Mark Jacobs' Rants and Raves - Thoughts for the Day |
I'm not getting into this game where, somehow, a death from Coronavirus is different from a death from cancer or a death from heart disease. We accept that 20 odd thousand people die from flu every year ... but, somehow, you're not allowed to die from Coronovirus, ever! ... We cannot cancel life to preserve every life.
Looking in from the dominant culture (or back through time in the case of the Nazis), the delusional nature of these official narratives is glaringly obvious to most rational people. What many people fail to understand is that to those who fall prey to them (whether individual cult members or entire totalitarian societies) such narratives do not register as psychotic. On the contrary, they feel entirely normal. Everything in their social "reality" reifies and reaffirms the narrative, and anything that challenges or contradicts it is perceived as an existential threat.The madness of these Covid19 measures and their inconsistencies mean that personally, I can't see how governments around the world can ever be trusted by the general public again. Therefore, there can now only be either a global fascist dictatorship or peaceful self-government (anarchy). The real question is, "Has enlightenment pervaded enough people to yield a free way of living (anarchy), or is the apathetic mass too vast, and the devil will find work for idle hands to do (fascist dictatorship)?"
These narratives are invariably paranoid, portraying the cult as threatened or persecuted by an evil enemy or antagonistic force which only unquestioning conformity to the cult's ideology can save its members from. It makes little difference whether this antagonist is mainstream culture, body thetans, counter-revolutionaries, Jews, or a virus. The point is not the identity of the enemy. The point is the atmosphere of paranoia and hysteria the official narrative generates, which keeps the cult members (or the society) compliant.
15th October - Another Angry Voice - Yesterday, Dan Carden gave a cracking speech detailing the way the Tories have used the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to siphon £billions of public cash into the pockets of their corporate chums. An excellent performance, and exactly the kind of strong opposition we want to see from Labour. Today Dan Carden was forced to resign his position in the shadow cabinet because his conscience will not allow him to follow Keir Starmer's orders to abstain on the Tory Spy Cops Bill, which is designed to give agents of the state total impunity for committing crimes as serious as torture, rape, and murder! Starmer's absurd obsession with systematically abstaining on depraved Tory legislation means that a really strong critic of the Tory government like Dan is going to be replaced with a pathetic 'yes man' type who will blithely abstain on Tory efforts to legalise torture, rape, and murder, just because their boss tells them to. It's an absolute crying shame.
"I live in the plague infested town of Bolton and have a close family friend of mine who is a nurse at Royal Bolton Hospital. She told me by PM this 2 days ago (on the understanding that I didn't screenshot it) 'the hospital is like a ghost town now, we have dozens and dozens of empty beds, (which is unheard of at this normally very busy hospital). We had 5 dedicated CV wards, 4 are empty and the 1 remaining has 3 patients in it.' She is petrified of losing her job, as all nurses and doctors at the hospital were sent an email, stating in no uncertain terms that they must not say anything on social media or speak to the press about what's been happening at the hospital in recent months. The worst thing of all is that the Royal Bolton hospital (like all others) has cancelled ALL operations and treatments for the foreseeable future. 1000s of ppl are going to die because of this. This is disgraceful and an unreported national scandal."
Good digital ID is too important not to get right. For over a billion individuals worldwide, accessing basic good and services is difficult, if not impossible, due to a lack of recognized identification.I'd love to know the types of "good and services" they offer, which are so key to over a billion people that the providers are entitled to know your identity before they'll supply them to you? It's as if they believe you have no rights as a human being, unless your identity is held in a computer system somewhere. Duh! 🤪😜
On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.The maximum mass of a Boeing 767 is 200 tonnes fully laden for the 767-400 variant. The mass of the North Tower of the WTC is 450,000 tonnes . It strikes me that a plane hitting the tower's steel framework would do as much damage as a ping pong ball hitting a large wooden box, no matter how fast it was travelling! The plane would simply fall to the ground in a crumpled heap. 911 is definitely a lie! The physics say so - the plane weighs 2,500 times less than the building!
They then used a couple of machine-learning algorithms-software tools that learn from examples-to determine the make, model, and year of 22 million cars in the images ... The algorithms became surprisingly accurate at determining the median household income of the area; the percentage of white, black, and Asian people there; the share of people with various levels of education;
The 'elite' members of society operate as if there were no laws governing their behavior. As long as they remain in power they are immune from prosecution, hence their desire to win elections at all costs. Vote rigging and election fraud are an indicator that all is not well but many people still do not understand that it is more than ambition that drives these people. Desperate people do desperate things. The moment they lose power, and the authority that comes with it, they become accountable to the same laws that govern you and I. The elite believe they live above the law, but as I have explained nobody can circumvent the divine laws that govern this 'kingdom'.Completely agree with this excerpt. Children should be revered for their potentials and the ways they can improve our communities going forward. The "elite" are the scourge of this planet, with foundations in the brutalities and myopia of long-gone regimes and dictatorships, where a royal blood line automatically bought you infinite power over your citizens - completely anachronistic nowadays. Now they lurk in the shadows, with their hands pulling the strings of the politicians, trying to stage a show that will keep the public from recognising their evil and killing their power off for good. Their masks are the pop stars, actors and other celebrities who have attained their position through agreeing to portray the cabalist symbolism and messages to their droves of followers. We've got to awake from this show-driven catatonia! Just being aware of what is going on, is enough to undermine them, but we need mass awareness, and we're not there yet.
