David Icke |
Freedom may seem so far from our grasp
when you read of the global manipulation.
In reality, it is but a thought away.
That thought is our freedom. If we are going to remove the global dictatorship - and we are - it will be done by changing the way we think and feel about ourselves. Who are the real Prison Warders who have systematically delinked us from our true and infinite potential?
We are!
You, me, all of us. I outlined some ideas in The Robot's Rebellion for the way we can organise, and evolve our societies to ensure the freedom of thought and expression we seek. But they were only ideas, not rigid structures. If we feel fear, guilt, resentment, and hatred, and we desire for others to take over our responsibility, those thought patterns will create the dictatorship institutions of today.
If, however, we feel, love, respect, and forgiveness, for self and others, and we desire to retake control of our minds and responsibility, the way society is organised will express those thoughts. The answer to the ills I have described in this book is within us and how we think and feel about ourselves. Everything that happens in this physical world is the result of a thought or thoughts. If we change thought, we change the physical world. In this closing section of the book, I am going to address this process because it is the means through which we can, and will, create a better world. The inner revolution becomes the outer revolution. The Earth is a mirror of the human mind.
It is appropriate at this stage to recap on a major theme of the book: creating our own reality. Look at your world and your life and you are looking at what you think of yourself at the very core of your being. It is easier to look outside for someone else to blame for what is happening to us. But we attracted those experiences and so the answer lies within, not without. We are absorbing magnetic energy from the cosmos and higher levels of ourselves, and broadcasting that energy out through the chakra/vortex system into the world, all the time. As that energy passes through us, it picks up our energy pattern. This precisely reflects our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state of being. It is the physical replica of our subconscious.
At any moment in any day, we are casting around us a magnetic image of what we think of ourselves. It is this which creates our reality by magnetically attracting to us experiences which correspond with that pattern. If you think you will always be poor, that is the magnetic energy pattern you will cast around you.
This will attract poverty to you on the basis of like attracts like. Look at yourself and most of the people you know. Observe for a while how many negative statements you and they make about the world and themselves. "I can't do this", "I could never do that". The common theme is: "I'm not good enough". As a result, we achieve little because that is what we expect to achieve.
This is understandable to an extent, because thanks to religion and the education/media system, we are deluged with messages telling us we are 'sinners' or 'unworthy' in some way. If you are a woman without a 'perfect' body, you are unworthy; if you are a little man with a bald head, you are unworthy; if you work in a factory, you are unworthy compared with the guy in the suit; if you were born out of wedlock, you are unworthy compared with those with 'official' parents. This is a never-ending list of images which, if we do not conform to some or all of them, we are considered, and consider ourselves, a failure or less worthy than someone else.
All this is crap, but it is persuasive crap if people are told it often enough from childhood. This is, in fact, the most powerful and effective of the mind manipulations I have been exposing. If we can be made to feel unworthy, of little consequence, and only here to do as we are told by our 'betters' then that is the magnetic energy field we broadcast and that is the physical reality we create. In doing so we are handing our minds and our world to those who broadcast a reality in which they have the right to control everything and everyone.
Years ago, as a journalist, I visited a hostel for women who had been attacked by their husbands or partners. I was amazed to find that a number of these women were on their second, even third, partner who had been physically violent towards them. I am not amazed anymore, because I can see why this was so. The women were attracting that punishment to them by what they thought of themselves. I did not meet one woman in that hostel who had any self-esteem and when I chatted with them, that lack of self-esteem clearly went back long before the first man attacked them. This is not to dismiss what they suffered, nor to excuse what the men did to them. The men were also reflecting what they thought of themselves, because anyone who exhibits hatred and violence towards others is projecting outwardly a hatred of self.
The victims are only mirrors for what the men think of themselves. The reason these two inner imbalances are attracted to each other is because the woman )(who has such low self-esteem that she has an inner belief that she deserves to be punished), attracts the man (who wishes to punish other to avoid looking within). This is done through the attraction of two magnetic 'capes'. When one violent relationship breaks down, the woman simply attracts another until the cause (the lack of self-love) is removed. It's the same with the man. Love at first sight, dislike at first sight …. All such reactions are the result of this process
The family connection is important to emphasise here. Apart from the relative few who eventually break away from the mental and emotional domination of their parents, most people are massively influenced by the messages from childhood. Everyone is, to some extent, and these messages can be positive or, far too often, negative. Our overwhelming source of information in the first few crucial years of our physical lives is our parents. And what they tell us about the world is a reflection of what they think of themselves. They were the products of their own upbringing and what their parents thought of themselves.
