DAVID ICKE - The most controversial author and speaker in the world - A former journalist and television presenter from England who has spent the last ten years uncovering the biggest secret - who really controls the world and has done so for thousands of years.
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you are constantly moving forward,
that all I am offering is the truth.
Nothing more." |
TOP SECRET PROJECTS Advanced Technology Towards The New World Order Agenda. 07-02-98 Etherial
Bio-chips/Implants: 08-24-98 The
IBM 2020 Neural Implant Cold Fusion/Free Energy: 07-02-98 Cold
Fusion HAARP Project: 07-01-98 HAARP
Project - Disaster Or 'Pure' Research? Mind Control: 07-27-98 Major
Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects Philadelphia Experiment: 06-30-98 The
Philadelphia Experiment - part 1 of 3 Various Hi-Tech Projects: 07-02-98 Nuclear
Subterrenes Weapons -- Aircraft: 07-02-98 Stealth
Technology Weapons -- Atmospheric: 12-14-99 Weird
Weather Warfare & "Energetics Weapons" Weapons -- Biological: 07-27-98 Annals
Of War - The Bioweaponeers - part 1 of 3
07-02-98 Electromagnetic
Weapons - part 1 of 2 Weapons -- Geophysical: 12-14-99 Human
Engineered Earthquakes Weapons -- Lasers: 07-03-98 NATO
Laser Weapon Weapons -- Non-Lethal: 07-03-98 Wonder
Weapons Weapons -- Various Hi-Tech: 07-03-98 B61-11:
The Birth Of a New Bomb Population Poisionings : Are you aware of this in your skies? Contrail Connection 100 things to do to save Democracy and Freedom Over and over again the message seems to be that the enemy is so powerful there is nothing we can do, on the contrary, "they" are not that clever and the whole conspiracy could unravel like a row of knitting if the thread was to be pulled in the right place... Let's make a start ! LOOKING BEHIND THE ALIEN / MILITARY ABDUCTION AGENDA "A recent article in U.S. News and World Report revealed that the United States military has developed mind altering weapons, and has explored acoustics, microwaves and brain-wave manipulation to alter sleep patterns. Interestingly, they have a picture of a military helicopter in the article pointing a directed energy beam to a house." -- Helmut Lammer, Ph.D.
CHEMTRAIL FILAMENTS LINKED TO DISEASE AND ATMOSPHERIC MODIFICATION by William Thomas The recent identification of human blood cells in a sample of cobweb-like strands draped over a section of highway I-5 north of Sacramento has re-opened disturbing questions concerning unannounced "open air" testing of biologicals on the North American people Simply put, Jeff Rense continues to produce the most consistently fascinating talk and information programs in America. In addition to a superb list of national broadcast affiliates, Jeff now ranks as the world's fourth most listened to radio program on the internet giant,, right behind Rush, Art, and Dr. Laura. His website at is utterly unique in talk and information radio...and records close to 4 million total hits every month. AFFIDAVIT OF RICHARD TOMLINSON I, Richard John Charles Tomlinson, former MI6 officer, of Geneva, Switzerland hereby declare: I firmly believe that there exist documents held by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) that would yield important new evidence into the cause and circumstances leading to the deaths of the Princess of Wales, Mr Dodi Al Fayed, and M. Henri Paul in Paris in August 1997. I was employed by MI6 between September 1991 and April 1995. During that time, I saw various documents that I believe would provide new evidence and new leads into the investigation into these deaths. I also heard various rumours which though I was not able to see supporting documents I am confident were based on solid fact. THE PETAGON'S PSYCHIC RESEARCH By Dr Armen Victorian On August 27th this year the British Channel Four TV programme 'The Real X-Files' gave a glimpse of the long history of US psychic research programs. As most of these programmes have been 'black', the true results and serious nature of the research have been concealed from the public and Congress. The triggering mechanism for the Pentagon's 'black projects' in this field, funded through the Central Intelligence Agency, with the help and association of DIA, NSA, as well as a number of governmental and non-governmental research laboratories, has been the substantial progress made in these fields by the former Soviet Union, and her satellites. REMOTE