Satanic human sacrifice and the consumption of human meat is common practice among the so called 'elite'. The global child trafficking ring procures children for sexual exploitation, ritual sacrifice and for consumption of their meat. If the children are terrified before they are killed and eaten, their meat will absorb chemicals like Adrenalin. Adrenalin is a stimulant. The eating of human meat becomes addictive in the same way that people get addicted to other stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines. Adrenochrome is one example of an obtain illicit stimulant that the 'elite' use to get high.
The 'elite' child trafficking network is not fake news, or, a figment of anyone's imagination. I have seen enough evidence to know beyond any shadow of doubt that it poses a very real threat to us all. The first step to dealing with any problem is to become aware of it. The main problem in this case is that nobody really wants to face the truth, they would rather continue living in denial. The exploitation of children has been going on for centuries. It is not just about sexual gratification or power over others, it is about getting high. If you need to sacrifice children to get high, you don't deserve to live, here.
"Modern electromagnetic scattering theory raises the prospect that ultra-short pulse scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system arousal."and couple that with
"The latest development in the technology of fear and mind control is the cloning of human EEG for the purpose of controlling the mind of any targeted victim, or groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human emotions which include anger, anguish, anxiety, contempt, despair, dread, embarrassment, envy, fear, frustration, grief, guilt, hate, indifference, indignation, jealousy, pity, rage, regret, remorse, resentment, sadness, shame, spite and terror have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as 'emotion signature clusters'. Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. 'They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.'"which explains why I'm now being twitched out of the fabulous highs I used to get when falling asleep. 😒
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5G is definitely risky, especially with its use of millimeter waves, and beam focus
technologies that make it difficult to measure output power accurately.
From October 2019 Scientific American blog, "Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility)." This globally rolled out technology could be compromising our immune system and causing cardiovascular problems. It would only take a new virus to seriously infect large tracts of the now-compromised masses, something like SARS-CoV-2 Coronoavirus. Such a coincidence then that along comes Codiv19 from Wuhan at around the same time as this article. From the ABG patent site, "First of all, it should be noted that Wuhan coronavirus is a wild-type virus strain, i.e., a virus found as such in nature, and has not been genetically modified." So, this coronavirus is still not properly defined but seems to be a member of the SARS family. No reliable test exists for it. Could it be causing widespread illness? Is this to blame for so many deaths or could it be something else? The only new and recent factor is the global 5G rollout - perhaps this is to blame. Why don't they test these technologies properly, before unleashing them on the unsuspecting public? Well, because our puppetmasters are insidious. It's as if they're trying to flood us with just enough viruses and electromagnetic smog to keep us inert, unhealthy (but not dying), and compliant with a dystopic society they are constructing for their own entertainment. We just flop about inside their evil fabrication, while they laugh at how inept and feeble we are, and how powerful they feel! Notice how our current society has come to a dead stop, so quickly, so completely. Obtaining food is now fraught with difficulty because of our reliance on stores to purchase it from. Social gatherings are now a thing of the past. Even old institutions of bringing us together, like sport and other forms of entertainment, are being ditched indefinitely! The old society is evaporating, and the new one being ushered in by our leaders is looking very alien! Everyone's head in a phone space, whilst depravity becomes endemic to the real society around us. The media conditions us to admire the fetishistic whore mongering our leaders display, e.g. with dark Hollywood remakes of brighter times and stories, while family values crumble, and unhappy generations from broken or non-existent parentage, are born into a structure they have no control over. It's no use telling people to "wake up". That doesn't help you rebuild a society so entrenched in money, it cannot fail but to become evil. Money is NOT the way forward. But if your survival depends on you having it, there is no hope for mankind's spiritual enlightenment, or journey into the evolution of consciousness in the universe of life we are part of. We are a mammalian joke to other advanced forms of life, even if we're awake to realise it, because, in REALITY, we are setting store by a number - how many currency points we command. For example, I am flabbergasted that anyone would make land-mines for a "living". I'd rather die, or go off-grid and grow my own food, and provide my own shelter. If your job involves others suffering from what you're doing, then resign with immediate effect! |
Sorry, mate, it's an absurd position, like its cousin Libertarianism. How do you run schools, maintain roads, provide food? You have to cooperate, the logical conclusion of which is an interconnected collection of organizations looking very much like the present. Why dismantle what we have only to recreate it in a process which would inevitably include violence on an interpersonal, group and ethnic level, leading to civil wars, nation building and international conflict. We've done all that over the last few thousand which I replied,
You don't brainwash kids. You don't use motor vehicles. You grow your own food. Country boundaries would disappear and the world would become a patchwork quilt of varying communities. Unjust laws that protect the powerful and punish the needy, would be replaced by "The punishment will befit the crime. What you have to others will be done to you." Laws against people enjoying themselves because "it may harm them" will become defunct. Get with the program!
