The old version of SBLive will prompt for an .eax or .ea2 file.
The new version of SBLive will prompt for an .aup file.
Once imported, either will create an immersive
reverb environment, which should now appear listed on the Audio Effects
pull-down menu, as shown in the picture above. Once installed and selected as depicted, playing one
of the MIDI tracks that recommend the effect's use, will give the track its dues.
You can also try out my even more intense reverb echo effect called
For those with the later versions of the AudioHQ software, you can try the reverb echo effect called
MJ Special Reverb.Aup
Bill Hicks has some brilliant common sense views on marijuana.
Click Here to hear a 470KB MP3 file from
the CD "Relentless"
I had a Korg MS10 synthesiser which I used on a WEM Copicat Tape Loop machine to get this.
This is from 1988 when analogue was all I knew. The sound quality is very analogue, as this is a
WEM Copicat recording! If you have GoldWave as your standard WAV file player, you can experiment
with different loop speed settings. Play it loud and forever mjloop1.wav mjloop1.ogg
These should be looped to allow the ethereal feel to sink in.
Having collared a free Dance E-Jay CD off a pack of Golden Nuggets, I created this track
called Higgledy (1.6M), date 17th July 2003.
Instant Rave tracks. Simply loop one of these for an all-night rave/skank up.
One thing I have learnt from doing these loopable files, is that MP3 format is simply no
good because they always leave a noticeable gap where the loop ends and restarts. OGG format is
brilliant in that it achieves the same, if not better, compression, and it loops perfectly.
The sound quality is very good too. Usually, WAV format is still too big for current internet
technology. This ZIP file (312K) contains .inf and .acm files
which can be installed under Windows to support OGG format in WAV files (right-click the .inf
file under Explorer to install it). I like the quality of sound at 22kbps 11KHz Mono, despite
that being a streamable format over a 56K modem! The compression is superb, with 1 hour taking
up about 9 MBytes. Make sure that you use MODE3 or MODE3+, since these give the best results.
You'll need to add a string to the registry at location
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI Extensions
in order to play .OGG files. I added a string called ogg and set its value to MPEGVideo. This
allows Windows Media Player (any version) and MJPlayer to
play .OGG files.
GoldWave supports OGG format and is the
best audio editor on the market.
MIDI files are also a bone of contention when it comes to looping. Cakewalk will
only loop a certain number of times (has to be specified on each bar too - crap!),
and Windows Media Player leaves a nasty gap as the loop ends and restarts.
Check out the gap left when Windows Media Player plays one of my shorter
MIDI files repeatedly (try mj5n.mid), and compare this to
Evolution MIDI's handling of it.