If our parents and grandparents were given negative images of themselves and their potential, they are likely to have passed this onto us. This is not done out of malice, merely misunderstanding. Our parents are the products of their upbringing, just as we are of ours. Each generation of victims creates, largely unknowingly, the next generation of victims. But we don't have to. The cycle can be broken and that is what we are here to do. We are here to take the baton of conditioning and limitation from our parents, break those patterns, and hand a baton of freedom onto our children.
As the mind control and the human divisions of class, job, sex, colour and creed, have grown, the childhood messages for the majority have been extremely negative. If you are a woman, you are led to believe that you are here to serve men and conform to your place in a man's world. A career of your own? What about your husband? In these circumstances, standing in a man's shadow becomes the woman's reality and that is the life she attracts and therefore creates. If we are born into a vast council housing estate amid poverty and unemployment, it is easy to see how through childhood and into adulthood we can be persuaded that life will always be like that. We can believe that there is no way out of this cycle. It becomes our reality.
We don't expect to escape from our lot in life and so we don't because we are attracting to us what we expect. We don't expect to have a say in what happens in the world and, again, that is what we create. It is the same with those who suffer from inhuman deprivation in parts of Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. Children born into those conditions naturally believe that this is what life must be like because they have known nothing else. They inherit, and then pass on, the mindset that the West is rich and they are poor and it will always b e so. As a result they remain poor and exploited because that is the magnetic reality they attract. If you can create the mindset, you create the physical reality, and this is what the manipulators seek to do.
Now look at this from the Global Elite point of view. The children of the key families at the peak of the pyramid are brought up through childhood to believe that not only will they always be rich materially, they are also programmed to believe that they have a birthright and a genetic inheritance which ensures they will control the world and deserve to do so. That is what they believe and that becomes their magnetic reality. This energy pattern which they broadcast around them attracts the experiences and opportunities to manifest in their lives what is going on inside. They do indeed control a world made up largely of people broadcasting, and creating, the reality that they are unworthy and have no control over their lives. One reality dominate the other and it is not difficult to see why. Of course, the attitude of the Global Elite which says they are superior and have a right to control others is a reflection of deep imbalances within them, a lack of love and respect for self, manifesting outwards as a lack of love and respect for others.
This will make them unfulfilled and unhappy people, always seeking happiness and a sense of fulfilment by yet more control and domination of others. But at the level of controlling the world, their day by day reality is very much that they are the controllers. Therefore they are. And each generation within the families of the Global Elite will program that into their offspring, so maintaining the reality through the decades. Whatever else is going on inside, someone who believes they are born to control will always dominate those who believe they are unworthy and need to look to others to tell them what to think and do.
The 'master' and the 'slave' create each other.
There will be those who claim that all this cannot be true because while they are always saying they are confident of achieving this or winning that, they never do. That's because they don't really believe it. Far from describing what we feel inside, words are often used to hide what is happening within us. They are fronts, smokescreens, to our true self.
Words only have real power when we believe what we say. That is why two people can make the same speech and one will get a standing ovation and the other polite applause. If we truly feel the words we speak, they project an energy of enormous power, for it is the combination of the words and our inner self in unison.
If another person just reads the words competently and professionally without feeling them with all their being, that potential power will not be there. I can say I am a black woman. I find it easy to say that. But I don't believe it because I am not a black woman, I am a white man. Words are just words unless we believe them. It is not words that create our reality, it is what is going on inside of our multidimensional, magnetic self.
When people verbally attack politicians or those in power of any kind, they believe they are proving that they won't be pushed around by authority. Often the opposite is the case. People may attack politicians as "useless" or bankers as "greedy parasites", but what happens when anything goes wrong? To whom do those same people look for answers and responsibility? Themselves? No. Politicians and bankers. What are "they" going to do about it, they ask. The words are just a façade, an illusion that people are taking control of their lives. The inner being is still giving its mind and life away to others and that continues to be the physical reality, no matter what the words may say.