US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health Article |
"She has found in vitro and in vivo evidence for bystander 'information' transmission from irradiated to unirradiated cells/tissues/ animals. In one study, the right brain hemisphere of rats were given a single dose of 35 Gy or 350 Gy. An unirradiated naive rat was placed in the same cage with an irradiated rat for 48 hours. A clonogenic mammalian cell assay was performed. Signals were transmitted to the unirradiated cage mate causing similar or even greater effects in the cage mates than in the irradiated rats (Mothersill et al. 2013); in this study, she demonstrated in vivo signaling between two whole animals. An associated paper suggests that the signal may be photons of light (Ahmad et al. 2013). Similar adverse bystander-like effects have also been observed in naive cage mate animals placed with mates receiving a high dose of radiation (Woenckhaus 1930; Daev 2007). In these and other publications during the last decade Mothersill suggests that an organism may transmit information to other organisms by a weak electromagnetic field and not by chemical signals." |
Unfortunately, it's too late! The UK is already a fascist dictatorship, like the USA, and there is no way they're going to scrap leaving the EU, because there's too much money in it for them. For many years now, people DO NOT MATTER, only profits. Caroline is intelligent and eloquent, but I doubt even she would agree with me on the principle here - what is a country? An invisible boundary arbitrarily drawn around an area of land to divide one set of people from another. Countries are anachronistic in the technological climes we find ourselves in nowadays. Until you get your heads round that fact, nobody is going to win! |
Graham Hancock Stating the Obvious |
These are my sentiments exactly, when it comes to the war on drugs. |
The Fabric of Space-Time by The Science Channel |
I don't believe all the majesty and wonder in this universe came together by haphazard means. It's as if the very tapestry upon which the universe is woven, has been imbued with love, kindness and all the other qualities that would favour the spawning of loving, sentient life within its nursing arms. The deeper into this tapestry one looks, the more magnanimous and intensely powerful it becomes. Notice that I did not once mention a "Creator", because, as products of this fabric, we really have no idea what we are part of - it's all just too massive and overwhelming. Like a dog chasing its own tail, we'll never really know whether we are part of a creation or something entirely different (like our own illusions). Creation implies a beginning (and, possibly, an end too). This fabric may be beyond our concept of time. So, am I an atheist? |
Brexit Sidestepping by Paul Joseph Watson |
A lot of speculation as to why British people voted to leave the EU, is completely off-target. I voted to leave because I saw how corrupt the "good idea" of a united Europe had become. EuroMps do not even have their expenses overviewed. Letting corporations and their money influence a good political idea always ends up in ruin. Take money out of the picture and leave it out! I voted to leave a corrupt, bribe-easy EU. I do not care about sovereignty and such issues, because I believe countries only exist in the human species' mind, not in nature. We are baldy apes on a ball of rock in space. We don't need country borders and we don't need money. We certainly don't need banker-puppet governments with their zombie-mentality enforcement agents (police, army...), telling grown adults what we can and can't consume here on planet earth. We're not schoolchildren, you know. |
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For background on this issue, please read
this extremely informative and enlightening article.
My thanks to the author(s) for educating me as to why Africa has a higher prevalence of
HIV/AIDS than other, just as promiscuous, countries around the world. Factors causing the
epidemic include the common practice amongst Sub-Saharan African men and women to have more
than one long-term sexual partner, each of whom themselves have multiple, long-term sexual
partners. The key is that they are concurrent and long-term, not multiple, short-term and
sequential, as in some other countries. Also, the stopping of the practice of male circumcision
(banned by certain Sub-Saharan African governments), when male circumcision is a good
deterrent against the spread of the HIV virus, as good as some drugs, attaining a rate of 70%
less likely to become infected. This is why many Saharan countries have much lower rates, despite
the widespread Muslim practice in those countries of multiple wives.
Personally, I have always been a one man, one woman bloke. It seems to be the correct way for humans to enjoy sex properly. Multiple partners will always cause suspicion, blame and guilt - a feeling of unease and enforced, short-term outlook. Humans have long-term outlook brain apparatus and multiple partners don't fit that properly. |
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So, the UK has been promised a vote on whether to stay in the EU. With
the Queen being outspoken on staying in
and the rigging of the Scottish independence vote, it looks likely that
whatever people vote for at the end of 2017 in the UK, the UK will remain a member of the EU
whether the British population wants it or not. Fix!
But what are you teaching them? You are only teaching them what the mainstay of adults in society think they know. You are teaching them the morals and practices that have been mainstream since Victorian times, and these are plain wrong. We need to teach our youngsters the reasons why we are the way we are - the evolution of love and sex in our species as described in The Passionate Ape book. I think you are wrong - you lack depth and honesty, and you believe a superficial appearance of doing the right thing will be enough to thoroughly educate these impressionable children. No wonder they suffer so badly through their adolescence.There, I've said it now! 🙂
Nowhere does the curriculum mention the true purpose of sexual relations - TO PROCREATE! PSHE is warped, since it tries to navigate the minefield of relationships brought about by previous generations' use of sex for pleasure and companionship through the use of contraceptives. Without intercourse's true purpose being blazoned into children's minds, they will grow up not knowing what their bodies are for, and our society will become ever more warped until we die out like the ancient Greeks.
Crass - System (live) |
We now have a system that is founded on inequality, hierarchy, and subjugation. Throughout all the past 2 millennia, a system has been built which initially rode on the shoulders of idiots lucky enough to be born into the right bloodlines. These bastards discovered that the more brutal and uncaring they were for the masses, the more secure their position of power would become. The global capitalist democratic system we are in the midst of, founded on murder and suffering, is an anachronism that needs to be scrapped in the light of technological developments. No matter what has been written of it, it is now transparently unfair in the way it forcibly shifts resources to the rich and powerful. It is endemic to the system that it should achieve this shift, resulting in "third world" countries enduring terrible living conditions, despite the technology available now to solve all of these basic problems. Lack of water, food and shelter should be a thing of the past in the 21st century. Instead, we find a stagnation in the deployment of technical solutions to everyday problems for the want of "money" - a concept only in the minds of the rich and greedy, whose real motive is to keep their power to themselves. They have foisted a society lacking love, on everyone, and we must undo it by ignoring and challenging their "authority", in order to progress into the future safely as a species. |
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This is utterly brilliant news from an evolution article on!