VIEWING AND While my piece on CIA and DoD psychic research was awaiting publication in Lobster 30, the CIA went public on its interest in so-called Remote Viewing (RV). As a result much new information has been obtained. This piece should be read in conjunction with the piece in Lobster 30. At the time of the announcement of its role in Remote Viewing, the Agency and US Department of Defense had a twenty-two year operational track record on Remote Viewing [CIA:1973 to 1977, DoD/DIA; 1977-1995]; and the initial CIA studies had begun a year earlier, in 1972. LSD and the CIA Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, has been a sacrament of artists, would-be prophets, and other such social chaff since the 1960s. Invented in 1938 by chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann while looking for an analeptic (circulatory stimulant), he found it had no effect on lab animals and forgot all about it. Years later, on the fateful day 16 of April, 1953, he accidentally absorbed a little through his fingertips and went flying on the first acid trip. 1977 Senate Report on MKULTRA Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavior Modification In June 1977, during a review of MKULTRA documents conducted in response to a FOIA request by author John Marks, a rare cache of MKULTRA documents were discovered in the CIA's Retired Records Center. These records were among the relatively few documents to survive destruction by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who retrieved and destroyed as many MKULTRA documents as he could get his hands on during an all-out effort to cover the program's sinister tracks. The Invisible Third World War, BY W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton - THE MAGIC ARSENAL -- INTRODUCTION: THE SECRET PLAGUES. MICROBIOLOGICAL HOLOCAUST, ROCKY MOUNTAIN PLAGUE, WIZARDS OF DEATH, THE CIA-NAZI CONNECTION, AMERICAN FRANKENSTEIN, THE CIA IN JONESTOWN, THE MOSCOW SIGNAL, THE EUGENE WAVELENGTH, THE WOODPECKER WITH LIGHTENING IN HIS HANDS, CLOSING THE MIND CONTROL GAP, MAGICAL MYSTERY MURDER, RIVER STYX, "OH GIVE HE A HOME, WHERE THE ZOMBIES ROAM...., THE TOTH INCIDENT, GHOST AGENT, PROJECT SCANATE, CONTROLLING THE SOUL COVERUP, DIRTY MONEY FOR DIRTY TRICKS, THE INVISIBLE WAR, HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF. HAARP A comprehensive article about HAARP (the author is a victim who writes under a few nom-de-plumes) has a segment about the Honduras/Central American hurricanes and floods, all of which began without the usual storm clouds:. Phoenix Undead The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today. I have already written and disseminated one report on the covert government's secret electromagnetic/radio frequency mind control project based at a documented subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force Station, at the extreme east end of Long Island's south fork. These activities, an outgrowth of some very esoteric research directly linked to the (in)famous "Philadelphia Experiment" (Project Rainbow--later Phoenix) and both the interdimensional and psychotronic (linking mind to machine [computer]) ramifications of this work, reached literally heretofore unimaginable levels of human (technological) control over the parameters of our"reality" in the Montauk experiments; including all conceivable implications of that word. As has been stated by others, the masterminds behind the Montauk/Phoenix Project attempted to "play God". By John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc. Chemtrails over West Yorkshire, England? By John Hurst. My partner and I have been regularly observing vapour trail patterns - consistent with chemtrail reports - over the skies of West Yorkshire, since the autumn of 1998. In July, 2000, there was one day when we were stunned at how prevalent these strange trails were. As usual, they did not dissipate in seconds, like 'normal' contrails, but hanged in the sky for hours - eventually blending into one massive cloud. The Trance-formation of America Website TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics. Chemtrails Report Chemtrails Said Part Of Top Secret Military Maneuvers Over AmericaThe strange vapor-like trails, or "chemtrails," from jets flying high above much of the nation and elsewhere in the world are part of a massive top-secret military research and development project, possibly linked to the United Nations, researchers have concluded. A group of about a dozen researchers spent more than a year, mostly in secret, studying the chemtrails. They include experts in electronics, communications, environmental engineering, medicine, biomedical research, chemistry, governmental and political affairs and military theory and technology, as well as veterans of the Central Intelligence Agency and the top-secret National Security Agency (NSA). Official Australian Health & Safety report on Microwave Effects This report came from the Australian Council of Trade Unions as a study into safety and health, primarily in the microwave industry. Abstract of health issues relate to DEW/TI's as well. STUDY RESULTS INDICATE THAT THERE IS NO SAFE LEVEL OF EXPOSURE TO ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS, STRESS, DISEASE AND DEATH MAY COME FROM THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE Scandal of the British soldiers 'poisoned in MoD tests' Ministry of Defence scientists face criminal charges over horrifying experiments on service men and women during chemical and biological weapons tests. Detectives investigating the activities at the Porton Down research centre are considering charges which involve assault and administering poison. From the Daily Express. Secret trials that crippled 55 babies Fifty-five babies died or were permanently brain-damaged during secret government trials to test a new vaccine for whooping cough. From the Daily Express. |