Digital audio samples embellishing your experience here come from various sources including the air of WBAI-NYC 99.5FM non-commercial, listener-supported, community radio (especially Niteshift), Terence McKenna and Alan Watts lectures, Henny Youngman, Bill Hicks, Soundgarden, Steve Vai, Pink Floyd, Björk, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Phil Ochs, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Jethro Tull, Cheech and Chong, Brooklyn Funk Essentials, DeeLite, Geto Boys, The Beastie Boys, Isaac Ouanounou, Ren & Stimpy, Star Trek, Lost In Space, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and the ones i forgot to list here :-o
1All Michael Parenti RealAudio streams courtesy of The Michael Parenti Political Archive. This site speaks WAV, AU, and RealAudio HTTP and PNM Streams.