"... the chromosome two fusion is present in Neandertals," adding that the telltale DNA signature is there: "chromosome two shows a short stretch of telomeric repeat sequence in forward and reverse direction in the interior of the chromosome."This means that, in answer to my question below, Neanderthals and Denisovans had 23 chromosome pairs, like we do. My own conclusions are from putting this evidence together with speculation from the book The Passionate Ape to come up with :- We humans are late-stage water apes who came out of the water about 250,000 years ago, Denisovans are mid-stage about 450,000 years ago, and Neanderthals early-stage about 700,000 years ago. That does leave a couple of questions though. The other two water ape species died out. Are we going to follow in their footsteps? Where are the other species that came out of the water early to mid, and mid to late? P.S. Do excuse the picture of me in the morning, after a rough night's sleep! 🙂 |
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From a Sky News article, Tributes To Muslim Officer Killed By Terrorists
The 42-year-old was shot dead during a gunfight with terrorists outside the offices of a magazine that lampooned Islam.
Another, who uses the Twitter handle Kidrauhl, said: "Who kills in the name of Allah is not Muslim is just a murderer who hides behind religion."That is the truth. I thought the picture kinda ties in with it, 'coz there's scant a mention in British media about the Royal Scandal; just a deafening silence, with the French terrorist (false flag) incident covering up the scandal! 🙂 |
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As regards counter-terrorism proposals, Caroline Lucas
said, "In my opinion these proposals are not only questionable in terms of possible breaches of
international law, but they may also lead to discriminatory practices."
Thank God someone's on the ball. I was beginning to think none of the politicians on this planet had any understanding of human rights and entitlement to privacy. TBH, I am fed up of politicians telling me what's good for me and what's bad for me, before I, as a human adult, have had a chance to decide for myself. The voters are treated like naughty school-children, who can change their headmaster every 4 years. It is totally ridiculous. It's the 21st century, and technology connects the globe together, but there are still billions starving in 3rd world countries because we'd rather spend money on renewing Trident, or some such rubbish. Things are going to change - I can tell people are far better educated than ever before, thanks to the internet, and they are not going to stand for this corporate-controlled puppet politician nonsense any more. Mark my words, the society of the future will have no use for money, for example. Get with it, or be left behind to cry. |
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Personally, I never have or will want to "rule the world". Geez! There's some right pillocks about on this planet! Personally, I just want to live in peace and harmony with a great number of various cultures around me, so I can bring up my family in cooperation with the community around me, for the benefit of all. That's all. And I reckon that's what the majority of people on this planet want too. So, leaders, put your metallic harming equipment away and piss off! We don't need you any more. (P.S. Notice the Israeli flag over the Pennsylvania building.) |
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Humans cannot be older than 250,000 years because of mitochondrial DNA regression techniques.
MDNA is found in the mother and is passed down relatively unchanged from one generation to the
next, and is species-specific. A regression technique using this DNA suggest that humans (in
our current form Homo Sapiens Sapiens) are about 200-250 thousand years old as a species on
this planet. Whatever left
some of these artefacts
here (some of them hoaxes, but one or two are inexplicable) must be from another planet. Humans
may well be genetically engineered by aliens, from whatever homo species happened to be
around, and their alien DNA, or, perhaps, their idea of a "perfect" DNA pattern for Earth. We
seem to have 2 of our chromosomes fused together, and this doesn't usually happen in nature
unless there is a drastic, abrupt, and permanent change in the environment. Comparisons of
Human (23 pairs) against Chimpanzee (24 pairs) chromosome counts seem to back this up. In the
diagram to the left, there are the 22 chromosome pairs, plus an XY or XX for the 23rd pair.
Pair 2 of the 22 is a fused pair of our counterparts to the 2 chromsomes chimps have.
This accounts for the extra chromosome pair they naturally have. Such gentle species as
chimps, orangs, and gorillas are struggling to find habitat and food without being shot at or
captured by humans. Hence, their numbers are dwindling.
Humans are an experiment, and unnatural. That is why we do not "fit in" to this planet's ecosystem very well. We mess all nature on this planet up. However, once you know this, you can start having fun! You no longer have a perfect "manmade natural" image to live up to. Be good out there - we each impact everything. 😉 (For more in-depth discussion on chromosome count discrepancies, click here or on the image.) |
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I must admit, I am not happy with the mainstay beliefs of modern, Western civilisation. Their
intransigence on the official 9-11 story, despite it's fairy-tale nature (as proven by the
wealth of evidence at Dr Judy Wood's Site),
is a real stumbling block when it comes to their awakening into the light. Those who cling to
the official nonsense about 9-11, seem to immediately get annoyed as soon as you bring up the
subject for discussion. It's like a reflex "bury your head in the sand" reaction every time. To
me, it seems like 9-11 was the US government (or whoever is behind that corporation)
demonstrating some new directed energy weaponry on some concrete and steel. Basically, letting
the invitees know that the USA can vaporise any missile shot at them, before it could get
anywhere near.
