drug running and drug money laundering.
Then there is the Zapata Oil Corporation, which was set up by George Bush. The evidence is mounting that this company is a CIA front and that its offshoot, Zapata Offshore, was implicated in drug smuggling while Bush was its top man. Michael Maholy, who worked for the State Department and the CIA for two decades, said that drugs were brought by seas to the Zapata Offshore rigs, unloaded, and then flown ashore in the helicopters, constantly carrying goods and personnel between the rigs and the American Mainland. He said he saw this happening and confirmed it through the cables that he handled. Maholy said the ships of a company called Pacific Seafood were used to ferry the drugs between countries.
It is a big mental leap, I know, to appreciate that the world market in illegal
hard drugs is controlled and supervised by Elite elements within organisations
like the CIA and British Intelligence, which are supposed to be there to protect
society from the consequences of hard drug addiction. But there it is. Nothing
is ever what it seems. It has been accepted that the CIA experimented with LSD
before it was promoted as the 'freedom' drug of the 1960s. The Elite have been
involved in the manipulation of society through drugs for a very long time.
It goes back many centuries and reached a new peak with the Opium Wars against
China in 1840 and 1858, when Chinese efforts to stop the flow of opium into
their country were thwarted by the might of the British Empire.
Queen Victoria's Prime Minister, who was involved in both wards, was Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient (Illuminate) Freemasonry. The vehicle for this trade in opium from Indian and China and elsewhere was the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants who were aligned with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem and the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). Some researchers believe that its real masters were the banking families of northern Italy, the Black Nobility.
The strategy used by the British in China has become a blueprint for invasion-by-drug-addiction ever since. They sponsored a mass addiction to opium until Chinese society and vitality was torn asunder. The British government used a network of terrorism and organised crime, like the Triads, the Hong Society, and the Assassins to carry out the trade on their behalf. When the Chinese rulers reacted to stop the supply, the British used their military and naval might to defeat them. And the 'peace' treaty after the conflict then gave the British a guaranteed right to increase the flow of opium; to be paid compensation for the opium the Chinese rulers had confiscated; and to have sovereignty over strategic ports and offshore islands. This is how Hong Kong came under British rule. It was used as the centre for Far East drug trafficking and that is still its role today.
Most of the gold and money transactions on the Hong Kong financial markets are the pay-offs and money laundering of the drug trade. The Treaty of Nanking in 1842 gave Britain control over Hong Kong, plus $21 million in silver. It was written by the colonial minister, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, whose writings were to so inspire Hitler, the Nazis, and others such as Madame Blavatsky. His son was the Viceroy of India at the height of the opium trade between India and China, a period camouflaged by the writings of Rudyard Kipling about the British Raj (British drug runners).
In the book The Opium Clippers, Basil Lubbock names the owners of the British vessels engaged in the opium trade as the East India Company; Jardine Madison; Dent and Co; Pybus Bros; Russell and Co; Cama Bros; Duchess of Atholl; the Earl of Balcarras; King George IV, the Prince Regent; the Marquis of Camden; the Lady Melville. It was the Lady Melville's ancestor, George, who welcomed William of Orange to the throne and was made Lord Privy Seal.
After the second opium war, which ended in 1860, the British merchant banks and trading companies established the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation as the central bank of the Far East drug industry. According to all research I have read about the drug network, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, with its global connections, continues to be a financial center for the drug industy to this day. So was the Nugan Hand Bank, (based in Sydney Australia), another CIA operation run by Francis Nugan and Michael Hand, a Green Berret and a Colonel in the US army assigned to the CIA. Hand was in frequent contact with George Bush after his election to vise president, according to CIA operative, Trento Parker.
Look at some principal oficers of Nugan Hand: Admiral Earl F. Yates, President, chief of staff for strategic planning of US forces in Asia and the Pacific during the Vietnam War; General Edwin F. Black, President of the Hawaii branch, the commander of US troops in Thailand during the Vietnam conflict; George Farris, operative with the Washington and Hong Kong branches, a military intelligence specialist; Bernie Houghton, the Saudi Arabia representative, a US Naval Intelligence undercover agent; Thomas Clines, of Nugan Hand in London, a director of training in the CIA's clandestine service who was involved in Iran-Contra and operated with Michael Hand and Theodore Shackley during Vietnam; Dale Holmgreen, of the Taiwan office, flight service manager in Vietnam for Civil Air Transport which later became the infamous CIA airline, Air America; Walter McDonald, head of the Annapolis, Maryland branch, the former deputy director of the CIA economic research; General Roy manor, the Philippine branch, the chief of staff for the US Pacific command and the US government's liaison with President Ferdinand Marcos; William Colby, Nugan Hand's lawyer, a former director of the CIA.
Just the kind of people you would expect to be running a bank, eh? Well, at least they would be, if you wanted your bank manager to give you advice on running covert operations and training terrorists. Michael Hand was found dead in his Mercedes Benz in the late 1970s on a remote road outside Sydney. He had 'shot himself'. It was a remarkable suicide in that he had pulled the trigger and the, before he died, he must have wiped all his fingerprints off the gun because none were found.
An Australian government investigation revealed that millions of dollars in Nugan Hand records were unaccounted for and that it was serving as a money laundering operation for drug traffickers. These profits were being used by the CIA to finance gun smuggling, and illegal covert operations around the world. There was also evidence that the CIA was using the bank to pay for political campaigns against politicians in many countries, including Australia, to ensure the voters supported the CIA choice. Yes, this is still the 'free' world we are talking about.