The New World Order is the natural outcome of each generation handing over its responsibility and potential. The collective mind of the human race is the sum total of all human thought. Whatever dominates human thought will dominate the collective mind and this also creates a global magnetic reality. If the dominating thought patterns in the collective mind include a desire for someone else to take responsibility for our lives and do all the things we can't be bothered to do, then the magnetic pattern thus produced will create a collective, global, version of that - the network called the New World Order.
It will attract together the imbalanced energy fields of the Global Elite to fulfil that reality. The Global Elite are the collective equivalent of a dominating husband who tells his wife everything she must do and think. That woman will have attracted that man and v ice versa because of what is going on within both of them. So it is with the collective mind and the New World Order. It is our creation.
We are the Global manipulators because the people identified in this book are the global reflection, the mirror, of the way we manipulate each other. Look at how we all manipulate people by using fear and guilt to get our own way. We often do it without realising it because it has become so much a part of the human psyche. The Global Elite are simply doing the same on a global scale. Look at how people play two sides off against each other to bring about a desired result in a family or business. The Elite are only doing the same on a bigger stage. It is only the scale that is different. They represent the sum total of human behaviour on that vibration of control and domination which billions of people are using in their own lives day by day.
So when we look at the Rothschilds, the Henry Kissingers, and the David Rockefellers who are provably manipulating the human race along a dark and deeply unpleasant road, in my view, they are only the reflection of what is happening in the collective human mind. When we love, respect, and forgive ourselves and each other, and when we desire to take responsibility for our own lives, that will be the reality we will create around us and, together, we will create globally.
The New World Order of centralised dictatorship will not be able to exist in such circumstances because it will not be collective desire and, therefore, the collective reality. We will have thought it out of existence. There is no such thing as a 'natural order'. What we call the 'natural order' is merely the physical expression of the dominating thought patterns in any society or on a particular frequency. When the thought patterns change, so does the 'natural order'.
There are many thought patterns that form together to create our inner sense of self and our outer physical reality. It's not only the way we think now. It includes all the thought patterns, the inner resentments, hurts, fears, and guilts, we have held on to from earlier in our lives and in previous physical lives, sometimes going back aeons. If your life today does not reflect the way you are consciously thinking, it can be that way for a number of reasons. One is that you are holding on to patterns from the past which you may not even be aware of. How can you tell what they are?Look at your life. It reflects what is going on inside. What is it about your attitude to yourself that is attracting your present experience? It is only by our subconscious creating an outer reflection of itself that we can identify what we are carrying deep within our psyche.
Many people, at this time of the Great Transformation of the Earth and the human race, are going through highly negative experiences, mostly affecting the emotional level where so much of this psychological baggage from the past is accumulated. Although it may not seem so at the time, this process is actually very positive. It is giving us the opportunity to face our inner self and let go of the pain and weight of the past. We don't live in and enjoy the now because our 'now' is dominated by the baggage of the past and the worry of the future.
Two other forces that help to create our present experience by affecting our inner pattern are our desire to serve the Earth and the human race, and, connected with that, the astrological vibrations we are feeling day by day. When we come with a specific task to make a contribution to improving life on Earth, and there are countless millions, potentially billions, of such people on the planet at this time, we carry pre-programmed patterns which will help us to do the job. Sometimes such people will not be doing what they consciously want to do, but they will be following a pattern from their higher consciousness which will attract to them the experiences necessary to carry out their chosen task in this incarnation.
Astrological factors will be part of this, as they are for all people. The planets are like transmitters broadcasting a distinct vibration. Depending where they are on their orbits in relation to the Earth, different planetary vibrations, or combinations of them, are more powerful at different times in their effect on this planet. A good astrologer identifies these combinations and outlines their likely effect. Things don't have to happen in response to these astrological changes because we have freewill, but they are more likely to happen.