Look at the "burnt out" coach and cars in the picture taken a couple of days after the event. The metal seems to have been aged and rusted incredibly fast. If it was intense heat that did this (as claimed by the official story), then why aren't the trees next to the coach also burnt out? The leaves on those trees are still intact! Whatever they used, affected metal much more than wood! There are other pictures which show unburnt paper next to burnt cars, and firemen standing near what is purported to be molten steel, but it doesn't even melt their boots. |
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and the nefarious peer groups behind them (pharmaceutical industry lobbyists for example)
have only shown their ineptitude and lack of authority, by continually demonstrating their
ignorance/obstinacy on the subject of medicinal cannabis. With their current level of stupidity
and wanton apathy towards the facts, the public should simply ignore all their
recommendations, and demand that the government (who are our employees) replace them with a
publicly-appointed committee with legislative powers instead. A groundswell of public opinion
is building, which knows that any authority declaring cannabis illegal will no longer be
trusted or heeded. That includes the police, the judiciary, CPS and HASC.
Surely, it is a blatant, in-your-face slap when GW Pharmaceuticals are allowed to develop medicines containing cannabis in this country legally, whereas the raw weed plant is illegal. This is all to do with financial gain and business control. The electorate are no longer people, oh no, we are now commodities. |
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In an interview with This Week, NSA Director General Keith Alexander
made a ridiculous and clearly dishonest claim that he didn't know who Wikileaks are.
STEPHANOPOULOS: The final point that Pierre made, the question about some government officials are asking whether WikiLeaks is a legitimate journalistic organization or an enemy of the state, where do you come down on that? ALEXANDER: I have no opinion on WikiLeaks. I really don't track them. I don't know ? I really don't know who WikiLeaks are, other than this Assange person. How about asking Alexander if Edward Snowden is real? Jeez, I give up with these idiots! And remember, if it is illegal to speak the truth, then the law is wrong! And if the law is wrong, there is no further need to uphold it. And with no power-crazy-man-made law to uphold, there can be natural, self-regulatory anarchy instead. Ah, relief! I always wondered how, with all that surveillance going on, they seemed to have missed the Boston bombers! And the 9-11 terrorists who they claim to have had the DNA against which to match that discovered at the bottom of the felled towers?!? How did they miss it? Are they idiots? Yes, they are! Are they liars? Yes, they are! I can just picture it now :- NSA : We have spotted someone carrying a briefcase nuke, and he is heading directly for the Whitehouse. Should we stop him? Obama : Nah! Let him cause havoc and nuke us all, then we can press for even more draconian laws to be brought in, so that we can have even more power over our voters. |
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Why have we got a whole system of biochemical cannabinoid receptors and we're not allowed to stimulate them? Is this part of our natural biochemistry "out of bounds" because some headmaster-type says so? That is the question lawmakers cannot answer. With this wanton lack of logic in lawmakers' claims, we can safely disregard these authorities, since they have become unintelligible to us. If we cannot understand their laws because they don't make any sense to us, then we shouldn't be paying police officers to enforce them. I'm afraid it's time for a more anarchistic method of self-governance. The same applies to DMT, which is present in all mammalian heads and seems to be related to dreaming. |
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In response to this mind control article :- Absolutely terrific article! Excellent work! Here in the UK, I have always wondered why there are microwave towers all the way down every motorway, and yet you can't use your mobile phone while you are driving unless it's hands-free, and even that's a bad idea, since your attention is being distracted away from the road. There's one every 500 metres or so - that's a lot of towers. They all have no advertising hoardings at all, despite the claims that they were built at the expense of the telecoms companies. Why, then, don't they blazon their brand all over their investments for free advertising? As you state in your article, "You are the property of the elite and the government is reminding you of this every time you travel." In fact, it seems that travel is a threat to their control over you! So, they spray the air full of crap to keep you indoors! The chemical attack doesn't stop there - I cannot buy shampoo which doesn't contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLS) as an ingredient, and I cannot easily buy a toothpaste which doesn't contain fluoride. And the sheer hypocrisy of claiming that a dangerous drug like alcohol is a "foodstuff", whereas a medicine like cannabis is a dangerous drug! Society is obviously warped by the evil intentions of those wanting to control it, and it is so apparent, that it cannot be hidden from normally intelligent human beings. Hence, their plan is to make all human beings dumb enough to control, and that involves interfering with natural biophysical processes that go on in our bodies. This kind of interference has to be done in such an incremental fashion as to be barely noticeable by the "guinea pigs" it is being inflicted on. I would never accept a chip implant, especially one that very likely causes cancerous growth around it because of the use of Biobond substances. I actually find tattoos and body piercings unpalatable in the same way - they condition people to accept metal bits as augmentation of their bodies which is a dangerous fallacy to accept in my opinion. As for HAARP and mass mind control through scientific techniques, remember you can always adopt a more spiritual and less scientific viewpoint in your universal life journey that precludes their ability to make their technologies work on you. Quantum physics has shown us that consciousness is everywhere and everywhen instantly - conscious observation changes the observed wherever and whenever they are. So, everything is linked at an intimate level and this subverts any attempt at control through scientific method. More at anarchy.htm#truth and telepathy.htm |
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Good news! America is on the verge of a revolutionary change - pot will have to be decriminalised over there since the disparity between federal law and state law becomes more apparent, and more embarrassing. Once we've got a peace-loving populace globally, then we can make anarchy our "system" of government - everyone governs themselves. We will once again know our community. We will once again love our neighbours (I mean, REALLY love). We will serve our communities rather than slave for corporations. (I really ought to remove these rose-tinted glasses). Call me an idealist or an optimist, good will always triumph over evil in the long run. Look at nature - you can't properly procreate without oodles of love for your progeny, so monsters die out as genetic dead-ends, because they can't show enough love for their children, who grow up to become sterile loners. Here's hoping ... 😉 If you're an anarchist, I love your work, your attitude, and your political stance. NEVER STOP! |
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Depicted is a comparison of the chromosomes of humans (H) and chimpanzees (C), our closest
existing genetic parallel. Position 2 shows chromosomal fusion and telomere alignment, and
it is also known that certain DNA sequences within the chromosomes have been flipped around
so that at certain points, human DNA is a reverse pattern to that in chimps. Very strange!