Banks with household names across the world are vehicles for laundering
drug money as it passes from account to account until its origins are lost in
the web of transactions. The gold and diamond industries, dominated by the Rothschilds
and the Oppenheimers, through companies like DeBeers, are also used to wash
drug money. The money buys gold or diamonds from those companies and then they
are sold to produce 'clean' money.
The network of interconnecting Anglo-American families in the Elite web of manipulation, who have been responsible for the engineering of conflict and economic depression through the generations, are also behind the world illegal drugs market. Some of the most famous names, merchant banks, and companies in the world are making a good slice of their fortunes directly or indirectly from the drug addiction of the young. We are entering the time when those people will have to face that responsibility publicly as part of their eternal evolution and the public are going to be astonished at some of those involved.
The same families and organisations were responsible for the slave trade and alcohol prohibition. The latter was a means to create the massive network of organised crime in the United States. The structure thus produced was perfect, as intended, for drug trafficking once Prohibition was over. The main groups campaigning for Prohibition and an end to the "evils of drink", groups like the Women's Christian Temperance Union and its Anti-Saloon League, were financed by the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Warburgs via the Rockefeller Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, and similar tax-exempt foundations. Prohibition was another con by the Elite used for longer-term motives. Incidentally, it also made a fortune for Joseph Kennedy, the father of JFK.
Professor Alfred McCoy's 1972 classic, The Politics of Heroin In South
East Asia, and his 1991 update, The Politics of Heroin - CIA Complicity
In the Global Drug Trade, tell of how CIA helicopters in Vietnam were carrying
drugs from the fields to the distribution points, when the American public thought
they were there to fight 'communism'. He describes how a Pepsi Cola bottling
plant was used for this trade and how the media suppressed this information.
58,000 Americans and goodness knows how many Vietnamese were killed in that
conflict and nothing sums up more powerfully the lack of respect this mindset
has for human life than the way the CIA smuggled drugs into America in plastic
bags hidden in the body cavities of the dead soldiers being returned home for
burial from Vietnam. CIA operative, Gunthar Russbacher, has told how some bodies
were gutted and filled with drugs for shipment back to the States.
The bodies carried secret codes which allowed those carrying the drugs to be identified on arrival at West Coast air bases, particularly the Travis Air Force Base in California. The drugs were then removed and made available for the young people of America.
One man who had his eyes opened to all this during the Bush presidency was Lieutenant Colonel James "Bo" Britz, one of America's most decorated soldiers, with sixty-two citations for valour, five Silver Stars, eight Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts and a Presidential Citation. My outlook on life and that of Bo Gritz could hardly be further apart, but his experiences deserve to be heard by anyone who thinks that government is still - or ever was - 'for' and 'by' the people. In an address to the American Liberty Lunch Club, recorded on video, A Nation Betrayed, Gritz describes how he twice visited a man called Khun Sa, who was the recognised "overlord" or heroin trafficking in the Golden Triangle of the Far East. Heroin is a derivative of opium.
Gritz became involved when he was told that the release of US prisoners of war (still being held after the conflicts in Laos) was being stopped by American government officials involved in drug trafficking. He found this to be correct. The government did not want the prisoners released because they knew about their officials' involvement in the drug trade and might talk about it when they returned home. Kuhn Sa and his operatives in the Golden Triangle told Gritz about some of the Americans they had worked with in the past.
They named Theodore Shackley, whom George Bush appointed to a top job in the CIA and used as a 'speech writer'. They also listed Richard Armitage, then a US Embassy official and later on the campaign staff of Ronald Reagan and the assistant secretary of defense. No wonder there was so little interest in releasing US prisoners of war who could blow the whole thing. Armitage is reported to be a close friend and advisor to General Colin Powell, the Chief of Staff in the Bush administration at the time of the Gulf War (and rumoured to be considering a bid to be president himself).
The Elite are involved in drugs for three main reasons. First to make unthinkable
amounts of money - billions per year - to finance covert operations against
elected governments and society in general. Drug profits produce money which
does not need to be channelled from government sources where it could be traced.
Secondly, the 'problem' of drugs has produced (understandably) such a reaction
of "something must be done", that people are agreeing to the erosion of rights
and freedoms in a way that they never would unless there was a 'solution' required
to 'stop' the supply of drugs and its terrible effect on the structure of society.
It also provides the US (Global Elite) with an excuse to intervene in the affairs
of other countries. Thirdly, we have the opium-to-China syndrome. If you want
to divide and rule and stop people manifesting their full potential, what better
way of doing it than to get a significant section of the young generation (and
many other besides) hooked on hard drugs? What the British provably did to the
Chinese is what the Elite is seeking to do to the young people of the world,
to sap their natural vitality, their sense of worth, and the knowledge of their
infinite potential to achieve anything they wish to achieve. The war on drugs
in another phoney war.
As Bo Gritz put it: "No president that's ever declared a war on drugs has ever fought one."
And Micheal Levine, a former agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration, said that the war on drugs was the: .....biggest, whitest, and deadliest lie ever perpetrated on US citizens by their government."
And who have been the two frontmen for every "war on drugs" since the Nixon administration? George Bush and Bill Clifton.