At birth, we absorb the energy pattern in the atmosphere of our birthplace at that moment. This will reflect the positions of the planets at that moment. So, as the planets continue to travel the heavens during our physical lifetime, we will be affected by them in a rather different way from someone born at another time and place because our inner 'birth pattern' will be different. Again a good astrologer - and the ability varies enormously as with every other profession - will be able to predict likely effects on people if they know their exact time of birth and where they were born.
They will also be able to make a reasonable assessment of what we have chosen to achieve in this life by assessing the energies we absorbed at birth. When and where we are born is rarely random. The movement of the planets and changing Earth vibrations they trigger are affecting us every second, and I believe it will be shown (as the transformation proceeds) that our DNA is synchronised with the planets.
There are many factors which go into the make-up of our inner energy pattern and therefore the physical reality it creates. But one thing above will lead us to a positive, joyous, freedom more effectively than anything else. That is to love, forgive and respect ourselves. The first step to that is to deprogramme our minds from the manipulated messages of the Global Elite and allow ourselves to be, think and feel, what we really are. The real us, not the robot version.
Deprogramming the Mind
An ever-increasing number of people are deprogramming themselves
from a lifetime of subtle and less than subtle mental dictatorship. The minute-by-minute
messages from the media, religion and the 'education' system, and the inherited
'values' w absorb without question, have been designed to create a concrete
prison of dogma in our consciousness. I refer to religion and the other empires
of manipulation as psychological fascism. It turns our mind into a rigid enemy,
when it should be our flexible friend.
Letting go of dogma is the key. It doesn't matter what form your dogma may take; there will be an opposing dogma to challenge yours. As these are brought into conflict, a divide-and -rule scenario follows. This is why religions and political parties were created. To the Global Elite, and therefore the Prison Warder consciousness, the so called 'far Left' is just as important as the 'far Right'. The dogmatic Christians are just as important as the dogmatic Muslims or Hindus. The union are just as vital as the 'bosses'. You need two to tango and two to fight. Creating extremes and playing them off against each other has been one of the most effective weapons in the Prison Warder control of this physical world.
Tyranny takes many forms, most of them not obvious. More than that, most people who behave in dictatorial authoritarian ways, don't even realise they are doing so. They are so sure that they are right, they don't stop to observe that they are imposing their beliefs on someone else and using the banner of 'freedom' to do it. Mental dictators don't all look life Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin. They can also stand in picket lines, go on freedom marches or sit around a candle in Glastonbury.
We desperately need the re-emergence of female energy on the planet, but not to the extent that we replace one dogma with another. When it was suggested that I be interviewed on the BBC radio programme, Woman's Hour, the programme researcher asked what a man could possibly tell women about female energy. This lady opposed, quite rightly, male chauvinism, but then expressed female chauvinism, another dogma which operates on exactly the same thought pattern as the one she was opposing! Some homosexuals who, again rightly, demand an end to their oppression and victimisation, campaign for their beliefs in ways that oppress and victimise others, often other homosexuals. They will, collectively, stop attracting discrimination when they stop giving it out.
A British MP demanded that violent criminals be thrashed on live television after the National Lottery draw. What effect would this have, did she say? Less violence in society! And in the United States, perhaps the sickest and most violent society in the world, the death penalty is being extended to more states. Why? To deter violence and murder. They are killing people with electric chairs and firing squads because, presumably, they say life is sacred and anyone who takes like should be murdered. The mental gymnastics required for this beggars belief. All these examples re the same thought patterns promoted as opposites. They are dogmas, prisons of the mind. What we believe is right for us we surely need to believe is also right for everyone. If we don't we are not serious about freedom for all, only freedom for ourselves and our own dogma.
The difference between dictatorship and freedom is allowing all information into the public arena and respecting another's right to make of it what feels good to them. Disagreement and harmony are not contradictions if respect of another view is there. When I challenge people and organisations in this book, it is not because of what they believe. They can believe what they like, that is their choice. I challenge them because from my perspective they seek to impose those views and to suppress others. They can believe to their hearts' content that a world government and a microchipped population is a great idea. It is when they impose those things on others that a challenge becomes legitimate and necessary. We need to keep in focus what we mean when we talk of freedom. If we don't do that, we might unknowingly, be acting in ways that stop ourselves and others being truly free.