One question I've always had about Neanderthals - how many chromosomes do they have? Homo Sapiens has 23 pairs whereas, chimps, gorillas, and orang-utans have 24 pairs and it looks like we had 2 of theirs fused into one. I wonder how many Australopithecus or Neanderthals had. Anyone out there know the answer? There are very good reasons as to why the chromosome counts should be known. From Lloyd Pye's refutation of Wikipedia's denouncement of his speculations :- Wiki : A comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences from humans, Neandertals and chimps demonstrates the relatedness of all three species, and the intermediacy of Neandertals. |
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In a discussion as to Obama's true religion and why it is not well known (he professes to be
Christian), James David stated :- > Maybe they know that a child born to a muslim male, and later adopted > by a muslim male, is a muslim, period. If that person who is born a > muslim converts to or professes to another faith then he is an apostate > and may be justifiably killed as such. Maybe they're trying to protect > him from harm. Given a free choice, what human being would ever adopt such ridiculous belief structures? You will probably say that humans are rarely given a free choice for their beliefs. I call that indoctrination with anachronistic traditions. It's as if parents are coercing beliefs onto their children using fear of reprisals if refusal is encountered. Even us modern-thinking Westerners do it by threatening our own children that, unless they obey our laws, they will be punished. Even if those laws are wrong because they serve to protect the rich and powerful, and punish the innocent. A case in point is the recent Barclays bank fiasco, in which LIBOR was being tampered with, so as to extract more pecuniary gain from recent financial situations on the markets. There is a Theft (amendment) Act in the UK (1996) which states that it is illegal for a company to obtain pecuniary advantage through fraudulent means. This precisely describes what Barclays did, yet they cannot be prosecuted under this law because of measures our former Labour government put in place in terms of market regulations after this law was passed. The FSA (our watchdog organisation for such matters) do not have sufficient powers to obtain a prosecution either. The current Conservative/Lib Dem coalition stated that they are setting up a new watchdog called FCA, which will have more powers, but what they failed to mention was, that the FCA still will not have sufficient clout to obtain a conviction in this matter. In the meantime, Barclays CEO Bob Diamond (pictured) is still in his job and receiving multi-million pound bonuses. So what is the point? |
The Leveson Inquiry results are in, and here is a summary of the findings as presented by Hale and Pace. 😉 |
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It does seem that governments are averse to healthy, happy electorates these days! Why make a dangerous and unhealthy drug like alcohol legal, but ban something that benefits health physically and spiritually like cannabis? I mean, this is a global phenomenon which has arisen in the past several decades in our society. Corporate profits are obviously guiding law enforcement globally, irrespective of who is in power politically! The recent cotton, oil, paper and pharmaceutical industries would all be harmed if hemp/marijuana was made globally legal. The arms industry would dwindle as people became more peaceful and true to their nature. Hence, pot isn't legalised. More here. |
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For those of you fearing an apocalypse in this year of 2012, then, if you think that the aliens who run this planet, would allow any more nuclear devices to go off in populated areas, then you've got another thing coming. If you believe that other human beings could at all be responsible for the current state of the planet, then you are truly deluded. Most people I know are decent, respectful and kind-hearted, and they are the majority (despite being wholly evil at a level they seem completely unaware of). We are controlled, but not by our governments or any secretive "New World Order". We are psychically bullied into fear-experiencing and fear- mongering lives by aliens that prey on our fear, and who invade our minds using telepathic means. Read Don Juan to get the truth. If you don't believe in telepathy or that aliens exist, that makes their job much easier, and you are helping them with your pig-headedness. Click the picture (probably depicting the way you feel right now!) and discover others who agree with me! |
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Olaf Stapledon's "Americanised Planet" is exactly where we are all heading today - a fascist, corporation-run, capitalist society under the guise of "democracy". Even China is now succumbing. The American Constitution has been thrown away thanks to the false-flag 9-11 staged event, leaving the US murdering in the name of its ridiculous belief systems (Salon Link 1 and Salon Link 2). Distraction instead of philosophy seems to be the mainstay of the general populace, with reality TV their substitute for real life! |
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It seems that the authorities are frantically trying to eliminate a whole variety of plants
from planet Earth. It appears that the authorities seek to remove any plant that would render
them no longer the authorities! A quote from the linked article at
Cannabis Culture :-
"There's an ongoing worldwide DEA-UN program that hunts down and eliminates every plant that's on the hit list: coca, cannabis, poppies, peyote, ephedra, and many other healing herbs are warred against as if plants are somehow murderers, bombers, rapers, and other human criminals." |
Stubbing cigarettes out on pigs' faces? Shot at Elmkirk Ltd (Cheale Meats) slaughterhouse from Animal Aid.
