The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension

                            Music of the Sun
                          Terence McKenna Land
               John Lilly                     Alan Watts
                               =       =
   Psychological Heresy        = OMEGA =        Political Corrections
                                =     =
                              .==\   /==.
           Gracie & Zarkov                   Leary & Wilson

                             Thought Crime

   DNA ALERT! - The Real McCoy - (c)
   Back by popular demand: Enter the Garden                  Digital Envelopy
   I welcome any comments, feedback or problem reports.       \\|||||||||||||
   Statistics for these pages - Reciprocal Links               PGP public key 
   Updated: September 23, 1996                    

                                                          .    .
      -=:{ Some WWWaves to Surf }:=-                   .
                                                     .              .
 Beyond the frontier of the knowable     ////       .
          DARE to think for yourself     O--c
                 It's time to Mutate     L        .                   .
                   Gaian Cybernetica     (o)     .    \\\//
            \\|//   Librarian Heaven      .     .      - O
             - -     Web & Net Stuff       . .          L             .
              J      Politics & Law                    (o)
             (o)                News          .         .
                                  .           |         .            .
                                  |          \|/         .         .
                                  v           V             .  .

 Audio Credits
 Thumbnail Gallery                                                       
 One Thousand Arm Audio Buddha
 Guess who's coming to the millenium?
 A Few Good Catalogs - Ambient Music Resources - Didjeridu!
 |                                              |
 | Do you have a problem with purple dinosaurs? |
 |_______________________________________   ____|
                                         \_ \       .    _  .
  D i             _   _      Magic         \_\      |\_|/__/|
      v          ((___))     Eight           ~\__  / / \/ \  \
       i         [ x x ]     Ball!                /__|O||O|__ \
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  J     E   e      (U)                           \/\___/\__/  //
   u   u   s                                      (_/         ||
     j             cDc                            |  I Love  ||
                                                  |   VRML   ||\
/__ Back to the more complete                      \        //_/
\   Netscape-enhanced Hyperdimension                \______//
                                                   __|| __||