Project Freedom's Ritual Child Abuse Exposé & Campaign at the Edinburgh
Festival August 2001
My violent arrests and assaults by the police will ensure public exposure
of the Masonic Governments Child Abuse Network.By George Farquhar.
MI5/MI6 Hall of Fame Government agents who
have attempted to infiltrate Project Freedom. Some
agents are directly involved in child rape, Frequency Weapon
torture and murder. By George Farquhar.
A Message
from Edinburgh to the 5
spineless, low life, ‘paedophile protecting’ government agents
from the 'Core of Rape',
who wish to have a ‘go’ at me.
under-cover government agents
If you truly want to stop and eradicate all paedophile
rings and terrorist activities that exist in the world and within
your organisation, read this! By George Farquhar.
EXPOSED A few of the countless web-sites set up by U.S. and British intelligence to create dis-information, confusion and fear.
Results of the Peaceful Protest at the House of
Commons on
October 19th 1999. Project Freedom's 66 page document