Human beings are so cruel and nasty. Why? I believe it is exactly like the way disabled people were being treated in that recent Panorama program. Humankind is intrinsically evil at a level that is so deep, it must be endemic to our species. Perhaps we are coerced into an unnatural existence, and unconsciously resent it. We are angry and want to hurt anything, because, ultimately, the cause of the coercion is corporate. |
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As regards the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone, in order to delete messages, why has nobody asked the obvious question as to why any hacker would want to leave traces of themselves on a phone by deliberately removing messages? Surely, if you were a sordid news reporter, you would read the messages, and leave them intact, so as to leave no trace of your snooping their phone. There is only one possible reason as to why they would want to delete messages off of someone's phone, and that is to remove incriminating evidence. It seems obvious to me that somebody "high up" needed evidence removing from Milly's phone, and that they paid a hack to do it. Her body was found 6 months after she was reported missing - plenty of time for such shenanigans to be put into motion. |
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Every time I see people celebrating something on TV using alcohol as their drug of choice, I can't help seeing it as idiots who pay the government their hard-earnt money in order to poison themselves. The same government which forbids them to grow certain plants in their gardens. The same one they vote into power every few years, under the erroneous belief that they are "exercising a choice"! Please hurry up and wake up, people. A plant cannot be made globally illegal, it is that simple. |
"They believe that the 12th imam will return in the future to establish perfect justice, supplanting the rule of any other leader. This belief has undermined government authority since the establishment of Twelver Shiism as the state religion in 1501."
... we are being acclimated to believe that, if we have nothing to hide, privacy is no big deal ...
... if other people's money and health are compromised by someone's private behaviour, then we are told that a person's bodily functions are everybody's business ...
DMT has been found to occur naturally in mammalian brains...
It is of interest to note that, since DMT is present in every human brain, any person in a country which prohibits possession of DMT may be arrested on sight. Every U.S. citizen is now automatically a criminal at birth.
The weekend. Surely the enemy of all businessmen? Hardly. The weekend is a useful tool for those who like to extract their profit from the blood and sweat of the workforce. Two days that have become a recurring pressure-valve. A period when the cage door is thrown open and the beleaguered cogs in the economic machinery of the nation have a chance to stretch their legs. They also have the time in which to spend the money they have earned from their labours. And, in their ignorance, end up giving it back to the financial wizards from whence it all came in the first place. Every Saturday the deceived masses file into the shopping complexes, the department stores and the burger bars; the materialist playgrounds of the modern age. As I study these people they seem to resemble a scene from a macabre pilgrimage, where the high priests of the retail trade receive millions and millions of pounds in return for a hollow communion of plastic, pleasure and polystyrene. The faceless individuals at the top know precisely what they are doing. It is a form of manipulation and control which economic analysts like to describe as 'demand management'. Even the bedraggled teenagers congregating in the town centres - the casuals, the punk rockers, the hippies and the New Age Travellers - they, too, have been systematically created or directed by those who call the tune. As they stand idly on the street corners or sunbathe drunkenly in the parks, bored out of their minds, they are under the misguided impression that they reflect the rebelliousness of society at large. Far from it. The capitalist entrepreneurs have the means to create an 'alternative' market and these so-called 'social outcasts' can be seen wearing the T-shirts, the leather jackets and the jeans of the big fashion conglomerates. The originality of man has become submerged beneath a barrage of commercial junk. There is no room for personal initiative and identity whilst the conveyor belts are churning out a meaningless pile of solidified hype. And, like an unspoken curfew, the busy streets are always purged of their bustling occupants shortly before the mystical tea-time benchmark. The bloated, satiated and fully-consumed fleet of carrier bags flocks homewards to watch Pamela Anderson's boobs, Jeremy Beadle and the National Lottery. And what a pitiful sight it is, too. I've seen them through the net curtains, silhouetted figures sat wide-eyed and dribbling in their armchairs, observing little coloured balls and dreaming of yet more shopping. My own weekend, apart from the obvious social observances, was spent rather differently. I occupied myself with the small array of vegetables that I have grown on my little piece of English soil (or at least that which is currently mortgaged to the local high street bank). In a way I suppose that I was pretty confined myself - within an area measuring little more than thirty square feet, in fact - but at least I was able to feel the dark soil fall between my fingers and have the sun beat down upon my shoulders. I am one of the lucky ones. The pathetic inhabitants of a high-rise tower block in Bermondsey will never experience such simple pleasures. Today I tried to spare a thought for those worse off than myself. This individualistic society, however, is not renowned for its charity and when all is said and done most people are simply out for what they can get. Are these selfish, apathetic slugs really my people, my compatriots, or my brothers and sisters? Such people make me want to throw up. There must be others who, like me, care enough to want to bring this whole stinking system crashing to the ground. There has to be something. Is there anybody out there . . . ?
Throughout its evolution, the human brain has acquired three components that progressively appeared and became superimposed, just like in an archaeological site: the oldest, located underneath and to the back; the next one, resting on an intermediate position and the most recent, situated on top and to the front. They are, respectively :-These three cerebral layers appeared, one after the other, during the development of the embryo and the fetus (ontogenesis), recapitulating, chronologically, the evolution of animal species (phylogenesis), from the lizards up to the homo sapiens. According to Maclean, they are three biological computers which, although interconnected, retained, each one, "their peculiar types of intelligence, subjectivity, sense of time and space, memory, mobility and other less specific functions".
- The archipallium or primitive (reptilian) brain, comprising the structures of the brain stem - medulla, pons, cerebellum, mesencephalon, the oldest basal nuclei - the globus pallidus and the olfactory bulbs. It corresponds to the reptile brain, also called "R-complex", by the famous neuroscientist Paul MacLean.
- The paleopallium or intermediate (old mammalian) brain, comprising the structures of the limbic system. It corresponds to the brain of the inferior mammals.
- The neopallium, also known as the superior or rational (new mammalian) brain, comprises almost the whole of the hemispheres (made up of a more recent type of cortex, called neocortex) and some subcortical neuronal groups. It corresponds to the brain of the superior mammals, thus including the primates and, consequently, the human species.
Actually, we have three cerebral units in a single brain. The primitive one is responsible for self preservation. It is there that the mechanisms of aggression and repetitive behavior are developed. It is there that occur the instinctive reactions of the so-called reflex arcs and the commands which allow some involuntary actions and the control of certain visceral functions (cardiac, pulmonary, intestinal, etc), indispensable to the preservation of life. The development of the olfactory bulbs and their connections made possible an accurate analysis of olfactory stimuli and the improvement of answers oriented by odours, such as approach, attack, flight and mating. Throughout evolution, some of these reptilian functions were lost or minimised (in humans, the amygdala and the entorhinal cortex are the only limbic structures that connect with the olfactory system). It is also in the R-complex that started the first manifestations of the phenomena of ritualism, by means of which the animal tries to define its hierarchic position inside the group and to establish its own space in the ecological niche.
The limbic system, developed with the emergence of the inferior ( primitive) mammals. This system commands certain behaviors that are necessary for the survival of all mammals. It gives rise and modulates specific functions that allow the animal to distinguish between the agreeable and the disagreeable. Here specific affective functions are developed, such as the one that induces the females to nurse and protect their toddlers, or the one which induces these animals to develop ludic behaviors (playful moods). Emotions and feelings, like wrath, fright, passion, love, hate, joy and sadness, are mammalian inventions, originated in the limbic system. This system is also responsible for some aspects of personal identity and for important functions related to memory. And, when the superior mammals arrived on the Earth, the third cerebral unit was finally developed : the neopallium or rational brain, a highly complex net of neural cells capable of producing a symbolic language, thus enabling man to exercise skillful intellectual tasks such as reading, writing and performing mathematical calculations. The neopallium is the great generator of ideas or, as expressed by Paul MacLean, "it is the mother of invention and the father of abstractive thought".
HOW MONEY WORKS How can a substance man creates be kept in short supply? Why is there insufficient for our industry to ply? "Where does our money come from?" has an answer known by few, The source and sink are hidden from the ordinary view. The Governments do not create the money that they use, All Governments are deep in debt, we need some other clues. The media do tell us when supply of money grows, But very few do ask ourselves and wonder "Where's the hose?" "Supply of money must come down," we hear it constantly. But "Where's the drain" is contemplated so infrequently, The banking of liquidity is understood by few. But there must be a tap and drain which money must go through. The engineers are "plumbers" called, a nickname they have earned, Mechanics of the flows of fluids are what we have learned. |
MAYOR'S PROBLEM A mayor faced with rising costs and shrinking revenues, To study any proposition, he would not refuse. "So many think the job of being mayor is a snap, But the decisions that I'm faced with are an ugly trap. With tools, materials and trades that cover total range, Yet one ingredient is lacking, money to exchange. If snowstorm hits the city and there are no funds to pay, What does my council have to do to clear the snow away? We pledge a million dollar bond to banks to get the cash, With which we pay the skillful men who clear snow in a flash. The merchants gladly take the funds for soon they'll have to pay, The taxes for the snow removal that was done that day. But though a million principle was spent, we must request, That citizens be taxed for principle and interest. To budget who gets scarce resources isn't ever fun, But interest on city's debt is always number one. Whatever rate the bankers set is due amount I pay, Unhappily, which projects live or die's my only say." |
"Given time, she can think it through,Art Bears - Hopes and Fears - In Two Minds.
To the hollow heart of it,
To the lonely lying that makes
Slaves of the children, in order
To conceal the guilt of the old
And their tragedy - for
They can look back on nothing, except
What they can say they own."
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) has submitted bill number HR 2977 IH, which proposes a ban on the weaponisation of space. One of the weapons systems listed in the bill is "chemtrails".
Under the banner of some top-secret scientific agenda, the US military continues to weave chemical-laden contrails in the skies, causing health problems for unprotected people on the ground.
Up above, aliens hoverWhat the heck happened to them on Kid A? The songwriter seems to have exploded with fear. There's no coherence or direction, just flounder, and psychedelic imagery. Get back to screwing the Illuminati, matey.
Making home movies for the folks back home
of all these weird creatures who lock up their spirits,
drill holes in themselves and live for their secrets.
Isotope | Usage | Half-Life (Years) |
23892 Uranium | Naturally-occurring isotope used in shell tips | 4,500,000,000 (Nearly the age of Earth) |
23592 Uranium | Nuclear reactors and bombs | 710,000,000 |
23994 Plutonium | Nuclear reactors and bombs | 24,400 |
Radiation presents minimal risk to transport workers, emergency response personnel, and the public during transportation accidents. Packaging durability increases as potential radiation and criticality hazards of the content increase.